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> Windows > Local structures |
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JohnFound 15 Feb 2005, 16:05
You simply have to define the structure before the first line where you want to use it - and everything should be OK.
Regards. |
15 Feb 2005, 16:05 |
denial 15 Feb 2005, 17:16
Thank you, it worked.
However, I wrote the struct-definition into the code-section now. Is that allowed, or does it have to be in data-section? I prefer to have my data-section below the code, that's why I ask. |
15 Feb 2005, 17:16 |
JohnFound 15 Feb 2005, 17:21
denial wrote: However, I wrote the struct-definition into the code-section now. Is that allowed, or does it have to be in data-section? As far as structure definitions doesn't define any real data, it doesn't matter where exactly they will stay. The only condition is to be before variables defined with this structure. Regards. |
15 Feb 2005, 17:21 |
denial 15 Feb 2005, 17:33
Thank you - You've helped me with alot of problems since I'm here. I'm very glad about.
15 Feb 2005, 17:33 |
Spidark 29 May 2005, 02:01
Hello i have a different question about local Structures.
Lets say i'm don't want to use the proc macro and choose to do it the hard way . EXAMPLE Code: hWnd equ ebp+8 uMsg equ ebp+12 wParam equ ebp+16 lParam equ ebp+20 WndProc: push ebp mov ebp,esp push ebx esi edi cmp dword [uMsg],WM_PAINT je ON_PAINT cmp dword [uMsg],WM_DESTROY je ON_DESTROY cmp dword [uMsg],WM_NCHITTEST je ON_NCHITTEST cmp dword [uMsg],WM_CREATE je ON_CREATE DEFWINPROC: etc etc etc. Let's say that in my ON_PAINT message i want to use a tempRECT RECT structure. With the proc macro you can do somemthing like this Code: proc, 1stPar , 2stPar temRect RECT LOCALVAR dd ? enter initl: mov [LOCALVAR],0 mov [temRect.right],100 etc etc proc macro does it all for you i know. How can you do the same the hard way ?? (Bug dangerous if you don't know what your doing way) I mean how do you define e temRect structure as a LOCAL structure but with out using the proc macro. |
29 May 2005, 02:01 |
denial 01 Jun 2005, 11:31
I would be very interested into this, too. How to use local structures without proc-macro?
01 Jun 2005, 11:31 |
Spidark 01 Jun 2005, 13:58
denial wrote: I would be very interested into this, too. How to use local structures without proc-macro? Well i kinda Figure out how it's done after poking around in my debugger and checking things out. Your gonna have to create the whole structure in your procedure(maybe this could be done different with macros but i'm not sure, i'm not a whizzkid when it come to macros ) there could be an easier way to do this ( i hear them saying proc macro ). ok to make this short here's the way that i did it, and i tell you it's make sense when you see it like this because you then know exactly what the hell is going on in the code behind the macro ( if your a newbie like me ). Hope it helps. Code: ;----------------------------------------------------------------- ; Program Name: localstruct.asm ; Version: 1.0 ; Purpose:To learn how thing work without macros ; Author: Spidark (C) 2005 ; Date: 1-06-2005 ; Created using RadASM IDE with FASM ; This program was tested on Windows XP SP2 ; Credits: TO ALL ASSEMBLER MESSAGEBOARDS IN THE WORLD AND IN SPACE ;------------------------------------------------------------------ format PE GUI 4.0 entry start include "%fasminc%\Win32a.inc" section '.data' data readable writeable hwnd dd ? hInstance dd ? hdc dd ? Wtx dd ? Wty dd ? Wwd dd ? Wht dd ? wTitle db 'Program:[ localstruct.asm ]Coded by Spidark 2005',0 ;name of our window wcName db '1111asm_Cla1111',0 ;name of our window cla1111 msg MSG wc WNDCLASS errText db "Error Detected Program can not run on this machine!",0 messCap db "Message",0 expTxt DB "USING LOCAL STRUCTURES WITH FASM THE HARDWAY",0 section '.code' code readable executable start: invoke GetModuleHandle,NULL mov [hInstance],eax mov [wc.hInstance],eax mov [wc.style],CS_HREDRAW or CS_VREDRAW mov [wc.lpfnWndProc],WndProc mov [wc.lpszClassName],wcName mov [wc.hbrBackground],COLOR_WINDOW+1 invoke LoadIcon,NULL,IDI_APPLICATION mov [wc.hIcon],eax invoke LoadCursor,NULL,IDC_ARROW mov [wc.hCursor],eax invoke RegisterClass,wc mov [Wwd], 