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Vasilev Vjacheslav

Joined: 11 Aug 2004
Posts: 392
Vasilev Vjacheslav 31 Dec 2004, 15:18
hello and happy new year! Smile

i have procedure that searching certain file on specified path (with recursion), before recursion i use 'pushad', after exit i use 'popad',
when i found file i wan't to exit from '_findfile' procedure and return to 'nop', but i return to popad - and it is normally. How to return to 'nop'? What i must do with stack


     stdcall _findfile,szStartPath,szFileToFind,szBuffer
     nop     <- here i want return fast, after found file
     invoke ExitProcess,NULL

proc       _findfile, lpStartPath,lpFileToFind,lpBuffer
        .wfd       FINDDATA
 .szPath    rb MAX_PATH
      .szSubPath rb MAX_PATH
      .hFind     dd ?

       lea     edi,[.szPath]
       invoke  lstrcpy,edi,[lpStartPath]

       invoke  lstrlen,edi
 cmp     byte [edi+eax-1],"\"
     je      @F
  cmp     byte [edi+eax-1],"/"
      je      @F
  xor     esi,esi
     add     esi,05Ch
    mov     word [edi+eax],si
      invoke  lstrcat,edi,szMask

      lea     esi,[.wfd]
  stdcall _zeromem,esi,sizeof.FINDDATA

    invoke  FindFirstFile,edi,esi
       or      eax,eax
     jl      .error_find

     mov     [.hFind],eax

     lea     esi,[.wfd.cFileName]
       sub     esi,2

   cmp     ax,"."
    je      .next_file
  cmp     ax,".."
   je      .next_file

      lea     edi,[.wfd]
  mov     eax,[edi+FINDDATA.dwFileAttributes]

 je      .else

   lea     edi,[.szSubPath]
    push    edi
 stdcall _zeromem,edi,MAX_PATH
       mov     edi,[esp]
   lea     eax,[.szPath]
       invoke  lstrcpy,edi,eax
     invoke  lstrlen,edi
 mov     byte [edi+eax-3],0
  invoke  lstrcat,edi,esi
     pop     edi

      stdcall _findfile,edi,[lpFileToFind],[lpBuffer]
       jmp     .next_file

        lea     esi,[.szPath]
       mov     edi,[lpBuffer]

  invoke  lstrlen,esi
 mov     byte [esi+eax-3],NULL

   invoke  lstrcpy,edi,esi

 lea     esi,[.wfd.cFileName]
        invoke  lstrcat,edi,esi

                ; here i must do something with stack
                ; to get pointer to 'nop' and return

  jmp     .error_find

     invoke  lstrcmpi,[lpFileToFind],esi
 or      eax,eax
     jz      .found_file

        lea     edi,[.wfd]
  invoke  FindNextFile,[.hFind],edi
   or      eax,eax
     jg      .while_start

      invoke  FindClose,[.hFind]


[not enough memory]
Post 31 Dec 2004, 15:18
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Joined: 23 Oct 2004
Posts: 181
beppe85 31 Dec 2004, 22:20
If you figure out how to do this, you could have the fastest decent recursive compilers. OK, I guess I've figured out, but let's talk about the problem.

To return fast from a deeply recursive function, you at first need to unwind the stack, which is usually done by just ret-urning from the current procedure. So this would not be a 'fast return'.

Implementation direction(slowest-to-fastest):
- call/return(usual way)
- loop retriving calling-ebp and moving to esp, until the destination is reached.
- mantain a display-like structure in each routine, ie. an array with entries representing the caller's stack frame, plus return adresses. Recursive functions are to be special case'd.

Now that you know the ways to go, I hope you understand that the first give the best cost-benefit, and less error-prone, approach.

I've never implemented the last nor proved it correct, so I could not continue describing it. Hope someday I do this.

I propose you to do the following, on return: the callee, set CF(=0:not found; =1: found); the caller, check CF and ret if needed.

        stdcall _findfile,edi,[lpFileToFind],[lpBuffer]
        jc .ret_found

        jmp .ret_found

        invoke  FindClose,[.hFind]
        jmp .ret_not_found


Hope this help, and thank you for the insight.

