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farrier 12 Mar 2006, 20:42
While experimenting with the Windows Performance Data Helper (PDH) functions, one of the structures used has a DWORD with 10 bits used to set options. Is there any way withing FASM to set +/or access the bit values of this structure using the struct macro? ConFlags is the DWORD I set up to represent the flags. Here is the structure:

PDH_BROWSE_DLG_CONFIG   struct  ;typedef struct _BrowseDlgConfig 
        ConFlags                dd      ?       ;{  \\Configuration flags;  
                                        ;       bIncludeInstanceIndex  :1;              f
                                        ;       bSingleCounterPerAdd  :1;               t
                                        ;       bSingleCounterPerDialog  :1;            t
                                        ;       bLocalCountersOnly  :1;                 f
                                        ;       bWildCardInstances  :1;                 t
                                        ;       bHideDetailBox  :1;                     t
                                        ;       bInitializePath  :1;                    f
                                        ;       bDisableMachineSelection  :1;           f
                                        ;       bIncludeCostlyObjects  :1;              f
                                        ;       bShowObjectBrowser  :1;                 f
                                        ;       bReserved  :23;                         f
        hWndOwner               dd      ?       ;HWND hWndOwner;                        NULL
        szDataSource            dd      ?       ;LPTSTR szDataSource;
        szReturnPathBuffer      dd      ?       ;LPTSTR szReturnPathBuffer;             szPathBuffer
        cchReturnPathLength     dd      ?       ;DWORD cchReturnPathLength;             MAXPATH
        pCallBack               dd      ?       ;CounterPathCallBack pCallBack;         NULL
        dwCallBackArg           dd      ?       ;DWORD_PTR dwCallBackArg;               NULL
        CallBackStatus          dd      ?       ;PDH_STATUS CallBackStatus;             ERROR_SUCCESS
        dwDefaultDetailLevel    dd      ?       ;DWORD dwDefaultDetailLevel;            PERF_DETAIL_WIZARD
        szDialogBoxCaption      dd      ?       ;LPTSTR szDialogBoxCaption;             "Select a counter to monitor."



Some Assembly Required
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Post 12 Mar 2006, 20:42
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Reverend 13 Mar 2006, 11:43
You can define constant values like:
bIncludeInstanceIndex = 0
bSingleCounterPerAdd = 1
bSingleCounterPerDialog = 2
bLocalCountersOnly = 4
bWildCardInstances = 8
And later in code check the value like this:

; set flag
or [pdh.ConFlag], bWildCardInstances

; check if flag was set
test [pdh.ConFlag], bSingleCounterPad
jz flag_is_not_set    
Post 13 Mar 2006, 11:43
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vid 13 Mar 2006, 12:03
i suggest this way of definition:
bIncludeInstanceIndex   = 0000b
bSingleCounterPerAdd    = 0001b
bSingleCounterPerDialog = 0010b
bLocalCountersOnly      = 0100b
bWildCardInstances      = 1000b

;PS: clear flag
and [...], not bIncludeInstanceIndex

Last edited by vid on 13 Mar 2006, 21:10; edited 1 time in total
Post 13 Mar 2006, 12:03
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farrier 13 Mar 2006, 14:27

Thanks for your reponses! Both good--and similar--ideas, I figure this is what is happening in other languages/assemblers "behind the scenes". I'll play around with a few different test/set/clear routines to see which feels better to me.

Thanks again!


Some Assembly Required
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Post 13 Mar 2006, 14:27
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Tomasz Grysztar

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Tomasz Grysztar 13 Mar 2006, 14:39
Check out the BT/BTS/BTR/BTC instructions, they come quite handy for bit manipulations sometimes (there were also very interesting instructions IBTS and XBTS in the early 386 processors, but they soon became removed).
Post 13 Mar 2006, 14:39
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farrier 13 Mar 2006, 20:04
Tomasz Grysztar,

Thanks! After looking at these, they seem to be well suited for certain circumstances. I'll probably use all of these methods on different occasions.



Some Assembly Required
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U.S.Constitution; Bill of Rights; Amendment 1:
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Post 13 Mar 2006, 20:04
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Reverend 13 Mar 2006, 20:20
I suggested test instruction, because if properly used it can act exactly the same as bt instr. but it is AFIK faster.

vid: Yes, you're right about that. I wanted to write sth similar, but with '1 shl 1' ', '1 shl 2', '1 shl 3' Smile. Your solution is the simpliest and probably the most readable.
Post 13 Mar 2006, 20:20
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Madis731 14 Mar 2006, 12:32
BitTest instructions are faster on newer processor taking the same amount of microinstructions with comparable TEST,AND,OR,XOR instructions. On older processors they took tens of clocks because of the logic they followed (shift and test flags, shift and test flags....). Now on the microcode level they are assembled as TESTs, ANDs, ORs or XORs for BT, BTS, BTR, BTC respectively.
Post 14 Mar 2006, 12:32
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Tomasz Grysztar

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Tomasz Grysztar 14 Mar 2006, 13:17
BT instructions with the register operand for bit number have some advantage over TEST/AND/OR where you need to do shifts by CL etc.

