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Joined: 06 Jan 2011
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idle 11 Apr 2011, 06:38
edit: download is always located here

tomasz, add include's modifier please:
include once 'please.ok?'

Last edited by idle on 15 Dec 2015, 17:37; edited 2 times in total
Post 11 Apr 2011, 06:38
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revolution 11 Apr 2011, 06:59
There are already some macros for that here on this board.

See here.
Post 11 Apr 2011, 06:59
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Tyler 11 Apr 2011, 07:15
revolution wrote:
There are already some macros for that here on this board.

See here.
I think your link is broken. It doesn't take me to and example... Wink
Post 11 Apr 2011, 07:15
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When all else fails, read the source

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revolution 11 Apr 2011, 07:24
Tyler wrote:
I think your link is broken. It doesn't take me to and example... Wink
Give a person a fish ...
Post 11 Apr 2011, 07:24
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idle 11 Apr 2011, 07:25

tomasz, add include's modifier please

that's what i need
Post 11 Apr 2011, 07:25
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Tyler 11 Apr 2011, 07:58
revolution wrote:
Give a person a fish ...
... to make them really happy???

idle: You've been given your pole, line, and hook. It's up to you to learn; revolution's too lazy to teach you.
Post 11 Apr 2011, 07:58
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Tyler 11 Apr 2011, 08:06
What exactly do you want once to do?
Post 11 Apr 2011, 08:06
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When all else fails, read the source

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revolution 11 Apr 2011, 08:18
Tyler wrote:
... revolution's too lazy to teach you.
Hmm, well if by "lazy" you actually mean "busy" then correct. I tried to help, but I guess I failed this time around.
Post 11 Apr 2011, 08:18
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idle 11 Apr 2011, 08:52
how that's seen in my mind:
having met include, fasm fetches full path of the file
then fasm inspects list of files it has included
if no such file included, fasm includes it regardless once presence
if a file had been included and once present, fasm does nothing
Post 11 Apr 2011, 08:52
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Tyler 11 Apr 2011, 09:25
Sounds like you're having the multiple declaration problem that C headers solve with condition preprocessor macros. Doesn't Fasm have those?
Post 11 Apr 2011, 09:25
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idle 15 Dec 2015, 10:16
version.inc controls if the facility or its forms should be included.

Scripting approach:
v: ub\
'2021.0323                                    ',10,\
'www.flatassembler.net/download.php           ',10,\

align 4
text: rb 1024*1024 && .szMax = $-text-1 ;0byte reserve
.szNow = 0

get_fasmdir: ub 'pose to fasm sources directory plz',0
if ~(SelectDirA get_fasmdir text) &&ret&& endif
cdA text text ;wanted final

call version.inc
call variable.inc
call preproce.inc

pause 'Done!'\
      'Recompile sources'

preproce.inc: ub 'preproce.inc',0

;read the file and 0byte terminate it in buffer
text.szNow == ReadFileA text preproce.inc 0 text.szMax
if text.szNow = -1 && hlt 'preproce.inc read failure' && end if

;find preprocessor: label and do patch0
.find0: ub 'preprocessor:',0
.pos == posz 0 0 .find0 text 1 0
if .pos=0 && hlt 'preproce.inc analisys failure' && end if
nl.buffer==text && nl.szBuffer==(text.szNow+1) && nl.start==.pos && call nl
ui32[opm.argptr+4]=dataseg+.patch0 && call opm.ret
if (ShiftInBuffer text text.szNow text.szMax (nl.@stopper-1) opm.eax)<>'ok' && hlt 'reserve more space for text buffer' && end if
memcopy (text+nl.@stopper-1) opm.buffer opm.eax
text.szNow == text.szNow + opm.eax

;find include_file: label and do patch1
.find1: ub 'include_file:',0
.pos == posz strings.flagREVERSE 0 .find1 text 1 0
if .pos=0 && hlt 'preproce.inc analisys failure' && end if
nl.buffer==text && nl.szBuffer==(text.szNow+1) && nl.start==.pos && call nl
ui32[opm.argptr+4]=dataseg+.patch1 && call opm.ret
text.szNow == nl.@stopper-1 + opm.eax
if text.szNow>text.szMax && hlt 'reserve more space for text buffer' && end if
memcopy (text+nl.@stopper-1) opm.buffer (opm.eax+1)  ;+0byte

