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Index > Linux > Anyone ever tried FASM on this ?

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Joined: 01 Oct 2004
Posts: 59
penang 08 Oct 2004, 04:41
Anyone here ever try to use FASM on "tiny program" ?

The project is located at http://www.muppetlabs.com/~breadbox/software/tiny/ and currently it uses NASM.
Post 08 Oct 2004, 04:41
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Tomasz Grysztar

Joined: 16 Jun 2003
Posts: 8357
Location: Kraków, Poland
Tomasz Grysztar 08 Oct 2004, 08:13
Here's a conversion of first sample:
;; true.asm: Copyright (C) 1999-2001 by Brian Raiter, under the GNU
;; General Public License (version 2 or later). No warranty.
;; To build:
;;      fasm true.asm true && chmod +x true
;;      ln -s true false


                org     0x255F0000

                db      0x7F, "ELF"
                dd      1
                dd      0
                dw      0
_start:         pop     edi                     ; remove argc from stack
                and     eax, dword 0x00030002   ; clear all but 3 bits in eax
                mov     ch, 0xFF                ; set ecx to >= 0xFF00
                jmp     skip
                dw      _start and 0FFFFh
skip:           pop     edi                     ; get argv[0]
                and     eax, dword 4            ; set eax to zero
                repnz scasb                     ; find end of argv[0]
                inc     eax                     ; 1 == exit system call
                mov     bl, [edi - 5]           ; get 4th-to-last char (t or a)
                and     bl, al                  ; set bl to 0 or 1
                int     0x80                    ; exit(bl)
                dw      0x20
                db      1

;; This is how the file looks when it is read as an (incomplete) ELF
;; header, beginning at offset 0:
;; e_ident:     db      0x7F, "ELF"                     ; required
;;              db      1                               ; 1 = ELFCLASS32
;;              db      0                               ; (garbage)
;;              db      0                               ; (garbage)
;;              db      0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00    ; (unused)
;;              db      0x00, 0x00, 0x5F, 0x25
;; e_type:      dw      2                               ; 2 = ET_EXE
;; e_machine:   dw      3                               ; 3 = EM_386
;; e_version:   dd      0x02EBFFB5                      ; (garbage)
;; e_entry:     dd      0x255F000E                      ; program starts here
;; e_phoff:     dd      4                               ; phdrs located here
;; e_shoff:     dd      0x8A40AEF2                      ; (garbage)
;; e_flags:     dd      0xC320FB5F                      ; (unused)
;; e_ehsize:    dw      0x80CD                          ; (garbage)
;; e_phentsize: dw      0x20                            ; phdr entry size
;; e_phnum:     db      1                               ; one phdr in the table
;; e_shentsize:
;; e_shnum:
;; e_shstrndx:
;; This is how the file looks when it is read as a program header
;; table, beginning at offset 4:
;; p_type:      dd      1                               ; 1 = PT_LOAD
;; p_offset:    dd      0                               ; read from top of file
;; p_vaddr:     dd      0x255F0000                      ; load at this address
;; p_paddr:     dd      0x00030002                      ; (unused)
;; p_filesz:    dd      0x02EBFFB5                      ; too big, but ok
;; p_memsz:     dd      0x255F000E                      ; even bigger
;; p_flags:     dd      4                               ; 4 = PF_R
;; p_align:     dd      0x8A40AEF2                      ; (garbage)

;; Note that the top two bytes of the file's origin (0x5F 0x25)
;; correspond to the instructions "pop edi" and the first byte of "and
;; eax, IMM".
;; The fields marked as unused are either specifically documented as
;; not being used, or not being used with 386-based implementations.
;; Some of the fields marked as containing garbage are not used when
;; loading and executing programs. Other fields containing garbage are
;; accepted because Linux currently doesn't examine then.    
Post 08 Oct 2004, 08:13
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