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Joined: 27 Dec 2023
Posts: 11
CoolCmd 27 Dec 2023, 10:16
to reduce stack consumption i need something like this:
proc p1
  union ; <-- error: illegal instruction
    buf1 rb 100

Post 27 Dec 2023, 10:16
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macomics 27 Dec 2023, 10:47
struc LARGESTRUCT name { label .
  .name db name
  .res db 99 dup (0)
  label .Length at $ - .

struc assume base*, type& { if ~ type eq
    virtual at base
      . type
      if ~ definite .Length
        label .Length at $ - $$
      end if
    end virtual
    label . at base
    label .Length at 0
  end if }

bufl assume sl, db sl.Length dup (?)    
Post 27 Dec 2023, 10:47
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Joined: 27 Dec 2023
Posts: 11
CoolCmd 27 Dec 2023, 12:04
macomics, your code does not do what i need.

i need universal way for any data types, including already defined standard Windows structures. members of the union must have different sizes.
Post 27 Dec 2023, 12:04
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macomics 27 Dec 2023, 13:06
CoolCmd wrote:
i need universal way for any data types, including already defined standard Windows structures. members of the union must have different sizes.

That 's why it was declared .Length. Find the maximum value and reserve the remaining bytes in the remaining structures.
This works with any structures, including those announced in advance.
include 'WIN32A.INC'
struc assume base*, type& { if ~ type eq
    virtual at base
      . type
      if ~ definite .Length
        label .Length at $ - $$
      end if
    end virtual
    label . at base
    label .Length at 0
  end if }

point1 POINT
label point1.Length at $ - point1
msg assume point1, MSG
a = msg.Length / 10
b = msg.Length - a * 10
display 'sizeof MSG = ', '0' + a, '0' + b, 13, 10
display 'sizeof POINT = ', point1.Length + '0', 13, 10
if point1.Length - msg.Length > 0
  reserved rb point1.Length - msg.Length
else if point1.Length - msg.Length < 0
  reserved rb msg.Length - point1.Length
end if
db $7b    
$ fasm -m 102400 testStruct.asm
flat assembler  version 1.73.32  (102400 kilobytes memory, x64)
sizeof MSG = 28
sizeof POINT = 8
2 passes, 29 bytes.

$ hexdump -C testStruct.bin
00000000  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  |................|
00000010  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  00 00 00 00 7b           |............{|
Of course, these calculations can be expressed in the form of a macro or other struc. Because only you know which fields should be combined

ADD: The second option. Automatically reserves space, but now assume will not work as intended. It should be applied immediately after the field that is being combined.
include 'WIN32A.INC'
struc union base*, type& { label .BaseLength at $ - base
  if ~ type eq
    virtual at base
      . type
      if ~ definite .Length
        label .Length at $ - $$
      end if
    end virtual
    label . at base
    label .Length at 0
  end if
  if .Length - .BaseLength > 0
    rb .Length - .BaseLength
  end if }

struc MyStructure {
  .name db 60 dup ?
  .point1 POINT
  .msg union .point1, MSG
  .break db $2d

point1 POINT
label point1.Length at $ - point1
msg union point1, MSG
a = msg.Length / 10
b = msg.Length - a * 10
display 'sizeof MSG = ', '0' + a, '0' + b, 13, 10
display 'sizeof POINT = ', point1.Length + '0', 13, 10
db $7b
abc MyStructure
a = abc.name - abc
display 'Offset abc.name = ', '0' + a, 13, 10
a = (abc.point1 - abc) / 10
b = abc.point1 - abc - a * 10
display 'Offset abc.point1 = ', '0' + a, '0' + b, 13, 10
a = (abc.msg - abc) / 10
b = abc.msg - abc - a * 10
display 'Offset abc.msg = ', '0' + a, '0' + b, 13, 10
a = (abc.break - abc) / 10
b = abc.break - abc - a * 10
display 'Offset abc.break = ', '0' + a, '0' + b, 13, 10    
$ fasm -m 102400 testStruct.asm
flat assembler  version 1.73.32  (102400 kilobytes memory, x64)
sizeof MSG = 28
sizeof POINT = 8
Offset abc.name = 0
Offset abc.point1 = 60
Offset abc.msg = 60
Offset abc.break = 88
2 passes, 118 bytes.

$ hexdump -C testStruct.bin
00000000  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  |................|
00000010  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  00 00 00 00 7b 00 00 00  |............{...|
00000020  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  |................|
00000070  00 00 00 00 00 2d                                 |.....-|
Post 27 Dec 2023, 13:06
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vityacv 28 Dec 2023, 21:39
struct DllMainStack
Test1 rd 100
Test2 rw 500
Test3 rw 1000
virtual at 0
rq 4
.union DllMainStack
align 16
rq 1
.locals = $-$$
rq 1
.hInstDLL rq 1
.Reason rq 1
.Reserved rq 1
end virtual
sub rsp,.locals
mov [rsp+.hInstDLL],rcx

lea rcx,[rsp+.union.Test1]
lea rcx,[rsp+.union.Test2]
lea rcx,[rsp+.union.Test3]

add rsp,.locals

or simple:
virtual at 0
rq 4
.Test1 rd 0
.Test2 rw 0
.Test3 rw 1000
align 16
rq 1
.locals = $-$$
rq 1
.hInstDLL rq 1
.Reason rq 1
.Reserved rq 1
end virtual
sub rsp,.locals
mov [rsp+.hInstDLL],rcx
lea rcx,[rsp+.Test1]
lea rcx,[rsp+.Test2]
lea rcx,[rsp+.Test3]
add rsp,.locals
Post 28 Dec 2023, 21:39
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Overclick 29 Dec 2023, 08:00
Did you search in the macros thread?
I've already created such a macro
macro union autounion=0
        currentunion = $
        sizeofunion = autounion
        purge clone,endunion
        macro clone
                purge clone
                macro clone
                        if $-currentunion > sizeofunion
                                sizeofunion = $-currentunion
                        end if
                        end virtual
                        virtual at currentunion
                virtual at currentunion
        macro endunion
                if $-currentunion > sizeofunion
                        sizeofunion = $-currentunion
                end if
                end virtual
                if $-currentunion > sizeofunion
                        sizeofunion = $-currentunion
                end if
                if autounion > 0 & autounion < sizeofunion
                        display "Overflow fixed size of union.",13,10
                end if
                times sizeofunion-($-currentunion) db ?

struc SomeStruc Lab=0,Param=0,Matrix=0
        .adr                    dq Lab
        .param                  dd Param
                                        dd ?
                union 32
        .matrix                 dd Matrix
        .point1.X               dd ?
        .point1.Y               dd ?
        .point2.X               dd ?
        .point2.Y               dd ?
        .mesh                   db 24 dup(?)

Union can have any fixed size or auto size with different parts, types, etc.
Post 29 Dec 2023, 08:00
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