;write... aaaah
if (WriteFileA text preproce.inc 0 text.szNow)<>text.szNow && hlt 'preproce.inc write failure' && end if

.patch0: ub\
\'preprocessor:                                                                                                ',10,\
';Tomasz, keep include_file: logics same and trailing the file plz!                                           ',10,\
'if INCLUDEONCE.DO and INCLUDEONCE.DO_ONCE <> 0                                                               ',10,\
'        mov     [includes.count],0      ;redundant, rather informal                                          ',10,\
'        mov     [includes.files],0      ;last include is none yet                                            ',10,\
'end if                                                                                                       ',0

.patch1: ub\
\'include_file:                                                                                                ',10,\
'        lods    byte [esi]                                                                                   ',10,\
'if INCLUDEONCE.DO and INCLUDEONCE.DO_ONCE <> 0                                                               ',10,\
'        mov     byte[includes.flags],al ;remember include form                                               ',10,\
'        cmp     al,1Ah                                                                                       ',10,\
'        jne     common_include          ;no once key                                                         ',10,\
'        lodsb                                                                                                ',10,\
'        cmp     al,4                                                                                         ',10,\
'        jne     invalid_argument        ;length("once")=4                                                    ',10,\
'        lodsd                                                                                                ',10,\
'        or      eax,"    "              ;case ignorant                                                       ',10,\
'        cmp     eax,"once"                                                                                   ',10,\
'        jne     invalid_argument        ;no once key                                                         ',10,\
'        lodsb                           ;resume common include                                               ',10,\
'      common_include:                                                                                        ',10,\
'end if                                                                                                       ',10,\
'        cmp     al,22h                                                                                       ',10,\
'        jne     invalid_argument                                                                             ',10,\
'        lods    dword [esi]                                                                                  ',10,\
'        cmp     byte [esi+eax],0                                                                             ',10,\
'        jne     extra_characters_on_line                                                                     ',10,\
'        push    esi                                                                                          ',10,\
'        push    edi                                                                                          ',10,\
'        mov     ebx,[current_line]                                                                           ',10,\
'      find_current_file_path:                                                                                ',10,\
'        mov     esi,[ebx]                                                                                    ',10,\
'        test    byte [ebx+7],80h                                                                             ',10,\
'        jz      copy_current_file_path                                                                       ',10,\
'        mov     ebx,[ebx+8]                                                                                  ',10,\
'        jmp     find_current_file_path                                                                       ',10,\
'      copy_current_file_path:                                                                                ',10,\
'        lods    byte [esi]                                                                                   ',10,\
'        stos    byte [edi]                                                                                   ',10,\
'        or      al,al                                                                                        ',10,\
'        jnz     copy_current_file_path                                                                       ',10,\
'      cut_current_file_name:                                                                                 ',10,\
'        cmp     edi,[esp]                                                                                    ',10,\
'        je      current_file_path_ok                                                                         ',10,\
'        cmp     byte [edi-1],"\"                                                                             ',10,\
'        je      current_file_path_ok                                                                         ',10,\
'        cmp     byte [edi-1],"/"                                                                             ',10,\
'        je      current_file_path_ok                                                                         ',10,\
'        dec     edi                                                                                          ',10,\
'        jmp     cut_current_file_name                                                                        ',10,\
'      current_file_path_ok:                                                                                  ',10,\
'        mov     esi,[esp+4]                                                                                  ',10,\
'        call    expand_path                                                                                  ',10,\
'        pop     edx                                                                                          ',10,\
'        mov     esi,edx                                                                                      ',10,\
'        call    open                                                                                         ',10,\
'        jnc     include_path_ok                                                                              ',10,\
'        mov     ebp,[include_paths]                                                                          ',10,\
'      try_include_directories:                                                                               ',10,\
'        mov     edi,esi                                                                                      ',10,\
'        mov     esi,ebp                                                                                      ',10,\
