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Index > Windows > Surely this should compile? (Solved!)

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Joined: 16 Jan 2006
Posts: 7
Bodger 16 Jan 2006, 02:44
EDIT: This problem was solved in this thread. It was my fault all along, no surprises there! javascript:emoticon('Embarassed')


I'm new to FASM, and I like what I've seen about it.


There seems to be a problem with the includes I have (possibly IMPORT32.INC), because this will not compile

format PE GUI 4.0

include "win32ax.inc"

invoke ExitProcess,0
.end start

It reports:

(blah)....include/win32ax.inc [149] .end [7]:
(blah)....include/win32ax.inc [117] import_kernel32 [0]:
{ common macro import_#lib \{ import lib,functions \} }
(blah)....include/macro/import32.inc [26] import [3]:
if used label
error: invalid expression.

Can anybody advise me on a solution to this?

Thanks in advance,
Bodger Embarassed

-- quidquid latine dictum sit altum viditur --

Last edited by Bodger on 17 Jan 2006, 00:33; edited 1 time in total
Post 16 Jan 2006, 02:44
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vbVeryBeginner 16 Jan 2006, 03:23
hi bodger,
maybe you need to set up fasm dev environment first before proceeding to start coding :p

1. download fasm zipped file from flatassembler.net
2. extract the file into a directory, (eg. c:\fasm)
3. right click my computer > properties > advance [tab] > environment variable.
4. click new button under "system variables" and type variable name = "fasminc", variable value = "c:\fasm\include" then OK
5. double click path and add ";c:\fasm" (";" is separator)
6. now. click start > run and type cmd
7. type "fasm" and enter
you would see something like below
flat assembler  version 1.65.8
usage: fasm source [output]

8. if you need to include eg. include "win32ax.inc", change it to
include "%fasminc%\win32ax.inc"

9. cmd to the directory where your file located.
10. fasm yourfile.asm

and you would have your "yourfile.exe" assembled (assume u r doing win32 app).

if you want more easy, set the fasminc variable and use the fasmw editor.
Post 16 Jan 2006, 03:23
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Bodger 16 Jan 2006, 04:41
Hi vbVeryBeginner, and thank you for your reply.

I have set up fasm already, and am using the fasminc environmental variable. Fasm is definately finding the includes, as I tried to put in a 'display' command into the macro and it didn't like it.

I originally had a more complex program that was doing a lot more, but it wouldn't assemble. I created this super-short one to test the win32ax.inc.

So Fasm is now reporting an error in the win32ax.inc with the import macro; specifically the line:

{ common macro import_#lib \{ import lib,functions \} }

(which I don't understand what it does).

This error is in turn derrived from import32.inc in it's import macro. Here are the first lines of this macro:

macro import name,[label,string]
{ common
if used label

The line in bold is generating the error. So I'm guessing that it's been called with garbage from the win32ax.inc?

Thanks again, I hope you can help me out.

-- quidquid latine dictum sit altum viditur --
Post 16 Jan 2006, 04:41
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vbVeryBeginner 16 Jan 2006, 06:14
hi bodger,
i use the latest fasm and assembly the following without any problem?
?? how bout you try re-download the fasm and see if you could assemble your code Razz

format PE GUI 4.0 

include "%fasminc%\win32ax.inc" 

invoke ExitProcess,0 
.end start 
Post 16 Jan 2006, 06:14
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FrozenKnight 16 Jan 2006, 09:08
i think he just needs to set the include path.
Post 16 Jan 2006, 09:08
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Bodger 16 Jan 2006, 22:54
Hi again,

I downloaded the latest fasm (1.65.Cool, mine was 1.65.7. And the code does indeed assemble now.

The includes were being included as fasm was reporting errors *in* them, but other than that I haven't got a clue why it wasn't working.

Still on-topic I think; I've noticed that GetDeviceCaps in gdi32 is unrecognized at assemble time, other function from gdi32 seem to work fine. Also RegisterClassEx in user32.

Now, I've checked the includes and the deffinitions are there along with others that do assemble.

Any Ideas?

