flat assembler
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Nguga 07 Nov 2003, 03:12
well i´m a NASM user but FASM is ok
![]() i´m traing to use this OCX : Hauppauge WinTV? OCX http://www.hauppauge.com and i want to use some METHODS : GeneralMethods CopyToClipboard PrintImage SaveToDisk SaveToDiskEx ShowAboutBox ShowAudioControlBox ShowChannelExplorer ShowColorControlBox ShowVideoControlBox WinTV Control Methods ChannelUp ChannelDown ToggleFreezeVideo ToggleMute SurfStart SurfEnd VolumeUp VolumeDown but this OCX only exports this: DllCanUnloadNow DllGetClassObject DllRegisterServer DllUnregisterServer then what the f*ck is a GUI ? for example this one: /Hauppauge WinTV OCX //Version: 11.17 hcwWinTVControl; GUID = {2B143B63-055B-11D2-A96D-00A0C92A2D0F}; Dispatch _hcwWinTVocx; GUID = {AEB1C2D7-3312-11D4-8147-00A0C9B03BA8}; what is a GUI in real assembly ? for example if i want to use directdraw in NASM using NaGoA macros i just do this : ..start: sectiondata lpDD dd 0 sectioncode call DirectDrawCreate,NULL,lpDD,NULL or eax,eax jne near goError1 call MessageBoxA,0,"DirectDrawCreated OK !","directdraw",MB_ICONHAND | MB_OK goOn: sectiondata DDSetCooperativeLevel equ 80 DDSCL_NORMAL equ 8 sectioncode CALLCOM lpDD,DDSetCooperativeLevel,0,DDSCL_NORMAL or eax,eax jne near goError2 goOut2: call MessageBoxA,0,"SetCooperativeLevel OK !","comcall",MB_ICONHAND | MB_OK sectiondata SetDisplayMode equ 84 sectioncode CALLCOM lpDD,SetDisplayMode,640,480,8 or eax,eax jne near goError3 call MessageBoxA,0,"SetDisplayMode OK !","comcall",MB_ICONHAND | MB_OK jmp goOut goOut: call ExitProcess,0 ret goError1: call MessageBoxA,0,"DirectDrawCreate Error.. !","comcall",MB_ICONHAND | MB_OK jmp goOut goError2: call MessageBoxA,0,"SetCooperativeLevel Error.. !","comcall",MB_ICONHAND | MB_OK jmp goOut goError3 call MessageBoxA,0,"SetDisplayMode Error.. !","comcall",MB_ICONHAND | MB_OK jmp goOut i post that becouse i think OCX is + - like COM i think ... so please how can i use a OCX in FASM or NASM ... ![]() can any one post a litle simple example ? Thanks ! Nguga |
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Nguga 07 Nov 2003, 04:02
not that one ...
i want just a simple example just calling one method from a OCX just that ![]() thanks ! |
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scientica 07 Nov 2003, 05:26
Nguga wrote: then what the f*ck is a GUI ? GUI is short for Graphical User Interface, an dit's the gaphical layer of an application. But a GUID is something else, iirc it stands for Global Unique IDentifier (not sure thougt), it's intended to be an unique ID, used in COM for instance. _________________ ... a professor saying: "use this proprietary software to learn computer science" is the same as English professor handing you a copy of Shakespeare and saying: "use this book to learn Shakespeare without opening the book itself. - Bradley Kuhn |
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MazeGen 08 Nov 2003, 20:48
Nguga wrote: ... could it help you how is it in MASM? Ocx in masm |
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Nguga 22 Nov 2003, 03:15
well i asked for help on acessing the functions that are not exported in dll and ocx , nobody helped me so i found my self a NASM way
