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Joined: 07 Jan 2004
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bogdanontanu 11 Mar 2005, 16:14
you must be joking Wink

I can not believe that in year 2005 human race is unaware that the Bresenham algorithm for drawing circles is actually much SIMPLER than the one for drawing lines Very Happy

A short example will folow soon Wink in another post here

Anyway i will include some in SolarOS next version and a benchmark to settle this once and for all Razz
Post 11 Mar 2005, 16:14
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bogdanontanu 11 Mar 2005, 16:37
Bresenham's circle algorithm
This draws a circle from 0 to PI/4
by symetry you can draw all 8 points
actually because of y extending down and inc/dec setup it is between 3*pi/2 and 7*pi/4 but you ca figure that out by yourself :p

; setup
t_crt = 2 - 3*radius
x_crt = 1
y_crt = radius

        test    t_crt,t_crt
        js      move_on_y
        ; only/always move on x
        t = t + 4*x + 6
        jmp     next_pixel
        ; when we move on y
        t = t + 4*(x-y) + 10
        dec     y_crt
        ; draw the pixels here 8 pixels one for each octant
        inc     x_crt
        cmp     y_crt,x_crt
        ja      loop_circle


I agree that when carefully counting there are 2 compares but one of them is the default one at the end of the loop... after all we do need a loop to draw many points :p

and in one path there are:
+1 addition
+ one shift
+ one addition with a constant

while on the other path there is:
+1 addition
+ one shift
+ one substraction
+ one addition with a constant

Of course it can be optimized with LEA for older CPU's

It also depends how many calculations are actually made. Bresenham make exactly the number of pixels needed (but then the same does Taylor?)

Of course using one IMUL or MUL for drawing pixels will make things extra slow Very Happy but that is not the fault of the algorithm... is the fault of the programmer Razz

"Any intelligent fool can make things bigger,
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Post 11 Mar 2005, 16:37
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Octavio 11 Mar 2005, 20:13
add bp,si
inc si
lea dx,[bp+di-rd/2]
dec bx
cmp dx,ax
ja l1
sub di,cx
dec cx
inc ax
cmp si,cx
jna l1

11 instructions without the putpixels routine.

test t_crt,t_crt
js move_on_y
; only/always move on x
t = t + 4*x + 6
jmp next_pixel
; when we move on y
t = t + 4*(x-y) + 10
dec y_crt
; draw the pixels here 8 pixels one for each octant
inc x_crt
cmp y_crt,x_crt
ja loop_circle

This is not optimized assembly code but i think that at least 11 32bits instructions are needed and more in 16bits , why should it be faster?

Of course using one IMUL or MUL for drawing pixels will make things extra slow but that is not the fault of the algorithm... is the fault of the programmer

that is not fault of the algorithm because is not part of the algorithm,
but i can´t blame you ,because you didn´t post your faster code. Laughing
Post 11 Mar 2005, 20:13
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Matrix 11 Mar 2005, 23:43
ok, here goes fsincos again Smile
read carefully
;Circle 005F by Z - MATRIX
org 256

mov   al,13h ; ah=0 so -1 bytes
int   10h
push $a000
pop es

finit ; init FPU
call set320x200x256


mov ecx,200 ; y
call randomz3
mov bx,ax

mov ecx,20 ; radius
call randomz3
mov dx,ax

mov ecx,256 ; color
call randomz3
mov ch,al

push cx
mov ecx,320 ; x
call randomz3
pop cx

call circle005f

push eax
xor ax,ax
call bkeycheck
cmp al,27
pop eax
jnz mainloop

call breadkey

call set80x25t

int 20h ;exit

circle005f: ; ax=x bx=y ch=col dx=radius
mov [x12],ax
mov [y12],bx
xor bx,bx
mov [rad],dx
fstp dword [degcnt]
fild dword [rad]
fmul dword [prec]
fdivp st1,st0
fld st0
fmul st,st0
fsubrp st1,st
fstp dword [cirad]
fld  dword [degcnt]
fld  dword [cirad]
faddp st1,st0
fst dword [degcnt]
fimul dword [rad] ; (x)
fist dword [tmpxnc]
fmul dword [xcorrection] ; ( 1.2 )
fist dword [tmpx]
fiadd dword [x12] ; ( cos )
fistp dword [xz12]
fimul dword [rad] ; (y)
fist dword [tmpy]
mov bx,di
fmul dword [xcorrection] ; ( 1.2 )
fistp  dword [tmpycc]
fild  dword [tmpy]
fiadd dword [y12] ; ( sin )
fistp dword [yz12]
mov     eax,[yz12]
lea edi,[4*eax+eax]
shl di,6
add     di,[xz12]
cmp bx,di
je .skip
mov [es:di],ch
sub di,word [tmpx]
sub di,word [tmpx]
mov [es:di],ch
mov eax,[tmpy]
lea eax,[4*eax+eax]
shl ax,6
sub di,ax
sub di,ax
mov [es:di],ch
add di,word [tmpx]
add di,word [tmpx]
mov [es:di],ch
mov bx,di
mov eax,[y12]
add eax,[tmpxnc]
lea edi,[4*eax+eax]
shl di,6
add di,[x12]
add di,[tmpycc]
mov [es:di],ch
sub di,word [tmpycc]
sub di,word [tmpycc]
mov [es:di],ch
mov eax,[y12]
sub eax,[tmpxnc]
lea edi,[4*eax+eax]
shl di,6
add di,[x12]
sub di,[tmpycc]
mov [es:di],ch
add di,[tmpycc]
add di,[tmpycc]
mov [es:di],ch
mov di,bx
fld dword [pi_4]
fcomp dword [degcnt]
fstsw ax
and ah,1001b
jz .go
degcnt: dd 0
cirad : dd ?;0.07
xcorrection : dd 1.2
prec: dd 4.0 ; prec 4, 666*2*2 circles per second (radius 99, xcorrection 1.2)
rad : dd ?
x12 : dd ?
y12 : dd ?
xz12 : dd ?
yz12 : dd ?
tmpx : dd ?
tmpy : dd ?
tmpxnc : dd ?
tmpycc : dd ?
pi_4: dd 0.785398163397448309615660845819876