800 mov [Wht], 600 invoke GetSystemMetrics,SM_CXSCREEN ; THIS ONE IS FROM THE FASM BOARD stdcall TopXY,[Wwd],eax mov [Wtx], eax invoke GetSystemMetrics,SM_CYSCREEN stdcall TopXY,[Wht],eax mov [Wty], eax invoke CreateWindowEx,\ 0,\ wcName,\ wTitle,\ WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW ,\ [Wtx],\ [Wty],\ [Wwd],\ [Wht],\ NULL,\ NULL,\ [hInstance],\ NULL mov [hwnd],eax invoke ShowWindow,[hwnd],SW_SHOW MSG_LOOP: invoke GetMessage,msg,NULL,0,0 or eax,eax jz END_LOOP invoke TranslateMessage,msg invoke DispatchMessage,msg jmp MSG_LOOP END_LOOP: invoke MessageBoxEx,[hwnd],errText,messCap,MB_OK or MB_ICONSTOP invoke ExitProcess,0 hWnd equ ebp+8 uMsg equ ebp+12 wParam equ ebp+16 lParam equ ebp+20 ;------------------------PAINTSTRUCT LOCAL--------------------------- ;==================================================================== ;ps_hdc equ ebp-4 ;dd ? ;ps_fErase equ ebp-8 ;dd ? ;ps_rcPaint_rect_left equ ebp-12 ;dd ? ;ps_rcPaint_rect_top equ ebp-16 ;dd ? ;ps_rcPaint_rect_right equ ebp-20 ;dd ? ;ps_rcPaint_rect_bottom equ ebp-24 ;dd ? ;ps_fRestore equ ebp-28 ;dd ? ;ps_fIncUpdate equ ebp-32 ;dd ? ;ps_rgbReserved equ ebp-64 ;rb 32 ;------------------------ LOCAL RECT STRUCTURE ------------------------ ;====================================================================== ;loc_rect_left equ ebp-68 ;dd ? ;loc_rect_top equ ebp-72 ;dd ? ;loc_rect_right equ ebp-76 ;dd ? ;loc_rect_bottom equ ebp-80 ;dd ? ;-------------------------LOCAL DEVICE HANDLE-------------------------- ;====================================================================== ;hdc equ ebp-84 ; dd ? local_ps equ ebp-64 local_rect equ ebp-80 local_hdc equ ebp-84 WndProc: push ebp mov ebp,esp sub esp,84 ; make room for 84 bytes push ebx esi edi cmp dword [uMsg],WM_PAINT je ON_PAINT cmp dword [uMsg],WM_DESTROY je ON_DESTROY cmp dword [uMsg],WM_NCHITTEST je ON_NCHITTEST DEFWINPROC: invoke DefWindowProc,[hWnd],[uMsg],[wParam],[lParam] jmp EXIT ON_PAINT: lea eax,[local_ps] ; get the adress of local paintstruct push eax ; save it in a reg invoke BeginPaint,[hWnd],eax ; call Api Guessing that Beginpaint Inits the locals mov [local_hdc],eax ; save the device lea ebx,[local_rect] ; get adress of local rect push ebx ; save local rect on the stack invoke GetClientRect,[hWnd],ebx pop ebx ; Maybe API destroys ebx ?? Not sure here so push ebx ; restore it again for later invoke DrawText,\ ; CALL API [local_hdc],\ expTxt,\ -1,\ ebx,\ ; Local Rect DT_SINGLELINE or DT_CENTER or DT_VCENTER pop ebx ; EBX must come first pop eax ; holds local ps invoke EndPaint,[hWnd],eax ; Stop painting jmp EXIT ON_NCHITTEST: invoke DefWindowProc,[hWnd],[uMsg],[wParam],[lParam] cmp eax,1 jnz @F inc eax @@: jmp EXIT ON_DESTROY: invoke PostQuitMessage,0 EXIT: pop ebp add esp,84 pop edi esi ebx ret 16 ;--------------------------------------------------------------------; wDim equ ebp+8 sDim equ ebp+12 TopXY: push ebp mov ebp,esp shr dword [sDim],1 ; divide screen dimension by 2 shr dword [wDim],1 ; divide window dimension by 2 mov eax,dword [wDim] ; copy window dimension into eax sub dword [sDim],eax ; sub half win dimension from half screen dimension mov eax,dword [sDim] ; in the masm example they have used "return sDim" so i have added this line to return sDim in eax pop ebp ret 8 section '.idata' import data readable writeable library KERNEL32, 'KERNEL32.DLL',\ USER32, 'USER32.DLL' import KERNEL32,\ GetModuleHandle, 'GetModuleHandleA',\ ExitProcess, 'ExitProcess' import USER32,\ RegisterClass, 'RegisterClassA',\ CreateWindowEx, 'CreateWindowExA',\ DefWindowProc, 'DefWindowProcA',\ ShowWindow, 'ShowWindow',\ LoadCursor, 'LoadCursorA',\ LoadIcon, 'LoadIconA',\ GetMessage, 'GetMessageA',\ TranslateMessage, 'TranslateMessage',\ DispatchMessage, 'DispatchMessageA',\ PostQuitMessage, 'PostQuitMessage',\ MessageBoxEx, 'MessageBoxExA',\ BeginPaint, 'BeginPaint',\ GetClientRect, 'GetClientRect',\ DrawText, 'DrawTextA',\ EndPaint, 'EndPaint',\ GetWindowRect, 'GetWindowRect',\ GetDesktopWindow, 'GetDesktopWindow',\ MoveWindow, 'MoveWindow',\ GetWindow, 'GetWindow',\ GetSystemMetrics, 'GetSystemMetrics' section '.rsrc' resource from 'localstruct.res' data readable |
01 Jun 2005, 13:58 |
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