![]() using NAGOA %include '\lab\vasm\inc\nagoa.inc' STRUC GUID .Data1 resd 1 .Data2 resw 1 .Data3 resw 1 .Data4 resb 8 ENDSTRUC CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER equ 1 [segment data USE32] DIALOG_ID equ 100 ;================================================ ; we can see methods as functions inside a dll or ocx that are not exported ; ================================================ ; Declaration of VTable that includes the pointers to the ; methods. Note that it always includes 3 methods of IUnknown ; In fact, all the COM interfaces are built like this. ; ================================================ STRUC ITaskBarList ;==This are pointers to IUnknown interface .QueryInterface resd 1 .AddRef resd 1 .Release resd 1 ;==This are pointers to Methods (functions) of ITaskbarlist .HrInit resd 1 .AddTab resd 1 .DeleteTab resd 1 .ActivateTab resd 1 .SetActiveAlt resd 1 ENDSTRUC ;================================================ ;=== CLSID_TaskbarList '56FDF344-FD6D-11D0-958A-006097C9A090' CLSID_TaskbarList: ISTRUC GUID AT GUID.Data1 , dd 56FDF344h AT GUID.Data2 , dw 0FD6Dh AT GUID.Data3 , dw 11D0h AT GUID.Data4 , db 95h,8Ah,0,60h,97h,0C9h,0A0h,90h IEND ;=== IID_ITaskbarList '56FDF342-FD6D-11D0-958A-006097C9A090' IID_ITaskbarList: ISTRUC GUID AT GUID.Data1 , dd 56fdf342h AT GUID.Data2 , dw 0FD6Dh AT GUID.Data3 , dw 11D0h AT GUID.Data4 , db 95h,8Ah,0,60h,97h,0C9h,0A0h,90h IEND [segment code USE32] ..start: call GetModuleHandleA, NULL CONST hInst , dd 0 mov [hInst], eax call DialogBoxParamA, [hInst],DIALOG_ID, 0,DialogProc, 0 call ExitProcess, [hInst] ; ============ [ MAIN DIALOLOG PROC ] ===== proc DialogProc,hdlg,msg,wParam,lParam cmp dword [msg],WM_INITDIALOG je wm_inidialog cmp dword [msg],WM_COMMAND je near wm_command ;cmp dword [msg],WM_PAINT ;je near wm_paint cmp dword [msg],WM_CLOSE je near wm_close return FALSE ;; ============= wm_inidialog: return TRUE ;; ============= wm_command: cmp dword [wParam], 1002 ; show on taskbar ? je show return TRUE ;; ============= show: invoke ShowOnTaskbar,[hdlg] return FALSE ;; ============= wm_close: call ExitProcess,0 return FALSE ;------------ endproc ; ===[ MAIN DIALOGPROC END ] ======== ; ---------[ ShowOnTaskbar ] ------------------------ proc ShowOnTaskbar,hWin sectiondata ShellTaskBar resb ITaskBarList_size sectioncode call CoInitialize,NULL call CoCreateInstance,CLSID_TaskbarList,NULL,CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER,IID_ITaskbarList,ShellTaskBar callcom ShellTaskBar,ITaskBarList.HrInit callcom ShellTaskBar,ITaskBarList.AddTab,[hWin] callcom ShellTaskBar,ITaskBarList.ActivateTab,[hWin] endproc ; ---------[ ShowOnTaskbar END ] --------------------- ![]() |
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LiuGuoHua(Chinese) 18 Apr 2004, 08:31
Really good !
I 'd search for a way to use ocx1 but i still want one to do it in fasm because i don't know how to do "callcom" |
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Tomasz Grysztar 18 Apr 2004, 10:01
Code: format PE GUI 4.0 entry start include 'win32a.inc' macro comcall object,proc,[arg] { common if ~ arg eq reverse pushd arg common end if mov eax,[object#.#handle] push eax mov eax,[eax] call [eax+object#.