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Index > DOS > hi-res LFB VESA examples with user specific CRTC values

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Joined: 21 Aug 2004
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MCD 15 Sep 2004, 16:00
Here are some simple examples which show how to switch into VESA-modes with user specific CRTC values (e.g. higher refresh rates 100Hz...) and how to use the linear frame buffer.

There are not many comments and these codes are far from being complete.

They also perform not VESA-support checking.

Only under bare DOS, but requires newer graphics-card/good monitor

MCD - the inevitable return of the Mad Computer Doggy

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Post 15 Sep 2004, 16:00
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Matrix 15 Sep 2004, 16:27
ihave tested your stuff, but the error was at the first line:

include "MYSTUFF.ASH"

Post 15 Sep 2004, 16:27
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MCD 17 Sep 2004, 12:20
Wink sorry Matrix, i forgot the "MYSTUFF.ASH" file, which is my default macro/equates and definiton file (many stuff).

I will reattach another, more complete archive with the assembled .com-file.
I prefer RAR-archives.

But don't be shocked if you look at the code, it uses tremendously simplified instruction mnemonics, all defined in the "MYSTUFF.ASH" file.

Originally, I was just trying to shorten thos longlonglonglong MMX/SSE instructions, but it finally ended up in shortening about one half of all instructions.
I use this kind of shortening only for my own code because I have great fear this may (and suretenly will) confuse others. In addition to that, it is still under construction.

If you have problems reading the code, I could write it back to standard Fasm syntax.

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MCD - the inevitable return of the Mad Computer Doggy

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Post 17 Sep 2004, 12:20
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Matrix 17 Sep 2004, 12:25
MCD wrote:
Wink sorry Matrix, i forgot the "MYSTUFF.ASH" file, which is my default macro/equates and definiton file (many stuff).

I will reattach another, more complete archive with the assembled .com-file.
I prefer RAR-archives.

But don't be shocked if you look at the code, it uses tremendously simplified instruction mnemonics, all defined in the "MYSTUFF.ASH" file.

Originally, I was just trying to shorten thos longlonglonglong MMX/SSE instructions, but it finally ended up in shortening about one half of all instructions.
I use this kind of shortening only for my own code because I have great fear this may (and suretenly will) confuse others. In addition to that, it is still under construction.

If you have problems reading the code, I could write it back to standard Fasm syntax.

Well Hy MCD,
yes Smile that was exactly was i thinking of,
i could convert it back to fasm if i had some idea about that INIDX function remember this was the name.
I whouldn't recommend you to use these kind of shortenings on your code, cause' you might forget the real instruction's names

Post 17 Sep 2004, 12:25
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MCD 17 Sep 2004, 12:47
INIDX means In with Index. It is an abreviation to stuff like:
out PortNumber,al
in al,PortNumber+1

OutIDX works accordingly.

MCD - the inevitable return of the Mad Computer Doggy

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Post 17 Sep 2004, 12:47
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Matrix 17 Sep 2004, 12:59
MCD wrote:
INIDX means In with Index. It is an abreviation to stuff like:
out PortNumber,al
in al,PortNumber+1

OutIDX works accordingly.

i see your point now,
and understand you don't like to write much, but you should take care with the simplifying cause it can cause you a great headache in the near future Smile
(can or might but not necceserily)

(this is wasn't really about that INIDX macro)

you might not been interested in optimizing your code, but in many cases these kind of macros make it very difficult, and after a while making your code unfollowable - especially when nested things are done.

ps.: i whould never use a as and, cause in microcontrollers, a is accumulator.

Post 17 Sep 2004, 12:59
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Matrix 17 Sep 2004, 13:30
Hello again MCD,
i was just dropping by to tell that i have tested your example.

it did something with my monitor, but i think this might not be your point.
it started tweeking and then windows told me that the program has made an exception @ 1416:0169

Post 17 Sep 2004, 13:30
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MCD 17 Sep 2004, 13:32
Yes, you are right. So basically, I try to avoid those deep nested stuff
(just got to see the FasmW IDE source/includes for Win32 Wink ).

