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Index > Windows > FASMW to deal with UTF-8 and non-ANSI name of variables

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Joined: 31 Jan 2015
Posts: 15
xiaolaba 24 Aug 2024, 04:52
perhaps this is a workaround with a bit tricky, but anyway a solution. it is a complete working prototype.


;; refs: https://board.flatassembler.net/topic.php?p=217706
;;       https://board.flatassembler.net/topic.php?t=938
;; Unicode in FASM
;; FASM 1.73.32
;; win10 64 bit, CHT version
;; uses other editor, save this source code as UTF-8, FASM IDE is be able to process CHT input
;; open FSAM IDE, load/compile this code, it is displaying UTF-8 CHT char properly, data type must be DU
;; by xiaolaba

format PE GUI
entry start

include '\fasm\include\win32w.inc'
include '\fasm\include\encoding\utf8.inc'

section '.data' data readable writeable
IS64 du '64位元 Windows',0
IS32 du '32位元 Windows',0

argv    dd ?
argc    dd ?

dummyW dw 'AB'  ;2 bytes, 0x41 0x42, compile ok
;dummyW dw 'ABCD'       ;2 words, error, could not compile, value out of range
dummyU du 'AB'  ;4 bytes, 41 00 42 00 ;compile ok

;;;; https://www.compart.com/en/unicode/U+4E2D
;;;; '中'      
;;;; UTF-8 encoding 0xE4 0xB8 0xAD
;;;; UTF-16 4E2D
;dummyWZ dw '中'       ;compile error, value out of range
dummyWZ du '中'                ;2D 4E, compile ok
dummyUZ du '中文'     ;2D 4E 87 65, compile ok

; Define the wide (2-byte) strings for MessageBox
;messageBoxTitle dw 'U','T','F','-','8',' ',' ','中','文','測', '試',0  ; dw, Wide string for MessageBox title, did not work
;debugMessage    dw 'F','A','S','M',' ','S','t','a','r','t','e','d','中','文','測','試',0  ; Wide string for debug message

; Define the U (4-byte) strings for MessageBox
;messageBoxTitle du 'U','T','F','-','8',' ',' ','中','文','測', '試',0  ; du, Wide string for MessageBox title, working
;debugMessage   du 'F','A','S','M',' ','S','t','a','r','t','e','d','-','中','文','測','試',0  ; Wide string for debug message
messageBoxTitle du 'UTF8-中文測試',0  ; du, Wide string for MessageBox title, working
debugMessage    du 'FASM Started-中文測試',0  ; Wide string for debug message

晚安 du '晚安',0

section '.code' code readable executable


  ; Display debug message to verify execution
  invoke MessageBoxW, NULL, debugMessage, messageBoxTitle, MB_OK

  invoke MessageBoxW, NULL, IS64, messageBoxTitle, MB_OK

  invoke GetCommandLineW
  invoke CommandLineToArgvW, eax, argc
  mov    [argv], eax

  ; Check if we have at least one argument
  cmp    dword [argc], 1
  jbe    exit

  ; Init loop
  mov    ecx, 1
  mov    eax, [argv]

  ; Get argument pointer
  mov    edx, [eax + 4 * ecx]
  invoke MessageBoxW, NULL, edx, messageBoxTitle, MB_OK

  ; Repeat until ecx = argc
  inc    ecx
  cmp    ecx, dword [argc]
  jb     @B

  invoke MessageBoxW, NULL, 晚安, messageBoxTitle, MB_OK
  invoke ExitProcess, 0

section '.idata' import data readable writeable

  library kernel32, 'kernel32.dll', \
          user32, 'user32.dll', \
          shell32, 'shell32.dll'

  import kernel32, \
         GetCommandLineW, 'GetCommandLineW', \
         ExitProcess, 'ExitProcess'

  import user32, \
         MessageBoxW, 'MessageBoxW'

  import shell32, \
         CommandLineToArgvW, 'CommandLineToArgvW'


used IDA Free and the asm generated listing file, it is able to see the compiled code with Wide-Char used as UTF16-LE (Little-Endian byte order), i.e.,

'U' = 0x55, 0x00

Filesize: 196.23 KB
Viewed: 249 Time(s)


Filename: FASM_test中文.ASM
Filesize: 2.93 KB
Downloaded: 34 Time(s)

best regards,

Last edited by xiaolaba on 26 Aug 2024, 01:42; edited 1 time in total
Post 24 Aug 2024, 04:52
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revolution 24 Aug 2024, 08:28
I changed the title to FASMW because FASM is the CLI tool,
Post 24 Aug 2024, 08:28
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Joined: 31 Jan 2015
Posts: 15
xiaolaba 26 Aug 2024, 01:30
revolution wrote:
I changed the title to FASMW because FASM is the CLI tool,

sort of that, here is the batch file used to deal with the FASM CLI, a copy,


@echo off
REM Readme first
REM 2017-MAR-25, xioalaba
REM Uses FASMW or FASM, goto C:\fasmw17160\TOOLS\WIN32
REM to build 3-EXE one time first, listing.exe, prepsrc.exe, symbols.exe


set path=%FASM%;%INCLUDE%;%TOOLS%;%path%

if exist %TOOLS%\listing.exe goto skip
@echo ---- Uses FASMW or FASM, goto %TOOLS%
@echo ---- To build 3 EXE first at one time deal, listing.exe, prepsrc.exe, symbols.exe
cd %TOOLS%
fasm.exe listing.asm listing.exe
fasm.exe prepsrc.asm prepsrc.exe
fasm.exe symbols.asm symbols.exe

REM change to current dir
cd /D "%~dp0"
@echo working folder = %1

@echo FASM build.bat, by xiaolaba, MAR/26/2017
@echo ---- Drag .asm file to this build.bat, produce .exe and .fas
fasm.exe %1 %1.exe -s %1.fas

::goto end
@echo ---- Uses .fas, produce .lst
listing -a %1.fas %1.lst
@echo ---- Uses .fas, produce .src
prepsrc %1.fas %1.src
@echo ---- Uses .fas, produce .fas
symbols %1.fas %1.sym


del *.fas
@echo DONE !!


best regards,
Post 26 Aug 2024, 01:30
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