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Index > Windows > Help aply a algorythm to a string

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Joined: 11 Mar 2006
Posts: 11
||CyrUS|| 11 Mar 2006, 16:14
Hi can you help me. I have a problem with my code, I want to aply an algorytm to all the chars of the name and to save it in serial. after I want to create a file with the serial. Can you tell me wath is wrong?

format PE GUI 4.0
entry start

include 'win32a.inc'

IDC_EDIT1 = 1000

section '.data' data readable writable

name db 51h
serial db 51h
filenam db "file.nfo",0
section '.code' code readable executable


invoke GetModuleHandle,0
invoke DialogBoxParam,eax,101,HWND_DESKTOP,DialogProc,0
or eax,eax
jz exit

invoke ExitProcess,0

proc DialogProc hwnddlg,msg,wparam,lparam
push ebx esi edi
je wminitdialog
cmp [msg],WM_COMMAND
je wmcommand
cmp [msg],WM_CLOSE
je wmclose
xor eax,eax
jmp finish

jmp processed
cmp [wparam],BN_CLICKED shl 16 + IDCANCEL
je wmclose
cmp [wparam],BN_CLICKED shl 16 + IDOK
jne processed
invoke GetDlgItemText,[hwnddlg],IDC_EDIT1,name,50h
mov eax,name
mov ebx,eax
xor ecx,ecx

loop1: mov al,byte ptr name ;algo
rol al,2
add al,32
xor al,15
xor al,16
rol al,2
add al,32
xor al,15
xor al,16
mov byte ptr serial
add ecx,1
inc eax
cmp ebx,ecx
jnz loop1 ; end algo
invoke MessageBox,HWND_DESKTOP,serial,serial,MB_OK
xor eax,eax
xor eax,eax

invoke EndDialog,[hwnddlg],0
mov eax,1
pop edi esi ebx

section '.idata' import data readable writeable

library kernel,'KERNEL32.DLL',\

import kernel,\

import user,\

section '.rsrc' resource from 'C:\fasmw165\EXAMPLES\DIALOG\aa.res' data readable

sorry for my english if there is some errors Smile
Post 11 Mar 2006, 16:14
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r22 12 Mar 2006, 03:14
There's a handful of errors that I saw right off ...

1- name DB 51h means you are defining 1 byte with the value 51h
You want name RB 51h which means you are reserving 51h bytes for the name. This goes for serial as well.

2- You use PTR in some cases and in other cases you don't. Get rid of all the PTR's. For instance, mov al,byte ptr name
should be mov al, byte[name]

3- To get the value stored in memory you need to put that memory address in brackets []. So to get the first byte's value in the name you need to use mov al, byte [name]. To get the address of name you don't use brackets and make sure the destination is 32bits so
mov eax, name would give you the address in memory of the name.

4- You didn't check your code carefully. A little syntax error
mov byte ptr serial, I assume you want to store al in the appropriate location in serial, so mov byte [serial], al will work.

5- Your algorithm doesn't iterate through the characters in name or serial.
invoke GetDlgItemText,[hwnddlg],IDC_EDIT1,name,50h 
mov ecx,eax
mov byte[serial + ecx], 00h ;;make sure the null is at the end
dec ecx 
;;we will iterate through the characters backwards

mov al,byte [name + ecx] ;algo 
rol al,2 
add al,32 
xor al,15 
xor al,16 
rol al,2 
add al,32 
xor al,15 
xor al,16 
mov byte [serial + ecx], al 
dec ecx ;;while ecx >= 0 keep going
jns loop1 ; end algo

The above algorithm should work the way you inteded.

There may be more bugs, but assembly programming is best learned by trial, error, and research.
Post 12 Mar 2006, 03:14
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Joined: 11 Mar 2006
Posts: 11
||CyrUS|| 12 Mar 2006, 15:51
Thank you very much. It works.

One more question how can hi get the handle of a CreateFile and do a WriteFile to the file I have created?
Post 12 Mar 2006, 15:51
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||CyrUS|| 12 Mar 2006, 15:52

        invoke  GetDlgItemText,[hwnddlg],IDC_EDIT1,name,50
        mov ecx,eax
        mov byte[serial + ecx], 00h ;;make sure the null is at the end
        dec ecx
                                    ;;we will iterate through the characters backwards
        mov ebx,ecx
        mov al,byte [name + ecx] ;algo
        rol al,2
        add al,32
        xor al,15
        xor al,16
        rol al,2
        add al,32
        xor al,15
        xor al,16
        mov byte [serial + ecx], al
        dec ecx ;;while ecx >= 0 keep going
        jns loop1 ; end algo

        invoke  MessageBox,HWND_DESKTOP,serial,serial,MB_OK
        invoke  WriteFile,ebp,serial,ebx,0,0              ; ebp??? hfile??       
Post 12 Mar 2006, 15:52
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okasvi 12 Mar 2006, 16:17
not sure but i think CreateFile returns the handle to created file if it was successful

to where ever you keep data
hFile rd 1    

for CreateFile
mov [hFile],eax    

for WriteFile
invoke  WriteFile,[hFile],serial,ebx,0,0    

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Post 12 Mar 2006, 16:17
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||CyrUS|| 12 Mar 2006, 18:21

I dont understand why: when I run the program writefile writes the correct bytes in the file and the program crash and leave.

        mov [hFile],eax

        invoke  GetDlgItemText,[hwnddlg],IDC_EDIT1,name,50
        mov ecx,eax
        mov byte[serial + ecx], 00h ;;make sure the null is at the end
        mov ebx,ecx
        dec ecx
        mov al,byte [name + ecx] ;algo
        rol al,2h
        add al,32h
        xor al,15h
        xor al,16h

        rol al,2h
        add al,32h
        xor al,15h
        xor al,16h
        mov byte [serial + ecx], al
        dec ecx ;;while ecx >= 0 keep going
        jns loop1 ; end algo
        invoke  WriteFile,[hFile],serial,ebx,0,0            ; ebp??? hfile??
        invoke  CloseHandle,[hFile]       
Post 12 Mar 2006, 18:21
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r22 12 Mar 2006, 19:54
Your 2nd to last parameter in WriteFile needs to be a memory address so the api can store how many bytes were written.

A quick hack such as
invoke WriteFile,[hFile],serial,ebx,esp-16,0
should fix the error.
Post 12 Mar 2006, 19:54
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Madis731 13 Mar 2006, 08:07
can you push "esp-16"? Maybe [esp-16]...or you can sub 16 before pushing it
...anyway you can try erasing the handle Wink
invoke  WriteFile,[hFile],serial,ebx,0,0

Because handles opened by the program are mercylessly closed when program is shut down Wink But that is not good programming practice.
You should define
invoke  WriteFile,[hFile],serial,ebx,WrittenBytes,0
WrittenBytes dd ?

Post 13 Mar 2006, 08:07
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||CyrUS|| 14 Mar 2006, 17:35
I've found how to do it work!!


 hFile dd ?
 written dd ?



invoke WriteFile,[hFile],serial,ebx,written,NULL

Thanks all!!
Post 14 Mar 2006, 17:35
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