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Joined: 31 Oct 2007
Posts: 15
packet_50071 02 Jan 2008, 18:14
can some one pls explain me how does the "align 8" string allocations. work ?
Post 02 Jan 2008, 18:14
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edfed 02 Jan 2008, 20:47
it align the offset in output file to a 8 bytes boundary.
align 8 :
mov eax,linear address
mov ebx,eax
and eax,not 7
and ebx,7
je @f
add eax,8

the three low bits are ored together and added from bit 3
it align the offset an a selected boundary.
Post 02 Jan 2008, 20:47
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bitRAKE 03 Jan 2008, 03:38
I like the following way because it's easy to remember 0 and 1, lol.
add eax, alignment-1
and eax, 0-alignment    
(alignment can be any power of 2) First the address is advanced so that rounding will not produce an address lower than EAX at start. ANDing clears the lower bits - insuring the address is on a power of 2 boundary.
Post 03 Jan 2008, 03:38
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Posts: 132
Hayden 05 Jan 2008, 07:54
-- Author - Bernard W. Ryan
-- Copyright (c) February 2000 - 2006
-- Verision 7.00
-- Last Revision Date January 2004
-- Tested for use with Euphoria ver. 2.5

NOTE: this is a snippet, so some labels may not be declared, this is just to show you guys some nice string routines.


; <SNIP>

                           --   26: strlen_: @
    #60,                    --   26: pushad           save all the registers
    #BD,#00,#00,#00,#00,    --   27: mov ebp, stack   point base pointer to stack (40)
    #FC,                    --   2C: cld              clear the direction flag
    #8B,#7D,#04,            --   2D: mov edi, [ebp+4] offset of str parameter
    #31,#C0,                --   30: xor eax, eax     set al to contain zero
    #83,#C9,#FF,            --   32: or ecx, -1       set counter to #FFFFFFFF
    #F2,#AE,                --   35: repne scasb      scan for zero termination
    #F7,#D1,                --   37: not ecx          invert ecx to get the count
    #49,                    --   39: dec ecx          subtract 1 from the ecx ( null termination )
    #89,#4D,#00,            --   3A: mov [ebp], ecx   Return ecx ( the length )
    #61,                    --   3D: popad            restore all the registers
                          --   3E: ret              back to Euphoria
    #C3,                    --   3E:
                          --   3F: strcpy_: @
    #60,                    --   3F: pushad           save all the registers
    #BD,#00,#00,#00,#00,    --   40: mov ebp, stack   point base pointer to stack (65)
    #FC,                    --   45: cld              clear the direction flag
    #8B,#75,#08,            --   46: mov esi, [ebp+8] get src pointer
    #89,#F7,                --   49: mov edi, esi     save a copy of src pointer in the edi
    #31,#C0,                --   4B: xor eax, eax     set al to contain zero
    #83,#C9,#FF,            --   4D: or ecx, -1       set counter to #FFFFFFFF
    #F2,#AE,                --   50: repne scasb      scan for zero termination
    #F7,#D1,                --   52: not ecx          invert ecx to get the count
    #8B,#7D,#04,            --   54: mov edi, [ebp+4] get pointer to dst string
    #89,#7D,#00,            --   57: mov [ebp], edi   return dst pointer
    #89,#CA,                --   5A: mov edx,ecx      save the counter
    #C1,#E9,#02,            --   5C: shr ecx, 2       divide count by 4 to get number of double words
    #F3,#A5,                --   5F: rep movsd        copy the double words
    #89,#D1,                --   61: mov ecx,edx      get back the count
    #83,#E1,#03,            --   63: and ecx, 3       mask out the number of bytes left over
    #F3,#A4,                --   66: rep movsb        copy the remainder of bytes
    #61,                    --   68: popad            restore all the registers
                      --   69: ret              back to Euphoria
    #C3,                    --   69:
                          --   6A: stpcpy_: @
    #60,                    --   6A: pushad           save all the registers
    #BD,#00,#00,#00,#00,    --   6B: mov ebp, stack   point base pointer to stack (108)
    #FC,                    --   70: cld              clear the direction flag
    #8B,#75,#08,            --   71: mov esi, [ebp+8] get pointer to src string
    #89,#F7,                --   74: mov edi, esi     get a copy of src in the edi
    #83,#C9,#FF,            --   76: or ecx, -1       set counter to #FFFFFFFF
    #31,#C0,                --   79: xor eax, eax     set al to contain zero
    #F2,#AE,                --   7B: repne scasb      calculate the src length
    #F7,#D1,                --   7D: not ecx          invert ecx to get the count
    #8B,#7D,#04,            --   7F: mov edi, [ebp+4] get pointer to dst string
    #89,#CA,                --   82: mov edx,ecx      save the counter
    #C1,#E9,#02,            --   84: shr ecx, 2       divide count by 4 to get number of double words
    #F3,#A5,                --   87: rep movsd        copy the double words
    #89,#D1,                --   89: mov ecx,edx      get back the count
    #83,#E1,#03,            --   8B: and ecx, 3       mask out the number of bytes left over
    #F3,#A4,                --   8E: rep movsb        copy the remainder of bytes
    #8D,#47,#FF,            --   90: lea eax, [edi-1] adjust edi to point to zero terminating byte
    #89,#45,#00,            --   93: mov [ebp], eax   setup to return edi pointer
    #61,                    --   96: popad            restore all the registers
                          --   97: ret              back to Euphoria
    #C3,                    --   97:
                          --   98: strupr_: @
    #60,                    --   98: pushad           save all the registers
    #BD,#00,#00,#00,#00,    --   99: mov ebp, stack   point base pointer to stack (154)
    #8B,#7D,#04,            --   9E: mov edi, [ebp+4] get pointer to the string
    #89,#7D,#00,            --   A1: mov [ebp], edi   setup return pointer to processed string
                         --   A4: testcase1:       look for uppercase
    #8B,#07,                --   A4: mov eax, [edi]   get character
    #3C,#61,                --   A6: cmp al, 97       is character below 'a' ?
    #72,#08,                --   A8: jb next1         yes, already uppercase goto next
    #3C,#7A,                --   AA: cmp al, 122      is character above 'z' ?
    #77,#04,                --   AC: ja next1         yes, already uppercase goto next
    #24,#5F,                --   AE: and al, 95       mask out bit 5 using 5Fh as mask
    #88,#07,                --   B0: mov [edi], al    replace character with uppercase character
                           --   B2: next1:               the character is now upper case
    #47,                    --   B2: inc edi          point to next character
    #08,#C0,                --   B3: or al, al        test al for zero
    #75,#ED,                --   B5: jnz testcase1    jump to test case unless zero
    #61,                    --   B7: popad            restore all the registers
                          --   B8: ret              back to Euphoria
    #C3,                    --   B8:
                          --   B9: strlwr_: @
    #60,                    --   B9: pushad           save all the registers
    #BD,#00,#00,#00,#00,    --   BA: mov ebp, stack   point base pointer to stack (187)
    #8B,#7D,#04,            --   BF: mov edi, [ebp+4] get pointer to string
    #89,#7D,#00,            --   C2: mov [ebp], edi   setup return pointer to processed string
                     --   C5: testcase2:       look for lowercase
    #8B,#07,                --   C5: mov eax, [edi]   get character
    #3C,#41,                --   C7: cmp al, 65       is character below 'A' ?
    #72,#08,                --   C9: jb next2         yes, already lowercase goto next
    #3C,#5A,                --   CB: cmp al, 90       is character above 'Z' ?