'        cmp     byte [esi],0                                                                                 ',10,\
'        je      try_in_current_directory                                                                     ',10,\
'        push    ebp                                                                                          ',10,\
'        push    edi                                                                                          ',10,\
'        call    get_include_directory                                                                        ',10,\
'        mov     [esp+4],esi                                                                                  ',10,\
'        mov     esi,[esp+8]                                                                                  ',10,\
'        call    expand_path                                                                                  ',10,\
'        pop     edx                                                                                          ',10,\
'        mov     esi,edx                                                                                      ',10,\
'        call    open                                                                                         ',10,\
'        pop     ebp                                                                                          ',10,\
'        jnc     include_path_ok                                                                              ',10,\
'        jmp     try_include_directories                                                                      ',10,\
'        mov     edi,esi                                                                                      ',10,\
'      try_in_current_directory:                                                                              ',10,\
'        mov     esi,[esp]                                                                                    ',10,\
'        push    edi                                                                                          ',10,\
'        call    expand_path                                                                                  ',10,\
'        pop     edx                                                                                          ',10,\
'        mov     esi,edx                                                                                      ',10,\
'        call    open                                                                                         ',10,\
'        jc      file_not_found                                                                               ',10,\
'      include_path_ok:                                                                                       ',10,\
'if INCLUDEONCE.DO and INCLUDEONCE.DO_WINAPI_FIX_FASM_BACKSEEK_BUG <> 0                                       ',10,\
'        sub     esp,8+260                                                                                    ',10,\
'        mov     eax,esp                                                                                      ',10,\
'        invoke  GetFullPathName,esi,260,eax,0                                                                ',10,\
'        lea     ecx,[eax+0] ;-->-----------\                                                                 ',10,\
'        mov     esi,esp     ;-->--\        ;                                                                 ',10,\
'        add     esp,8+260         ;        ;                                                                 ',10,\
'end if                            ;        ;                                                                 ',10,\
'        mov     edi,[esp]         ;        ;                                                                 ',10,\
'      copy_preprocessed_path:     ;        ;                                                                 ',10,\
'        lods    byte [esi]     ;<-/        ;                                                                 ',10,\
'if INCLUDEONCE.DO and INCLUDEONCE.DO_ONCE <> 0                                                               ',10,\
'        movzx   eax,al                     ;                                                                 ',10,\
'        mov     al,[upper_case_table+eax]  ;                                                                 ',10,\
'end if                                     ;                                                                 ',10,\
'        stos    byte [edi]                 ;                                                                 ',10,\
'        or      al,al                      ;                                                                 ',10,\
'        jnz     copy_preprocessed_path     ;                                                                 ',10,\
'        pop     esi                        ;                                                                 ',10,\
'if INCLUDEONCE.DO and INCLUDEONCE.DO_WINAPI_FIX_FASM_BACKSEEK_BUG = 0                                        ',10,\
'        lea     ecx,[edi-1]                ;                                                                 ',10,\
'        sub     ecx,esi                 ;<-/                                                                 ',10,\
'end if                                                                                                       ',10,\
'        mov     [esi-4],ecx                                                                                  ',10,\
'if INCLUDEONCE.DO and INCLUDEONCE.DO_ONCE <> 0                                                               ',10,\
'        mov     [esp-8],edi                                                                                  ',10,\
'        ;[esp-4]     =FullName                                                                               ',10,\
'        ;[esp-8]     =beyond FullName0                                                                       ',10,\
'        ;[FullName-4]=length(FullName)                                                                       ',10,\
'        cmp     byte[includes.flags],1Ah                                                                     ',10,\
'        jne     .include_file                                                                                ',10,\
'        mov     edx,includes.files-4                                                                         ',10,\
'      .match_next_include:                                                                                   ',10,\
'        add     edx,4                                                                                        ',10,\
'        mov     edi,[edx]                                                                                    ',10,\
'        test    edi,edi                                                                                      ',10,\
'        jz      .include_file                                                                                ',10,\
'        mov     esi,[esp-4]                                                                                  ',10,\
'        mov     ecx,[esi-4]                                                                                  ',10,\
