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> Windows > Common dialogs (newbie) |
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gnomen 07 Oct 2003, 23:08
Code: ;the following code is meant to show an open file dialog format PE GUI 4.0 entry start include '%include%/win32a.inc' section '.data' data readable writeable hinstance dd ? ofn OPENFILENAME fname rb 100h section '.code' code readable executable start: ;get the instance handle invoke GetModuleHandle,0 mov [hinstance],eax ;init the OPENFILENAME structure mov [ofn.lStructSize], sizeof.OPENFILENAME mov eax,[hinstance] mov [ofn.hInstance],eax mov [ofn.hwndOwner],HWND_DESKTOP ;show the open dialog invoke GetOpenFileName, ofn ;exit the program invoke ExitProcess, hinstance section '.idata' import data readable writeable library kernel,'KERNEL32.DLL',\ comdlg,'COMDLG32.DLL' import kernel,\ GetModuleHandle,'GetModuleHandleA',\ ExitProcess,'ExitProcess' import comdlg,\ GetOpenFileName,'GetOpenFileNameA' |
07 Oct 2003, 23:08 |
gnomen 08 Oct 2003, 00:32
I added a variable for the lpstrFile element, but now the dialog won't even show
Code: section '.data' data readable writeable ;... fname dd ? msg_title db 'Path',0 ;... section '.code' code readable executable start: ;get the instance handle invoke GetModuleHandle,0 mov [hinstance],eax ;init the OPENFILENAME structure mov [ofn.lStructSize], sizeof.OPENFILENAME mov eax,[hinstance] mov [ofn.hInstance],eax mov [ofn.hwndOwner],HWND_DESKTOP ;added to be able to get the file's path later mov [ofn.lpstrFile],fname ;show the open dialog invoke GetOpenFileName,ofn ;<-- it won't show! because of the fname var, i think ;test if I can get the file name invoke MsgBox,HWND_DESKTOP,fname,msg_title,MB_OK ;exit the program invoke ExitProcess, hinstance The MessageBox shows 'Path' in the title, but no text is displayed... Any ideas on how to make it work? |
08 Oct 2003, 00:32 |
pelaillo 08 Oct 2003, 07:34
ofn.lpstrFile is a pointer to a string, but as you declared your fname variable it is actually undefined pointer: fname dd ? In order to get the filename, you need to provide a buffer for hold the returned string, not a pointer (see your previous example): Code: buffer rb 100h ;.... mov [fname],buffer mov  [ofn.lpstrFile],[fname] ;or directly ;mov  [ofn.lpstrFile],buffer |
08 Oct 2003, 07:34 |
gnomen 13 Oct 2003, 15:18
Thanks for the tip, but still no luck... I am posting the entire code now so maybe someone can see what's wrong with it: Code: format PE GUI 4.0 entry start include '%include%\win32a.inc' section '.data' data readable writeable hinstance dd ? buffer rb 100h fname dd ? msg_title db 'Path',0 ofn OPENFILENAME section '.code' code readable executable start: ;get the instance handle invoke GetModuleHandle,0 mov [hinstance],eax ;init the OPENFILENAME structure mov [ofn.lStructSize], sizeof.OPENFILENAME mov eax,[hinstance] mov [ofn.hInstance],eax mov [ofn.hwndOwner],HWND_DESKTOP ;added to be able to get the file's path later mov [fname],buffer mov [ofn.lpstrFile],fname ;<-- If I comment this out, the next line works, but then I won't get the filename ;P ; and if i do: mov [ofn.lpstrFile],[fname] I get a compiler error, Invalid operand. ;show the open dialog invoke GetOpenFileName,ofn ;<-- still won't show if I have something in the ofn.lpstrFile ;test if I can get the file name invoke MsgBox,HWND_DESKTOP,fname,msg_title,MB_OK ;exit the program invoke ExitProcess, hinstance section '.idata' import data readable writeable library kernel,'KERNEL32.DLL',\ comdlg,'COMDLG32.DLL',\ user,'USER32.DLL' import kernel,\ GetModuleHandle,'GetModuleHandleA',\ ExitProcess,'ExitProcess' import comdlg,\ GetOpenFileName,'GetOpenFileNameA' import user,\ MsgBox,'MessageBoxA' |
13 Oct 2003, 15:18 |
inskipp 13 Oct 2003, 18:57
hello gnomen
You don't have to use the poiter fname if you have static buffer. You can simply pass its adress to functions: Code: mov [ofn.lStructSize], sizeof.OPENFILENAME mov eax,[hinstance] mov [ofn.hInstance],eax mov [ofn.hwndOwner],HWND_DESKTOP mov [ofn.nMaxFile],100h ;this isn't requeried, but i think it schuld be here mov [ofn.lpstrFile],buffer invoke GetOpenFileName,ofn invoke MsgBox,HWND_DESKTOP,buffer,msg_title,MB_OK </code] Now it works |
13 Oct 2003, 18:57 |
gnomen 14 Oct 2003, 12:42
Yes! good!
I believe the nMaxFile must have been the bad boy, as I've tried passing the buffer directly to lpstrFile before. |
14 Oct 2003, 12:42 |
gnomen 14 Oct 2003, 18:30
How can I trim the filename?
ie. is there a way to make a buffer of dynamic size and move it there? sample output: "D:\Thomas\{DEVELOP}\{PROJEKT}\fasm\Common Dialogs\GetOpenFileName.ASM<ton-of-nulls>" It should be: "D:\Thomas\{DEVELOP}\{PROJEKT}\fasm\Common Dialogs\GetOpenFileName.ASM" Btw, the quotes aren't part of the output, I just put them there to try and illustrate |
14 Oct 2003, 18:30 |
roticv 15 Oct 2003, 13:16
HeapCreate + HeapAlloc?
