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Posts: 805
r22 09 Apr 2006, 23:59
I'm looking for the fastest unsigned integer array sorter.
If anyone has an implementation of QuickSort to test against this RadixSort I'd be very interested in the results.

It's not fully optimized yet, but the implementation is solid and still very fast.

For those that don't know what radix sort is here's a high level representation of the algorithm. (in Java)
//enhanced radix sort//////////
    private int[] sourceArray;
    private int[] targetArray;
    private int[] counts;
    private int keyLength=4;
    private int[] radix2LUT = {24,16,8,0};
    private void radixSort2(int[] arr)
        counts = new int[256];
        sourceArray = arr;
        targetArray = new int[arr.length];
        int soFar,keyByte,to,temp,bitShift;        
        int[] tempA;
        //outer loop 4 times because 4words in a 32bit int
        for ( int col=keyLength-1; col>=0; col-- )
            soFar = 0;
            bitShift = radix2LUT[col];//either 0,8,16 or 24
            //zeroing out the count[0to255]=0
            for (int x = 0; x<256; x=x+8)
            {//unrolled for loop speedup
                counts[x] = counts[x+1] = counts[x+2] = counts[x+3] =
                counts[x+4] = counts[x+5] = counts[x+6] = counts[x+7] = 0;
            //counting how many of each key
            //this is what avoids using queues
            for ( int i=0; i<sourceArray.length; i++ )
                counts[((sourceArray[i] >> bitShift) & 0xFF)]++;
            //manipulate the count's into indexes into a shadow array
            for ( int i=0; i<counts.length; i=i+8 )
            {//unrolled for speed
                temp = counts[i];counts[i] = soFar;soFar += temp;
                temp = counts[i+1];counts[i+1] = soFar;soFar += temp;
                temp = counts[i+2];counts[i+2] = soFar;soFar += temp;
                temp = counts[i+3];counts[i+3] = soFar;soFar += temp;
                temp = counts[i+4];counts[i+4] = soFar;soFar += temp;
                temp = counts[i+5];counts[i+5] = soFar;soFar += temp;
                temp = counts[i+6];counts[i+6] = soFar;soFar += temp;
                temp = counts[i+7];counts[i+7] = soFar;soFar += temp;
            //copy and rearrange the array
            for ( int from=0; from<sourceArray.length; from++ )
                keyByte = ((sourceArray[from] >> bitShift) & 0xFF);
                to = counts[keyByte]++;
                targetArray[to] = sourceArray[from];
            //flip the array pointers around
            tempA = sourceArray;
            sourceArray = targetArray;
            targetArray = tempA;
        //copy the sorted array into the array passed to the method
        //System.arraycopy(sourceArray,0, arr,0, sourceArray.length);

Here's the current fasm project I'm using,
the DATA section is a little messy but the code is straight forward.

I create a 10,000,000 DWORD long array
Fill it with Random 32bit integers
And have benchmarking loops setup to test the speed of RadixSort vs WHATEVER you guys come up with to help me out.

If your going to test your quick sort implementation make sure you call it first in the benchmarking loops (WHY?) because optimized QuickSort algorithms have early stop checks, so if you let the radix sort sort the array first QuickSort will see that it's sorted already and stop early. Or you could just call the FillArray function before the loop starts for both of them.

Without further babbling the code.
format PE console 4.0
entry start
include '%fasminc%\win32a.inc'

section '.data' data readable writeable
result1 db 'Result 1: %d:',0
result2 db 'Result 2: %d:',0
buffer rb 255

align 16
RandomSeed dd 1318699, 1015727, 1235239, 412943

paramA dd 0
paramB dd 0
align 8
dVal dq 4294967295.0

fmtr db 'test: %d',0
tmp dq 0
align 16
fixer dw 0fc01h,0,0,0,0,0,0,0

fmtf db '%d . %d',0
dbgt dq 0

fmth db '%x %x %x',0
str1 dd 0,0,0,0
fhex db '%x  > %x  ',0

ttest db '%x : %x : %x',10,13,0

align 16
sseseed dq 1111111111111111h
        dq 12134567778abbf0h
        dq 0ababcabababdabah
        dq 7654321546174353h
_fmth db ' %X ',0