Happy new year for you too!
Post 31 Dec 2004, 22:20
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Vasilev Vjacheslav

Joined: 11 Aug 2004
Posts: 392
Vasilev Vjacheslav 01 Jan 2005, 13:09
ok, i align the stack and works fine. I've tryed my method before, but there were mistakes with arithmethics

but i found other problem Confused after open FindFirstFile i must close handle (is that true?), when file is found there still open handles (iFiles contains number of open handles also number of un-returned recursion call)

format pe gui 4.0
entry start

include '%fasminc%\win32a.inc'

MAX_PATH                     = 260

section '.idata' data readable writeable

  szPath        db "c:\chat",0
  szFile        db "basic.mrc",0
  szMask        db "*.*",0

section '.udata' readable writeable

  szBuffer      rb MAX_PATH
  iFiles        dd ?

section '.code' code readable executable

        xor     eax,eax
        mov     [iFiles],eax
        stdcall _findfile,szPath,szFile,szBuffer
        invoke  ExitProcess,NULL

  proc  _findfile, lpStartPath,lpFileToFind,lpBuffer
        .wfd       FINDDATA
        .szPath    rb MAX_PATH
        .szSubPath rb MAX_PATH
        .hFind     dd ?

        lea     edi,[.szPath]
        invoke  lstrcpy,edi,[lpStartPath]

        invoke  lstrlen,edi
        cmp     byte [edi+eax-1],"\"
        je      @F
        cmp     byte [edi+eax-1],"/"
        je      @F
        xor     esi,esi
        add     esi,05Ch
        mov     word [edi+eax],si
        invoke  lstrcat,edi,szMask

        lea     esi,[.wfd]
        stdcall _zeromem,esi,sizeof.FINDDATA

        invoke  FindFirstFile,edi,esi
        or      eax,eax
        jl      .error_find

        mov     [.hFind],eax

        lea     esi,[.wfd.cFileName]
        sub     esi,2

        cmp     ax,"."
        je      .next_file
        cmp     ax,".."
        je      .next_file

        lea     edi,[.wfd]
        mov     eax,[edi+FINDDATA.dwFileAttributes]

        je      .else

        lea     edi,[.szSubPath]
        push    edi
        stdcall _zeromem,edi,MAX_PATH
        mov     edi,[esp]
        lea     eax,[.szPath]
        invoke  lstrcpy,edi,eax
        invoke  lstrlen,edi
        mov     byte [edi+eax-3],0
        invoke  lstrcat,edi,esi
        pop     edi

        inc     [iFiles]

        stdcall _findfile,edi,[lpFileToFind],[lpBuffer]

        dec     [iFiles]
        jmp     .next_file

        lea     esi,[.szPath]
        mov     edi,[lpBuffer]

        invoke  lstrlen,esi
        mov     byte [esi+eax-3],NULL

        invoke  lstrcpy,edi,esi

        lea     esi,[.wfd.cFileName]
        invoke  lstrcat,edi,esi

        mov     ecx,896 ; 844+32+20 (stack data, pushad size, params)
        mov     eax,[iFiles]
        imul    eax,ecx

        add     ebp,eax
        mov     esp,ebp

        jmp     .close_find

        invoke  lstrcmpi,[lpFileToFind],esi
        or      eax,eax
        jz      .found_file

        lea     edi,[.wfd]
        invoke  FindNextFile,[.hFind],edi
        or      eax,eax
        jg      .while_start

        invoke  FindClose,[.hFind]


  proc  _zeromem, var,size
        invoke  RtlZeroMemory,[var],[size]

section '.idata' import data readable writeable

  library       kernel32,'kernel32.dll',\

  include       '%fasminc%\apia\kernel32.inc'
  include       '%fasminc%\apia\user32.inc'
  include       '%fasminc%\apia\shell32.inc'
  include       '%fasminc%\apia\advapi32.inc'

; eof    

[not enough memory]
Post 01 Jan 2005, 13:09
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Joined: 23 Oct 2004
Posts: 181
beppe85 01 Jan 2005, 13:19
Yes, this is the real problem which precudes from a fast-return: you need to call the finalization code always.

In this case, jump into .close_find(you can invoke FindClose inline too) before return.
Post 01 Jan 2005, 13:19
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