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> Main > Cinvoke error |
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LeftyG 13 Sep 2023, 01:55
Hi all,
I found a smaller project that would be easier to wrap. However, I'm getting an error when trying to use cinvoke. http://www.libsigil.com/ - Library being wrapped Code: ;wrapper code executes fine format PE GUI 4.0 include 'macro/struct.inc' include 'macro/import32.inc' include 'macro/export.inc' SL_ALIGN_CENTER = 0 SL_ALIGN_RIGHT = 1 SL_ALIGN_LEFT = 2 SL_KEY_ESCAPE = 256 SL_KEY_ENTER = 257 SL_KEY_TAB = 258 SL_KEY_BACKSPACE = 259 SL_KEY_INSERT = 260 SL_KEY_DELETE = 261 SL_KEY_RIGHT = 262 SL_KEY_LEFT = 263 SL_KEY_DOWN = 264 SL_KEY_UP = 265 SL_KEY_PAGE_UP = 266 SL_KEY_PAGE_DOWN = 267 SL_KEY_HOME = 268 SL_KEY_END = 269 SL_KEY_CAPS_LOCK = 280 SL_KEY_SCROLL_LOCK = 281 SL_KEY_NUM_LOCK = 282 SL_KEY_PRINT_SCREEN = 283 SL_KEY_PAUSE = 284 SL_MOUSE_BUTTON_1 = 0 SL_MOUSE_BUTTON_2 = 1 SL_MOUSE_BUTTON_3 = 2 SL_MOUSE_BUTTON_4 = 3 SL_MOUSE_BUTTON_5 = 4 SL_MOUSE_BUTTON_6 = 5 SL_MOUSE_BUTTON_7 = 6 SL_MOUSE_BUTTON_8 = 7 SL_MOUSE_BUTTON_LEFT = SL_MOUSE_BUTTON_1 SL_MOUSE_BUTTON_RIGHT = SL_MOUSE_BUTTON_2 SL_MOUSE_BUTTON_MIDDLE = SL_MOUSE_BUTTON_3 section '.idata' import data readable writeable library sigil,'SIGIL.DLL' import sigil,\ slWindow,'slWindow',\ slShowCursor,'slShowCursor',\ slClose,'slClose',\ slShouldClose,'slShouldClose',\ slGetKey,'slGetKey',\ slGetMouseButton,'slGetMouseButton',\ slGetMouseX,'slGetMouseX',\ slGetMouseY,'slGetMouseY',\ slGetDeltaTime,'slGetDeltaTime',\ slGetTime,'slGetTime',\ slRender,'slRender',\ slSetBackColor,'slSetBackColor',\ slSetForeColor,'slSetForeColor',\ slSetAdditiveBlend,'slSetAdditiveBlend',\ slPush,'slPush',\ slPop,'slPop',\ slTranslate,'slTranslate',\ slRotate,'slRotate',\ slScale,'slScale',\ slLoadTexture,'slLoadTexture',\ slLoadWAV,'slLoadWAV',\ slSoundPlay,'slSoundPlay',\ slSoundLoop,'slSoundLoop',\ slSoundStop,'slSoundStop',\ slSoundPauseAll,'slSoundPauseAll',\ slSoundResumeAll,'slSoundResumeAll',\ slSoundStopAll,'slSoundStopAll',\ slSoundPlaying,'slSoundPlaying',\ slSoundLooping,'slSoundLooping',\ slTriangleFill,'slTriangleFill',\ slTriangleOutline,'slTriangleOutline',\ slRectangleFill,'slRectangleFill',\ slRectangleOutline,'slRectangleOutline',\ slCircleFill,'slCircleFill',\ slCircleOutline,'slCircleOutline',\ slSemiCircleFill,'slSemiCircleFill',\ slSemiCircleOutline,'slSemiCircleOutline',\ slPoint,'slPoint',\ slLine,'slLine',\ slSetSpriteTiling,'slSetSpriteTiling',\ slSetSpriteScroll,'slSetSpriteScroll',\ slSprite,'slSprite',\ slSetTextAlign,'slSetTextAlign',\ slGetTextWidth,'slGetTextWidth',\ slGetTextHeight,'slGetTextHeight',\ slLoadFont,'slLoadFont',\ slSetFont,'slSetFont',\ slSetFontSize,'slSetFontSize',\ slText,'slText' section ".data" data readable writeable WIDTH = 800 HEIGHT = 600 section ".code" code readable executable cinvoke slWindow,WIDTH,HEIGHT,"Hello",NULL ;error test eax,eax |
13 Sep 2023, 01:55 |
revolution 13 Sep 2023, 02:30
cinvoke is included in proc32.inc
Code: include 'proc32.asm' |
13 Sep 2023, 02:30 |
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