#proc] } struc GUID d1,d2,d3,d4,d5 { .Data1 dd 0x#d1 .Data2 dw 0x#d2 .Data3 dw 0x#d3 .Data4 db 0x#d4 shr 8,0x#d4 and 0FFh .Data5 db 0x#d5 shr 40,0x#d5 shr 32 and 0FFh,0x#d5 shr 24 and 0FFh,0x#d5 shr 16 and 0FFh,0x#d5 shr 8 and 0FFh,0x#d5 and 0FFh } struc ITaskBarList { .handle dd ? virtual at 0 .QueryInterface dd ? .AddRef dd ? .Release dd ? .HrInit dd ? .AddTab dd ? .DeleteTab dd ? .ActivateTab dd ? .SetActiveAlt dd ? end virtual } CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER = 0x1 CLSCTX_INPROC_HANDLER = 0x2 CLSCTX_LOCAL_SERVER = 0x4 CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER16 = 0x8 CLSCTX_REMOTE_SERVER = 0x10 CLSCTX_INPROC_HANDLER16 = 0x20 CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVERX86 = 0x40 CLSCTX_INPROC_HANDLERX86 = 0x80 CLSCTX_ESERVER_HANDLER = 0x100 CLSCTX_NO_CODE_DOWNLOAD = 0x400 CLSCTX_NO_CUSTOM_MARSHAL = 0x1000 CLSCTX_ENABLE_CODE_DOWNLOAD = 0x2000 CLSCTX_NO_FAILURE_LOG = 0x4000 CLSCTX_DISABLE_AAA = 0x8000 CLSCTX_ENABLE_AAA = 0x10000 CLSCTX_FROM_DEFAULT_CONTEXT = 0x20000 ID_EXIT = 0 ID_SHOW = 1 ID_HIDE = 2 IDD_COMDEMO = 1 section '.data' data readable writeable CLSID_TaskbarList GUID 56FDF344,FD6D,11D0,958A,006097C9A090 IID_ITaskbarList GUID 56FDF342,FD6D,11D0,958A,006097C9A090 ShellTaskBar ITaskBarList section '.code' code readable executable start: invoke CoInitialize,NULL invoke CoCreateInstance,CLSID_TaskbarList,NULL,CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER,IID_ITaskbarList,ShellTaskBar invoke GetModuleHandle,0 invoke DialogBoxParam,eax,IDD_COMDEMO,HWND_DESKTOP,COMDemo,0 comcall ShellTaskBar,Release invoke ExitProcess,0 proc COMDemo,hwnd,msg,wparam,lparam push ebx esi edi cmp [msg],WM_INITDIALOG je wminitdialog cmp [msg],WM_COMMAND je wmcommand cmp [msg],WM_CLOSE je wmclose xor eax,eax jmp finish wminitdialog: jmp processed wmcommand: cmp [wparam],BN_CLICKED shl 16 + ID_EXIT je wmclose cmp [wparam],BN_CLICKED shl 16 + ID_SHOW je show cmp [wparam],BN_CLICKED shl 16 + ID_HIDE jne processed hide: comcall ShellTaskBar,HrInit comcall ShellTaskBar,DeleteTab,[hwnd] jmp processed show: comcall ShellTaskBar,HrInit comcall ShellTaskBar,AddTab,[hwnd] comcall ShellTaskBar,ActivateTab,[hwnd] jmp processed wmclose: invoke EndDialog,[hwnd],0 processed: mov eax,1 finish: pop edi esi ebx return endp section '.idata' import data readable library kernel,'KERNEL32.DLL',\ user,'USER32.DLL',\ ole,'OLE32.DLL' import kernel,\ GetModuleHandle,'GetModuleHandleA',\ ExitProcess,'ExitProcess' import user,\ DialogBoxParam,'DialogBoxParamA',\ EndDialog,'EndDialog' import ole,\ CoInitialize,'CoInitialize',\ CoCreateInstance,'CoCreateInstance' section '.rsrc' resource data readable directory RT_DIALOG,dialogs resource dialogs,\ IDD_COMDEMO,LANG_ENGLISH+SUBLANG_DEFAULT,comdemo dialog comdemo,'COM demonstration',70,70,170,24,WS_CAPTION+WS_POPUP+WS_SYSMENU+DS_MODALFRAME dialogitem 'BUTTON','Show',ID_SHOW,4,4,45,15,WS_VISIBLE+WS_TABSTOP dialogitem 'BUTTON','Hide',ID_HIDE,54,4,45,15,WS_VISIBLE+WS_TABSTOP dialogitem 'BUTTON','Exit',ID_EXIT,120,4,45,15,WS_VISIBLE+WS_TABSTOP enddialog |
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Tomasz Grysztar 19 Apr 2004, 07:25
Maybe I should even include those COM macros and some example in the official distribution?
Or at least I'll put it into the new "examples" section, when it finally comes to life. |
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coconut 19 Apr 2004, 10:54
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vid 19 Apr 2004, 18:52
maybe you could think about some way how to accomplish that COM stuff with non-static interface pointers (like interface pointer that is stored in edi). I wasn't able to do this using your macros.