    #77,#04,                --   CD: ja next2         yes, already lowercase goto next
    #0C,#20,                --   CF: or al, 32        or bit 5 into byte ( using 20h )
    #88,#07,                --   D1: mov [edi], al    replace character with lowercase character
                           --   D3: next2:           the character is now lower case
    #47,                    --   D3: inc edi          point to next character
    #08,#C0,                --   D4: or al, al        test al for zero
    #75,#ED,                --   D6: jnz testcase2    jump to test case unless zero
    #61,                    --   D8: popad            restore all the registers
                      --   D9: ret              back to Euphoria
    #C3,                    --   D9:
                          --   DA: strcat_: @
    #60,                    --   DA: pushad           save all the registers
    #BD,#00,#00,#00,#00,    --   DB: mov ebp, stack   point base pointer to stack (220)
    #FC,                    --   E0: cld              clear the direction flag
    #8B,#7D,#04,            --   E1: mov edi, [ebp+4] get pointer to dst string
    #89,#7D,#00,            --   E4: mov [ebp], edi   setup to return dst pointer
    #8B,#75,#08,            --   E7: mov esi, [ebp+8] get pointer to src string
    #83,#C9,#FF,            --   EA: or ecx, -1       set counter to #FFFFFFFF
    #31,#C0,                --   ED: xor eax, eax     set al to contain zero
    #F2,#AE,                --   EF: repne scasb      find end of string ( null )
    #4F,                    --   F1: dec edi          backup over null terminator
    #AC,                    --   F2: next3: lodsb     load a byte
    #AA,                    --   F3: stosb            store a byte
    #3C,#00,                --   F4: cmp al, 0        check for end of string
    #75,#FA,                --   F6: jnz next3        no, get next byte
    #61,                    --   F8: popad            restore all the registers
                           --   F9: ret              back to Euphoria
    #C3,                    --   F9:
                          --   FA: strchr_: @
    #60,                    --   FA: pushad           save all the registers
    #BD,#00,#00,#00,#00,    --   FB: mov ebp, stack   point base pointer to stack (252)
    #FC,                    --  100: cld              clear the direction flag
    #8B,#75,#04,            --  101: mov esi, [ebp+4] get pointer of string to search
    #8A,#65,#08,            --  104: mov ah, [ebp+8]  get character to look for
                            --  107: look4:           start looking
    #AC,                    --  107: lodsb            load a byte into al
    #38,#C4,                --  108: cmp ah, al       compare, is this the character ?
    #74,#08,                --  10A: jz found4        if yes - jump to found
    #3C,#00,                --  10C: cmp al, 0        is end of string ?
    #75,#F7,                --  10E: jne look4        if no - look at next chracter
    #31,#C0,                --  110: xor eax, eax     not found - zero eax ( a null )
    #EB,#03,                --  112: jmp short exit4  clean up and exit
                           --  114: found4:          yes, found
    #89,#F0,                --  114: mov eax, esi     get the pointer to character
    #48,                    --  116: dec eax          correct the pointer for lodsb increment
                         --  117: exit4:           exit
    #89,#45,#00,            --  117: mov [ebp], eax   return the pointer to character or a null
    #61,                    --  11A: popad            restore all the registers
                        --  11B: ret              back to Euphoria
    #C3,                    --  11B:
                          --  11C: strcmp_: @
    #60,                    --  11C: pushad           save the registers
    #BD,#00,#00,#00,#00,    --  11D: mov ebp, stack   point base pointer to stack (286)
    #FC,                    --  122: cld              clear the direction flag
    #8B,#7D,#08,            --  123: mov edi, [ebp+8] get pointer to str2 string
    #89,#FE,                --  126: mov esi,edi      save a copy of str2 pointer
    #83,#C9,#FF,            --  128: or ecx,-1        set counter to #FFFFFFFF
    #31,#C0,                --  12B: xor eax,eax      set al to contain zero
    #F2,#AE,                --  12D: repne scasb      calculate the str2 length
    #F7,#D1,                --  12F: not ecx          invert ecx to get the count
    #89,#F7,                --  131: mov edi,esi      get saved copy of str2
    #8B,#75,#04,            --  133: mov esi, [ebp+4] get pointer to str1
    #F3,#A6,                --  136: repe cmpsb       while str1 = str2 loop
    #0F,#9F,#C0,            --  138: setg al          set the al to 1 if greater
    #0F,#9C,#C4,            --  13B: setl ah          set the ah to 1 if less
    #28,#E0,                --  13E: sub al,ah        subtract the ah from the al
    #0F,#BE,#C0,            --  140: movsx eax,al     set eax to reflect ordering
    #89,#45,#00,            --  143: mov [ebp], eax   return 1 or -1 or zero
    #61,                    --  146: popad            restore registers
                      --  147: ret              back to Euphoria
