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Index > MenuetOS > New site, it's a wiki!

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Joined: 13 Feb 2004
Posts: 19
Loplin 09 Feb 2005, 00:44
Hello people, I just wanted to inform you all of a wiki I setup at http://menuet.homelinux.net.

For those of you that don't know, a wiki is, you can go to http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wiki, or heres an excerpt, "A Wiki or wiki (pronounced "wicky", "weekee", or "veekee"; see pronunciation section below) is a website (or other hypertext document collection) that allows users to add content, as on an Internet forum, but also allows anyone to edit the content. "Wiki" also refers to the collaborative software used to create such a website (see Wiki software)."

Its a php wiki based off of the wikipedia software. I have the basic layout setup for the main page but it still needs conent. I'll be adding some throughout the next couple weeks; however, Thats where you come in!

Please, be bold and write tutorials, post FAQs, add a page about your software, or add a link to your site. This is a group effort and will have a group reward. If you think something needs to be there or be changed, DO it. Don't worry about screwing up or having bad spelling or poor grammer, someone is bound to see and fix it, useful content is more important than minor mistakes.

Note: Red links are links to pages that dont have any content yet and need you to fill in, blue links have conent.

The goal of the site is to make it easier for things like faq, code documentation, links, and applications to be organized and updated easily by more than one person, thus making it easier for each person.

Also, with Menuet being what it is, I think its important to educate people in regards to programming in assembly, because those people could someday become useful contributors, and because being a good source of educational material could also attract new users.

Note2: The server is currently running on debian stable, on a 366mhz celeron processor with only 128mb sdram so try not to get too irritated by slow load times. If this takes off well I will see about buying a new one. Also, its running on my home network, which means I use it for personal use too [768kbps up/down] , but dont worry to much, the bandwidth is mainly used for games and shouldnt be a problem for the traffic (I hope).[/i]
Post 09 Feb 2005, 00:44
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Joined: 13 Feb 2004
Posts: 19
Loplin 09 Feb 2005, 00:53
Oh and if anyone can tell me why "Projects:" and "Asm:Learning" don't show up as links in internet explorer, I would REALLY appreciate it, IE is funky. As such, I suggest using mozilla, you should be able to use the site regardless of what browser you use, but the formatting will look a little different.
Post 09 Feb 2005, 00:53
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Joined: 13 Feb 2004
Posts: 19
Loplin 10 Feb 2005, 07:13
1: A big thanks to Tolle and profkid for their contributions, Smile

2: Update, I've done a bunch of work on getting the help section(site help, not menuet help) to a more presentable format.

I've also added put up the links page, I'dd appreciate it if anyone who has a Webpage about meneut would go to Http://menuet.homelinux.net/Links and add their link if it isnt there, and add a short description of whats on the page and who made the page(you'r name).

I (or maybe someone else? Smile) will be putting the links in a table for easier viewing tomorrow. Time for sleep now.

Last edited by Loplin on 14 Feb 2005, 08:00; edited 1 time in total
Post 10 Feb 2005, 07:13
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Joined: 13 Feb 2004
Posts: 19
Loplin 13 Feb 2005, 06:43
The site software has been updated and should now run a bit faster.

The links page works correctly now but I think the format could be changed a bit. If you see any links missing, please add them, I will be removing dead ones and very old ones soon, or maybe one of you will? Smile

Also, I've started the Asm:Intro to Assembly ( http://menuet.homelinux.net/Asm:Intro_to_Assembly )article. So far it only has the 'mov' opcode which is located at 'asm:mov' and included in the Intro article. Please feel free to help extend this project to other opcodes. First make an article for an opcode not already done, eg. 'Asm:add' then include the article into the intro to assembly article. You can see how this is done by just editing it and loooking at how the other ones are done.

Thanks for your attention, and happy editing (maybe) Smile
Post 13 Feb 2005, 06:43
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