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Index > High Level Languages > Fasm and MySql Example

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Joined: 03 Apr 2007
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Location: Mar del Plata
Enko 16 Jun 2011, 05:20
I was wondering if it is dificult to use fasm with a sql server... for my surprise, its more easier than using C. (becouse no strange structs are strictly required)

0) You will need a running mysql server with a database called "fasmdb"
I'm using easyphp 1.8 (yes, 1.8... really old, one of the first ones, and I guess the best, every time I tried a different version always with some php problems).

Here the link:

After instalation, go to phpMyAdmin and create a db called 'fasmdb'

What does the example:
1)Conects to the datebase:
2)Create a Table
3)imports values to the Table from a SQL file
4)Make a query for showing them all.

format PE Console
entry start 

include "%fasminc%\win32a.inc"
include "%fasminc%\macro\if.inc"

section ".data" data readable writeable 

szPause     db "PAUSE",0
szUser        db "root",0
szPass db 0
szHost  db "localhost",0      ;hostname
szDB       db "fasmdb",0
mysql        dd ?    ;pointer to a mysql struct. 
result  dd ?    ;pointer to a mysql query result
row dd ?    ;
szTestq    db "testq.sql",0 ;file with sql insert values
szStr        db "%s",10,13,0
szStrStrStr db "%s, %s, %s",10,13,0
szReadOnly db "r",0

szOk_connect db "MySql connection established",0
szOk_createt db "Table 'testq' was created ok",0
szOk_import  db "Values from testq.sql where imported into the database. Making query",10,13,0

szError_connect db "Fatal Error: Couldn't connect to MySql Server. Check if DataBase 'fasmdb' exits",0
szError_createt db "Error: Couldn't create Table 'testq', probably already exists",0  
szError_file db "Error: Couldn't open testq.sql",0
szError_query db "Bad query",0

pFile       dd 0
sztest  db "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!",0
Buffer     db 255 dup ?  

szSql_select db "SELECT * FROM testq;",0

section ".code" code readable executable 
    push sztest
 ;init mysql struct
  invoke  mysql_init, NULL
    mov     [mysql],eax     
    ;connect to sql server
      invoke  mysql_real_connect, [mysql], szHost, szUser, szPass, szDB, NULL, NULL, NULL
 .if eax <> [mysql]
            cinvoke printf, szStr, szError_connect
               cinvoke printf, szStr, szOk_connect
    ;select the DataBase 'fasmbd'
     invoke mysql_select_db, [mysql], szDB
    ;create the 'testq' table
 invoke mysql_query, [mysql], szSql_createtable
      .if eax <> 0
          cinvoke printf, szStr, szError_createt
               cinvoke printf, szStr, szOk_createt
    ;open testq.sql
     cinvoke fopen, szTestq, szReadOnly
  mov     [pFile], eax
        .if eax = 0
         cinvoke printf, szStr, szError_file
         jmp     __exit
    ;insert values from testq.sql into table testq  
             cinvoke fgets, Buffer, 255, [pFile]
         invoke mysql_query, [mysql], Buffer
         cinvoke feof, [pFile]
       .until eax <> 0   ;until end of file
  cinvoke printf, szStr, szOk_import
    ;making query to testq for all data.
        invoke mysql_query, [mysql], szSql_select
    ;store the result of the query, also check mysql_store_result
       invoke mysql_use_result, [mysql]
    mov     [result], eax
       .if eax = 0
         cinvoke printf, szStr, szError_query
               ;get the first row of the valid query
               invoke mysql_fetch_row, [result]
                     mov     [row], eax
                  ;print the value of the row ID, NAME, VALUE
                 cinvoke printf, szStrStrStr, [eax],[eax+4],[eax+8]
                  invoke mysql_fetch_row, [result]
            .until eax = 0
              ;free the result struct
             invoke mysql_free_result, [result]
     cinvoke system, szPause
     invoke  mysql_close, [mysql]
        invoke  ExitProcess,0

section ".idata" import data readable writeable 

library kernel32, "kernel32.dll",\ 
   msvcrt, "msvcrt.dll",\
   libmysql, "libmysql.dll"

include "%fasminc%\api\kernel32.inc"
include "%fasminc%\api\user32.inc"
include "%fasminc%\api\msvcrt.inc"
include "%fasminc%\api\libmysql.inc"

libmysql.inc is included in the atachment. Was created with dll2inc by comrade.
Also included a very old version off mysqllib.dll. I guess the smallest one 196kb in size (aprox 85kb zipped)

Filename: mysql_example.zip
Filesize: 101.63 KB
Downloaded: 1323 Time(s)

Post 16 Jun 2011, 05:20
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JohnFound 16 Jun 2011, 06:03
Very interesting. Is there some "libmysql.dll" reference?
I personally prefer sqlite when I need some database engine, but mysql is OK when you need true client-server architecture.
Post 16 Jun 2011, 06:03
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typedef 16 Jun 2011, 07:00
feels like php and js
Post 16 Jun 2011, 07:00
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Enko 16 Jun 2011, 13:14
JohnFound wrote:
Very interesting. Is there some "libmysql.dll" reference?
I personally prefer sqlite when I need some database engine, but mysql is OK when you need true client-server architecture.

mysql c api


funcion overview


feels like php and js

I used macros and c rtl so the reading would be more easier.

only one thing still bother me. The fields of the ROW that is returned by mysql_fetch_row all are STRINGS. If the DATATYPE is INT, the result is returned as a string.
Strange, becouse mysqllib.dll is the c api... so why not to return int for INT.
Post 16 Jun 2011, 13:14
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typedef 16 Jun 2011, 16:52
AFAIK the returned data is returned into a string buffer and you have to separate it yourself.

in php you just write the name of the column to retrieve the value. for example
mysql_query($link,'SELECT * FROM users WHERE userid=1');$res=mysql_fetch_row($link);$user_Id_INT= $res['userid'];$userName =$res['username'];    
Post 16 Jun 2011, 16:52
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Enko 16 Jun 2011, 20:17
typedef wrote:
AFAIK the returned data is returned into a string buffer and you have to separate it yourself.

in php you just write the name of the column to retrieve the value. for example
mysql_query($link,'SELECT * FROM users WHERE userid=1');
$user_Id_INT= $res['userid'];
$userName =$res['username'];

There is other diference...

after a query, you can fetch the result in php.
with the c api, after the query, you need to execute sotre_result or use_result, otherwise, it wont work.
Post 16 Jun 2011, 20:17
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typedef 16 Jun 2011, 21:52

Hmmm..Yes you are right, ... But one can implement the fetch method using store_result

Post 16 Jun 2011, 21:52
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NETSTALKER 04 Feb 2023, 17:37
How to work with SQL without libraries?
Post 04 Feb 2023, 17:37
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