RandomArray dd 0
TestArray dd 1000BBBBh, 99AABBCCh, 1000BBB1h, 100h, 250h
section '.code' code readable executable

call MakeSeed
        push    40000000 ;;40million bytes 10million DWORDS
        call    MakeArray
        mov     [RandomArray], eax
        push    10000000 ;;DWORD size
        push    eax ;;ARRAY MEM
        call    FillArray

        call    [GetCurrentProcess] ;returns -1
        push    100h
        push    eax
        call    [SetPriorityClass]
        call    [GetCurrentThread];;returns -2
        push    15
        push    eax
        call    [SetThreadPriority]

    push 0
    push 0
    push 0
    push 0
    call [MessageBox]
    mov esi,01h
    call [GetTickCount]
    mov edi,eax
    jmp tst1
align 16
        push    10000000
        push    dword[RandomArray]
        call    RadixSortUint32
    dec esi
    jnz tst1
    push eax
    push _fmth
    call [printf]
    call [GetTickCount]
    sub eax,edi
    push eax
    push result1
    call [printf]

    mov esi,01h
    call [GetTickCount]
    mov edi,eax
    jmp tst2
align 16
        push    10000000
        push    dword[RandomArray]
        call    RadixSortUint32
    dec esi
    jnz tst2
    push eax
    push _fmth
    call [printf]
    call [GetTickCount]
    sub eax,edi
    push eax
    push result2
    call [printf]
     push 0
     push buffer
     push buffer
     push 0
     call [MessageBox]
     push 0
     call [ExitProcess]

;;IN size
;;IN array addr
     mov ecx,[esp+8];;size DWORDs
     push ebp
     push ebx
     push esi
     push edi
     mov esi,[esp+20];;array
     mov ebp,ecx ;;copy sizeDWORDs
     shl ecx,2;;*4 sizeBYTEs
     push ecx ;;size
     call MakeArray
     mov edx,ebp ;;copy back dword size
     mov edi,eax ;;shadow array
     sub esp,256 * 4 ;;count array
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;ITERATION 1
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;zero count array
     xor eax,eax
     mov ecx,255
     mov dword[esp+ecx*4],eax
     mov dword[esp+ecx*4-4],eax
     mov dword[esp+ecx*4-8],eax
     mov dword[esp+ecx*4-12],eax
     mov dword[esp+ecx*4-16],eax
     sub ecx,5
     jnz .lpc1
     mov dword[esp],eax
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;get counts
     mov ecx,edx ;;dword size -1
     dec ecx
     movzx eax,byte[esi+ecx*4] ;;lowest byte first
     inc dword[esp+eax*4]
     dec ecx
     jns .lpg1

