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Index > Windows > restore stack after cdecl

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Joined: 30 Mar 2005
Posts: 129
wisepenguin 03 Aug 2005, 17:27
; stack.asm
; to get used to the stack, gets command line and prints it in messagebox

format PE GUI 4.0
include "win32axp.inc"

_message db "Command line=%s", 0
_ok db "Did it work ok ?", 0

        push ebp        ; save ebp
        mov ebp, esp
        sub esp, 256    ; 256 chars
        mov esi, esp    ; save the address for later use

        call [GetCommandLine]
        ;invoke GetCommandLine

        push eax
        push _message
        push esi
        call [wsprintf]
; if i comment the next three "pops" it still works
        pop ebx
        pop ebx
        pop ebx
        ;cinvoke wsprintf, esi, _message, eax

        push MB_OK
        push NULL
        push esi
        push HWND_DESKTOP
        call [MessageBox]
        ;invoke MessageBox, HWND_DESKTOP, esi, NULL, MB_OK

        mov esp, ebp    ; restore stack pointer
        pop ebp

        invoke MessageBox, HWND_DESKTOP, _ok, NULL, MB_OK

        invoke ExitProcess, 0
.end start
        ; END

wsprintf is a cdecl function so its my responsibility to restore the stack, and thats the three "pop"s. but it still works if i take them out and i do not understand why.
i read up about the cdecl and stdcall and all the examples show "pops" after a cdecl.

this is from the microsoft documentation, printf is a cdecl function

mov  eax, offset world
      push eax
      mov  eax, offset hello
      push eax
      mov  eax, offset format
      push eax
      call printf
      //clean up the stack so that main can exit cleanly
      //use the unused register ebx to do the cleanup
      pop  ebx
      pop  ebx
      pop  ebx
Post 03 Aug 2005, 17:27
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MazeGen 03 Aug 2005, 18:03
That's because the code, following the wsprintf call, doesn't depend on previous stack state. Even POP EBP is unnecessary - your program doesn't depend on its value.

I mean, if you comment that three pops, POP EBP will not match PUSH EBP, but PUSH ESI. Your program will still work, because you never use EBP after POP EBP.

Try to put some important value to EBP (e.g. offset of _ok) just before PUSH EBP and your program will not work correctly, when you comment that three pops:

        mov ebp,_ok
        push ebp        ; save ebp
        mov ebp, esp 


        mov esp, ebp    ; restore stack pointer
        pop ebp

        invoke MessageBox, HWND_DESKTOP, ebp, NULL, MB_OK

Post 03 Aug 2005, 18:03
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f0dder 03 Aug 2005, 18:44
Btw, don't use pop to clean the stack - use "add esp, <whatever>".
Post 03 Aug 2005, 18:44
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wisepenguin 03 Aug 2005, 21:55
f0dder: ok will do, i will remember that. is the microsoft code wrong then using pops ?
Post 03 Aug 2005, 21:55
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f0dder 04 Aug 2005, 00:58
Doing pops (probably) isn't wrong, but it's less efficient (you can adjust by some amounts with less opcode bytes with pop, but the code is slower). Has MS coded like this? Eek!
Post 04 Aug 2005, 00:58
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DC740 04 Aug 2005, 01:09
"Btw, don't use pop to clean the stack - use "add esp, <whatever>"."

i'm a newbie and i would like to know more about this topic, any suggestion? maybe some texts about this...(anyway i'm searching in google right now)

Post 04 Aug 2005, 01:09
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comrade 04 Aug 2005, 03:52
If you use add esp, X then it takes always one instruction, no matter how many parameters the function call took. However, using pop requires a pop for each parameter of the function call.

So if you have a function that takes ten parameters, you can either do a single add esp, 40 or you can do ten pop's. Clearly it is faster and smaller to do a single add esp, x.
Post 04 Aug 2005, 03:52
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f0dder 04 Aug 2005, 11:21
Not to mention that "add esp, X" only modifies the register, while pop has to read memory, trashes a register, and has multiple modifications of ESP.

You might want to look at fasm's proc macros to automate the stack cleanup...
Post 04 Aug 2005, 11:21
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