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Index > Compiler Internals > More-than-one-byte NOPs.

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Joined: 05 Aug 2009
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Teehee 11 Jun 2011, 14:19
i dont got it.

Whats the difference betwen using NOPs and another thing to simulate a nop?

Sorry if bad english.
Post 11 Jun 2011, 14:19
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revolution 11 Jun 2011, 14:40
Teehee wrote:
i dont got it.

Whats the difference betwen using NOPs and another thing to simulate a nop?
Longer NOPs (using multiple byte sequences for one instruction) require less decoder bandwidth and thus less CPU resources to execute than the equivalent multiple single byte NOPs.
Post 11 Jun 2011, 14:40
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Teehee 11 Jun 2011, 14:43
Post 11 Jun 2011, 14:43
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CandyMan 24 Apr 2012, 22:11
use this macro:
macro align value
    align value
    ..align = $ - $$
  end virtual
  virtual at 0
    lea eax,[dword 0]
    ..bitness = $
  end virtual
  if ..bitness = 6              ;use32
    times ..align/8 \
     db $3E,$8D,$B4,$26,$00,$00,$00,$00 ;lea esi,[ds:esi*1+$00000000]
    ..align = ..align mod 8
    if ..align = 7
     db $8D,$B4,$26,$00,$00,$00,$00     ;lea esi,[esi*1+$00000000]
    else if ..align = 6
     db $8D,$B6,$00,$00,$00,$00         ;lea esi,[esi+$00000000]
    else if ..align = 5
     db $3E,$8D,$74,$26,$00             ;lea esi,[ds:esi+$00]
    else if ..align = 4
     db $8D,$74,$26,$00                 ;lea esi,[esi+$00]
    else if ..align = 3
     db $8D,$76,$00                     ;lea esi,[esi+$00]
    else if ..align = 2
     db $89,$F6                         ;mov esi,esi
    else if ..align = 1
     db $90                             ;nop
    end if
  else if ..bitness = 7         ;use64
    times ..align/8 \
     db $48,$8D,$B4,$26,$00,$00,$00,$00 ;lea rsi,[rsi*1+$00000000]
    ..align = ..align mod 8
    if ..align = 7
     db $48,$8D,$B6,$00,$00,$00,$00     ;lea rsi,[rsi+$00000000]
    else if ..align = 6
     db $66,$48,$8D,$74,$26,$00         ;lea rsi,[rsi+$00]
    else if ..align = 5
     db $48,$8D,$74,$26,$00             ;lea rsi,[rsi+$00]
    else if ..align = 4
     db $48,$8D,$76,$00                 ;lea rsi,[rsi+$00]
    else if ..align = 3
     db $48,$89,$F6                     ;mov rsi,rsi
    else if ..align = 2
     db $40,$90                         ;rex,nop
    else if ..align = 1
     db $90                             ;nop
    end if
  else                          ;use16
    times ..align/8 \
     db $8D,$B4,$00,$00,$8D,$B4,$00,$00 ;lea si,[si+$0000];lea si,[si+$0000]
    ..align = ..align mod 8
    if ..align = 7
     db $8D,$B4,$00,$00,$8D,$74,$00     ;lea si,[si+$0000];lea si,[si+$00]
    else if ..align = 6
     db $8D,$B4,$00,$00,$89,$F6         ;lea si,[si+$0000];mov si,si
    else if ..align = 5
     db $3E,$8D,$B4,$00,$00             ;lea si,[ds:si+$0000]
    else if ..align = 4
     db $8D,$B4,$00,$00                 ;lea si,[si+$0000]
    else if ..align = 3
     db $8D,$74,$00                     ;lea si,[si+$00]
    else if ..align = 2
     db $89,$F6                         ;mov si,si
    else if ..align = 1
     db $90                             ;nop
    end if
  end if

align 32
align 32
align 32
Post 24 Apr 2012, 22:11
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TrDr.Charlie 26 Apr 2012, 13:55