And I take much care and time to check and test those things.

Cool Just a question to your nick: Does these green vertically scrolled screen in MATRIX (the movies) run on some asian DOS versions with DBCS? (looks like being displayed on some old monochrome monitors Rolling Eyes )

I've got more good DOS tool for ya, a so called "STEX" Standard Text Mode Extension, APM standby/off-switching tools etc. they are all in the attached archive.

Another general TSR thing: do you think stack switching are neccessary for software int-handlers?(hardware IRQ-handlers do need them, I know)

MCD - the inevitable return of the Mad Computer Doggy

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Post 17 Sep 2004, 13:32
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ASHLEY4 17 Sep 2004, 18:21
? do you want a matrix screen saver for dos? .

Post 17 Sep 2004, 18:21
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MCD 22 Sep 2004, 20:06
if it is small and compatible, yes.
Post 22 Sep 2004, 20:06
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ASHLEY4 22 Sep 2004, 21:21
Done in tasm,so needs converting.
        .MODEL  TINY                    ;05/09/02     .386  .CODE ORG     100HCHRATR  EQU     02H                     ;Character colorFALATR        EQU     03H                     ;Falling character color;             ||_____________________  Foreground color;            |______________________  Background colorNEWMSK       EQU     11111111B               ;New column random number maskCOLVAR        STRUC DB      132 DUP(0)              ;Character rowSPCROW  DB      132 DUP(0)              ;Space rowCOLSTA      DB      132 DUP(00000000B)      ;Column status;                      |||||___________  Offset right;                       ||||____________  Offset left;                |||_____________  Character done;                     ||______________  Space;                      |_______________  CharacterCOLVAR      ENDSVARBLE  STRUCSEED     DD      ?                       ;Random seedCURLOC    DW      ?                       ;Entry cursor locationVIDMOD  DB      ?                       ;Entry video modeROWCT0       DB      ?                       ;Base 0 row countCOLCNT       DW      ?                       ;Column countCOLCT2   DW      ?                       ;2 * column countROWCNT       DW      ?                       ;Row countVESMOD      DW      ?                       ;VESA modeCHRROW      COLVAR  <>VARBLE        ENDSSTART:      PUSH    CS    POP     DS                      ;Code segment to DS   PUSH    CS    POP     ES                      ;Code segment to ES   MOV     BP,offset VARBAS        ;Point to variable base       CALL    RNDMIZ                  ;Randomize pseudo-random sequence     MOV     AX,4F00H      MOV     DI,offset SCRBUF        ;Point to VESA buffer INT     10H                     ;Get SVGA info        MOV     SI,DI                   ;VESA buffer pointer to SI    MOV     EAX,[SI]                ;Get signature        CMP     EAX,'ASEV'            ;VESA?        JNZ     SHORT NOVESA            ;No   LDS     SI,[SI+0EH]             ;Get mode block pointer       MOV     BX,10CH                 ;132 x 60 mode index  MOV     CX,132                  ;Column count MOV     DX,60                   ;Row count    CALL    FNDMOD                  ;VESA supports 132 x 60 mode? JZ      short MODFND            ;Yes  DEC     BX                      ;132 x 50 mode index (10BH)   MOV     DL,50                   ;Row count    CALL    FNDMOD                  ;VESA supports 132 x 50 mode? JZ      short MODFND            ;Yes  DEC     BX                      ;132 x 43 mode index (10AH)   MOV     DL,43                   ;Row count    CALL    FNDMOD                  ;VESA supports 132 x 43 mode? JZ      short MODFND            ;Yes  DEC     BX                      ;132 x 25 mode index (109H)   MOV     DL,25                   ;Row count    CALL    FNDMOD                  ;VESA supports 132 x 43 mode? JZ      short MODFND            ;Yes  DEC     BX                      ;80 x 60 mode index (108H)    MOV     CX,80                   ;Column count MOV     DL,60                   ;Row count    CALL    FNDMOD                  ;VESA supports 80 x 60 mode?  