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Index > OS Construction > Solar OS, Ranish, XOSL, Partition Magic...

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Joined: 06 Oct 2003
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Location: Czechoslovakia
MazeGen 14 Oct 2005, 15:41
Hi all,
general instalation rules for Solar OS on a HDD say that Ranish+XOSL is prefered as partition manager and loader.

Too bad, my HDD is already partitioned with Partition Magic SE 6.0. Nevertheless, I made new primary partition and installed Solar there.

So far, I can boot Solar OS, but it hangs in endless loop printing "No part.". When I looked at the sources, I figured out that the error rises from fact that it expects partition code 0DDh.
I expect I can set this code with Ranish or XOSL, but how to do it alternatively?

I have no other free primary partition for XOSL and see no possibility to set the code from Partition Magic Sad
Post 14 Oct 2005, 15:41
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bogdanontanu 14 Oct 2005, 18:22
Yes you can use Partition Magic or whatever tool you like... but indeed there that is a catch: you will have to set the partition code to 0xDD by hand.

This can be done without instaliing XOSL or Ranish. You just need to run Ranish part.exe from a DOS dischete or something, and it will allow you to setup the partition code. Take care since the menus are strange in part.exe but somewhere in there you can setup the partition code to whatever hex byte you want.

The next version of SolOS will do this for you at setup time. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Actually is do not recomend XOSL that much anymore because it has some problems with enabling A20 line on laptops (on my laptop ...go figure) Very Happy

Do not get me wrong ... XOSL is still a very good program -- if it works for you ... But that bug is devastating for me Wink (i will check the sources one day)

So when I dual boot SolOS and another OS (windows) I use SmartBoot Manager... it is text only but it does the job ok.

I will be back with details about how to do that by using Ranish part.exe or you can contact me by email ... allow some delay in my answers since my internet connection is sporadic at home and i am in the process of moving to a new home.

There was a thread with more details about this in the SolarOS forum but all that was lost because of a script kid.
Post 14 Oct 2005, 18:22
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MazeGen 14 Oct 2005, 20:56
Thanks for your effort and detailed answer, Bogdan. The thing with the partition code is really magic Smile

I'm looking forward to your next post. In fact, I already contacted you by email (yesterday), but you were quicker here Wink

I'm trying part.exe soon too.
Post 14 Oct 2005, 20:56
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bogdanontanu 14 Oct 2005, 22:18
You must be using a wrong email address... since I got no message, sorry ... my valid email address is bogdanontanu at yahoo dot com
Post 14 Oct 2005, 22:18
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Location: Sol. Earth. Europe. Romania. Bucuresti
bogdanontanu 14 Oct 2005, 22:35
so start part.exe in a DOS box (you should really run it on DOS)
it should say something like this:
  Ranish Partition Manager       Version 2.40.00           February 08, 2001
  Hard Disk  1   9,590 Mbytes [ 1,299 cylinders  x 240 heads  x 63 sectors ]
  Using LBA
                  File                Starting         Ending      Partition
  # Type Row   System Type         Cyl Head Sect    Cyl Head Sect  Size [KB]

  0  MBR   Master Boot Record        0    0    1      0    0    1          0
  1  Pri   Unused                    0    0    2      0    0   63         31
  2 >Pri 1 Windows FAT-32            0    1    1    540  239   63  4,089,928
  3  Pri 2 Unknown (0xDD)          541    0    1    548  239   63     60,480
  4  Pri 3 Windows FAT-32 LBA      549    0    1  1,298  239   63  5,670,000
  5        Unused                    0    0    0      0    0    0          0
  6        Unused                    0    0    0      0    0    0          0
  7        Unused                    0    0    0      0    0    0          0

       B - Boot flag on/off    INS - select file system   DEL - clear record
- MBR -----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Partition   Size¦
1>FAT-32     3,994¦        This is unsupported file system.
2 Unknown       59¦        No additional details are available.
3 FAT-32     5,537¦
4 Unused         
--- F1 Help -------- F2 Save - F3 Undo - F4 Mode - F5 Disk ------- ESC Quit -

Then use arrow keys to select the partition you want to use for Solar OS. It is the seccond partition in my case, your mileage may vary...
Press INS key - to select filesystem ...
It will show alist of filesystems and of course SolarFS is not among them.

Press INS key a seccond time... --> this time it will let you enter the hex code for the partition ID : enter 0xdd here.

Donet forgetn to save and you should not try this under WinNT or Win2k or WinXP because it might not write to the HDD. DOS or maybe Win98 should work...

At least that is how i have installed SolarOS onm my laptop's HDD

Ah, and do not forget to make the partition "active" in your boot manager... when you want to boot it...

Then you can enjoy an OS that stars up in under <1s
Post 14 Oct 2005, 22:35
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MazeGen 15 Oct 2005, 07:22
That's what I call excellent software support Smile
One of my partition still contains MS-DOS, so no problem. I'm going to do it now Smile

As for the e-mail, I really posted it to your yahoo address 13.10.2005 15:22 from mazegen ~at~ centrum ~dot~ cz. It seems to be delivered ok, it didn't return. Maybe the spam filter killed it?
Post 15 Oct 2005, 07:22
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Location: Sol. Earth. Europe. Romania. Bucuresti
bogdanontanu 15 Oct 2005, 18:18
I am sorry about that email... i have received none in between 2005.10.11 and 2005.10.14 Sad

It is very possible that my spam filetrs have captured it. Sorry...

With this level of spam i do receive it is always a possibility that i miss real emails.

In such cases please resend the message. Also take great care at the subject line (use only plain ascii/english characters) and make clear that it is related to SolarOS or Hostile Encounter or Win32ASM or other older bussines or projects that i have... since almost everyting else reaches the spam dump bin... Again sorry but such is life on this planet Wink

Also be aware that SolarOS HDD Explorer application -- the one that is included in the latest (kind of old) release -- is only able to browse FAT32 (no FAT16 or FAT12 although that would be easy to add) and not all flavours on FAT32 are supported... again there will be a better version of HDD Explorer in the next SolarOS version Wink
Post 15 Oct 2005, 18:18
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MazeGen 15 Oct 2005, 19:32
No need for apologies, I got your support here, so I am happy Very Happy

I also found out SolOS forum at win32asmcommunity, I think that's the best place for any additional questions.

I wrote the partition code according to your directions and it works perfect.
Just one note, my (a bit old) Partition Magic (PM) seems to have some problems with nonstandard partitions and therefore I can't recommend it for SolOS.
Additionally, PM reported some errors after changes made by part.exe. Don't know whether it is bug of PM or Ranish. Nevertheless, there is no HDD damage, all other OSes works well.
Post 15 Oct 2005, 19:32
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