flat assembler
Message board for the users of flat assembler.
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smiddy 07 Jun 2005, 22:48
Hi Redragon,
Which version of Menuet? I haven't had any problems here running it on AMD Athlon 3000+, or AMD Athlon 1800+, though I haven't checked the most recent pre-release. What error are you receiving? |
07 Jun 2005, 22:48 |
Redragon 08 Jun 2005, 00:48
i think its the most recent one, when it gets to the part where its supposed to load the blue screen with your options,it shows blue for a brief second, then it just restarts the computer
08 Jun 2005, 00:48 |
smiddy 08 Jun 2005, 01:54
It is late tonight for me, so I must head to bed. I'll check it later tomorrow and see if I get teh same thing. Are you loading from floppy, HD, or CD-ROM?
08 Jun 2005, 01:54 |
Dex4u 08 Jun 2005, 02:17
Hi Redragon,
If it at the blue screen at the start of menuet, it sounds like its in real mode, it could be any number of things. You could try this simple code: Code: ;************************************; \\|//; (@ @); ASHLEY4. (now called Dex4u); Put test.bin on boot sector; with rawrite.; Assemble with fasm; c:\fasm test.asm test.bin;************************************org 0x7C00use16;****************************; Realmode startup code.;****************************start: xor ax,ax mov ds,ax mov es,ax mov ss,ax mov sp,0x7C00;*****************************; Setting up, to enter pmode.;***************************** cli lgdt [gdtr] mov eax, cr0 or al,0x1 mov cr0,eax jmp 0x10: protected;*****************************; Pmode. ;*****************************use32protected: mov ax,0x8 mov ds,ax mov es,ax mov ss,ax mov esp,0x7C00;*****************************; Turn floppy off .;***************************** mov dx,3F2h mov al,0 out dx,al lea esi,[msg0] mov edi,0xB8000 + (80 * 3 + 4) * 2 mov ecx,28 cld rep movsb jmp $;*************************************; GDT. ;*************************************gdt: dw 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000sys_data: dw 0xFFFF, 0x0000, 0x9200, 0x00CFsys_code: dw 0xFFFF, 0x0000, 0x9800, 0x00CFgdt_end:gdtr: dw gdt_end - gdt - 1 dd gdt;*************************************; Data. ;*************************************msg0 db " H E L L O W O R L D ! " ;*************************************; Make program 510 byte's + 0xaa55;************************************* times 510- ($-start) db 0dw 0xaa55 PS: you must have the same spacers in the string, for the code to print the string. Assemble it as a bin file and put it on a floppy boot sector with something like rawrite. Let me know if it runs this, on the AMD pc. |
08 Jun 2005, 02:17 |
Redragon 08 Jun 2005, 19:04
I tried you code Dex, and it works.. shows a green box with the words Hello World! in it
08 Jun 2005, 19:04 |
smiddy 08 Jun 2005, 19:35
I tried the latest release here and had no real problems booting up. CPUID 94 didn't work but other than that it seemed ok to me. So it works on my AMD...
08 Jun 2005, 19:35 |
Dex4u 08 Jun 2005, 20:55
I thought it may be a problem with the text mode or font on that particular machine, as i use a differant size text mode and re-program the fonts in "Dex4u", but the above code users the same as menuetos, so its not that.
It could be any number of things. |
08 Jun 2005, 20:55 |
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