'        cmp     ecx,[edi-4]                                                                                  ',10,\
'        jne     .match_next_include                                                                          ',10,\
'        repe    cmpsb                                                                                        ',10,\
'        jne     .match_next_include                                                                          ',10,\
'      .!include_file:                                                                                        ',10,\
'        call    close                                                                                        ',10,\
'        mov     edi,[current_line]                                                                           ',10,\
'        mov     byte[edi],0                                                                                  ',10,\
'        jmp     line_preprocessed                                                                            ',10,\
'      .include_file:                                                                                         ',10,\
'        mov     edi,[includes.count]                                                                         ',10,\
'        lea     edi,[includes.files+edi*4]                                                                   ',10,\
'        cmp     edi,includes.limit                                                                           ',10,\
'        je      out_of_memory                                                                                ',10,\
'        inc     [includes.count]                                                                             ',10,\
'        mov     esi,[esp-4]                                                                                  ',10,\
'        mov     [edi],esi                                                                                    ',10,\
'        mov     [edi+4],dword 0                                                                              ',10,\
'        mov     edi,[esp-8]                                                                                  ',10,\
'        jmp     .list_includes_after_any_include_4_debug_purpose                                             ',10,\
'      .includes_file : db "includes.txt",0                                                                   ',10,\
'      .includes_count: db "dword[includes.count] = %u",10,10,0                                               ',10,\
'    .list_includes_after_any_include_4_debug_purpose:                                                        ',10,\
'        pusha                                                                                                ',10,\
'        lea     ebp,[esp+7*4] ;@eax, no matter, winapi needs ioResult pointer                                ',10,\
'        invoke  CreateFile,.includes_file,GENERIC_WRITE,FILE_SHARE_READ,0,CREATE_ALWAYS,FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL,0',10,\
'        mov     ebx,eax                                                                                      ',10,\
'                                                                                                             ',10,\
'        sub     esp,260                                                                                      ',10,\
'        mov     esi,esp                                                                                      ',10,\
'        cinvoke wsprintf,esi,.includes_count,[includes.count]                                                ',10,\
'        invoke  WriteFile,ebx,esi,eax,ebp,0                                                                  ',10,\
'        add     esp,260                                                                                      ',10,\
'                                                                                                             ',10,\
'        mov     edi,includes.files-4                                                                         ',10,\
'      .liaai4dp.loop:                                                                                        ',10,\
'        add     edi,4                                                                                        ',10,\
'        mov     esi,[edi]                                                                                    ',10,\
'        test    esi,esi                                                                                      ',10,\
'        jz      .liaai4dp.loop.                                                                              ',10,\
'        mov     ecx,[esi-4]                                                                                  ',10,\
'        mov     byte[esi+ecx],10                                                                             ',10,\
'        push    ecx                                                                                          ',10,\
'        inc     ecx                                                                                          ',10,\
'        invoke  WriteFile,ebx,esi,ecx,ebp,0                                                                  ',10,\
'        pop     ecx                                                                                          ',10,\
'        mov     byte[esi+ecx],0                                                                              ',10,\
'        jmp     .liaai4dp.loop                                                                               ',10,\
'      .liaai4dp.loop.:                                                                                       ',10,\
'                                                                                                             ',10,\
'        invoke  CloseHandle,ebx                                                                              ',10,\
'        popa                                                                                                 ',10,\
'  end if                                                                                                     ',10,\
'end if                                                                                                       ',10,\
'        push    dword [macro_status]                                                                         ',10,\
'        and     [macro_status],0Fh                                                                           ',10,\
'        call    preprocess_file                                                                              ',10,\
'        pop     eax                                                                                          ',10,\
'        and     al,0F0h                                                                                      ',10,\
'        and     [macro_status],0Fh                                                                           ',10,\
'        or      [macro_status],al                                                                            ',10,\
'        jmp     line_preprocessed                                                                            ',0