;;;;;change counts to indexes into shadow array
     xor ecx,ecx
     xor ebx,ebx
     mov eax, dword[esp+ecx*4]
     mov dword[esp+ecx*4], ebx
     add ebx, eax
     add ecx,1
     cmp ecx,256
     jne .lpm1
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; first copy
     xor ecx,ecx
     movzx eax, byte[esi+ecx*4] ;; first byte
     mov ebx, dword[esp+eax*4]
     inc dword[esp+eax*4] ;++
     mov eax, dword[esi+ecx*4]
     mov dword[edi+ebx*4], eax
     add ecx,1
     cmp ecx,edx
     jne .lpr1
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; flip shadow and array ptrs
     push esi
     push edi
     pop esi
     pop edi
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;ITERATION 2
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;zero count array
     xor eax,eax
     mov ecx,255
     mov dword[esp+ecx*4],eax
     mov dword[esp+ecx*4-4],eax
     mov dword[esp+ecx*4-8],eax
     mov dword[esp+ecx*4-12],eax
     mov dword[esp+ecx*4-16],eax
     sub ecx,5
     jnz .lpc2
     mov dword[esp],eax
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;get counts
     mov ecx,edx ;;dword size -1
     dec ecx
     movzx eax,byte[esi+ecx*4+1] ;;2nd lowest byte
     inc dword[esp+eax*4]
     sub ecx,1
     jns .lpg2
;;;;;change counts to indexes into shadow array
     xor ecx,ecx
     xor ebx,ebx
     mov eax, dword[esp+ecx*4]
     mov dword[esp+ecx*4], ebx
     add ebx, eax
     add ecx,1
     cmp ecx,256
     jne .lpm2
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; second copy
     xor ecx,ecx
     movzx eax, byte[esi+ecx*4+1] ;; second byte
     mov ebx, dword[esp+eax*4]
     inc dword[esp+eax*4] ;++
     mov eax, dword[esi+ecx*4]
     mov dword[edi+ebx*4], eax
     add ecx,1
     cmp ecx,edx
     jne .lpr2
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; flip shadow and array ptrs
     push esi
     push edi
     pop esi
     pop edi
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;ITERATION 3
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;zero count array
     xor eax,eax
     mov ecx,255
     mov dword[esp+ecx*4],eax
     mov dword[esp+ecx*4-4],eax
     mov dword[esp+ecx*4-8],eax
     mov dword[esp+ecx*4-12],eax
     mov dword[esp+ecx*4-16],eax
     sub ecx,5
     jnz .lpc3
     mov dword[esp],eax
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;get counts
     mov ecx,edx ;;dword size -1
     dec ecx
     movzx eax,byte[esi+ecx*4+2] ;;third lowest byte
     inc dword[esp+eax*4]
     sub ecx,1
     jns .lpg3
;;;;;change counts to indexes into shadow array
     xor ecx,ecx
     xor ebx,ebx
     mov eax, dword[esp+ecx*4]
     mov dword[esp+ecx*4], ebx
     add ebx, eax
     add ecx,1
     cmp ecx,256
     jne .lpm3
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; third copy
     xor ecx,ecx
     movzx eax, byte[esi+ecx*4+2] ;; third byte
     mov ebx, dword[esp+eax*4]
     inc dword[esp+eax*4] ;++
     mov eax, dword[esi+ecx*4]
     mov dword[edi+ebx*4], eax
     add ecx,1
     cmp ecx,edx
     jne .lpr3
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; flip shadow and array ptrs
     push esi
     push edi
     pop esi
     pop edi
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;ITERATION 4
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;zero count array
     xor eax,eax
     mov ecx,255
     mov dword[esp+ecx*4],eax
     mov dword[esp+ecx*4-4],eax
     mov dword[esp+ecx*4-8],eax
     mov dword[esp+ecx*4-12],eax
     mov dword[esp+ecx*4-16],eax
     sub ecx,5
     jnz .lpc4
     mov dword[esp],eax
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;get counts
     mov ecx,edx ;;dword size -1
     dec ecx
     movzx eax,byte[esi+ecx*4+3] ;;last byte
     inc dword[esp+eax*4]
     sub ecx,1
     jns .lpg4
;;;;;change counts to indexes into shadow array
     xor ecx,ecx
     xor ebx,ebx
     mov eax, dword[esp+ecx*4]
     mov dword[esp+ecx*4], ebx
     add ebx, eax
     add ecx,1
     cmp ecx,256
     jne .lpm4
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; fourth copy
     xor ecx,ecx
     movzx eax, byte[esi+ecx*4+3] ;; fourth byte
     mov ebx, dword[esp+eax*4]
     inc dword[esp+eax*4] ;++
     mov eax, dword[esi+ecx*4]
     mov dword[edi+ebx*4], eax
     add ecx,1
     cmp ecx,edx
     jne .lpr4
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; flip shadow and array ptrs
     push esi
     push edi
     pop esi
     pop edi
     push edi
     call DeleteArray
     add esp,256*4
     pop edi
     pop esi
     pop ebx
     pop ebp
     ret 8

