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> Windows > WS_TABSTOP not working in TabCtrl |
Author |
shoorick 05 May 2006, 10:53
it seems child dialogs do not have WS_TABSTOP set, thus do not ever focused by tab-key. controls on them are child of the child. never tried such combination, just can suggest to subclass tab control, and catch, if tab there pressed - set focus to current child dialog (or it current item)
05 May 2006, 10:53 |
kasake36 05 May 2006, 11:08
Hm. That's a mess. I can't catch the tab (09h) either. I believe i have screwed up my windows procedure a bit and am telling windows that i've handled all the messages.
05 May 2006, 11:08 |
shoorick 05 May 2006, 11:09
post your source
05 May 2006, 11:09 |
kasake36 05 May 2006, 11:27
This is the source for the Main-Proc. I believe the error must be "spawned" somewhere in this part. I've translated the main-comments into english. Thank you for the help!
Code: proc MainDialogProc hwnddlg,msg,wparam,lparam push ebx esi edi cmp [msg],WM_INITDIALOG je wminitdialog cmp [msg],WM_COMMAND je wmcommand cmp [msg],WM_KEYDOWN je wmkeydown cmp [msg],WM_NOTIFY je wmnotify cmp [msg],WM_CLOSE je wmclose xor eax,eax jmp finish wminitdialog: ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ; -- Connect to db cinvoke sqliteOpen,dbnam,dbpont cmp eax,SQLITE_OK jne schwedb ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ; -- Create Statusbar invoke CreateWindowEx,0,cStaB,\ NULL,WS_CHILD +\ WS_VISIBLE,\ 0,0,0,0,[hwnddlg],\ NULL,[hInst],NULL mov [hStaB],eax invoke SendMessage,[hStaB],\ SB_SETPARTS,2,stapa ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ; -- Create TabControl invoke CreateWindowEx,0,cTab,\ NULL,WS_CHILD+WS_VISIBLE,\ 2,10,580,410,[hwnddlg],\ IDC_TAB,[hInst],NULL mov [hTab],eax mov [tci.imask],TCIF_TEXT ; Erzeugen der Tabs mov [tci.iImage],-1 mov [tci.pszText],taba invoke SendMessage,eax,\ TCM_INSERTITEM,0,tci mov [tci.pszText],tabb invoke SendMessage,[hTab],\ TCM_INSERTITEM,1,tci mov [tci.pszText],tabc invoke SendMessage,[hTab],\ TCM_INSERTITEM,2,tci mov [tci.pszText],tabd invoke SendMessage,[hTab],\ TCM_INSERTITEM,3,tci invoke CreateDialogParam,\ ; Erzeugen der Dialoge in den [hInst],IDD_AKA,\ ; Reitern. Der erste Dialog [hwnddlg],AkaDlgProc,0 ; (Arbeitskarten) wird nicht mov [hAka],eax ; versteckt. invoke ShowWindow,[hAka],SW_SHOW invoke CreateDialogParam,\ [hInst],IDD_AUF,\ [hwnddlg],AufDlgProc,0 mov [hAuf],eax invoke ShowWindow,[hAuf],SW_HIDE invoke CreateDialogParam,\ [hInst],IDD_TATI,\ [hwnddlg],TatiDlgProc,0 mov [hTati],eax invoke ShowWindow,[hTati],SW_HIDE invoke CreateDialogParam,\ [hInst],IDD_MIT,\ [hwnddlg],MitDlgProc,0 mov [hMit],eax invoke ShowWindow,[hMit],SW_HIDE invoke CreateFont,15,0,0,0,0,\ ; Ändern der Schriftart 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,taschi ; für die TabControl or eax,eax jz failed invoke SendMessage,[hTab],\ WM_SETFONT,eax,FALSE jmp processed wmnotify: cmp [wparam],IDC_TAB jne finish mov esi,[lparam] cmp [esi+NMHDR.code],\ TCN_SELCHANGING je hidetab cmp [esi+NMHDR.code],\ TCN_SELCHANGE je unhidetab jmp processed wmcommand: jmp wmclose wmkeydown: mov eax,[wparam] cmp al,1Bh ; ESCAPE = 27 je wmclose cmp al,09h ; Tabulator je wmtabpressed jmp finish wmtabpressed: invoke MessageBox,HWND_DESKTOP,\ dbnam,0,MB_YESNO wmclose: invoke EndDialog,[hwnddlg],0 ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; -- Hide TabCtrl Dialog hidetab: invoke SendMessage,[hTab],\ TCM_GETCURSEL,0,0 mov [tabsel],eax cmp [tabsel],0 je hideaka cmp [tabsel],1 je hideauf cmp [tabsel],2 je hidetati cmp [tabsel],3 je hidemit jmp finish hideaka: mov ebx,hAka jmp hide hideauf: mov ebx,hAuf jmp hide hidetati: mov ebx,hTati jmp hide