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Index > MenuetOS > Documentation Project

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Joined: 13 Feb 2004
Posts: 19
Loplin 16 Feb 2005, 06:41
Its me again Smile, I felt this deserved its own thread.

I've started a documentation project at http://menuet.homelinux.net/Code:Documentation.

Please visit and contribute, it will be a large task and the more people we have helping the faster it will get done, and perhaps with the best quality. While your there feel browse the rest of the site as well.

This documentation is for the code right now, and mainly involves commenting code. However, if you would like to document a source file in an essay form, Name the article 'Code:<filename>' without the extension. eg, if you want to document kernel.asm in essay form, make the article 'Code:kernel', if you just want to add comments, go to 'Code:Kernel.asm'.

I also have a large FAQ project going. I am mining all of the usefull information from these forums right now. I will be working on this on my own for the next couple days, so the Faq page will look a bit messed up, but feel free to contribute anyway.

Be Bold! Everyone with an opinion, ideas or knowledge is highly encouraged to participate! It's easy to do so, really. When you find something you want to say, just edit the text of the page. Please don't be offended if we change what you write or if we delete something that you write that we think is off-topic, it's nothing personal, and we certainly don't mean to drive you away. Who decides what is changed or deleted? Anyone can.

If I have a penny and you have a penny and we exchange pennies, we will both have one penny;but, if I have an idea and you have an idea and we exchange ideas, we will both have two ideas.

Post 16 Feb 2005, 06:41
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