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Index > Macroinstructions > [fasmg] Trick to detect if an instruction is defined

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Tomasz Grysztar

Joined: 16 Jun 2003
Posts: 8363
Location: Kraków, Poland
Tomasz Grysztar 25 Jan 2023, 11:51
I think I never mentioned this before, but there is a simple trick that uses an unconditional label interceptor to detect whether something is a name of an existing instruction:
struc (present) instruction? name*
        present = 1
        calminstruction (label) ?! any&
                compute present, 0
        end calminstruction
        if 0
        end if
        restruc ?
end struc

macro try name
        is instruction name
        display `name,' is ',string (is xor 1)*'NOT ','defined as instruction.',13,10
end macro

try dq
try dqq
try dqqq    
Because the interceptor is unconditional, it is executed even inside the "if 0" block, but only when the initial symbol of the line is considered a label, which implies that it is not recognized as an existing instruction.

I'm posting this as I'm designing a new set of CALM-specific operations that may allow to perform checks of this kind in an "official" and reliable way. Still, I think it's an interesting trick that demonstrates how some of fasmg's cogs intertwine.
Post 25 Jan 2023, 11:51
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bitRAKE 30 Apr 2023, 11:56
This example also makes clear an interesting distinction of fasmg:

From a HLL perspective instructions are often thought about as larger puzzle pieces - containing their parameter syntax. Whereas in fasmg a symbol can pass the instruction test and later fail to match parameter requirements during use.

For example, the DQ instruction cannot be used on a line by itself - that is invalid. This does not cause DQ to be interpreted as not an instruction, but an invalid use of a defined instruction.

DQ can be used as not an instruction by prefixing it with a question mark - ?DQ will be seen as a label.

¯\(°_o)/¯ “languages are not safe - uses can be” Bjarne Stroustrup
Post 30 Apr 2023, 11:56
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