-- quidquid latine dictum sit altum viditur --
Post 16 Jan 2006, 22:54
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Tomasz Grysztar

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Tomasz Grysztar 16 Jan 2006, 23:00
They are recognized when I try them. Can you post the source that doesn't work?
Post 16 Jan 2006, 23:00
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Bodger 16 Jan 2006, 23:45
As advised, here is some code that I can't assemble. Several api functions (in bold) appear not to be recognized. Interestingly these differ from my other, larger, project. Strangely GetDeviceCaps works in this code...


format PE GUI 4.0

include "win32ax.inc"

invoke GetModuleHandle, NULL
mov [hInstance],eax
stdcall WinMain, [hInstance],NULL,NULL, SW_SHOWDEFAULT
invoke ExitProcess, eax

proc WinMain hInst,hPrevInst,CmdLine,CmdShow
local msg:MSG

invoke GetDC,0
mov [DeskDC],eax
push eax
invoke GetDeviceCaps,eax,HORZSIZE
mov [ScreenW],eax
invoke GetDeviceCaps,[DeskDC],VERTSIZE
mov [ScreenH],eax
pop eax
invoke ReleaseDC,0,eax

mov [wc.cbSize],sizeof.WNDCLASSEX
mov [wc.style], CS_HREDRAW or CS_VREDRAW
mov [wc.lpfnWndProc], WndProc
mov [wc.cbClsExtra],NULL
mov [wc.cbWndExtra],NULL
push [hInstance]
pop [wc.hInstance]
mov [wc.hbrBackground],COLOR_BTNFACE+1
mov [wc.lpszMenuName],NULL
mov [wc.lpszClassName],ClassName
invoke [b]LoadIcon[\b], [hInst],IDR_ICON ;not working
mov [hIcon],eax
mov [wc.hIcon],eax
mov [wc.hIconSm],eax

invoke LoadCursor,NULL,IDC_ARROW
mov [wc.hCursor],eax

invoke [b]RegisterClassEx[\b], addr.wc ;not working

mov ecx,[ScreenW]
mov edx,[ScreenH]
sub ecx,265
sub edx,203
shr ecx,1
shr edx,1

;not working
invoke [b]CreateWindowEx[\b],WS_EX_TOPMOST,\

mov [hMain],eax
invoke ShowWindow, eax,[CmdShow]
invoke UpdateWindow, [hMain]

invoke [b]GetMessage[\b], addr.msg,NULL,0,0 ;not working
or eax,eax
jz wmDone
invoke [b]TranslateMessage[\b], addr.msg ;not working
invoke [b]DispatchMessage[\b], addr.msg ;not working
jmp wmMessageLoop
mov eax,[msg.wParam]

proc WndProc hWnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam
mov eax,[uMsg]
cmp eax,WM_DESTROY
jne wpDefault
invoke PostQuitMessage,NULL
jmp wpDone
invoke DefWindowProc,[hWnd],[uMsg],[wParam],[lParam]
xor eax,eax

ClassName db 'MyClassName',0

section '.bss' readable writeable
hInstance dd ?
hIcon dd ?
ScreenW dd ?
ScreenH dd ?
hMain dd ?

.end start

EDIT: Well they were supposed to be in bold Sad
I've added comments instead.

-- quidquid latine dictum sit altum viditur --
Post 16 Jan 2006, 23:45
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Tomasz Grysztar

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Tomasz Grysztar 17 Jan 2006, 00:08
LoadIcon is not working because IDR_ICON is not defined (fasmw shows you that the error is on "push IDR_ICON" instruction.
RegisterClassEx has the "addr.wc" as argument - it should be "addr wc" to work correctly, as "addr.wc" is just treated as a one long name, and again it's undefined symbol.

The next ones for the similar reasons.
Post 17 Jan 2006, 00:08
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Bodger 17 Jan 2006, 00:31

I thought I'd read that addr.var somewhere in the fasm docs, but now I'm not so sure (maybe my mind is going).

Thanks a lot Tomasz. I've now tracked down all my bads in my first propper fasm project.

I was really fighting to get fasm to work, I was hoping it was something I was doing wrong. Generally I don't give software much of a chance, but this seemed worth it.

Thanks again,

-- quidquid latine dictum sit altum viditur --
Post 17 Jan 2006, 00:31
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