15 Oct 2003, 13:16 |
gnomen 15 Oct 2003, 15:27
Quote: HeapCreate + HeapAlloc? It might work, but I need to find the size of the filename (it doesn't seem to be returned to the OPENFILENAME structure). |
15 Oct 2003, 15:27 |
roticv 15 Oct 2003, 17:01
MAX_PATH is defined to be 256 if i am not wrong. for longer pathnames, unciode is needed.
15 Oct 2003, 17:01 |
gnomen 15 Oct 2003, 23:09
Sorry I wasn't being specific - what I meant was that if the returned pathname is shorter than max_path then how is it possible to know how long it is?
For example: I allocate a buffer of max_path bytes (buffer rb 100h) and mov it to [ofn.lpstrFile]. Then I mov [ofn.nMaxFile], 100h (I could use a pointer for this, but it doesn't seem to be changed by the function). Now I invoke GetOpenFileName, ofn... Fine, the dialog pops up, and I do get the pathname.. The sad part is that the buffer is still max_path long and if I WriteFile it, it writes the pathname + the empty rest of the buffer. I was thinking of using StrCopy or an equivalent (there's some new "secure" version of it), but I need to know the amount of bytes to copy. Do you know if/how this can be done? Thanks for helping |
15 Oct 2003, 23:09 |
roticv 16 Oct 2003, 13:26
Use strlen to get length of string. Then invoke WriteFile with that number instead of 256. That will definitely solve the problem.
16 Oct 2003, 13:26 |
gnomen 18 Oct 2003, 16:24
Quote: Use strlen to get length of string. I've downloaded the Fresh strlib, but how do I use it?? move the string to eax then stdcall it or what? Example code would be much appreciated! Thanks for replies |
18 Oct 2003, 16:24 |
scientica 18 Oct 2003, 16:45
Here is an example (read the strlib.asm header comment for instructions on how to implent it in your sources, the funcitons in it has comments with their usage,args and return values. Hope fully I'll soon finish the first realease of Harsyra so that users can get some sort of "easy to read/use" documentation, but for now looking in the sources is the only way to get the docsumention for it.)
Code: szString1 db 'This string',0 ... ; create a new string stdcall StrNew, 0 mov [ebx+TComment.pContent],eax ; eax is the handle to the string ; copy the "standard byte string" in esi to it: mov esi, szString1 stdcall StrCopy, eax, esi ; copy/set the filename stdcall StrLen, [ebx+TComment.pContent] ; returns length in eax stdcall StrLen, szString1 ; van be used on normal strings too. stdcall StrPtr, [ebx+TComment.pContent] ; get the pointer to the string, so we can for instance print it to stdout: stdcall PrintStringLn, eax ; (non StrLib function) _________________ ... a professor saying: "use this proprietary software to learn computer science" is the same as English professor handing you a copy of Shakespeare and saying: "use this book to learn Shakespeare without opening the book itself. - Bradley Kuhn |
18 Oct 2003, 16:45 |
decard 18 Oct 2003, 16:46
Code: stdcall StrLen, my_string where my_string is a pointer (or handle) to your string. |
18 Oct 2003, 16:46 |
gnomen 18 Oct 2003, 17:29
I can't understand this:
Code: ;--< How to use it >----------------------------------------------------------------- ; 1. Include "strutils.inc" somewhere in the begining of main file. That file doesn't exists! I tried including "strlib.inc" instead, but no success, since fasmw can't find the function "InitStrings" or any other, like "StrNew" Code: ; 2. Define structure "StrTable" of type "TStrTable" somewhere in data section. Ok, that I can do. Code: ; 3. Before using of library functions, call "InitStrings" I've tried using stdcall InitStrings (as #5 tells me, I've read the header to InitStrings. But it doesn't say how it should be called), but get an invalid operand - It seems to me, by looking at the code in strlib.asm, that esi and ebx should contain some arguments... What might they be? This is how far I've made it. Code: ; 4. After last use of the library (probably on close of application), ; call "FreeStrings" to free all used memory. ; 5. Some functions are with register parameter passing, other with "stdcall" ; parameter passing. Read the header descriptions of the functions. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Sorry for being a complete n00b at assembly |
18 Oct 2003, 17:29 |
decard 18 Oct 2003, 17:53
Actually this is our mistake
StrLib is made mostly for Fresh, and it uses Fresh's libraries. Also, the "How to use" comment is a bit outdated. Try this: ;--< How to use it >-------------------------------------------------------------- ; 0. StrLib requires Fresh stdcallex.inc library. You have to include it in the ; begining of your main sourcefile. ; 1. Include "strlib.inc" somewhere in the begining of main file. ; 2. If you are don't want to use Fresh macroses for global data (globals.inc), ; then you have to define structure "StrTable" of type "TStrTable" somewhere in ; data section, and comment lines 59-61 of this file. ; 3. Before using of library functions, call "InitStrings" ; 4. After last use of the library (probably on close of application), ; call "FreeStrings" to free all used memory. ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ...and this version of StrLib (I added StdCallEx.inc to the package) Hope it will help you, Decard |
18 Oct 2003, 17:53 |
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