     push ebx
     push esi
     mov ebx,dword[esp+16] ;; count
     mov esi,dword[esp+12] ;; addr
     dec ebx
     js .end
     call Random32
     mov dword[esi+ebx],eax
     jmp .lp
     pop esi
     pop ebx
     ret 8

     mov eax,[esp+4]
     push 4 ;read/write
     push 1000h Or 2000h ;;commit | reserve
     push eax ;;size
     push 0  ;;addr
     push -1 ;;current process
     call [VirtualAllocEx]
     test eax,eax
     jnz .good
     push 0
     call [ExitProcess]
     ret 4

     mov eax,[esp+4] ;;array addr
     push 8000h ;;release
     push 0 ;;size
     push eax ;;addr
     push -1 ;;this process
     call [VirtualFreeEx]
     ret 4

     push ebx
     mov eax,[RandomSeed]
     mov ebx,[RandomSeed+4]
     mov ecx,[RandomSeed+8]
     mov edx,[RandomSeed+12]
     shld ebx,eax,1
     adc eax,0
     ror eax,3
     bswap eax
     shld edx,ecx,1
     adc ecx,0
     bswap ecx
     ror ecx,7
     mov [RandomSeed],eax
     mov [RandomSeed+4],ebx
     mov [RandomSeed+8],ecx
     mov [RandomSeed+12],edx
   xor eax,ecx
     pop ebx
     ret 0

.seed equ esp+4 ;,+8,+12,+16
     movdqu xmm0,[.seed]
     movntdq dqword[RandomSeed],xmm0
     ret 16

     mov edx,eax
     call [GetTickCount]
     mov ecx,eax
     mul edx
     mov [RandomSeed],eax
     xor edx,ecx
     mov [RandomSeed+4],edx
     bswap ecx
     xor eax,ecx
     mov [RandomSeed+8],eax
     not edx
     bswap edx
     mul edx
     mov [RandomSeed+12],eax
     ret 0

section '.idata' import data readable writeable

  library kernel32,'KERNEL32.DLL',\
      include  "%fasminc%\apia\kernel32.inc"
      include  "%fasminc%\apia\user32.inc"
      include  "%fasminc%\apia\wsock32.inc"
      import ntdll,\
  import msvcrt,\

section '.reloc' fixups data discardable
Post 09 Apr 2006, 23:59
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Joined: 07 Oct 2003
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Location: Michigan, USA
madmatt 10 Apr 2006, 09:39
I have a quicksort in my TurboAsmDx Library, VERY FAST. I can sort signed and unsigned integers (ascending and descending), also single and double floats (ascending and descending). It uses recursion, so you can see how to do that in fasm assembly too. Here is the code for unsigned integer, descending.

proc QuickSortDUD uses ebx, array, left, right
         pivot dd ?
         lhold dd ?
         rhold dd ?

     mov     eax, [left]
     mov     [lhold], eax

     mov     eax, [right]
     mov     [rhold], eax

     mov     ecx, [array]
     mov     edx, [left]
     mov     eax, [ecx + edx*4]
     mov     [pivot],eax

     mov     eax, [left]
     .while  eax, l, [right]

             mov     ecx, [array]
             mov     edx, [right]
             mov     eax, [pivot]

             .if     [ecx + edx*4], a, eax ;ge
                     mov     eax, [left]
                     .if     eax, l, [right]
                             sub     [right], 1
                             jmp     QuickSortDUD_endloop0
                     jmp     QuickSortDUD_endloop0
             mov     eax, [pivot]
             mov     edx, [right]
             jmp     QuickSortDUD_contloop0

             mov     eax, [left]
             .if     eax, ne, [right]
                     mov     edx, [right]
                     mov     eax, [ecx + edx*4]
                     mov     edx, [left]
                     mov     [ecx + edx*4], eax
                     add     [left], 1

             mov     ecx, [array]
             mov     edx, [left]
             mov     eax, [pivot]