Also, as it is not widely known, when you do things like
BT [EBX],EAX    

the number of bit indexed by EAX may be higher that 31, and you can index very large arrays of bits this way.
Post 14 Mar 2006, 13:17
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Madis731 14 Mar 2006, 14:01
;Is World capitalized?
  bt [sayhello],32*6+6
  je .itisnot
  ;YES it is Very Happy

  sayhello db 'Hello World!'

Does it really work? I know that this will not exactly hold true in all cases, but its only an example. Hmm, I should investigate it more.
Post 14 Mar 2006, 14:01
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Tomasz Grysztar

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Tomasz Grysztar 14 Mar 2006, 14:04
No, it won't work this way. It only works when the bit is indexed by register, like:
  mov eax,32*6+6
  bt [sayhello],eax    

Though in the case when you give the number of bit directly, the assembler could work it out and change the instruction to "BT [sayhello+6],6" - Intel manuals states that some assemblers do it (though I don't know which ones are those). However flat assembler doesn't. Do you think it should?
Post 14 Mar 2006, 14:04
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Madis731 14 Mar 2006, 14:49
Ok, the results:
15-16 clocks per cycle on a P4:
        ;I don't know why Olly doesn't recognize pause hint!?
        ;Well it didn't help anyway Very Happy
        mov ecx,1048576
        bt [403000h],ecx
        loop    .testbits

I managed to go as slow as 1.07 clocks per TEST/DEC ECX cycle with 16x unrolling:
        mov ecx,1048576/16
        bt [403000h],ecx
        dec ecx
        bt [403000h],ecx
        dec ecx
        bt [403000h],ecx
        dec ecx
        bt [403000h],ecx
        dec ecx
        bt [403000h],ecx
        dec ecx
        bt [403000h],ecx
        dec ecx
        bt [403000h],ecx
        dec ecx
        bt [403000h],ecx
        dec ecx
        bt [403000h],ecx
        dec ecx
        bt [403000h],ecx
        dec ecx
        bt [403000h],ecx
        dec ecx
        bt [403000h],ecx
        dec ecx
        bt [403000h],ecx
        dec ecx
        bt [403000h],ecx
        dec ecx
        bt [403000h],ecx
        dec ecx
        bt [403000h],ecx
        dec ecx
        jnz     testbits 
Post 14 Mar 2006, 14:49
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Reverend 14 Mar 2006, 16:19
I didn't know that bt instrcutions are faster. But we learn all the time. Thanks for explaining me this
Post 14 Mar 2006, 16:19
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Borsuc 14 Mar 2006, 17:18
Tomasz Grysztar wrote:
the number of bit indexed by EAX may be higher that 31, and you can index very large arrays of bits this way.

That's quite useful for compression algos (or where controlling individual bits is important). Sure, bsf and bsr are also needed in some cases, bt can't do it all (btw the fact that it copies into the carry flag is pretty useful, you can do tricks with rotates and adc/sbb Wink )

Tomasz Grysztar wrote:
Though in the case when you give the number of bit directly, the assembler could work it out and change the instruction to "BT [sayhello+6],6" - Intel manuals states that some assemblers do it (though I don't know which ones are those). However flat assembler doesn't. Do you think it should?

I would vote for it (or have 'advanced' optimizing macros, but it might get a bit slow with macros).
Post 14 Mar 2006, 17:18
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Madis731 15 Mar 2006, 08:07
Wouldn't the offset make the instructions longer ^o) and I don't know how to comment speed on that. At least my test results showed that there is no penalty in calculating offsets from say EAX=66666 Razz so I don't know what FASM should do.

I really think that if I write bt [address],one_million_in_eax, then I intend to do so. If I needed indexes, scales, offsets, I'd use LEA in combination with 32-bit test/cmp instrutions...
Post 15 Mar 2006, 08:07
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MazeGen 15 Mar 2006, 08:51
Note that BT instructions with a memory operand are very slow on processors prior to P4.
Post 15 Mar 2006, 08:51
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LocoDelAssembly 15 Mar 2006, 14:46
Tomasz Grysztar wrote:
Intel manuals states that some assemblers do it (though I don't know which ones are those). However flat assembler doesn't. Do you think it should?
Please no, the inmediate value could be a symbol with a very high value which can cause a page fault and then it will be difficult to find out the problem (especially because you will find an address operand very different).
Post 15 Mar 2006, 14:46
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