JZ      short MODFND            ;YesNOVESA:       XOR     BX,BX                   ;Null mode index      MOV     CX,80                   ;Column count MOV     DX,25                   ;Row countMODFND: MOV     [BP+VESMOD],BX          ;Store VESA mode      MOV     [BP+COLCNT],CX          ;Store column count   ADD     CX,CX MOV     [BP+COLCT2],CX          ;Store column count*2 MOV     [BP+ROWCNT],DX          ;Store row count      DEC     DX    MOV     [BP+ROWCT0],DL          ;Store base 0 row count       PUSH    CS    POP     DS                      ;Code segment to DS   PUSH    0B800H        POP     ES                      ;Screen segment to ES MOV     AX,11 INT     33H                     ;Clear mouse motion counters  CALL    GETCUR                  ;Get cursor offset    MOV     [BP+CURLOC],AX          ;Store cursor offset  CALL    SAVSCR                  ;Save user's screen  MOV     AH,0FH        INT     10H                     ;Get video mode       MOV     [BP+VIDMOD],AL          ;Store video mode     MOV     AX,4F02H      MOV     BX,[BP+VESMOD]          ;Get VESA mode index  TEST    BX,BX                   ;Null video mode?     JZ      short DEFMOD            ;Yes  INT     10H                     ;Set VESA text modeDEFMOD:        CALL    CUROFF                  ;Move cursor off screen       MOV     AX,CHRATR*256+' '   MOV     CX,[BP+COLCNT]          ;Get column count     IMUL    CX,[BP+ROWCNT]          ;Calculate screen character count     XOR     DI,DI REP     STOSW                   ;Clear largest possible screenUPDSCR:     MOV     CX,[BP+COLCNT]          ;Get column count     XOR     DX,DX                   ;Clear column offset  LEA     SI,[BP+CHRROW]          ;Point to column statusDOCOLM:    MOV     BL,[SI+COLSTA]          ;Get column status    TEST    BL,BL                   ;Character or empty column?   JZ      short NEWCHR            ;Empty        JS      short ADJCHR            ;Character    TEST    BL,01000000B            ;Space column?        JZ      TSTDON                  ;No   CMP     byte ptr[SI+SPCROW],8   ;Spaces at least 8 rows down? JB      ADJSPC                  ;NoNEWCHR:        CALL    RANDOM                  ;Get random number    TEST    AL,NEWMSK               ;Random number & mask = 0?        JNZ     short TTSSPC            ;No   CALL    RNDCHR                  ;Get random character OR      BL,10000000B            ;Set "character" flag       MOV     AH,FALATR               ;Falling character attribute  MOV     DI,DX                   ;Column offset to DI  STOSW                           ;Store initial characterTTSSPC:   JMP     TSTSPCADJCHR:     MOV     AL,[SI]                 ;Get row      MOVZX   DI,AL                   ;Row to DI    IMUL    DI,[BP+COLCT2]          ;Calculate row offset ADD     DI,DX                   ;Form screen pointer  CMP     AL,[BP+ROWCT0]          ;At or past bottom row?       PUSHF                           ;Save Z flag  JB      short ADJCH1            ;No   AND     BL,01111111B            ;Clear "character" flag     OR      BL,00100000B            ;Set "character done" flag  MOV     byte ptr[SI],0          ;Clear rowADJCH1: TEST    BL,00011000B            ;Offset left or right?        JZ      short NOTOFS            ;No   TEST    BL,00010000B            ;Offset left? JZ      short OFSRHT            ;No   MOV     AX,ES:[DI-2]                ;Get offset left character    MOV     ES:byte ptr[DI-2],' '     ;Erase offset left character  JMP     short NXTCHROFSRHT:       MOV     AX,ES:[DI+2]                ;Get offset right character   MOV     ES:byte ptr[DI+2],' '     ;Erase offset right character JMP     short NXTCHRNOTOFS:       MOV     AH,CHRATR               ;Normal character color       CALL    RNDATR                  ;Invert "intense" bit if rand mod 32=0      MOV     ES:[DI+1],AH                ;Store character attributeNXTCHR: POPF                            ;In bottom row?       