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estrang 06 Nov 2005, 01:08
Im very new to asm. Im out of idea what going wrong here. Im trying to input string here and output it.

This should be the input out put but it doesnt show this way
Input: Please Enter a string: Hello World


You entered the string: Hello World

I was able to input a string. But when i try to show it it all got messed up. The previous output got overwritten. and Only some parts of the output showed.

Can some1 tell me what im doing wrong here??

        org 100h
        mov dx, hl_text
        mov ax, 0900h
        int 21h
        mov ax, 0A00h
        int 21h
        add dx, 02h
        push dx
        mov dx, ye_text
        mov ax, 0900h
        int 21h
        pop dx
        int 21h
        mov ax, 0700h ;getch() in TC
        int 21h
        mov ax, 4C00h
        int 21h

hl_text db 'Please Enter a string: ', 24h
ye_text dd 0A0Dh;
        db 'You entered the string: ', 24h    
Post 06 Nov 2005, 01:08
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daluca 06 Nov 2005, 07:36
org 100h 
        mov dx, hl_text 
        mov ax, 0900h 
        int 21h               ;up to this point everything is O.K.
                                 ;you get the message displayed right?

input_string_here:       ;here begins the problem wen you get here
        mov ax, 0A00h   ;dx holds the offset of the first message(hl_text)
        int 21h               ;but it should contain the offset of a buffer whith
                                 ;2 leading bytes: one for you to tell to int 21h how
                     ;many characters maximum you want to get and the other
                     ;to let int 21h  tell you how many characters actually got
                     ;but you already new that  rigth? beacouse you add 2 to
                     ;dx to jump over thos bytes.
                     ;so if I put ABCD and press the enter key your hl_text looks
;like this:    db 50h,04h,'ABCD'0Dh....
;50h is the byte representing the 'P' of 'Please....' wich is 80 decimal,with this
;tou told int 21h that you want maximum 80 characters, the 04h is the 
;number of characters that the function got: 'ABCD' and the 0Dh is the enter ;key
        add dx, 02h  ;here you set the dx to the 'ABCD' beacouse you are
        push dx        ;skiping thous bytes and saving the dx right?

        mov dx, ye_text  ;this is no problem, you make the dos
        mov ax, 0900h    ;jump to a new line and print the message ye_text
        int 21h 
display_output:     ;this is another problem,ah still holds 09h and  int 21h
        pop dx         ;prints the message in the current cursor position
        int 21h         ;but wen it gets to print the 0Dh character the function
                           ;understand it as carriage return(so it goes back to the
                           ;beginning of the line and keps printing from there
                           ;so thats why your string gets  overwritten
        mov ax, 0700h ;getch() in TC 
        int 21h                     ;well this part just waits for a key to exit rigth?
        mov ax, 4C00h 
        int 21h 

hl_text db 'Please Enter a string: ', 24h 
ye_text dd 0A0Dh; 
        db 'You entered the string: ', 24h

;so as you can see the mayor problem is that 0Dh character if you want
;to print the string directly  need to get  ride of it or make shure nothing
;gets printed after that character this is  an idea:

org 100h
    mov dx,hl_text
    mov ax,900h     ;the first message gets printed
    int 21h
mov dx,buffer -2       ;remember those two bytes
mov ax,0a00h
int 21h
mov dx,ye_text      ;here we print the other text
mov ax,900h
int 21h 
mov dx,buffer      ;and we print the captured text
int 21h
mov ax, 0700h ;getch() in TC
        int 21h
        mov ax, 4C00h
        int 21h          
  hl_text db 'Please Enter a String: ' ,24h
ye_text dd 0d0ah
db 'You entered the string: ',24h
db 40     ;40 bytes maximum
db 0       ;here the function will put number of characters entered
buffer db '$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$'
; $ is the terminated character of int 21h  so wen we put oir name
;it will be written at the begining of buffer and at the end there will be a 
;0dh that will make the cursor go to the begining of the line but nothing
;will be overwritten beacouse the  next character of that 0dh will be for sure
;a $ that will make the function stop
;I put 40 in buffer-2 ,but I did not count the $ characters this is just 
;an example 
;i hope i help    sorry for the english

[editpost:Matrix](its a little easier to read in code tags)[/editpost]
Post 06 Nov 2005, 07:36
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daluca 06 Nov 2005, 07:45
sorry for the respond looks so bad I dont now what hapen wen I write it
it looks aligned
this is may first reply ever
I just want to give the sensation of being explaining line by line
next time I will put the sourse and may comentaries separated
Post 06 Nov 2005, 07:45
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estrang 06 Nov 2005, 09:00
NP thnks for the help. I still get a problem though. The overwritten is solved but still have a problem.