             .if     [ecx + edx*4], b, eax ;le
                     mov     eax, [left]
                     .if     eax, l, [right]
                             add     [left], 1
                             jmp     QuickSortDUD_endloop1
                     jmp     QuickSortDUD_endloop1
             mov     eax, [pivot]
             mov     edx, [left]
             jmp     QuickSortDUD_contloop1

             mov     eax, [left]
             .if     eax, ne, [right]
                     mov     edx, [left]
                     mov     eax, [ecx + edx*4]
                     mov     edx, [right]
                     mov     [ecx + edx*4], eax
                     sub     [right], 1
             mov     eax, [left]

     mov     ecx, [array]
     mov     edx, [left]
     mov     eax, [pivot]
     mov     [ecx + edx*4], eax
     mov     [pivot], edx

     mov     eax, [lhold]
     mov     [left], eax

     mov     eax, [rhold]
     mov     [right], eax

     mov     eax, [pivot]
     .if     [left], l, eax
             sub     eax, 1
             stdcall QuickSortDUD, [array], [left], eax
     .if     [right], g, eax
             add     eax, 1
             stdcall QuickSortDUD, [array], eax, [right]
Post 10 Apr 2006, 09:39
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Location: Spain
Octavio 10 Apr 2006, 13:27
i did a quick test,
my qsort takes 9.7 seconds to sort the array on a P3 930Mhz
i did the test on my OS, with windows you don´t know wich task is runing.
Post 10 Apr 2006, 13:27
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Location: Estonia
Madis731 10 Apr 2006, 16:07
I found a Q+I-sort (quick & insert) on the net and converted it. If I manage to make it work in your benchmark, I'll update my post.

EDIT: OK, I did it, but I see you want esi and edi preserved and you need some value in eax?! Well, at least it works somehow.
Maybe mine is 4x faster Very Happy because I wrote 40M instead of 10M, but my proc wants to know the length not the number of elements...
 2DC59F4 Result 1: 3636:
 2DC5A00 Result 2: 2964:
 1 Result 3: 2884:
 1 Result 4: 2924:

And some code in the attachment:

Description: The program that puts your CPU to its knees
Filename: RSort.7z
Filesize: 3.14 KB
Downloaded: 761 Time(s)

My updated idol Very Happy http://www.agner.org/optimize/
Post 10 Apr 2006, 16:07
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shism2 10 Apr 2006, 22:16
Ok so why doesnt someone put all the algos here into 1 program and test the times.
Post 10 Apr 2006, 22:16
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Location: Michigan, USA
madmatt 10 Apr 2006, 22:17
Using my function above (QuickSortDUD [still as yet un-optimized, got it working and moved on to other things Smile ]) I can sort 10,000,000 Random Integers in a little less than 1.5 seconds. A bit tough to get an accurate count with the timers that I have setup now. I did this test on a Celeron 2.7 ghz, with windowsxp sp2.

Last edited by madmatt on 10 Apr 2006, 22:18; edited 1 time in total
Post 10 Apr 2006, 22:17
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Posts: 248
shism2 10 Apr 2006, 22:17
mov     esi, VectorToSort
                mov     edi, LastElement + 4
                call    MainRSort
                push    0
                call    [ExitProcess]

; ESI = Initial address
; EDI = Last address
proc MainRSort       
                mov     ebp, 3    ; Sort byte 3
                call    PreRSort
                mov     ebp, 2    ; Sort byte 2
                call    PreRSort
                mov     ebp, 1    ; Sort byte 1
                call    PreRSort
                xor     ebp, ebp  ; Sort byte 0
                call    PreRSort