    #C3,                    --  147:
                          --  148: strcspn_: @
    #60,                    --  148: pushad           save the registers
    #BD,#00,#00,#00,#00,    --  149: mov ebp, stack   point base pointer to stack (330)
    #FC,                    --  14E: cld              clear the direction flag
    #31,#C0,                --  14F: xor eax, eax     clear the counter
    #8B,#4D,#04,            --  151: mov ecx, [ebp+4] get pointer to str1 string
    #EB,#12,                --  154: jmp short eos5   go test for end of string
                     --  156: nextptr5:
    #41,                    --  156: inc ecx          point to next character in str1
    #8B,#7D,#08,            --  157: mov edi, [ebp+8] get pointer to str2 string
                     --  15A: scan5:
    #8A,#37,                --  15A: mov dh, [edi]    store character from str2 in dh
    #08,#F6,                --  15C: or dh, dh        test for zero termination
    #74,#07,                --  15E: jz inceos5       yes, go an update the counter
    #38,#F2,                --  160: cmp dl, dh       compare str1 and str2 characters
    #74,#0A,                --  162: je exit5         if equal exit
    #47,                    --  164: inc edi          point to next str2 character
    #EB,#F3,                --  165: jmp short scan5  jump to scan next
                            --  167: inceos5:
    #40,                    --  167: inc eax          update the counter
                           --  168: eos5:
    #8A,#11,                --  168: mov dl, [ecx]    get next character
    #08,#D2,                --  16A: or dl, dl        test for zero termination
    #75,#E8,                --  16C: jnz nextptr5     no, goto next pointer
                            --  16E: exit5:
    #89,#45,#00,            --  16E: mov [ebp], eax   return the index counter
    #61,                    --  171: popad            restore all the registers
                        --  172: ret              back to Euphoria
    #C3,                    --  172:
                          --  173: strspn_: @
    #60,                    --  173: pushad           save the registers
    #BD,#00,#00,#00,#00,    --  174: mov ebp, stack   point base pointer to stack (373)
    #FC,                    --  179: cld              clear the direction flag
    #31,#C0,                --  17A: xor eax, eax     clear the counter
    #8B,#4D,#04,            --  17C: mov ecx, [ebp+4] get pointer to str1 string
    #EB,#12,                --  17F: jmp short eos6   test for end of string
                         --  181: nextptr6:        next pointer
    #41,                    --  181: inc ecx          point to next character in str1
    #8B,#7D,#08,            --  182: mov edi, [ebp+8] get pointer to str2 string
                         --  185: scan6            scan for character
    #8A,#37,                --  185: mov dh, [edi]    store character from str2 in dh
    #08,#F6,                --  187: or dh, dh        test for zero termination
    #74,#0E,                --  189: jz exit6         if equal exit
    #38,#F2,                --  18B: cmp dl, dh       compare str1 and str2 characters
    #74,#03,                --  18D: je update6       yes, go an update the counter
    #47,                    --  18F: inc edi          point to next str2 character
    #EB,#F3,                --  190: jmp short scan6  jump to scan next
                           --  192: update6:         update
    #40,                    --  192: inc eax          update the counter
                            --  193: eos6:            look for the end of the string
    #8A,#11,                --  193: mov dl, [ecx]    get next character
    #08,#D2,                --  195: or dl, dl        test for zero termination
    #75,#E8,                --  197: jnz nextptr6     no, goto next pointer
                          --  199: exit6:           exit
    #89,#45,#00,            --  199: mov [ebp], eax   return the index counter
    #61,                    --  19C: popad            restore all the registers
                         --  19D: ret              back to Euphoria
    #C3,                    --  19D:
                          --  19E: strncat_: @
    #60,                    --  19E: pushad           save all the registers
    #BD,#00,#00,#00,#00,    --  19F: mov ebp, stack   point base pointer to stack (416)
    #FC,                    --  1A4: cld              clear the direction flag
    #8B,#7D,#04,            --  1A5: mov edi, [ebp+4] get pointer to dst string
    #89,#7D,#00,            --  1A8: mov [ebp], edi   setup to return dst pointer
    #8B,#75,#08,            --  1AB: mov esi, [ebp+8] get pointer to src string
    #8B,#5D,#0C,            --  1AE: mov ebx, [ebp+12] get count
    #83,#C9,#FF,            --  1B1: or ecx, -1       set counter to #FFFFFFFF
    #31,#C0,                --  1B4: xor eax, eax     set al to contain zero
    #F2,#AE,                --  1B6: repne scasb      find end of string ( null )
    #4F,                    --  1B8: dec edi          back up to overwrite terminating null
                          --  1B9: next7:           next character
    #83,#FB,#00,            --  1B9: cmp ebx, 0       is count in ebx 0 ?