Output is wrong:
Please Enter a string: Hello World

 string: ed the string: Hello World

And also how come this wont work??
mov ax, [ds:dx-2]

or this doesnt work too
mov dx, dx -2

i remember trying this before i remember it worked.

here is the current source:
        org 100h
        mov dx, hl_text
        mov ax, 0900h
        int 21h
        mov ax, 0A00h
        int 21h
        add dx, 02h
        push dx
        mov dx, ye_text
        mov ax, 0900h
        int 21h
        pop dx
        int 21h
        mov ax, 0700h ;getch() in TC
        int 21h
        mov ax, 4C00h
        int 21h

hl_text db 'Please Enter a string: ', 24h
ye_text db 0Ah;
        db 'You entered the string: ', 24h                        
Post 06 Nov 2005, 09:00
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profkid13 06 Nov 2005, 11:27
or this doesnt work too
mov dx, dx -2

this can only work when you use numbers etc like
mov dx,5-3

in this case, the precompiler calculates it for you Wink

should be
sub dx,2
Post 06 Nov 2005, 11:27
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estrang 06 Nov 2005, 16:06
e.g. i want dx to point 2 spot higher than its current psosition how do i do that??

like dx is currently pointing to address segment::100 and i want it to point to 120 hows that??
Post 06 Nov 2005, 16:06
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estrang 06 Nov 2005, 22:27
In a reference for using interrupts. It says that after inputting a string buffer. the buffer inputted will be located at ds::dx . So after inputting the string will be located in dx, am i right?

But there is 2 bytes the the begginning of the string that i dont need. So i did add dx, 02h. Is the a better way that this that ill make more sense when you look at it?? like mov, dx [ds:dx+2]??

Does any1 know what am i doing wrong with the current code?? I think the seconmd line of output is still overwritting each other. There are probably junks in the output. probably another '\r' that why its overwritting wht i have written.

        mov ax, 0A00h 
        int 21h 
        add dx, 02h ;i did this coz my reference says that the first is the size and the second is the bytes read.
        push dx 
        mov dx, ye_text 
        mov ax, 0900h 
        int 21h 
Post 06 Nov 2005, 22:27
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Matrix 06 Nov 2005, 23:50
you should read the flat assembler documentations,
your thread is going back to the beginning, what is addressing.
this is not forbidden, but it whould be easier if you read the docs...

in this case: dx holds the address of the character, (ds:dx)
if you mov dx,5 then ds:5 is the address
Post 06 Nov 2005, 23:50
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estrang 07 Nov 2005, 00:12
Ah IC. Ok ill reread it.
Post 07 Nov 2005, 00:12
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daluca 07 Nov 2005, 02:10
mov dx,dx-2 dont work beacouse the assembler needs numbers
dx can hold numbers but it doesnt have any particular value this is one
of the diferences betwen C and asm. the mov instruction is not an assignament
operator like : dx = dx-2
if you want to dx be dx-2 you have to decrement it twice:
dec dx
dec dx
or substract 2 from it:
sub dx,2

mov ax,[ds:dx-2] doesnt work beacouse dx is not ment to be use as an adressing register but you can use bx,si,di,bp instead
your message gets still overwritten becouse you are still using the first message as buffer,you should use another buffer
Post 07 Nov 2005, 02:10
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estrang 07 Nov 2005, 07:43
Ok got it. Bback i think i really need to reread the manual.
Post 07 Nov 2005, 07:43
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vid 07 Nov 2005, 13:51
daluca: use [code] and [/code] tags around your code to make it readable...

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Post 07 Nov 2005, 13:51
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estrang 08 Nov 2005, 18:35
Ive read the manuals. But still cant figure out why that script is not printing correctly. Can someone tell me wht am i doing wrong with it??
Post 08 Nov 2005, 18:35
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Matrix 09 Nov 2005, 02:42
sorry i thought it was a user error at first sight, but now,
i say i didn't knew there were so much bugs in dos functions,
i knew about some at the read string part, i managed to succeed with hard task, using this dos function as it should work, but something is not right at this function, i did not take tha time to debug the dos function what is wrong, i can recommend writing your own function for reading a string, the error is in dos read string and write string,

i personally dont use this function of dos.