proc PreRSort        
                push    esi
                cmp     ebp, 3
                jz    @@Sort3
                cmp     ebp, 2
                jz    @@Sort2
                cmp     ebp, 1           ; Select masks and rotation values
                jz    @@Sort1
     @@Sort0:   mov     eax, 0FFFFFF00h
                mov     ebx, 0000000FFh
                mov     ecx, 2
                jmp   @@Next00
     @@Sort3:   xor     eax, eax
                mov     ebx, 0FF000000h
                mov     ecx, 0Ah
                jmp   @@Next00
     @@Sort2:   mov     eax, 0FF000000h
                mov     ebx, 000FF0000h
                mov     ecx, 12h
                jmp   @@Next00
     @@Sort1:   mov     eax, 0FFFF0000h
                mov     ebx, 00000FF00h
                mov     ecx, 1Ah
     @@Next00:  mov     [TempMask1], eax
                mov     [TempMask2], ebx
                mov     [ShiftMask], ecx

    @@Loop0:    push    edi
                mov     ebx, esi
                mov     edx, [ebx]
                xor     ecx, ecx
                push    esi
                mov     esi, [TempMask1]
                and     edx, esi
                xor     ecx, ecx
                mov     eax, [ebx]
                and     eax, esi
                cmp     eax, edx
                jnz   @@Sort
                add     ecx, 4
                add     ebx, 4
                cmp     ebx, edi
                jnz   @@LoopCount
    @@Sort:     pop     esi
                cmp     ecx, 4
                jbe   @@AlreadySorted
                mov     edi, ebx
                push    ebx
                call    RSort
                pop     ebx
                mov     esi, ebx
                pop     edi
                cmp     esi, edi
                jb    @@Loop0
                pop     esi

proc RSort           
                mov     ebx, 100h*4 - 8
                mov     ecx,  VectorTemp1
                fldz                    ; Big optimization! We store a 0
      Loop0:  fst     qword  [ecx] ; in the FPU and overwrite with QWORDs
                add     ecx, 8          ; instead of DWORDs.
                sub     ebx, 8
                jnz   Loop0
                fstp    qword  [ecx]

                push    esi
                mov     edx, [TempMask2]
                mov     ecx, [ShiftMask]
      @@Next1:  mov     ebx, [esi]
                and     ebx, edx
                rol     ebx, cl
                mov     eax, [VectorTemp1+ebx]
                add     eax, 4
                mov     [VectorTemp1+ebx], eax
                add     esi, 4
                cmp     esi, edi
                jnz   @@Next1
                pop     esi

                mov     ebx,  VectorTemp1
                mov     ecx, 100h
                xor     edx, edx
      @@Loop1:  mov     eax, [ebx]
                mov     [ebx], edx
                add     edx, eax
                add     ebx, 4       ; Addition of indexes
                dec     ecx
                jnz   @@Loop1

                push    esi
                mov     edx, [TempMask2]
      @@Next2:  mov     ebx, [esi]
                mov     ecx, [ShiftMask]
                mov     eax, ebx
                and     ebx, edx
                rol     ebx, cl

                mov     ecx, [VectorTemp1+ebx]
                mov     [VectorTemp2+ecx], eax
                add     ecx, 4
                mov     [VectorTemp1+ebx], ecx
                add     esi, 4
                cmp     esi, edi
                jnz   @@Next2
                pop     esi

                push    esi
                mov     ebx,  VectorTemp2
      @@Loop2:  mov     eax, [ebx]
                mov     [esi], eax
                add     esi, 4
                add     ebx, 4
                cmp     esi, edi      ; Copy the data. This part overwrites
                jnz   @@Loop2         ; the unsorted vector with the sorted
                pop     esi           ; one at VectorTemp2. If you don't need
                ret                   ; it, you can eliminate this.

