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Index > OS Construction > enabling the a20 gate

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Joined: 20 Mar 2005
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Gmakermaniac!!! 22 Mar 2005, 02:56
I'm lost...... how do you do it? can someone give me a link to an example? thanks in advance
Post 22 Mar 2005, 02:56
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Torrey 22 Mar 2005, 04:56
Gmakermaniac!!! wrote:
I'm lost...... how do you do it? can someone give me a link to an example? thanks in advance

Check out this well documented example.
Post 22 Mar 2005, 04:56
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Dex4u 22 Mar 2005, 17:23
I use this code:
;=========================================================;; A20                                            11/12/03 ;;---------------------------------------------------------;; DOS EXTREME OS V0.01                                    ;; by ASHLEY4.                                             ;;                                                         ;; Enable the A20 line.                                    ;;=========================================================;enable_A20:        pusha        cli  ; Disable all irqs        cld        mov   al,255  ; Mask all irqs        out   0xa1,al        out   0x21,all.5:    in    al,0x64  ; Enable A20        test  al,2  ; Test the buffer full flag        jnz   l.5  ; Loop until buffer is empty        mov   al,0xD1  ; Keyboard: write to output port        out   0x64,al  ; Output command to keyboardl.6:    in    al,0x64        test  al,2        jnz   l.6  ; Wait 'till buffer is empty again        mov   al,0xDF  ; keyboard: set A20        out   0x60,al  ; Send it to the keyboard controller        mov   cx,14hl.7:   ; this is approx. a 25uS delay to wait        out   0edh,ax  ; for the kb controler to execute our        loop  l.7  ; command.        sti        popa        ret    

NOTE: this is called in realmode and the cli is done before moving to pmode.
Post 22 Mar 2005, 17:23
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Gmakermaniac!!! 22 Mar 2005, 22:19
thanks Smile All I know was my first line was right, otherwise, I was going compleatly the wrong way. It dosn't represent yours at all. Thanks. I'll look through the code
Post 22 Mar 2005, 22:19
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crc 23 Mar 2005, 02:33
I use the following in RetroForth/Native:

; Enable A20 gate
        mov     al,0xd1
        out     0x64,al
        call    a20wait
        mov     al,0xdf
        out     0x60,al
        call    a20wait
        mov     al,0xff
        out     0x64,al
        in      al,0x64
        jmp     .l0
.l0:    and     al,2
        jnz     a20wait

Charles Childers, Programmer
Post 23 Mar 2005, 02:33
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Gmakermaniac!!! 24 Mar 2005, 00:32
0.o.... mine came out so long Smile..... it works though Rolling Eyes

enable_a20:                     ; enable_a20 function: enable the A20 gate
        pusha           ; push all general purpose registers
        mov SI, .msg
        call strout     ; display the message
        cli             ; disable hardware interrupts
        mov CX, 5       ; 5 attempts to enable it

.1.1:   ; wait for port to open, and send the command to read the output port
        xor AX, AX      ; nullify AX
        in AL, 0x64     ; read port status
        bt AX, 1        ; see if the port is busy
        jc .1.1         ; if it is, check again
        mov AL, 0xD0    ; D0h is the command to read port output
        out 0x64, AL    ; send the command to the port
.1.2:   ; wait for data to be ready
        xor AX, AX      ; nullify AX
        in AL, 0x64     ; read data status
        bt AX, 0        ;
        jnc .1.2        ; if it's not ready, keep waiting
        xor AX, AX      ; nullify AX
        in AL, 0x60     ; read data from keyboard
        push AX         ; store AX for later
.1.3:   ; wait for port to open to write the status byte
        in AL, 0x64     ; read port status
        bt AX, 1        ; check to see if the port is ready
        jc .1.3         ; keep checking untill it's ready
        mov AL, 0xD1    ;
        out 0x64, AL    ; tell the kbd controller I want to change the status byte
.1.4:   ; wait for the controller to be ready
        xor AX, AX     ; nullify AX
        in AL, 0x64    ; read status byte
        bt AX, 1       ; see if it's busy
        jc .1.4        ; and if it is, repeat
        pop AX         ; get the value we stored earlier
        or AL, 00000010b ; turn on the A20 enable bit
        out 60h, AL    ; send the byte to the controller
.1.5:   ; send command to read output port
        xor AX, AX     ; nullify AX
        in AL, 0x64    ; check the kbd status
        bt AX, 1       ; .....
        jc .1.5        ; if it's not, check again
        mov AL, 0xD0   ; command to read port output
        out 0x64, AL   ; send the command
.1.6:   ; get the info
        xor AX, AX     ; nullify AX
        in AL, 0x64    ; get port status
        bt AX, 0       ;
        jnc .1.6       ; keep going till it's ready
        xor AX, AX     ; nullify AX
        in AL, 0x60    ; get the data from the port
        bt AX, 1       ; is the A20 bit set??
        jc .success    ; success!!! w00t!!!
        loop .1        ; try 5 times
; failure code here
        sti            ; enable interrupts
        mov SI, .failmsg
        call strout    ; display the failure message
        popa           ; return the registers back to the way they were
        hlt            ; halt cpu operation
        sti            ; enable interrupts
        mov SI, .successmsg
        call strout    ; display the success message
        popa           ; return the registers back to the way they were

.msg db "Enableing A20 gate:  ",0
.failmsg db "Failed enabeling the A20 gate, halting cpu operations.  you may turn off your pc.",13,10,0
.successmsg db "A20 gate enabled successfully.",13,10,0

my computer lags so much, that when I move the volume dial on my speakers, it takes several seconds for me to hear the difference
Post 24 Mar 2005, 00:32
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Dex4u 24 Mar 2005, 04:26
The most important thing, is that you got it to work Smile .
Post 24 Mar 2005, 04:26
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