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Tomasz Grysztar 19 Apr 2004, 19:18
Maybe such two macros:
Code: macro cominvk object,proc,[arg] { common if ~ arg eq reverse pushd arg common end if mov eax,[object#.#handle] push eax mov eax,[eax] call [eax+object#.#proc] } macro comcall handle,object,proc,[arg] { common if ~ arg eq reverse pushd arg common end if if handle eqtype ebx | handle eqtype 0 push handle local ..handle label ..handle at handle mov eax,[..handle] else mov eax,handle push eax mov eax,[eax] end if local ..interface virtual ..interface object end virtual call [eax+..interface#.#proc] } and then: Code: cominvk ShellTaskBar,HrInit cominvk ShellTaskBar,DeleteTab,[hwnd] or: Code: comcall [ShellTaskBar],ITaskBarList,HrInit comcall [ShellTaskBar],ITaskBarList,DeleteTab,[hwnd] or finally: Code: mov edi,[ShellTaskBar] comcall edi,ITaskBarList,HrInit comcall edi,ITaskBarList,DeleteTab,[hwnd] |
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metalfishx 15 Oct 2004, 14:32
Hello!, im needing to execute one com object functions.. but...
The macros are very good and all is working fine thanks to Pivalov... but what about obtain the GUID automaticcaly ussing the name or something? VC# and others ides when you add a reference shows all the registered ocx; this is the thing, how to find in the system registered ocx or just in the ocx file the GUID and just call the functions? ... i saw some Basic interpreters like Rapid Q that uses a simple way to call a the registered name string and automatically creates one variable with the references of all functions... hack? mmm ![]() Ill try to investigate a little more for my side, but, im newbye, heres lots of masters ![]() Cheers and Thanks! _________________ --------------------------------------- Roberto A. Berrospe Machin Ruta Internet, Florida Uruguay --------------------------------------- |
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Tomasz Grysztar 24 Nov 2004, 17:39
With the latest fasmw update the "cominvk" and "comcall" macros are defined by standard headers (DirectDraw example has been updated to use this new feature). There are still no GUID macros there, as there seems to be no agreed good solution on how to define them.
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madmatt 27 Nov 2004, 11:12
I've tried the new comcall macro, and It gives me an illegal instruction in this line of the macro code: ..interface object I'd like to be able to call a DirectDraw (com) function by reference: comcall [eax] , ...... or comcall [varholdingobjectaddress] , ...... |
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Tomasz Grysztar 27 Nov 2004, 11:58
A few posts above you've got the example of how "comcall" macro should be used.
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madmatt 27 Nov 2004, 14:25
I was using the standard 'interface' macro to define the interface, looks like you have to use 'struc' to define the inteface instead. All right, I'll try this and see what happens.
Thanks MadMatt |
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madmatt 27 Nov 2004, 14:54
Still having problems, I'm talking about the longer version of the comcall macro above, the one that is supposed to allow you to use a pointer to an object. like:
comcall [eax] , ....... and comcall [eax+bufferarray.directsoundbuffer] , ....... I'll see what I can cook up with what I have. MadMatt |
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Tomasz Grysztar 27 Nov 2004, 15:50
Please post your code to show where you've got the problem.
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madmatt 27 Nov 2004, 18:20
Code: ;structure for the each wave sound struct pcmsoundtype .dsbuffer DirectSoundBuffer .state dd 0 .rate dd 0 .size dd 0 .id dd 0 ends ;structure used for defining an array of directsound buffer objects soundfx pcmsoundtype times MAXSOUNDS*sizeof.pcmsoundtype db 0 ;macro to call DirectSound com object with ;the one that is giving me errors. macro DSRCALL handle,object,proc,[arg] { common if ~ arg eq reverse pushd arg common end if if handle eqtype ebx | handle eqtype 0 push handle local ..handle label ..handle at handle mov eax,[..handle] else mov eax,handle push eax mov eax,[eax] end if local ..interface virtual ..interface object end virtual call [eax+..interface#.#proc] } ;what I would like to be able to do mov [index],15 ; prepare to release 15th DirectSound buffer mov eax,sizeof.pcmsoundtype mul [index] DSRCALL eax+soundfx.dsbuffer , Release ;<- gives me an illegal instruction right here Hopefully this can be done with just one register (EAX)! _________________ Gimme a sledge hammer! I'LL FIX IT! |
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