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Index > Main > [opcode] How to disable next instruction instead of Jxx?

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Joined: 18 Sep 2005
Posts: 106
wht36 18 Sep 2005, 07:31
Sometimes I just want to skip the next instruction.
Is there a shorter way to do it instead of using jumps?

I know that to diable the next single-byte instruction one can use
an opcode such as 3Ch (cmp al,xx). For example:
checkhtm:   lodsb
            cmp    al,'<'
            jne    .not_a_tag                  ;if not html tag, store the char
            db     3Ch                         ;else skip storing char
.not_a_tag: stosb
            cmp    esi,end_of_buffer
            jb     checkhtm

Now... Are there other opcodes that can disable an instruction with larger sizes?
Post 18 Sep 2005, 07:31
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Matrix 18 Sep 2005, 07:49
if im right:

i did not tesz it yet,


checkhtm:   lodsb
            cmp    al,'<'
            jne    .not_a_tag                  ;if not html tag, store the char
            db $66 ; else skip next 2 bytes ; line x
            mov bx,$00 ; else skip next 2 bytes ; line y
.not_a_tag: stosd
            cmp    esi,end_of_buffer
            jb     checkhtm 

read again carefully, line x and line y are the prefix of stosd
should be compiled as : mov ebx,"stosd" $0000

alternatively on pentium class processors you can use cmovxx for conditional processing.

Last edited by Matrix on 18 Sep 2005, 11:04; edited 1 time in total
Post 18 Sep 2005, 07:49
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wht36 18 Sep 2005, 10:02
Tried db $66 just now, doesn't work.
ollydbg displays $66 as superfluous data size
and still executes the next instruction.

cmovxx is a good idea, but doesn't allow me store single bytes, and there are times when I want to do something like:

.copyrite:      mov     ax,'(c'
                mov     al,')'
                jmp     .sto
.amp:           mov     al,'&'
                jmp     .sto
.gt:            mov     al,'>'
                jmp     .sto
.lt:            mov     al,'<'
                jmp     .sto
.nbsp:          mov     al,' '
.sto            stosb
                ...other stuff

and all that jmp are becoming an eyesore and I can't do something like cmovz al,'<'
Post 18 Sep 2005, 10:02
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Matrix 19 Sep 2005, 12:29
if you write:
checkhtm:   lodsb
            cmp    al,'<'
            jne    .not_a_tag                  ;if not html tag, store the char
            db $66,$b8 ; mov ebx, then 4 bytes data
.not_a_tag: stosd ; 2 bytes in 16 bit mode
                 stosd ; 2 bytes in 16 bit mode
            cmp    esi,end_of_buffer
            jb     checkhtm  
Post 19 Sep 2005, 12:29
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Reverend 19 Sep 2005, 19:49
You can use 0F2h (repnz) or 0F3h (rep/repz) but only if the next instruction is not in: lods, stos, cmps, ins, outs, scas

EDIT: Sorry, I misunderstood your question. Correct solutions would be: (1-byte instruction) 0A8h, (2-byte instruction) 066h, (3-byte instruction) 0A9h, 00h, (4-byte instruction) 0A9h
;       -----------------------------------------
        cmp     eax, TRUE
        jz      @F
        db      0A8h
        push    eax                     ; 1 byte
;       -----------------------------------------
        cmp     eax, TRUE
        jz      @F
        db      066h, 0A9h
        push    TRUE                    ; 2 bytes
;       -----------------------------------------
        cmp     eax, TRUE
        jz      @F
        db      0A9h, 000h
        lea     eax, [eax+ecx]          ; 3 bytes
;       -----------------------------------------
        cmp     eax, TRUE
        jz      @F
        db      0A9h
        lea     eax, [eax+ecx+1]        ; 4 bytes
;       -----------------------------------------    