    #74,#07,                --  1BC: jz exit7         yes exit
    #AC,                    --  1BE: lodsb            get a character
    #AA,                    --  1BF: stosb            store the character
    #4B,                    --  1C0: dec ebx          decrement ebx count
    #3C,#00,                --  1C1: cmp al, 0        test for end of string
    #75,#F4,                --  1C3: jnz next7        no get next character
                       --  1C5: exit7:           exit
    #31,#C0,                --  1C5: xor eax, eax     get a zero
    #89,#1F,                --  1C7: mov [edi], ebx   store the zero termination byte end of string
    #61,                    --  1C9: popad            restore all the registers
                            --  1CA: ret              back to Euphoria
    #C3,                    --  1CA:
                          --  1CB: strncmp_: @
    #60,                    --  1CB: pushad           save the registers
    #BD,#00,#00,#00,#00,    --  1CC: mov ebp, stack   point base pointer to stack (461)
    #FC,                    --  1D1: cld              clear the direction flag
    #8B,#7D,#08,            --  1D2: mov edi, [ebp+8] get pointer to str2 string
    #89,#FE,                --  1D5: mov esi,edi      save a copy of str2 pointer
    #83,#C9,#FF,            --  1D7: or ecx,-1        set counter to #FFFFFFFF
    #31,#C0,                --  1DA: xor eax,eax      set al to contain zero
    #F2,#AE,                --  1DC: repne scasb      calculate the src length
    #F7,#D1,                --  1DE: not ecx          invert ecx to get the count
    #8B,#55,#0C,            --  1E0: mov edx, [ebp+12]  ; ;  get count
    #39,#D1,                --  1E3: cmp ecx,edx      have we reach the count ?
    #76,#02,                --  1E5: jbe short
                      --  1E7: over8  jump over if below or equal
    #89,#D1,                --  1E7: mov ecx,edx      save the count
                         --  1E9: jecxz short exit8  exit if ecx is zero
                         --  1E9: over8:           below or equal
    #89,#F7,                --  1E9: mov edi,esi      get saved copy of str2
    #8B,#75,#04,            --  1EB: mov esi, [ebp+4] get the count into edx
    #F3,#A6,                --  1EE: repe cmpsb       while str1 = str2 loop
    #0F,#9F,#C0,            --  1F0: setg al          set the al to 1 if greater
    #0F,#9C,#C4,            --  1F3: setl ah          set the ah to 1 if less
    #28,#E0,                --  1F6: sub al,ah        subtract the ah from the al
    #0F,#BE,#C0,            --  1F8: movsx eax,al     set eax to reflect ordering
                         --  1FB: exit8:               exit
    #89,#45,#00,            --  1FB: mov [ebp], eax   return 1 or -1 or zero
    #61,                    --  1FE: popad            restore registers
                       --  1FF: ret              back to Euphoria
    #C3,                    --  1FF:
                          --  200: strncpy_: @
    #60,                    --  200: pushad           save all the registers
    #BD,#00,#00,#00,#00,    --  201: mov ebp, stack   point base pointer to stack (514)
    #FC,                    --  206: cld              clear the direction flag
    #8B,#55,#0C,            --  207: mov edx, [ebp+12] get the count
    #8B,#75,#08,            --  20A: mov esi, [ebp+8] get pointer to src string
    #89,#F7,                --  20D: mov edi, esi     get a copy of src in the edi
    #31,#C0,                --  20F: xor eax, eax     set al to contain zero
    #83,#C9,#FF,            --  211: or ecx, -1       set counter to #FFFFFFFF
    #F2,#AE,                --  214: repne scasb      calculate the src length
    #F7,#D1,                --  216: not ecx          invert ecx to get the count
    #89,#C8,                --  218: mov eax, ecx     save the src length
    #89,#D1,                --  21A: mov ecx, edx     get number of characters to copy
    #8B,#7D,#04,            --  21C: mov edi, [ebp+4] get pointer to dst string
    #89,#7D,#00,            --  21F: mov [ebp], edi   get pointer to dst string
    #F3,#A4,                --  222: repz movsb       move bytes from src to dst
    #89,#D1,                --  224: mov ecx, edx     get src length
    #29,#C1,                --  226: sub ecx, eax     cnt - src = number of pad bytes
    #7F,#06,                --  228: jg exit9         exit no pad bytes
    #F7,#D1,                --  22A: not ecx          invert the ecx
    #31,#C0,                --  22C: xor eax, eax     get null pad character
    #F3,#AA,                --  22E: repz stosb       fill with pad bytes
                           --  230: exit9:
    #61,                    --  230: popad            restore all the registers
                      --  231: ret              back to Euphoria
    #C3,                    --  231:
                          --  232: strpbrk_: @