JAE     short NEWSPC            ;Yes  TEST    BL,00011000B            ;Offset left or right?        JZ      short NOTOF1            ;No   MOV     ES:[DI],AX          ;Store new character  AND     BL,11100111B            ;Clear "offset" flags       JMP     short NEWSPCNOTOF1:       MOV     BH,[SI]                 ;Get row      CMP     BH,4                    ;< row 4?  JB      short DRPCHR            ;Yes  CMP     BH,[BP+ROWCT0]          ;last row?    JAE     short DRPCHR            ;Yes  PUSH    AX                      ;Save character & attribute       CALL    RANDOM                  ;Get random number    TEST    AL,00011111B            ;Mod 32 = 0?  POP     AX                      ;Restore character & attribute    JNZ     short DRPCHR            ;No   MOV     AL,ES:[DI]          ;Get current character        MOV     AH,FALATR xor 00001000B ;Falling char attr with "intense" bit       MOV     BH,' '      TEST    DX,DX                   ;Column 0?    JZ      short TRYRHT            ;Yes  CMP     ES:[DI-2],BH                ;Space in column to left?     JNZ     short TRYRHT            ;No   PUSH    DI                      ;Save screen pointer  SUB     DI,[BP+COLCT2]          ;Adjust down 1 row    DEC     DI    DEC     DI                      ;Adjust left 1 column CMP     ES:[DI],BH          ;Space in column to left 1 row up?    POP     DI                      ;Restore screen pointer       JNZ     short TRYRHT            ;No   OR      BL,00010000B            ;Set "offset left" flag     MOV     ES:[DI-2],AX                ;Store new character  JMP     short CLRCURTRYRHT:       CMP     DL,byte ptr[BP+ROWCNT]  ;Last column? JZ      short DRPCHR            ;Yes  CMP     ES:[DI+2],BH                ;Space in column to right?    JNZ     short DRPCHR            ;No   PUSH    DI                      ;Save screen pointer  SUB     DI,[BP+COLCT2]          ;Adjust down 1 row    INC     DI    INC     DI                      ;Adjust left 1 column CMP     ES:[DI],BH          ;Space in column to right 1 row up?   POP     DI                      ;Restore screen pointer       JNZ     short DRPCHR            ;No   OR      BL,00001000B            ;Set "offset right" flag    MOV     ES:[DI+2],AX                ;Store new characterCLRCUR:       MOV     ES:[DI],BH          ;Store space at current location      JMP     short NEWSPCDRPCHR:       CALL    RNDCHR                  ;Get random character MOV     AH,FALATR               ;Falling character color      CALL    RNDATR                  ;Invert "intense" bit if rand mod 32=0      PUSH    DI    ADD     DI,[BP+COLCT2]          ;Adjust to next row   MOV     ES:[DI],AX          ;Store new character  POP     DI    INC     byte ptr[SI]            ;Adjust rowNEWSPC:        TEST    BL,01000000B            ;Space?       JNZ     short ADJSPC            ;YesTSTDON:       TEST    BL,00100000B            ;Character done?      JNZ     short NWSPC1            ;Yes  CMP     byte ptr[SI],8          ;Character at least 8 rows down?      JB      short TSTSPC            ;NoNWSPC1:        CALL    RANDOM                  ;Get random number    TEST    AL,NEWMSK               ;Random number & mask = 0?        JNZ     short TSTSPC            ;No   MOV     byte ptr[SI+SPCROW],0   ;Clear space row      OR      BL,01000000B            ;Set "space" flag   AND     BL,11011111B            ;Clear "character done" flag        MOV     DI,DX                   ;Column offset to DI  JMP     short STOSPCTSTSPC:       TEST    BL,01000000B            ;Space?       