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Index > Linux > accessing MSRs in Linux from usermode

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Joined: 23 Mar 2005
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Location: Czech republic, Slovak republic
Feryno 21 Aug 2023, 19:01
I needed to read few MSRs in Linux and did not want to compile any kernel module.
sys_iopl is deprecated and does not work in today kernels. Luckily there is a device which allows the access from usermode (requires root access).

Reading a MSR is performed by opening the device, seeking (lseek) into the same offset as the desired MSR and then reading 8 bytes.

Here the code fragment for reading few MSRs in a loop:
include 'linux_def.inc'
include 'unistd64.inc'

format ELF64 executable at (1 shl 32)           ; we are on new AMD64 platform,
                                                ; so we put image
                                                ; over old 32-bit limit !!!


segment executable readable

entry $

        mov     esi,O_RDONLY
        lea     rdi,[filename]
        mov     eax,sys_open
        test    rax,rax
        js      exit

        mov     rbx,rax         ; file handle

        xor     ebp,ebp         ; counter

align 10h
        mov     edx,SEEK_SET
        lea     rcx,[msrs]
        mov     esi,[rcx+rbp*4] ; offset to seek in the file
        mov     rdi,rbx
        mov     eax,sys_lseek
;       test    rax,rax
;       js      exit
        lea     rcx,[msrs]
        mov     ecx,[rcx+rbp*4]
        cmp     rax,rcx
        jnz     exit

        mov     edx,8           ; size
        lea     rax,[buffer]
        lea     rsi,[rax+rbp*8]
        mov     rdi,rbx
        mov     eax,sys_read
;       test    rax,rax
;       js      exit
        cmp     rax,8
        jnz     exit

        inc     ebp
        cmp     ebp,cnt_of_msrs
        jc      L0

        mov     rdi,rbx
        mov     eax,sys_close

        xor     edi,edi
        mov     eax,sys_exit

segment readable writeable
rb      10h - ($ mod 10h)
msrs            dd      6A2h,6A4h,6A5h,6A6h,6A7h,6A8h,1Bh,0C0000080h
cnt_of_msrs     =       ($-msrs) / 4
;buffer         rq      cnt_of_msrs
buffer:         times cnt_of_msrs dq -1
filename        db      '/dev/cpu/0/msr',0    

Filename: msr.tar.gz
Filesize: 6.51 KB
Downloaded: 211 Time(s)

Post 21 Aug 2023, 19:01
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When all else fails, read the source

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revolution 21 Aug 2023, 22:48
The /dev/cpu/0/msr is usermode accessible, but it still requires root privileges.

There are also some restrictions on how to format the data requests. The alignment and sizes need to be multiples of 8 for x64.
~ sudo dd if=/dev/cpu/0/msr bs=4 count=1 status=none | xxd
dd: error reading 'msr': Invalid argument
~ sudo dd if=/dev/cpu/0/msr bs=8 count=1 status=none | xxd
00000000: 0000 0000 0000 0000                      ........    
Post 21 Aug 2023, 22:48
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Joined: 19 May 2022
Posts: 58
I 22 Aug 2023, 02:52
FWIW I use sys_pread64 and sys_pwrite64.

        mov     eax, sys_pread64
        mov     rdi, [rbp-40h]                  ; fd handle of logical CPU
        lea     rsi, [rbp-20h]                  ; Buffer for result
        mov     edx, 8                          ; Count, 8 bytes per MSR [EDX:EAX]
        mov     r10,0x35                        ; fd Offset / MSR Number
        xor     r8d,r8d                         ; ?

        mov     eax, sys_pread64
        mov     ebx, [ebp-40h]                  ; fd handle of logical CPU
        lea     ecx, [ebp-34h]                  ; Buffer for for result
        mov     edx, 8                          ; Count, 8 bytes per MSR [EDX:EAX]
        mov     esi,0x35                        ; fd Offset / MSR Number
        xor     edi,edi                         ; ?
        int     0x80

Had to zero 5th arg IIRC but don't know why as not shown in my syscall table?

Edit: Trying now without clearing edi/r8 works as it should so not sure what the reason was for it needed from some time ago.

Edit2: Running older OS (64bit Fedora 34) on VirtualBox sees EINVAL when 32-bit code is run and edi isn't zero!
Post 22 Aug 2023, 02:52
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