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Joined: 31 Jul 2005
Posts: 13
sq4² 31 Jul 2005, 23:03
First of all : I am new to fasm...

I want to optimize a process in a realtime thread. (written in purebasic)

The process takes a pointer to a memory block of variable length. (between 1 and 64k)
This memory block is filled with 32bit floats.
Every float has to be multiplied by a constant value -> [2^x], where x >0 and x<32)

Somebody any idea what could be the fastest routine?
Now I do it in a for next loop with peek and poke.
Post 31 Jul 2005, 23:03
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comrade 01 Aug 2005, 03:40
Post 01 Aug 2005, 03:40
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Joined: 31 Jul 2005
Posts: 13
sq4² 01 Aug 2005, 09:51
Can you point me in the right direction?
(SSE related)

Pseudo code :
  ptrSrc = start of source memory block
  ptrDst = start of destination memory block
  For i = 0 to blocksize-1
    Float = PeekFloat(ptrSrc)
    ptrSrc+(i*4) : ptrDst+(i*4)

Post 01 Aug 2005, 09:51
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MCD 01 Aug 2005, 13:22
It's not completely clear for me whether those should be constants or variables in your pseudo-code:

If those are variables, than that's perhaps what he meant:
mov esi,[ptrSrc]
mov edi,[ptrDst]
mov ecx,[blocksize]
sub esi,ecx
sub edi,ecx
movss xmm1,[constant]
unpckps xmm1,xmm1
movlhps xmm1,xmm1

movups xmm0,[esi+ecx]
mulps xmm0,xmm1
movups [edi+ecx],xmm0
add ecx,16
jnc .MulLoop

Note: Both Src and Dst must be a multiple of 16 byte long, and should be aligned on a 16byte boundary to speed it up, so you can use this code:
mov esi,[ptrSrc]
mov edi,[ptrDst]
mov ecx,[blocksize]
sub esi,ecx
sub edi,ecx
movss xmm1,[constant]
unpckps xmm1,xmm1
movlhps xmm1,xmm1

movaps xmm0,[esi+ecx]
mulps xmm0,xmm1
movaps [edi+ecx],xmm0 ; .1)
add ecx,16
jnc .MulLoop

If you know that your floats aren't to be used anytime soon, you can also replace the line 1.) with "movntps [edi+ecx],xmm0".
If that isn't fast enough, you can further unroll the loop and process multiple multiplications at once, in different registers, like this, but data must be 64byte aligned than:
mov esi,[ptrSrc]
mov edi,[ptrDst]
mov ecx,[blocksize]
sub esi,ecx
sub edi,ecx
movss xmm7,[constant]
unpckps xmm7,xmm7
movlhps xmm7,xmm7

movaps xmm0,[esi+ecx]
mulps xmm0,xmm7
movaps xmm1,[esi+ecx+16]
mulps xmm1,xmm7
movaps xmm2,[esi+ecx+32]
mulps xmm2,xmm7
movaps xmm3,[esi+ecx+48]
mulps xmm3,xmm7
movaps [edi+ecx],xmm0 ;1.)
movaps [edi+ecx+16],xmm0 ;1.)
movaps [edi+ecx+32],xmm0 ;1.)
movaps [edi+ecx+48],xmm0 ;1.)
add ecx,64
jnc .MulLoop

It all just depends on how much data you have to process.

MCD - the inevitable return of the Mad Computer Doggy

.|| ||
Post 01 Aug 2005, 13:22
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Joined: 31 Jul 2005
Posts: 13
sq4² 02 Aug 2005, 23:55
thanks alot
i'll try it and let you know.
Post 02 Aug 2005, 23:55
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