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Joined: 04 Jul 2003
Posts: 125
Location: China
Kevin_Zheng 04 Nov 2003, 02:04
Sorry, I found that the 1.49.4 version can't build correct wdm sys format.
The complier fill the DllCharacteristics is 0 but it should be 2000h on the wdm sys format.
I checked the source and found must added the code, the result file is OK.
mov        dword [edx+14h],0E0h    ; size of optional header
   mov     dword [edx+16h],10B818Eh; flags and magic value
     mov     dword [edx+38h],1000h   ; section alignment
 mov     dword [edx+3Ch],200h    ; file alignment
    mov     word [edx+40h],1        ; OS version
        mov     eax,[image_base]
    mov     dword [edx+34h],eax
 mov     eax,[subsystem_version]
     mov     [edx+48h],eax
       mov     ax,[subsystem]
      mov     [edx+5Ch],ax
        cmp     ax,1
        jne     pe_alignment_ok
     mov     eax,20h
     mov     dword [edx+38h],eax
 mov     dword [edx+3Ch],eax
 mov     word [edx+5Eh],2000h            ;Kevin Zheng [110403]--WDM SYS Format
 mov     word [edx+1Ah],VERSION_MAJOR + VERSION_MINOR shl 8
  mov     dword [edx+60h],1000h   ; stack reserve
     mov     dword [edx+64h],1000h   ; stack commit
      mov     dword [edx+68h],10000h  ; heap reserve
      mov     dword [edx+6Ch],0       ; heap commit
       mov     dword [edx+74h],16      ; number of directories
     bsf     ecx,[edx+3Ch]
       imul    ebx,[number_of_sections],28h
        add     ebx,ebp
     dec     ebx
 shr     ebx,cl
      inc     ebx
 shl     ebx,cl
      sub     ebx,ebp
     mov     ecx,ebx
     mov     eax,[display_buffer]
        sub     eax,ecx
     cmp     edi,eax
     jae     out_of_memory
       shr     ecx,2
       xor     eax,eax
     rep     stos dword [edi]
    mov     eax,edi
     sub     eax,[code_start]
    add     eax,[stub_size]
     mov     [edx+54h],eax           ; size of headers
   bsf     ecx,[edx+38h]
       dec     eax
 shr     eax,cl
      inc     eax
 shl     eax,cl
      mov     [edx+28h],eax           ; entry point rva
   mov     [code_type],32
      or      [reloc_labels],-1
   mov     [number_of_sections],0
      lea     ebx,[edx+18h+0E0h]
  mov     [current_section],ebx
       mov     dword [ebx],'.fla'
        mov     dword [ebx+4],'t'
 mov     [ebx+14h],edi
       mov     [ebx+0Ch],eax
       mov     dword [ebx+24h],0E0000060h
  neg     eax
 add     eax,edi
     sub     eax,[edx+34h]
       mov     [org_origin],eax
    mov     [org_registers],0
   mov     [org_start],edi
     bt      [format_flags],8
    jnc     instruction_assembled
       or      dword [edx+16h],2000h
       cmp     word [edx+5Ch],1
    jne     instruction_assembled
       or      word [edx+5Eh],2000h
        jmp     instruction_assembled

In the program flow, the 802 lines code should be executing. But I found that it doesn't work. why? I don't known the reason.
Post 04 Nov 2003, 02:04
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Tomasz Grysztar

Joined: 16 Jun 2003
Posts: 8351
Location: Kraków, Poland
Tomasz Grysztar 04 Nov 2003, 06:51
You probably forgot to specify the DLL flag with "PE native" format.
Post 04 Nov 2003, 06:51
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Joined: 04 Jul 2003
Posts: 125
Location: China
Kevin_Zheng 04 Nov 2003, 08:12
Oh,yeah. The reason is I forgot to specify the DLL flag with "PE native" format. Now it is OK.
And anothers, The syntax define is invalid:
FORMAT          PE NATIVE 4.0 DLL AT 10000H ON 'STUB.EXE'    

But the define is OK:

FORMAT          PE NATIVE  DLL AT 10000H ON 'STUB.EXE'    
Post 04 Nov 2003, 08:12
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Tomasz Grysztar

Joined: 16 Jun 2003
Posts: 8351
Location: Kraków, Poland
Tomasz Grysztar 04 Nov 2003, 12:16
Post 04 Nov 2003, 12:16
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