flat assembler
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> Projects and Ideas > [Idea]FASM Adjuster |
Author |
Borsuc 13 May 2006, 12:29
sorry to be so confused... but I'm not really familiar with the things you said. Can you be more specific (for me, pls?). thanks
13 May 2006, 12:29 |
dead_body 13 May 2006, 18:25
please more info.
13 May 2006, 18:25 |
f0dder 13 May 2006, 18:28
Why not, instead, take the necessary time and support that functionality based on commandline switches?
13 May 2006, 18:28 |
vid 14 May 2006, 18:22
I want tool that will allow you to make customized version of FASM compiler. Many people use extensions like listing, saving of result of preprocessing, and some people alter FASM to suit them (change default values, allow "org ebx", custom directives, GNU-compatible output...).
All this has to be done by hand. This tool will prompt user which changes he wants to apply, change sources for him (best inside memory, sources will remain same) and recompile FASM. hope it's clear now. Any ideas what more should it do are welcomed, or opinions on this idea are welcomed. |
14 May 2006, 18:22 |
revolution 15 Jun 2006, 13:05
The idea is good vid. When will you have a first release ready for posting?
15 Jun 2006, 13:05 |
vid 15 Jun 2006, 13:10
well, it may be boost for doing fasmlib, making second real fasmlib project, but unfortunately i am not familiar with fasm's internals enough to do this. also it will need lot of testing whther all combinations of tweaks work togehter |
15 Jun 2006, 13:10 |
yumka 20 Feb 2007, 03:40
Code: @echo off @cls :1024,2048,4096,8192,16384,32768,65536,131072,262144,524288,1048576 @set m=131072 @set p=100 @set d=c:\radasm\fasm @set f=fasm @set a=%f% -m%m% -p%p% @set b=%d%\bin @set s=%d%\source @set include=%d%\inc @set fasminc=%include% @set path=%b%;%hla%\bin;%path% @echo. @echo -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ @echo ----------------------- Flat Assembler Makefile ----------------------- @echo -------------------------------------------------------------------------- @echo. @cd %s%\win32 @echo Assembling Win32 Console ... %f% %f%.asm > nul %f% %f%.asm %b%\%f%.exe @if errorlevel = 1 goto error @echo. @echo Assembling Win32 Console (Preprocessor) ... %f% %f%p.asm %b%\%f%p.exe @if errorlevel = 1 goto error @echo. @echo Assembling Win32 Console (Listing) ... %f% %f%l.asm %b%\%f%l.exe @if errorlevel = 1 goto error del %f%.exe @echo. @echo Assembling Win32 DLL ... @cd %s%\dll %a% %f%.asm %b%\%f%.dll @if errorlevel = 1 goto error @echo. @echo Assembling Win32 DLL (Tester)... %a% asmdemo.asm %b%\test\%f%dll.exe @if errorlevel = 1 goto error @echo. @echo Assembling Win32 GUI ... @cd %s%\ide\%f%w %a% %f%w.asm %b%\%f%w.exe @if errorlevel = 1 goto error @echo. @echo Assembling AsmEdit DLL ... %a% asmedit.asm %b%\asmedit.dll @if errorlevel = 1 goto error @echo. @echo Assembling DOS32 Console... @cd %s%\dos %a% %f%.asm %b%\%f%d.exe @if errorlevel = 1 goto error @echo. @echo Assembling DOS32 Console (Listing) ... %a% %f%l.asm %b%\%f%dl.exe @if errorlevel = 1 goto error @echo. @echo Assembling DOS32 GUI ... @cd %s%\ide\%f%d %a% %f%d.asm %b%\%f%dg.exe @if errorlevel = 1 goto error @echo. @echo Assembling Linux ... @cd %s%\linux %a% %f%.asm %b%\%f% @if errorlevel = 1 goto error @echo. @echo Assembling Linux (Listing) ... %a% %f%l.asm %b%\%f%l @if errorlevel = 1 goto error @echo. @echo Assembling Unix/libc console ... @cd %s%\libc %a% %f%.asm %b%\%f%.o @if errorlevel = 1 goto error @echo. @echo Assembling Unix/libc console (Listing) ... %a% %f%l.asm %b%\%f%l.o @if errorlevel = 1 goto error @echo. Echo Assembling Examples ... cd %d%\Samples for /r %%f in (*.asm) do %a% %%f pause for /r %%f in (*.exe;*.dll;*.com;*.sys;*.bin;*.obj;*.o;*. do del %%f @echo. @cd %temp% @echo. @echo. @echo BenchMarking Version ... @echo. @if exist fasmBM.asm del fasmBM.asm @if exist masmBM.asm del masmBM.asm @if exist hlaBM.hla del hlaBM.hla @echo.Generating sources... @echo. @if x==x%1 bm n10000 @if not x==x%1 bm n%1 @echo. %b%\test\fasm150.exe fasmBM.asm fasmBM150.obj @if errorlevel = 1 goto error @echo. %b%\test\fasm160.exe fasmBM.asm fasmBM160.obj @if errorlevel = 1 goto error @echo. %b%\test\fasm162.exe fasmBM.asm fasmBM162.obj @if errorlevel = 1 goto error @echo. %b%\test\fasm164.exe fasmBM.asm fasmBM164.obj @if errorlevel = 1 goto error @echo. %b%\test\fasm166.exe fasmBM.asm fasmBM166.obj @if errorlevel = 1 goto error @echo. %b%\fasm.exe fasmBM.asm @if errorlevel = 1 goto error @echo. %b%\fasml.exe fasmBM.asm @if errorlevel = 1 goto error @echo. @:howlong ml masmBM.asm @if errorlevel = 1 goto error @echo. @:howlong hla hlaBM.hla @if errorlevel = 1 goto error @echo. @del fasmBM.* masmBM.* hlaBM.* :done @echo. @echo -------------------------------------------------------------------------- @echo ------------------------- done without errors -------------------------- @goto end :error @echo. @echo -------------------------------------------------------------------------- @echo ******************************** ERROR ********************************* :end @echo -------------------------------------------------------------------------- @cd %s%
_________________ rofl eax,eax |
20 Feb 2007, 03:40 |
yumka 20 Feb 2007, 03:49
You have to set d (directory of fasm), include directory, examples directory, and some other little things where your FASM installation is.
But I use it un conjuntion with patch, for compile each version of fasm I download. Very easy just 2 batch files, even for benchmarking. I hope you like it. |
20 Feb 2007, 03:49 |
OzzY 21 Feb 2007, 17:33
This is great idea.
Maybe this could be like in RADasm? (Loadable DLL's that add features to FASM) |
21 Feb 2007, 17:33 |
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