JZ      short NXTCOL            ;NoADJSPC:        MOV     AL,[SI+SPCROW]          ;Get space row        CMP     AL,byte ptr[BP+ROWCNT]  ;Past bottom row?     JB      short AJSPC1            ;No   MOV     byte ptr[SI+SPCROW],0   ;Clear space row      AND     BL,10111111B            ;Clear "space" flag JMP     short NXTCOLAJSPC1:       INC     byte ptr[SI+SPCROW]     ;Adjust row   MOVZX   DI,AL                   ;Row to DI    INC     DI                      ;Adjust to next row   IMUL    DI,[BP+COLCT2]          ;Calculatate row offset       ADD     DI,DX                   ;Calculate screen pointerSTOSPC:  MOV     ES:byte ptr[DI],' '       ;Store spaceNXTCOL:       MOV     [SI+COLSTA],BL          ;Update column status INC     SI                      ;Adjust column status pointer INC     DX    INC     DX                      ;Adjust column offset DEC     CX                      ;More columns?        JNZ     DOCOLM                  ;Yes  CALL    GETTIK                  ;Get system tick count        XCHG    AX,BX                   ;Tick count to BXDLYTIK:  CALL    GETTIK                  ;Get system tick count        SUB     AX,BX                   ;Calculate elapsed tick count CMP     AX,3                    ;Time elapsed?        JB      short DLYTIK            ;No   XOR     CX,CX XOR     DX,DX MOV     AX,11 INT     33H                     ;Get mouse motion counters    TEST    CX,CX                   ;Horizontal count changed?    JNZ     short EXIT              ;Yes  TEST    DX,DX                   ;Vertical count changed?      JNZ     short EXIT              ;Yes  MOV     AH,1  INT     16H                     ;Key typed?   JZ      UPDSCR                  ;No   XOR     AH,AH INT     16H                     ;Get keyEXIT:     CMP     [BP+VESMOD],0           ;VESA mode set?       JZ      short NOVESM            ;No   MOV     AL,[BP+VIDMOD]          ;Get entry text mode  XOR     AH,AH INT     10H                     ;Set entry text modeNOVESM:       CALL    RESSCR                  ;Restore user's screen       MOV     DI,[BP+CURLOC]          ;Get original cursor offset   CALL    BIOCUR                  ;Set cursorTRMNAT:        MOV     AH,4CH        INT     21HFNDMOD:      PUSH    SI                      ;Save supported mode list pointerFNMODZ:  LODSW                           ;Get a mode   CMP     AX,BX                   ;Requested mode?      JZ      short FMODOK            ;Yes  CMP     AX,-1                   ;EOB? JNZ     SHORT FNMODZ            ;No   OR      AL,1                    ;"Not found"  (NZ)FMODOK:       POP     SI                      ;Restore supported mode list pointer  RETRNDATR:      PUSH    AX                      ;Save character & attribute       CALL    RANDOM                  ;Get random number    TEST    AL,00011111B            ;Mod 32 = 0?  POP     AX                      ;Restore character & attribute    JNZ     short RATRET            ;No   XOR     AH,00001000B            ;Invert "intense" bitRATRET:    RETRNDCHR:      CALL    RANDOM                  ;Get random number    CMP     AL,' '                        ;Space?       JZ      short RNDCHR            ;Yes  CMP     AL,0FFH                 ;Blank?       JZ      short RNDCHR            ;Yes  CMP     AL,0BH                  ;Weirdo 1st column character? JB      short RNDCHR            ;Yes  CMP     AL,0B0H                 ;Possible line or box character?      JB      short RCHRET            ;No   CMP     AL,0B3H                 ;Line or box character?       JB      short RNDCHR            ;Yes  CMP     AL,0DBH                 ;Possible line or box character?      JB      short RCHRET            ;No   CMP     AL,0DFH                 ;Line or box character?       