TempMask1       dd      0
TempMask2       dd      0
ShiftMask       dd      0

VectorTemp1     dd      256 dup (0)
VectorTemp2     dd      256 dup (0)

VectorToSort    dd     100h     ; Sample array of elements to sort.
                dd      99h
                dd      98h
                dd      87h
                dd      76h
                dd      65h
                dd      54h
                dd      43h
                dd      32h
                dd      21h
LastElement     dd      55676134h    
Post 10 Apr 2006, 22:17
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Madis731 10 Apr 2006, 22:23
All algos are hard to test in all conditions. The quicksort can be as bad as some bubblesort, if you make the conditions hard for it. Although, sometimes it can quit earlier. There are very different algoritms for different memory, move, exchange, etc, costs. There's also a flash-sort that does the sorting in about O(n) time Smile
depenging on the "ONE", the size of the memory used is about 110%-200% of the original data.

EDIT: Yeah sorry, O(n), because O(1) is a look-up table Wink

Last edited by Madis731 on 11 Apr 2006, 21:21; edited 1 time in total
Post 10 Apr 2006, 22:23
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shism2 10 Apr 2006, 22:47
flash sort????
Post 10 Apr 2006, 22:47
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r22 11 Apr 2006, 19:34
FlashSort and RadixSort both have O(n) time.

When I benchmarked the JAVA RadixSort vs the JAVA FlashSort there timings were identical. JAVA version are on average 4x slower than the ASM versions.

It would make testing the ASM versions easier if they followed a calling convention.
Post 11 Apr 2006, 19:34
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Madis731 12 Apr 2006, 07:49
Hi, I just had a vision Very Happy

I don't remember what was the stride length in modern computers and is it even constant, but you should be able to sort one stride at a time and then insert sort all other strides. Would it be faster?

i.e. stride is 32-bytes (this is just an example):
You take 8 DWORDs and sort them for free any way you want. Because they are in one cache stride, you will only get a level 1 cache penalty which is 3 clocks.

Okay, lets scale horizontally now - we have many cache strides (P4s have upto 4MB of cache nowdays) and we can read an array of strides in by accessing the first memory location of each of these. This can be done by dummy cmp [mem],0 or something. Maybe use some SSE instruction.

We can even move chunks of 32-bytes between strides, because CPU architecture is optimized this way so REP MOVSD is less than 8 clocks when ECX=8. I don't know if this can be done faster with XMM.


Okay, another thought here:
What if you read in four of the XMM registers (that is 128 bits or 8 bytes). Then you apply an algorithm on xmm0..xmm3 to sort the eight counterparts. I know that SSE is meant to deal with floats, but who cares Very Happy We're still using XOR EAX,EAX to "move" 0 into eax.


Would any of these work or the code to make it work will be bloat?
Post 12 Apr 2006, 07:49
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r22 12 Apr 2006, 18:06
I don't see how that could work any faster. Because you'd probably have to break the strides up with you were insertion sorting them

Say we sort 2 at a time
100 5 60 20 6 80
(5, 100) (20, 60) (6, 55)
To get to 5, 6, 20, 55, 60 would cost a lot of time

Unless your thinking of something different.
Post 12 Apr 2006, 18:06
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shism2 13 Apr 2006, 01:28
How about a greator or less sort... By subtracitng lets say 9 from 6.. you get 3 but if you subtract 6-9 you get -3 . So

If you subtract a number from that number and the outcome is positive. the First number is greater than the second. If the outcome is negative the second number is greater.

mov ecx,9
mov eax,7
sub ecx,eax
js ecxless
Post 13 Apr 2006, 01:28
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r22 13 Apr 2006, 05:25
CMP reg,reg does the same thing, only better, because it doesn't change teh contents of the register.

Some sort of CMOVxx might be an interesting way to optimize a sorting algorithm that uses a lot of CMP. As the branchless technique is proven to be a lot faster.
Post 13 Apr 2006, 05:25
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shism2 13 Apr 2006, 14:23
Is there anyway to add many memory destinations at the same time example

1m dd 4
2m dd 5
3m dd 2

add [1m],[2m],[3m] = output (11)
Post 13 Apr 2006, 14:23
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f0dder 23 Apr 2006, 11:07
shism2, your code GPFs on me (somewhere in RSort I think).

Madis731, your code seems to fail to sort properly.

