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Index > Macroinstructions > QUESTION : How can I make this macro work?

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Joined: 09 Jan 2004
Posts: 57
xanatose 24 Jun 2005, 23:29
After reading and modifitying it little more I still could not figure what I am doing wrong.

The 2 macros are:

; Creates a constant string
; This will create both a label to the string and a variable szName.size for its size.
; Must be used in the constant section.
; The size of the string does not include the NUL character at the end of it,
; @param szName Name of the label of the string
; @param szString String
macro cstring szName,[szString] {
  common label szName
  forward db szString
  lenof.#szName equ $ - szName
  db 0

; Copies a constant string to an area of Memory
; @param szName label of the constant string
; @param edi points to destination
; @affects esi edi ecx
; @note User is reponsible of adding the NUL character at the end of the string
macro cstring_copy szName {
  mov esi,szName

  if (lenof.szName) > 4
    mov ecx,(lenof.szName) / 4
    rep movsd
  end if

  if ((lenof.szName) and 3) > 0
    mov ecx,(lenof.szName) and 3
    rep movsb
  end if

It tells me that the symbol lenof.szName is undefined. Funny thing is that if I used outside a macro it works.

; In data
cstring szTest, "This is a test"

; Later in code
  mov ecx,(lenof.szTest) /4
  rep movsd

  mov ecx,(lenof.szTest) and 3
  rep movsb

works outside a macro, but inside one the len is undefined. How can I work around this?
Post 24 Jun 2005, 23:29
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Joined: 09 Jan 2004
Posts: 57
xanatose 25 Jun 2005, 04:24
Found the error. But could not find a way to delete the post.

I was using lenof.szName instead of lenof.#szLen

For the curious the code:
; Creates a constant string
; This will create both a label to the string and a variable szName.size for its size.
; Must be used in the constant section.
; The size of the string does not include the NUL character at the end of it,
; @param szName Name of the label of the string
; @param szString String
macro cstring szName,[szString] {
  common label szName
  forward db szString
  lenof.#szName equ $ - szName
  db 0

; Copies a constant string to an area of Memory
; @param szText label of the constant string
; @param edi points to destination
; @affects esi edi ecx
; @note User is reponsible of adding the NUL character at the end of the string
macro cstring_cpy szText {
  local szLen
  local bRemain
  local nDwords

  szLen = lenof.#szText ; Length of string

  ; Do we need to do anything at all?
  if szLen > 0
    ; Yes, if we are here.
    mov esi,szText   ; Set pointer

    ; Number of dwords to move
    nDwords = szLen / 4

    ; we use rep movsd if we have at least 4 dwords
    if nDwords > 3
      mov ecx,szLen / 4    ; Number of dwords to move
      rep movsd                         ; move them
    else if nDwords > 2
      ; 3 dwords
    else if nDwords > 1
      ; 2 dwords
    else if nDwords > 0
      ; 1 dword
    end if

    bRemain = szLen and 3 ; Remaining bytes

    ; Do we need to move 3 bytes?
    if bRemain > 2
      ; Move 3 bytes
    else if bRemain > 1   ; Do we need to move 2 bytes?
      ; Move 2 bytes
    else if bRemain > 0  ; Do we need to move 1 byte?
      ; Move 1 byte
    end if
  end if
Post 25 Jun 2005, 04:24
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madmatt 25 Jun 2005, 05:55
Hi, xanatose
I'm not an expert on Fasm marcros, but I think this line in your macro code:
lenof.#szName equ $ - szName    

Should be
lenof#.#szName equ $ - szName    

I think it will work like you want it to then.
Post 25 Jun 2005, 05:55
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Tomasz Grysztar

Joined: 16 Jun 2003
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Location: Kraków, Poland
Tomasz Grysztar 25 Jun 2005, 10:04
madmatt: this second hash doesn't matter here.
Post 25 Jun 2005, 10:04
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