JBE     short RNDCHR            ;YesRCHRET:       RETRANDOM:      MOV     EAX,[BP+SEED]           ;Get random seed      SHL     EAX,7                   ;Shift left 7 ADD     EAX,[BP+SEED]           ;Add old seed ADD     EAX,361962E9H           ;Add random factor    MOV     [BP+SEED],EAX           ;Update random seed   ROL     EAX,16                  ;Return most random half in AX        RETRNDMIZ:      MOV     AH,2AH        INT     21H                     ;Get date     PUSH    CX    PUSH    DX                      ;Save date    MOV     AH,2CH        INT     21H                     ;Get time     POP     AX    XOR     CX,AX POP     AX    XOR     DX,AX                   ;Create random seed   MOV     word ptr[BP+SEED+2],CX        MOV     word ptr[BP+SEED],DX    ;Store random seed    RETGETTIK:      PUSH    DS    PUSH    0     POP     DS                      ;RAM base segment to DS       MOV     AX,DS:word ptr[46CH]        ;Get system tick count        POP     DS    RETSAVSCR:      PUSH    ES    POP     DS                      ;Screen segment to DS PUSH    CS    POP     ES                      ;Code segment to ES   XOR     SI,SI                   ;Row 0, col 0 MOV     DI,offset SCRBUF        ;Point to screen save buffer  CALL    MOVSCR                  ;Copy screen to save buffer   PUSH    DS    POP     ES                      ;Screen segment to ES PUSH    CS    POP     DS                      ;Code segment to DS   RETRESSCR:      MOV     SI,offset SCRBUF        ;Point to screen save buffer  XOR     DI,DI                   ;Row 0, col 0MOVSCR:      MOV     CX,80*25      REP     MOVSW                   ;Copy saved screen to screen  RET;Move cursor off screenCUROFF:     MOV     DI,60*264+0*2           ;Row 60, column 0  (off screen);set cursor to DISETCUR: PUSH    AX    PUSH    DX    MOV     AL,0FH                  ;Cursor address low register index    MOV     DX,3D4H                 ;Point to CRTC address register       OUT     DX,AL                   ;Select cursor address low register   INC     DX                      ;Adjust to CRTC data register MOV     AX,DI                   ;Screen address to AX SHR     AX,1                    ;FORM BYTE ADDRESS    OUT     DX,AL                   ;Latch low cursor address to CRTC     DEC     DX    MOV     AL,0EH                  ;Cursor address high register index   OUT     DX,AL                   ;Select cursor address low register   INC     DX                      ;ADJUST TO CRTC data register MOV     AL,AH                   ;MS screen address to AL      OUT     DX,AL                   ;Latch low cursor address to CRTC     POP     DX    POP     AX    RETGETCUR:      PUSH    DX    MOV     AL,0EH                  ;Cursor address high register index   MOV     DX,3D4H                 ;Point to CRTC address register       OUT     DX,AL                   ;Select cursor address high register  INC     DX                      ;Adjust to CRTC data register IN      AL,DX                   ;Get high cursor address from CRTC    MOV     AH,AL                   ;High cursor address to AH    DEC     DX                      ;Adjust to CRTC address register      MOV     AL,0FH                  ;Cursor address low register index    OUT     DX,AL                   ;Select cursor address low register   INC     DX                      ;Adjust to CRTC data register IN      AL,DX                   ;Get low cursor address from CRTC     ADD     AX,AX                   ;Form word address    POP     DX    RETBIOCUR:      XCHG    AX,DI                   ;Screen pointer to AX SHR     AX,1                    ;Form column  MOV     CH,80 DIV     CH                      ;Calculate row & column   XCHG    AL,AH                   ;Row to AH, column to AL      XCHG    AX,DX                   ;Row to DH, column to DL      MOV     AH,2  JMP     short VIDBIOCONOUT:       MOV     AH,14VIDBIO:      PUSH    BX    XOR     BH,BH INT     10H                     ;Send character to console    POP     BX    RETVARBAS   VARBLE  <>                        ;VariablesSCRBUF: END     START    

ps: not my code.

Post 22 Sep 2004, 21:21
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