heres a code i wrote for taking a simple string as input and echo ing it as you whould like to,
using bios functions:
        org 100h

        mov ax,$3
        int 10h         ; setmode 80x25 text

start:  mov si, hl_text ; display hl_text
         call bwrite
input_: mov si, hl_text ; offset to buffer
        mov cx, 128      ; max
         call readstring01 ; parameter: cx=buffer size, ds:si = destination buffer, starts at bios xy coordinates
         call newline
        mov si, gl_text
         call bwrite
        mov si, hl_text
         call bwrite
getch:  xor ah,ah     ; zero out ah
        int 16h ; bios wait keypress
        ret ;exit without dos int 21h
bwrite: push ax bx
        xor bx,bx
.core:  lodsb ; ds:si is source, 0 terminated string
        or al,al
         jnz .go
        pop bx ax
.go:    mov ah,0Eh
        int 10h       ; display
         jmp .core
bwritechar:  push bx cx ; al is input char, written at cursor position
             mov ah,0Ah
             xor bx,bx
             mov cx,1      ; count
             int 10h       ; display
             pop cx bx

readstring01: push es; parameter: cx=buffer size, ds:si = destination buffer, starts at bios xy coordinates
              push ds
              pop es
              mov di,si
              mov [.max],cx
              call bgetxy
              mov [startxy],dx
.maincore:    push si di
               call breadkey
              pop di si
              cmp ax,$1C0D ; enter
              je .done
              cmp ax,$0E08 ; backspace
              jne .addchar
               call decxy ; decxy, set new xy
               mov al,' '
               call bwritechar
               call decxy ; decxy, set new xy
               cmp di,si
                jbe .not
               dec di
.not:          mov byte [di],0   ; truncate string buffer
                call updatestring ; update string on screen
               jmp .maincore
.addchar:      mov cx,di
               sub cx,si
               cmp cx,[.max]
               jae .skip
                call incxy ; inc x, pointer, set new xy
               mov byte [di],0   ; truncate string buffer
.skip:          call updatestring ; update string on screen
         jmp .maincore
.done:        pop es
.max: dw 0
startxy: dw 0
updatestring: pusha  ; update string on screen
              mov dx,[startxy]
              call bgotoxy
               call bwrite
decxy:         call bgetxy ; sub 1 from xy
              or dl,dl
              jnz .ok      ; not at x=0
              or dh,dh     ; y is 0?
              jz .mod
              dec dh       ; y pos dec
              mov dl,80    ; x pos end
.ok:          dec dl       ; dec offset in buffer
               call bgotoxy  ; set new xy
.mod:         ret          ; return
incxy:         call bgetxy ; add 1 to xy
              cmp dl,79    ; xmax
              jb .ok
              cmp dh,24    ; ymax
              jae .mod
              inc dh       ; y pos inc
              xor dl,dl    ; x pos home
.ok:          inc dl
               call bgotoxy ; set new xy
.mod:         ret

breadkey:     mov ah,$10  ; biosreadkey returns ax
              int $16
bgotoxy: ; dl=x, dh=y ( 0,0 = upper left )
pusha ; transparency
mov ah,2
xor bh,bh
int 10h
bgetxy: ; ( 0,0 = upper left ) Return: AX = 0000h (Phoenix BIOS)
        ; CH = start scan line, CL = end scan line, DH = row (00h is top), DL = column (00h is left)
push ax
push bx
push es
push ds
push si
push di
mov ah,3
xor bh,bh
int 10h
pop di
pop si
pop ds
pop es
pop bx
pop ax

newline:mov si, .text_
        call bwrite
.text_: db 0Dh,0Ah,0

gl_text: db 'You entered the string: ',0
hl_text: db 'Please Enter a string: ',0 ; order this so wont be possible to owerwrite the other string