mov ax,$13
int $10

mov ax,$07
int $10

;push $a000
;pop es
;xor eax,eax
;mov di,ax
;mov cx,$3e80
;rep stosd

breadkey:  ;returns: AH = BIOS scan code AL = ASCII character note: enhanced
mov ah,$10
int $16

initrandomz: ; modifies edx, eax

randomz3: ; Z3 ecx=range transparent
push ebx  ; number returned is:  0 <= n < ecx
push edx
mov ebx,eax

mov dx,cx

mov cl,al
xor cl,ah
ror ch,4
xor bl,ch
and cx,$f
rol bx,cl
btc bx,cx
xor bx,ax
ror eax,16
xor bx,ax
ror eax,16
mov cl,al
xor cl,ah
ror ch,4
xor bl,ch
and cx,$f
ror bx,cl
btc bx,cx

mov cl,bl
rol eax,cl
and cx,$f
btc ax,cx
loopw .minorloop
mov cl,bh
ror eax,cl
and cl,$f
btc ax,cx
loopw .majorloop
mov cx,dx

mul ecx
mov eax,edx
pop edx
pop ebx

bkeycheck:  ;returns: AH = BIOS scan code AL = ASCII character note: enhanced
mov ah,0x11 ;Return: ZF set if no keystroke available, ZF clear if keystroke available
int 0x16    ;only checks buffer without removing key
Post 11 Mar 2005, 23:43
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bogdanontanu 12 Mar 2005, 02:02
Yup i did not posted the optimized code, mainly because i was working to an general non-optimized version.

I do not really feel like tweaking instructions now, but i will do the teste in SolarOS using your code above and whatever i can squezee from my code when i feel like doing it. When i have a version i will post it here,

So i guess you are after 16bits code?
I was thinking more like 32bits but doh...
Post 12 Mar 2005, 02:02
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Octavio 12 Mar 2005, 10:20
bogdanontanu wrote:
Yup i did not posted the optimized code, mainly because i was working to an general non-optimized version.

I do not really feel like tweaking instructions now, but i will do the teste in SolarOS using your code above and whatever i can squezee from my code when i feel like doing it. When i have a version i will post it here,

So i guess you are after 16bits code?
I was thinking more like 32bits but doh...

I have already tested both versions with optimized 32bit code, the average time without draw pixels is 5.5 cpu clocks by iteration for both algorithms, so it was true that bresenham is not faster, but it has the advantage of using less variables,and a simpler initialization.
Post 12 Mar 2005, 10:20
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bogdanontanu 12 Mar 2005, 10:52
Aha, good to know

I will post my result when i have the time to make the tests Wink
Post 12 Mar 2005, 10:52
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Dilshod 14 Mar 2005, 12:13
You want to say that this is the Brasanhams Algorithm?
I dont think so.

radius = 50
' setup
tcrt = 2 - 3 * radius
xcrt = 1
ycrt = radius

  IF tcrt > 0 THEN GOTO OnY
  tcrt = tcrt + 2 * xcrt + 6
  GOTO nextp
  tcrt = tcrt + 4 * (xcrt - ycrt) + 10
  ycrt = ycrt - 1
  PSET (xcrt + 160, ycrt + 100)
  PSET (-xcrt + 160, ycrt + 100)
  PSET (xcrt + 160, -ycrt + 100)
  PSET (-xcrt + 160, -ycrt + 100)
  PSET (ycrt + 160, xcrt + 100)
  PSET (-ycrt + 160, xcrt + 100)
  PSET (ycrt + 160, -xcrt + 100)
  PSET (-ycrt + 160, -xcrt + 100)
  xcrt = xcrt + 1
  IF xcrt < ycrt THEN GOTO cic

try this program and my program yourself, and youll understand. May be I have any wring here in the code.
and this code has more arithmetic operations then main, Is it?
and How I said Brasanhams Algorithm not much differs main.
Post 14 Mar 2005, 12:13
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bogdanontanu 14 Mar 2005, 14:16
Yes that is the Bresenham algorithm
Ok, i will try and then i will understand Wink

Apparently Octavio already tested them...
Anyway i will also test it myself to be sure.
Post 14 Mar 2005, 14:16
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