;*                                                                                                       *
;*      Results from my Intel Pentium(R) Dual-Core, T4400 @ 2.20 GHz                                     *
;*                                                                                                       *
;*      !!!! Tested in 64-bit mode                                                                       *
;*                                                                                                       *

;       Opcode(s)                        Dynamic
;                                        Latency
;                                       (in Ticks)


        db  1 dup ( 90h )               ; 0.1584, Opcode(s) : 90

        db  2 dup ( 90h )               ; 0.7084, Opcode(s) : 90 90

        db  3 dup ( 90h )               ; 1.2584, Opcode(s) : 90 90 90

        db  4 dup ( 90h )               ; 1.8722, Opcode(s) : 90 90 90 90

        db  5 dup ( 90h )               ; 2.4827, Opcode(s) : 90 90 90 90 90

        db  6 dup ( 90h )               ; 3.0943, Opcode(s) : 90 90 90 90 90 90

        db  7 dup ( 90h )               ; 3.7048, Opcode(s) : 90 90 90 90 90 90 90

        db  8 dup ( 90h )               ; 4.3164, Opcode(s) : 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90

        db  9 dup ( 90h )               ; 4.9269, Opcode(s) : 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90

        db 10 dup ( 90h )               ; 5.5363, Opcode(s) : 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90

        db 11 dup ( 90h )               ; 6.1468, Opcode(s) : 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90

        db 12 dup ( 90h )               ; 6.7606, Opcode(s) : 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90

        db 13 dup ( 90h )               ; 7.3711, Opcode(s) : 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90

        db 14 dup ( 90h )               ; 7.9827, Opcode(s) : 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90

        db 15 dup ( 90h )               ; 8.5932, Opcode(s) : 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90


;       Opcode(s)                        Dynamic
;                                        Latency
;                                       (in Ticks)


        db  1 dup ( 66h ), 90h          ; 0.1804, Opcode(s) : 66 90

        db  2 dup ( 66h ), 90h          ; 0.1804, Opcode(s) : 66 66 90

        db  3 dup ( 66h ), 90h          ; 0.1826, Opcode(s) : 66 66 66 90

        db  4 dup ( 66h ), 90h          ; 0.3652, Opcode(s) : 66 66 66 66 90

        db  5 dup ( 66h ), 90h          ; 0.3652, Opcode(s) : 66 66 66 66 66 90

        db  6 dup ( 66h ), 90h          ; 0.3894, Opcode(s) : 66 66 66 66 66 66 90

        db  7 dup ( 66h ), 90h          ; 0.5731, Opcode(s) : 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 90

        db  8 dup ( 66h ), 90h          ; 0.5731, Opcode(s) : 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 90

        db  9 dup ( 66h ), 90h          ; 0.7535, Opcode(s) : 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 90

        db 10 dup ( 66h ), 90h          ; 0.7535, Opcode(s) : 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 90

        db 11 dup ( 66h ), 90h          ; 0.9394, Opcode(s) : 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 90

        db 12 dup ( 66h ), 90h          ; 1.1231, Opcode(s) : 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 90

        db 13 dup ( 66h ), 90h          ; 1.1231, Opcode(s) : 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 90

        db 14 dup ( 66h ), 90h          ; 1.3057, Opcode(s) : 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 90


;       Opcode(s)                        Dynamic
;                                        Latency
;                                       (in Ticks)


        db  7 dup ( 66h ), 90h          ; 1.3057, Opcode(s) : 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 90 66 66 66 66 66 66 90
        db  6 dup ( 66h ), 90h          ;

        db  4 dup ( 66h ), 90h          ; 1.3057, Opcode(s) : 66 66 66 66 90 66 66 66 66 90 66 66 66 66 90
        db  4 dup ( 66h ), 90h          ;
        db  4 dup ( 66h ), 90h          ;

        db  3 dup ( 66h ), 90h          ; 1.8722, Opcode(s) : 66 66 66 90 66 66 66 90 66 66 66 90 66 66 90
        db  3 dup ( 66h ), 90h          ;
        db  3 dup ( 66h ), 90h          ;
        db  2 dup ( 66h ), 90h          ;