pose_next_line: && nl:
if .szBuffer=0 | .start=0 | .start>.szBuffer &&ret&& end if
  .@stopper == .start-1
while .@stopper < .szBuffer
  .stopper  == ub[.buffer+.@stopper]
  .@stopper == .@stopper+1
  if .stopper=0 | .stopper=10 | .stopper=13 &&ret&& end if
end while
;caller inits vars
.buffer   = ;memory
.szBuffer = ;its size including 0byte
.start    = ;1+
;caller receives
.@stopper = ;1+
.stopper  = ;0byte|LF|CR

variable.inc: ub 'variable.inc',0
text.szNow == ReadFileA text variable.inc 0 text.szMax
if text.szNow = -1
   hlt 'variable.inc read failure'
end if
.patch0: ub\
'if INCLUDEONCE.DO and INCLUDEONCE.DO_ONCE <> 0                                                               ',10,\
'align 4                                                                                                      ',10,\
'includes:                                                                                                    ',10,\
'  .flags rd 1                                                                                                ',10,\
'  .count rd 1                                                                                                ',10,\
'  .files rd $ffff                                                                                            ',10,\
'  .limit rd 1                                                                                                ',10,\
'end if                                                                                                       ',0
ui32[opm.argptr+4]=dataseg+.patch0 && call opm.ret
if (ShiftInBuffer text text.szNow text.szMax text.szNow opm.eax)<>'ok'
   hlt 'reserve more space for text buffer'
end if
memcopy (text+text.szNow) opm.buffer opm.eax
text.szNow == text.szNow + opm.eax
if (WriteFileA text variable.inc 0 text.szNow) = -1
   hlt 'variable.inc write failure'
end if

version.inc: ub 'version.inc',0
text.szNow == ReadFileA text version.inc 0 text.szMax
if text.szNow = -1
   hlt 'version.inc read failure'
end if
if (posz 0 0 opm text 1 0)<>0
   hlt 'seems already patched'
end if
.patch0: ub\
'virtual at 0                                                                                                 ',10,\
'INCLUDEONCE:                                                                                                 ',10,\
'  .DO_ONCE                         = 001b                                                                    ',10,\
'  .DO_WINAPI_FIX_FASM_BACKSEEK_BUG = 010b                                                                    ',10,\
'  .DO_WINAPI_LIST_INCLUDES         = 100b or .DO_ONCE                                                        ',10,\
'  .DO                              = .DO_ONCE or .DO_WINAPI_FIX_FASM_BACKSEEK_BUG or .DO_WINAPI_LIST_INCLUDES',10,\
'display 13,10,"INCLUDEONCE.DO=",.DO+"0"                                                                      ',10,\
'end virtual                                                                                                  ',0
ui32[opm.argptr+4]=dataseg+.patch0 && call opm.ret
if (ShiftInBuffer text text.szNow text.szMax text.szNow opm.eax)<>'ok'
   hlt 'reserve more space for text buffer'
end if
memcopy (text+text.szNow) opm.buffer opm.eax
text.szNow == text.szNow + opm.eax
if (WriteFileA text version.inc 0 text.szNow) = -1
   hlt 'version.inc write failure'
end if

once_patch_marker: && opm: ub ';;include once (fasm patch autogen)',0
.format: ub 10,'%s',10,'%s',10,'%s',0
align 4
.buffer: rb 1'0000h && .szBuffer = $-.buffer
.argptr: ui32 dataseg+opm,,dataseg+opm
.ret: .eax == printfA .buffer .szBuffer .format .argptr


Filename: fasmw17332 include once (fasm patch autogen).7z
Filesize: 814.65 KB
Downloaded: 1377 Time(s)

Description: the app
Filename: micro3d.7z
Filesize: 679.63 KB
Downloaded: 182 Time(s)

Last edited by idle on 17 Dec 2023, 19:37; edited 16 times in total
Post 15 Dec 2015, 10:16
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When all else fails, read the source

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Location: In your JS exploiting you and your system
revolution 15 Dec 2015, 11:18
Good job. I like to see small modifications like this.

Can you post just the differences (a patch type file) only?

Also, I didn't try it, but can the first instance of a file also use the "once" syntax? That is: do users need to worry about which include statement is the first, or can they just make everything "include once"?
Post 15 Dec 2015, 11:18
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idle 15 Dec 2015, 12:06
>>Good job. I like to see small modifications like this.

>>Can they just make everything "include once"?
They can.

