Fasmw 1.73
Ar3 equ 877
Ar1 equ '575'
Ar2 equ '-343'
Txt1 equ 'abcde'#\
'%f, sv',Ar1,Ar2
;convert text as one line. But how x cutoff unnecessary signs(like as #\ or ,) ?
match x,Txt1 {Txt1 equ x}
;This logic more clearly and I understand it.
tt equ for 44,42 aff 55
match =for x=aff b, tt { }
;b=55 x=44,42 and match cutoff for and aff
;not clearly understand this logic match
match a b, tt { }
;a=for b=44,42 aff 55
;Weird this
eggs equ for,50 ,13 aff 52
match a b, eggs { display a,13,10 }
;a=for b=,50 ,13 aff 52 why not b=50 ,13 aff 52 ?
match a=, b, eggs { display b,13,10 }
;a=for b=50 ,13 aff 52
And sometimes match work as if.