    #60,                    --  232: pushad           save all the registers
    #BD,#00,#00,#00,#00,    --  233: mov ebp, stack   point base pointer to stack (564)
    #FC,                    --  238: cld              clear the direction flag
    #8B,#45,#04,            --  239: mov eax, [ebp+4] get the count
    #8B,#5D,#08,            --  23C: mov ebx, [ebp+8] get the count
    #EB,#10,                --  23F: jmp short nextstr1 - get string1 1st character
                      --  241: getstr2:         string2 pointer
    #89,#D9,                --  241: mov ecx,ebx      get head of str2 pointer
                     --  243: nextstr2:        next character from string 2
    #8A,#31,                --  243: mov dh,[ecx]     get str2 char into the dh
    #08,#F6,                --  245: or dh,dh         test for end of string
    #74,#07,                --  247: jz incstr1       yes,
    #38,#F2,                --  249: cmp dl,dh        compare str1 with str2
    #74,#0C,                --  24B: je exit10        if a match exit
    #41,                    --  24D: inc ecx          increment str2 pointer
    #EB,#F3,                --  24E: jmp short nextstr2 - get next
                          --  250: incstr1:         update str1 pointer
    #40,                    --  250: inc eax          increment str1 pointer
                           --  251: nextstr1:        next character from string 1
    #8A,#10,                --  251: mov dl,[eax]     get str1 char into the dl
    #08,#D2,                --  253: or dl,dl         test for end of string
    #75,#EA,                --  255: jnz getstr2      no, get new str2 pointer
    #31,#C0,                --  257: xor eax,eax      setup eax to return ZERO
                       --  259: exit10:          exit
    #89,#45,#00,            --  259: mov [ebp], eax   return a pointer or null
    #61,                    --  25C: popad            restore all the registers
                         --  25D: ret              back to Euphoria
    #C3,                    --  25D:
                          --  25E: strrchr_: @
    #60,                    --  25E: pushad           save all the registers
    #BD,#00,#00,#00,#00,    --  25F: mov ebp, stack   point base pointer to stack (608)
    #FC,                    --  264: cld              clear the direction flag
    #8B,#75,#04,            --  265: mov esi, [ebp+4] get pointer of string to search
    #8A,#65,#08,            --  268: mov ah, [ebp+8]  get character to look for in ebx
    #31,#DB,                --  26B: xor ebx, ebx     set ebx counter to contain zero
                       --  26D: look11:          look
    #AC,                    --  26D: lodsb            load a byte into al
    #38,#C4,                --  26E: cmp ah, al       compare is this the character ?
    #74,#06,                --  270: jz found11       if yes - jump to found
    #3C,#00,                --  272: cmp al, 0        is end of string ?
    #75,#F7,                --  274: jne look11       if no - look at next chracter
    #EB,#05,                --  276: jmp short exit11 clean up and exit
                          --  278: found11:         found
    #89,#F3,                --  278: mov ebx, esi     get the pointer
    #4B,                    --  27A: dec ebx          correct the pointer
    #EB,#F0,                --  27B: jmp short look11 look for next occurance
                          --  27D: exit11:              exit
    #89,#5D,#00,            --  27D: mov [ebp], ebx   return a pointer or zero
    #61,                    --  280: popad            restore all the registers
                     --  281: ret              back to Euphoria
    #C3,                    --  281:
                          --  282: strset_: @
    #60,                    --  282: pushad           save all the registers
    #BD,#00,#00,#00,#00,    --  283: mov ebp, stack   point base pointer to stack (644)
    #FC,                    --  288: cld              clear the direction flag
    #8B,#7D,#04,            --  289: mov edi, [ebp+4] get pointer of string to search
    #89,#7D,#00,            --  28C: mov [ebp], edi   setup return pointer to processed string
    #B4,#00,                --  28F: mov ah, 0        zero terminating byte
    #8A,#45,#08,            --  291: mov al, [ebp+8]  get character to look for in al
    #EB,#01,                --  294: jmp short eos11  test end of string
    #AA,                    --  296: set11: stosb     set the character
    #3A,#27,                --  297: eos11: cmp ah, [edi] -- end of string ?
    #75,#FB,                --  299: jnz set11        no set the next character
    #61,                    --  29B: popad            restore all the registers
                            --  29C: ret              back to Euphoria
    #C3})                   --  29C:

; <SNIP>


New User.. Hayden McKay.
Post 05 Jan 2008, 07:54
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