EDIT2: You really intrigued me with your idea so I looked in my AMD documentations and found out another possible solution. But unfortunately it's the only two, there's no more (if we want to preserve all values, changing flags only). I created a special macro:
macro hide instr {
  local __start, __size, __seed
  load __seed byte from __start
  __size = $-__start
 end virtual
 if __size = 1
  if ((%t+__seed) mod 2) = 0
   db 0A8h
   db 03Ch
  end if
 else if __size = 2
  if %t*__seed mod 1 = 0
   db 066h, 0A9h
   db 066h, 03Dh
  end if
 else if __size = 3
  if %t*_seed mod 1 eq 0
   db 0A9h, 000h
   db 03Dh, 000h
  end if
 else if __size = 4
  if %t*__seed mod 1 = 0
   db 0A9h
   db 03Dh
  end if
  display 'Instruction not hidden', 13, 10
 end if
 label @@
 instr }    

        jmp     @F
  hide <push    eax> ; this will be done
  hide <push    ecx> ; skip this
        jmp     @F
  hide <push    edx> ; this will be done
  hide <push    ebx> ; skip this    
Everytime you hide any opcode, macro generates @@ label that points directly to the opcode, so that it can be done with a jump to @F (or @B)

EDIT3: Macro selects randomly which 'skipping prefix to use' depending on current timestamp and first byte of opcode

EDIT4: Smile Sorry for so many edits, but this topic got me really involved and I enjoy it very much! Smile Here is my next macro, which is in fact a modification of the previous one. It also randomly adds a prefix 0F2h or 0F3h before skipped instruction to obfuscate it even more. But it can be shut off changing the value of OBFUSCATE constant:

macro hide instr {
  local __start, __size, __seed
  load __seed byte from __start
  __size = $-__start
 end virtual
 local __bool_prefix, __bool_main
 __bool_main = ((%t+__seed) mod 2)
 match =TRUE, OBFUSCATE \{
  __bool_prefix = (((2*__seed*__seed*%t)+(4*__seed*%t)+(8*%t)) mod 3)
  if __bool_prefix = 0
   db 0F2h
  else if __bool_prefix = 1
   db 0F3h
  end if \}
 if __size = 1
  if __bool_main = 0
   db 0A8h
   db 03Ch
  end if
 else if __size = 2
  if __bool_main = 0
   db 066h, 0A9h
   db 066h, 03Dh
  end if
 else if __size = 3
  if __bool_main = 0
   db 0A9h, 000h
   db 03Dh, 000h
  end if
 else if __size = 4
  if __bool_main = 0
   db 0A9h
   db 03Dh
  end if
  display 'Instruction not hidden', 13, 10
 end if
 label @@
 instr }    

Here's what OllyDbg gave me:
00401000 > $ /EB 02         jmp     short bin2asci.00401004
00401002     |66            db      66                               ;  CHAR 'f'
00401003   . |3D 31D27402   cmp     eax,274D231
00401008   .  3D 008D0440   cmp     eax,40048D00
0040100D   .  3C 51         cmp     al,51
0040100F   .  EB 02         jmp     short bin2asci.00401013
00401011      F2            db      F2
00401012      A8            db      A8
00401013   >  50            push    eax
00401014   .  3C 55         cmp     al,55
00401016   .  F9            stc
00401017   .  72 02         jb      short bin2asci.0040101B
00401019      3D            db      3D                               ;  CHAR '='
0040101A      00            db      00
0040101B   .  8D0480        lea     eax,[eax+eax*4]
0040101E   .  5A            pop     edx                              ;  kernel32.7C816D4F
0040101F   .  F2:           prefix repne:
00401020   .  3D 0083C464   cmp     eax,64C48300
00401025   .  EB 02         jmp     short bin2asci.00401029
00401027      66            db      66                               ;  CHAR 'f'
00401028      3D            db      3D                               ;  CHAR '='
00401029   >  01D0          add     eax,edx                          ;  ntdll.KiFastSystemCallRet
0040102B   .  C3            ret    
And in fact this code does:
       lea     eax, [eax*2+eax]
        push    eax
        lea     eax, [eax*4+eax]
        pop     edx
        add     eax, edx
Post 19 Sep 2005, 19:49
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Joined: 18 Sep 2005
Posts: 106
wht36 20 Sep 2005, 09:50
Wow! Thanks! This is a cool macro you wrote! I had intended to find something to prevent too many jumps, but I had not realized one can use this kind of trick to confuse the disassembler as well! Very cool indeed!
Post 20 Sep 2005, 09:50
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