>>Can you post just the differences (a patch type file) only?

display 13,10,'INCLUDEONCE=',INCLUDEONCE+'0'

;; change with care
align 4
  .flags rd 1
  .count rd 1
  .files rd $ff
  .limit rd 1
end if

        mov     [includes.count],eax
        mov     [includes.files],eax    ;last include is none yet
end if

        mov     byte[includes.flags],al ;remember include form
        cmp     al,1Ah
        jne     common_include          ;no once key
        cmp     al,4
        jne     invalid_argument        ;length('once') must be 4 :)
        or      eax,'    '              ;case ignorant
        cmp     eax,'once'
        jne     invalid_argument        ;no once key
        lodsb                           ;resume common include :)
end if

        movzx   eax,al
        mov     al,[upper_case_table+eax]
end if

        mov     [esp-8],edi
        ;[esp-4]     =FullName
        ;[esp-8]     =beyond FullName0
        cmp     byte[includes.flags],1Ah
        jne     .include_file
        mov     edx,includes.files-4
        add     edx,4
        mov     edi,[edx]
        test    edi,edi
        jz      .include_file
        mov     esi,[esp-4]
;sub esp,8
;push edx
;invoke MessageBox,0,edi,esi,0
;pop edx
;add esp,8
        mov     ecx,[esi-4]
        cmp     ecx,[edi-4]
        jne     .match_next_include
        repe    cmpsb
        jne     .match_next_include
        call    close
        mov     edi,[current_line]
        mov     byte[edi],0
        jmp     line_preprocessed
        mov     edi,[includes.count]
        lea     edi,[includes.files+edi*4]
        cmp     edi,includes.limit
        je      out_of_memory
        inc     [includes.count]
        mov     esi,[esp-4]
        mov     [edi],esi
        mov     [edi+4],dword 0
        mov     edi,[esp-8]
end if

Post 15 Dec 2015, 12:06
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When all else fails, read the source

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revolution 15 Dec 2015, 12:53
Just some things I think people should be aware of before they decide to use it:

There is a limit of 254 files plus one pointer that must be kept as zero to terminate the search.

Also the path and case must be specified exactly the same else it won't match.
include once 'abc.inc'
include once 'ABC.INC' ;<--- on Windows this is the same file.
include once '.\abc.inc' ;<--- the same file again but not matched.    
Post 15 Dec 2015, 12:53
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l_inc 15 Dec 2015, 13:12
revolution wrote:
Also the path and case must be specified exactly the same else it won't match.

Well, then the patch is no-go. It's quite controversial by itself, whether it is a responsibility of the includer or the includee to ensure unique inclusion, or how "include once" should behave in relation to the normal include. And if it doesn't even make use of smth. like GetFileInformationByHandle, it's no better than the existing macros doing the same. In the current implementation it's actually worse.

Faith is a superposition of knowledge and fallacy
Post 15 Dec 2015, 13:12
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revolution 15 Dec 2015, 13:21
I don't see why it is worse. But anyhow, knowing the limitations should be enough. Users can then decide if it is fit for their purpose(s). Having some sort of coding standard documentation for specifying file paths could help to avoid problems in one's code.
Post 15 Dec 2015, 13:21
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l_inc 15 Dec 2015, 13:45
I don't see why it is worse.

There's at least one technical reason (you mentioned) for that: the limit of 254 files. And the conceptual reason is that macros give more flexibility. E.g., if you have a (say "legacy") project using only include, then you can use my includecheck (it can be improved using irpv) to avoid include duplication without having to refactor the project.

Having some sort of coding standard documentation for specifying file paths could help to avoid problems in one's code.

And why should one introduce such a limitation for a native solution, if it is (contrary to macros) possible to avoid it?

Faith is a superposition of knowledge and fallacy
Post 15 Dec 2015, 13:45
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When all else fails, read the source

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revolution 15 Dec 2015, 13:59
l_inc wrote:
And why should one introduce such a limitation for a native solution, if it is (contrary to macros) possible to avoid it?
Because Linux, Unix and Windows would break the code in different ways due to case and path differences. So keeping a standard naming scheme is already a desirable asset regardless of the availability of includeonce.
Post 15 Dec 2015, 13:59
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l_inc 15 Dec 2015, 14:04
Because Linux, Unix and Windows would break the code in different ways due to case and path differences.

Provide an example. Without it it seems you are just ignoring what I say.

Faith is a superposition of knowledge and fallacy
Post 15 Dec 2015, 14:04
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idle 15 Dec 2015, 14:11
Files limit can migrate from $ff=255 -> $ffff=65535 :)

edit: look there to see how candidates are operated on

Last edited by idle on 23 Mar 2021, 21:27; edited 1 time in total
Post 15 Dec 2015, 14:11
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