hidemit: mov ebx,hMit jmp hide hide: invoke ShowWindow,[ebx],SW_HIDE jmp finish ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; -- Show TabCtrl Dialog unhidetab: invoke SendMessage,[hTab],\ ; Anfrage, welcher Tab TCM_GETCURSEL,0,0 ; ausgewählt wurde. mov [tabsel],eax cmp [tabsel],0 je unhideaka cmp [tabsel],1 je unhideauf cmp [tabsel],2 je unhidetati cmp [tabsel],3 je unhidemit jmp processed unhideaka: mov ebx,hAka jmp unhide unhideauf: mov ebx,hAuf jmp unhide unhidetati: mov ebx,hTati jmp unhide unhidemit: mov ebx,hMit jmp unhide unhide: invoke ShowWindow,[ebx],SW_SHOW jmp processed failed: invoke MessageBox,[hwnddlg],\ fem,cMain,\ MB_ICONERROR+MB_OK jmp processed processed: mov eax,1 finish: pop edi esi ebx ret endp |
05 May 2006, 11:27 |
shoorick 05 May 2006, 13:33
i see i'm not ready to give you fast solution, but you will not definetely cath tab or enter there in this way. there are some ways to do this:
1.subclass tabcontrol with procedure, which will detect tab pressing within it and notify parent window about it. look there: http://board.flatassembler.net/topic.php?t=4786 2.try to use PropertySheet api function 3.also look there for another way to do this: http://board.flatassembler.net/topic.php?t=4359 for examples. i had improoved dialog engine used in setup box example, but it is not ready to be posted yet. |
05 May 2006, 13:33 |
farrier 05 May 2006, 15:03
Try modifying your message loop to include IsDialogMessage. This may be all you need to do to support tabbing. This is my "standard" message loop I use even when I don't want to tab between window controls. Code: .while TRUE invoke GetMessage, msg, NULL, 0, 0 .if eax, e, 0 jmp @f .endif invoke TranslateAccelerator, [gWnd], [hAccel], msg .if eax, e, 0 invoke IsDialogMessage, [gWnd], msg .if eax, e, 0 invoke TranslateMessage, msg invoke DispatchMessage, msg .endif .endif .endw @@: mov eax, [msg.wParam] invoke ExitProcess, eax hth, farrier _________________ Some Assembly Required It's a good day to code! U.S.Constitution; Bill of Rights; Amendment 1: ... the right of the people peaceably to assemble, ... The code is dark, and full of errors! |
05 May 2006, 15:03 |
farrier 05 May 2006, 15:32
Attached is a small program with a window, and in that window are a number of different controls made with CreateWindow, and you can see how the tab key can be used to navigate from one to the other. hth, farrier
_________________ Some Assembly Required It's a good day to code! U.S.Constitution; Bill of Rights; Amendment 1: ... the right of the people peaceably to assemble, ... The code is dark, and full of errors! |
05 May 2006, 15:32 |
kasake36 05 May 2006, 18:04
Shoorick and farrier: thanks for the fast replies. I already knew the threads but i hoped that there's an easier way to make this work (soo naive .
So i'll first try to include the IsDialogMessage and if all fails drown myself or change the TabCtrl with a PropertySheet. I'll report back then! (Tomorrow) Thanks for the example-code!! |
05 May 2006, 18:04 |
shoorick 06 May 2006, 04:29
there's an easier way to make this work > i did that "dialog engine" exactly for easy and fast creating huge dialogs. i think, i will post my library unfinished...
06 May 2006, 04:29 |
kasake36 06 May 2006, 20:02
HELLO!! EUPHORIA!! Yes, there was an easier way to make tab-controls work in child-windows: using WS_EX_CONTROLPARENT for the child-dialogs! That's it!
I found out by reading the CreateWindowEx info in the Win32API-Help, and it says: "Allows the user to navigate among the child windows of the window by using the TAB key." Thanks for all the kind help!! |
06 May 2006, 20:02 |
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