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Index > Linux > Use the fword to switch 32/64 bitness mode on the fly

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When all else fails, read the source

Joined: 24 Aug 2004
Posts: 20460
Location: In your JS exploiting you and your system
revolution 22 Feb 2023, 21:19
It is possible to run both 32-bit and 64-bit code in the same process.
format elf executable at 1 shl 16       ; must start in 32-bit mode or we can't access memory after a 64 --> 32 switch

TRIALS=8 ; do some example trial runs

SYS32_write     = 4
SYS32_exit      = 1
SYS64_write     = 1
SYS64_exit      = 60

entry $
        mov     ebp,TRIALS
        mov     eax,SYS32_write
        mov     ebx,STDOUT_FILENO
        mov     ecx,text32
        mov     edx,len32
        int     0x80
        dec     ebp
        jz      .exit32
        mov     ecx,.64
        jmp     toggle_mode
        mov     eax,SYS32_exit
        xor     ebx,ebx
        int     0x80

        mov     eax,SYS64_write
        mov     edi,STDOUT_FILENO
        lea     rsi,[text64]
        mov     edx,len64
        dec     ebp
        jz      .exit64
        lea     ecx,[.32]
        jmp     toggle_mode
        mov     eax,SYS64_exit
        xor     edi,edi

        use64                   ; this is code for both modes
        mov     edx,.far_ptr    ; use absolute address only
        mov     eax,cs
        xor     eax,0x10        ; offset is +-16
        mov     [rdx],ecx
        mov     [rdx+4],ax
        jmp     fword[rdx]      ; jmp to ax:ecx
    .far_ptr    df ?

text32 db 'Hello from 32-bit code!',10
len32 = $ - text32
text64 db 'Hello from 64-bit code!',10
len64 = $ - text64

; See this comment at https://github.com/torvalds/linux/blob/master/arch/x86/include/asm/segment.h
; * We cannot use the same code segment descriptor for user and kernel mode,
; * not even in long flat mode, because of different DPL.
; *
; * GDT layout to get 64-bit SYSCALL/SYSRET support right. SYSRET hardcodes
; * selectors:
; *
; *   if returning to 32-bit userspace: cs = STAR.SYSRET_CS,
; *   if returning to 64-bit userspace: cs = STAR.SYSRET_CS+16,
; *
; * ss = STAR.SYSRET_CS+8 (in either case)
; *
; * thus USER_DS should be between 32-bit and 64-bit code selectors:
; */
;#define GDT_ENTRY_DEFAULT_USER_CS      6    
It is also possible to define a simple mode toggle for call to have 32/64 code call 64/32 functions.

There are some restrictions, of course. The most obvious would be:
  • All memory allocations should be done in 32-bit code through int 0x80 to ensure the addresses are <4G.
  • Using int 0x80 has an undefined effect on r8-r15, so those might be corrupted, and there is no way to save them in 32-bit code.
  • A debugger might not understand what is happening and go wonky.
Post 22 Feb 2023, 21:19
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Joined: 04 Mar 2016
Posts: 2572
Furs 23 Feb 2023, 12:51
revolution wrote:
  • All memory allocations should be done in 32-bit code through int 0x80 to ensure the addresses are <4G.
You can also use MAP_32BIT for mmap in 64-bit code but that has the drawback that it's only 2G instead of 4G. Does 32-bit mmap handle full 4G?

I guess the "correct" way here to do it from 64-bit code is to do your own allocator like Wine does (since it also supports 32-bit on 64-bit processes recently), you'll need to specify the addresses for mmap in this case and handle failure or fragmentation.

But I guess allocating it in 32-bit code is easier.
Post 23 Feb 2023, 12:51
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When all else fails, read the source

Joined: 24 Aug 2004
Posts: 20460
Location: In your JS exploiting you and your system
revolution 23 Feb 2023, 23:16
Using indirect calls allows for going 32-->64-->32 and back.
format elf executable at 1 shl 16

SYS32_write     = 4
SYS32_exit      = 1
SYS64_write     = 1
SYS64_exit      = 60
CS_TOGGLE       = 0x10  ; offset is +-16

entry $
        ;initialise call pointers
        mov     eax,cs
        mov     word[print_hello_32+4],ax
        xor     eax,CS_TOGGLE
        mov     word[print_hello_64+4],ax
        call    [print_hello_64]
        mov     eax,SYS32_exit
        xor     ebx,ebx
        int     0x80

print_hello_32  df      0:_print_hello_32
        mov     eax,SYS32_write
        mov     ebx,STDOUT_FILENO
        mov     ecx,text32
        mov     edx,len32
        int     0x80

print_hello_64  df      0:_print_hello_64
        call    [print_hello_32]
        mov     eax,SYS64_write
        mov     edi,STDOUT_FILENO
        lea     rsi,[text64]
        mov     edx,len64

text32 db 'Hello from 32-bit code!',10
len32 = $ - text32
text64 db 'Hello from 64-bit code!',10
len64 = $ - text64    
Post 23 Feb 2023, 23:16
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