;       Opcode(s)                        Dynamic
;                                        Latency
;                                       (in Ticks)


        db $EB, 0                       ; 1.6247, Opcode(s) : EB 00
;       jmp     $ + 2

        db $E9, 0, 0, 0, 0              ; 1.6269, Opcode(s) : E9 00 00 00 00
;       jmp     $ + 5


;       Opcode(s)                        Dynamic
;                                        Latency
;                                       (in Ticks)


        db $87, $C0                     ; 4.0392, Opcode(s) : 87 C0  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
;       xchg    eax, eax

        db $89, $C0                     ; 1.1033, Opcode(s) : 89 C0
;       mov     eax, eax

        db $8B, $c0                     ; 1.1033, Opcode(s) : 8B C0
;       mov     eax, eax


;       Opcode(s)                        Dynamic
;                                        Latency
;                                       (in Ticks)


        db $66, $8D, $04, $05, $00, $00, $00, $00
                                        ; 5.4758, Opcode(s) : 66 8D 04 05 00 00 00 00 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
;       lea     ax, [1*rax + 00000000h] ( in 64-bit mode it is rax )

        db $8D, $04, $05, $00, $00, $00, $00
                                        ; 1.0769, Opcode(s) : 8D 04 05 00 00 00 00
;       lea     eax, [1*rax + 00000000h] ( in 64-bit mode it is rax )

        db $8D, $80, $00, $00, $00, $00
                                        ; 1.0769, Opcode(s) : 8D 80 00 00 00 00
;       lea     eax, [rax + 00000000h] ( in 64-bit mode it is rax )


        db $66, $8D, $54, $22, $00
                                        ; 5.4758, Opcode(s) : 66 8D 54 22 00 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
;       lea     dx, [rdx + 0] ( in 64-bit mode it is rdx )

        db $66, $8D, $44, $20, $00
                                        ; 5.4758, Opcode(s) : 66 8D 44 20 00 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
;       lea     ax, [rax + 0] ( in 64-bit mode it is rax )

;       !!!!!!!!!!!!!       in 64-bit mode

        db $67, $8D, $54, $22, $00
                                        ; 2.4057, Opcode(s) : 67 8D 54 22 00 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
;       lea     edx, [edx + 0] ( in 64-bit mode it is edx )

        db $67, $8D, $44, $20, $00
                                        ; 2.4057, Opcode(s) : 67 8D 44 20 00 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
;       lea     eax, [eax + 0] ( in 64-bit mode it is eax )


        db $8D, $44, $20, $00
                                        ; 1.0769, Opcode(s) : 8D 44 20 00
;       lea     eax, [rax + 0] ( in 64-bit mode it is rax )

        db $8D, $40, $00
                                        ; 1.0747, Opcode(s) : 8D 40 00
;       lea     eax, [rax + 0] ( in 64-bit mode it is rax )


;       Opcode(s)                        Dynamic
;                                        Latency
;                                       (in Ticks)


;       !!!!!!!!!!!!! used (e.g.) in my ntoskrnl.exe
        db  0Fh, 1Fh, 00                ; 1.2584, Opcode(s) : 0F 1F 00
;       nop     [rax]

        db  0Fh, 1Fh, 04h, 00           ; 1.2606, Opcode(s) : 0F 1F 04 00
;       nop     [rax + 1*rax]

        db  66h, 0Fh, 1Fh, 04h, 00      ; 1.2606, Opcode(s) : 66 0F 1F 04 00
;       nop     [rax + 1*rax]

;*                                                                                                       *
;*      For now all                                                                                      *
;*                                                                                                       *
Post 26 Apr 2012, 13:55
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