;        AH = 02h
;        BH = page number
;            0-3 in modes 2&3
;            0-7 in modes 0&1
;            0 in graphics modes
;        DH = row (00h is top)
;        DL = column (00h is left)
;Return: nothing
;SeeAlso: AH=03h,AH=05h,INT 60/DI=030Bh,MEM 0040h:0050h
;        AH = 03h
;        BH = page number
;            0-3 in modes 2&3
;            0-7 in modes 0&1
;            0 in graphics modes
;Return: AX = 0000h (Phoenix BIOS)
;        CH = start scan line
;        CL = end scan line
;        DH = row (00h is top)
;        DL = column (00h is left)
;Notes:  a separate cursor is maintained for each of up to 8 display pages
;        many ROM BIOSes incorrectly return the default size for a color display
;          (start 06h, end 07h) when a monochrome display is attached
;SeeAlso: AH=01h,AH=02h,AH=12h/BL=34h,MEM 0040h:0050h,MEM 0040h:0060h
;        AH = 0Ah
;        AL = character to display
;        BH = page number (00h to number of pages - 1) (see #00010)
;            background color in 256-color graphics modes (ET4000)
;        BL = attribute (PCjr, Tandy 1000 only) or color (graphics mode)
;            if bit 7 set in <256-color graphics mode, character is XOR'ed
;              onto screen
;        CX = number of times to write character
;Return: nothing
;Notes:  all characters are displayed, including CR, LF, and BS
;        replication count in CX may produce an unpredictable result in graphics
;          modes if it is greater than the number of positions remaining in the
;          current row
;SeeAlso: AH=08h,AH=09h,AH=11h"Tandy 2000",AH=4Bh,INT 17/AH=60h

feel free to use, modify if you like to

btw, come look at the FaQs especially the interrupt list part, where you can find yourself an interrupt list, where you can download your free copy if you dont have one already
Post 09 Nov 2005, 02:42
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Remy Vincent

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Remy Vincent 09 Nov 2005, 04:09
estrang wrote:
Im very new to asm. Im out of idea what going wrong here...

        org 100h
        mov dx, hl_text
        mov ax, 0900h
        int 21h
        mov ax, 0A00h
        int 21h
        add dx, 02h
        push dx
        mov dx, ye_text
        mov ax, 0900h
        int 21h
        pop dx
        int 21h
        mov ax, 0700h ;getch() in TC
        int 21h
        mov ax, 4C00h
        int 21h

hl_text db 'Please Enter a string: ', 24h
ye_text dd 0A0Dh;
        db 'You entered the string: ', 24h    

  org 100h
        mov dx, hl_text
        mov ax, 0900h
        int 21h
        MOV DX, YE_BUF
        mov ax, 0A00h
        int 21h
        add dx, 02h
        push dx
        mov dx, ye_text
        mov ax, 0900h
        int 21h
        pop dx
        int 21h
        mov ax, 0700h ;getch() in TC
        int 21h
        mov ax, 4C00h
        int 21h

hl_text db 'Please Enter a string: ', 24h
ye_text dd 0A0Dh;
        db 'You entered the string: ', 24h
YE_BUF  db 34,0,'$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$'

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Post 09 Nov 2005, 04:09
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Remy Vincent

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Remy Vincent 09 Nov 2005, 04:12
I have done my own "very funny" version of this program
-Try to enter >>>123456"<<<, it works nearly well...

ORG 100h

;----- Display hello text
MOV DX , C_HelloText
MOV AH , 09h ; INT 21h , Function 09h , Display String...$
INT 21h

;----- Input string here:
MOV DX , C_InputBuffer
MOV AH , 0Ah
INT 21h ; DX contains the Offset of the entered string

;----- Display yeah text
MOV DX , C_YeahText
MOV AH , 09h ; INT 21h , Function 09h , Display String...$
INT 21h

INT 20h

;=============== Data

C_HelloText DB "Please enter a string: " , "$"

C_YeahText DB 13 , 10 , "You entered the string: "
C_InputBuffer DB 34 , 0 , "$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$"
Post 09 Nov 2005, 04:12
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Remy Vincent

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Remy Vincent 09 Nov 2005, 04:22
With this user input, my program works too!!!:
- <<<14teenCharSong>>>
Post 09 Nov 2005, 04:22
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Remy Vincent

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Remy Vincent 09 Nov 2005, 05:01
If you enter "country names" as user input, the added small symbol often matches with a "could be usual" sentence about the country...

I tried:
>>>France>>> : France is serious country!
>>>United Kingdom<<< : Many good music from there!
<<<USA>>> : some clothes with "I love USA"!

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Post 09 Nov 2005, 05:01
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Remy Vincent

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Remy Vincent 09 Nov 2005, 05:12
<><Austrialia><> : This country is far away

Description: Input data "small program" with INT21
Filename: Test.zip
Filesize: 703 Bytes
Downloaded: 609 Time(s)

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Last edited by Remy Vincent on 09 Nov 2005, 05:28; edited 1 time in total
Post 09 Nov 2005, 05:12
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Remy Vincent

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Remy Vincent 09 Nov 2005, 05:22
Confused Confused


Confused Confused

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Post 09 Nov 2005, 05:22
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