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Index > Windows > String Coding problem

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Joined: 29 Oct 2004
Posts: 46
kidscracker 19 Sep 2005, 16:44
Well i have this problem, when i receive data from a socket sometimes i receive strange character that i can't show, this is an example:

well it doesn't look like that but something similar, the point is, how can i decode it?, I think that it's UTF8 encoded, but I'm not sur, I wrote a function to decode some of these chars, but not all, here is my code:
proc    STR_FixCharsString,lptrLine,lptrBuffer
        mov     esi,[lptrLine]
        mov     edi,[lptrBuffer]

        or      al,al
        jz      .Done
        cmp     al,0C2h
        jz      .Prefix0C2
        cmp     al,0C3h
        jnz     .NoPrefix
        or      al,0C0h
        jmp     .FixLoop

        jmp     .FixLoop


Thankx in advance Wink

PD: The string I receive are from the Messenger Server, as you can see it's a Nick Name

Description: HOW DOES IT LOOK
Filesize: 1.74 KB
Viewed: 2003 Time(s)


Post 19 Sep 2005, 16:44
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Joined: 29 Oct 2004
Posts: 46
kidscracker 19 Sep 2005, 20:35
Well as nobody answer my question I had to look for a solution. As i was thinking it was UTF8 encoded, so I had to look for the specification and make my own implementation, here is, I hope you will find it usefull,sorry if the comments are in Spanish Laughing .
proc    STR_UTF8ToUnicode,lptrUTF,lptrBuffer

        mov     esi,[lptrUTF]
        mov     edi,[lptrBuffer]
        xor     ebx,ebx                 ; DWORD que contendra el UNICODE
        xor     ecx,ecx
        lodsb                           ; Cargo Byte

        or      cl,cl                   ; Contador de Bytes
        jz      .NoReadingBytes         ; Cero, No procesos UNICODE

        and     al,3Fh                  ; Solo los 6 bits bajos
        shl     ebx,6                   ; Desplazo 6 bits
        or      bl,al                   ; Combino

        dec     cl                      ; Decremento Contador
        jnz     .ConvertLoop            ; !Cero, Siguiente Byte

        mov     eax,ebx                 ; Valor UNICODE
        stosw                           ; Escribo
        xor     ebx,ebx
        jmp     .ConvertLoop            ; Siguiente Byte

        or      al,al                   ; NULL?
        jz      .Done                   ; Termine

        test    al,80h                  ; Bit 7 activo?
        jz      .IsASCII                ; No,Es ASCII

        mov     ch,al                   ; Byte en CH
        shl     ch,1                    ; Elimino Bit 7
        xor     cl,cl                   ; Limpio CL(Contador de Bytes)
        shl     ch,1                    ; Roto
        jnc     .ExitBytesCountLoop     ; Era 0,Nada mas
        inc     cl                      ; Incremento el contador
        jmp     .BytesCountLoop         ; Era 1,Pruebo Siguiente Bit

        mov     ah,07Fh                 ; Mascara de los 7 primeros bits
        shr     ah,cl                   ;
        and     al,ah                   ; Tomo los bits validos
        movzx   ebx,al                  ; ECX contiene los bits altos
        jmp     .ConvertLoop            ; Siguiente Byte

        xor     ah,ah
        stosw                           ; Escribo el caracter(WORD)
        jmp     .ConvertLoop

        xor     eax,eax

Post 19 Sep 2005, 20:35
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