Attached is my correctness + benchmark test, enjoy Smile


sorting test - sorting 10485760 signed numbers, using seed 0xBEEFF00D

*** testing for correctness
testing routine libc qsort()
testing routine hutch asm qsort() failed at index 7 (953 > 479)
testing routine C trimedian qsort()
testing routine STL std::sort()
testing routine r22 FASM RADIX sort()
testing routine David Garcia C++ radix()
testing routine Madis731 Quick&Insert() failed at index 633 (2 > 1)

*** testing for SPEED
libc qsort() took 1782 ticks
hutch asm qsort() took 1016 ticks
C trimedian qsort() took 859 ticks
STL std::sort() took 1016 ticks
r22 FASM RADIX sort() took 390 ticks
David Garcia C++ radix() took 641 ticks
Madis731 Quick&Insert() took 984 ticks

EDIT: forgot to state my machine specs. AMD64x2 4400+, 4x512meg ram, ASUS A8N SLI Premium motherboard (for stability and passively cooled chipset, I don't run SLI).

EDIT2: I also just realized the program says "signed", but test tests are unsigned Smile

Filename: sort_test.zip
Filesize: 29.34 KB
Downloaded: 670 Time(s)

Image - carpe noctem

Last edited by f0dder on 23 Apr 2006, 11:33; edited 2 times in total
Post 23 Apr 2006, 11:07
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okasvi 23 Apr 2006, 11:24
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\My Documents\Downloads\sort_test>driver
sorting test - sorting 10485760 signed numbers, using seed 0xBEEFF00D

*** testing for correctness
testing routine libc qsort()
testing routine hutch asm qsort() failed at index 7 (953 > 479)
testing routine C trimedian qsort()
testing routine STL std::sort()
testing routine r22 FASM RADIX sort()
testing routine David Garcia C++ radix()
testing routine Madis731 Quick&Insert() failed at index 633 (2 > 1)

*** testing for SPEED
libc qsort() took 2687 ticks
hutch asm qsort() took 1797 ticks
C trimedian qsort() took 1532 ticks
STL std::sort() took 1719 ticks
r22 FASM RADIX sort() took 1250 ticks
David Garcia C++ radix() took 1579 ticks
Madis731 Quick&Insert() took 1562 ticks

amd sempron 2800+, sucky i know...
Post 23 Apr 2006, 11:24
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UCM 23 Apr 2006, 15:39
sort_test wrote:

sorting test - sorting 10485760 signed numbers, using seed

*** testing for correctness
testing routine libc qsort()
testing routine hutch asm qsort() failed at index 7 (953 > 479)
testing routine C trimedian qsort()
testing routine STL std::sort()
testing routine r22 FASM RADIX sort()
testing routine David Garcia C++ radix()
testing routine Madis731 Quick&Insert() failed at index 633 (2 > 1)

*** testing for SPEED
libc qsort() took 2156 ticks
hutch asm qsort() took 1157 ticks
C trimedian qsort() took 969 ticks
STL std::sort() took 1109 ticks
r22 FASM RADIX sort() took 532 ticks
David Garcia C++ radix() took 750 ticks
Madis731 Quick&Insert() took 1078 ticks

AMD Athlon X2 4200+
p.s. if you think this is a tad slow for my processor consider that i am running firefox, 7zip, regedt32.exe, 8 instances of explorer, 1 instance of Prime95 per core (2), PvPGN, OpenVPN, gaim, Skype, Apache, OpenOffice.org, Avast! Antivirus and 6 instances of Notepad.

This calls for... Ultra CRUNCHY Man!
Ta da!! *crunch*
Post 23 Apr 2006, 15:39
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shism2 23 Apr 2006, 16:22
That's funny fodder because it doesn't produce a GPF for me
Post 23 Apr 2006, 16:22
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Vasilev Vjacheslav

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Vasilev Vjacheslav 23 Apr 2006, 20:22
maybe someone will be interested in this program (include source code)

Post 23 Apr 2006, 20:22
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