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Index > MenuetOS > How to use copy/paste functions?

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Joined: 04 Sep 2009
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Location: film "CandyMan" directed through Bernard Rose OR Candy Shop
CandyMan 30 Aug 2022, 20:37
Could you give an example of how to use function #142?

Is my pascal procedure correct?
function SysClipCanPaste:Boolean;
        XOR     EDI,EDI
        CALL    SwitchTo64
        MOV     EAX,142
        MOV     EBX,2
        XOR     ECX,ECX
        XOR     EDX,EDX
        DB      $41,$89,$F8     // MOV R8D,EDI
        INT     $60
        CMP     EAX,1           // Ascii?
        SETZ    DL
        DB      $48
        OR      EBX,EBX
        SETNZ   DH
        AND     DL,DH
        CALL    SwitchTo32
        MOV     AL,DL

function SysClipCopy(P:PChar; Size:LongInt):Boolean;
        XOR     EAX,EAX // To Do

function SysClipPaste(var Size:Integer):Pointer;
        XOR     EAX,EAX // To Do

I have one more question.
How to start a web browser, what command to use? I tried \sysdir\HTTPC.

smaller is better
Post 30 Aug 2022, 20:37
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Ville 31 Aug 2022, 14:53
Here is an example for copy/paste and application start. In this context your procedure works fine. Press c for copy/paste and h for httpc start.

;   64 bit Menuet copy/paste and application start example
;   Compile with FASM 1.60 or above


    org   0x0

    db    'MENUET64'              ; Header identifier
    dq    0x01                    ; Version
    dq    START                   ; Start of code
    dq    image_end               ; Size of image
    dq    0x100000                ; Memory for app
    dq    0xffff0                 ; Rsp
    dq    0x00                    ; Prm 
    dq    0x00                    ; Icon


    call  draw_window       ; At first, draw the window


    mov   rax , 10          ; Wait here for event
    int   0x60

    test  rax , 1           ; Window redraw
    jnz   window_event
    test  rax , 2           ; Keyboard press
    jnz   key_event
    test  rax , 4           ; Button press
    jnz   button_event

    jmp   still


    call  draw_window
    jmp   still


    mov   rax , 2          ; Read key press
    int   0x60
    cmp   rbx , 0
    jne   still

    cmp   cl , 'c'         ; c - copy/paste
    jne   nocopypaste
    call  copypaste
    jmp   still

    cmp   cl , 'h'         ; h - application start
    jne   nohttpcstart
    call  httpcstart
    jmp   still

    jmp   still


    ; Unzip and start application

    mov   rax , 256
    mov   rbx , string_unzip
    mov   rcx , string_httpc
    int   0x60



    ; Copy from [copytext] -> clipboard -> [pastetext]

    mov   rax , 142        ; Copy/paste system call 
    mov   rbx , 1          ; Write data
    mov   rcx , 1          ; Ascii text
    mov   rdx , 8          ; Overall text length
    mov   r8  , 0          ; Ignored for text
    mov   r9  , 0          ; Write position at copypaste (clipboard) area
    mov   r10 , copytext   ; Text to copy
    mov   r11 , 8          ; Amount of text to copy   
    int   0x60

    xor   edi , edi        ; Clipboard has text ?
    mov   eax , 142
    mov   ebx , 2
    xor   ecx , ecx
    xor   edx , edx
    db    0x41,0x89,0xf8
    int   0x60
    cmp   eax , 1
    setz  dl
    db    0x48
    or    ebx,ebx
    setnz dh
    and   dl , dh
    mov   al , dl

    cmp   al , 1
    jne   nogettext

    ; Get text

    mov   r8  , rbx          ; text length from previous syscall
    mov   rax , 142          ; Copy/paste system call
    mov   rbx , 2            ; Read data
    mov   rcx , 0            ; Read position at copypaste (clipboard) area
    mov   rdx , pastetext    ; Data return area at application side
    int   0x60

    call  draw_window




    mov   rax , 17
    int   0x60

    ; rax = status
    ; rbx = button id

    cmp   rbx , 0x10000001
    jne   no_application_terminate_button
    mov   rax , 0x200
    int   0x60

    cmp   rbx , 0x106
    jne   no_application_terminate_menu
    mov   rax , 0x200
    int   0x60

    jmp   still


    mov   rax , 12                           ; Beginning of window draw
    mov   rbx , 1
    int   0x60

    mov   rax , 0                            ; Draw window
    mov   rbx , 256 shl 32 + 256             ; X start & size
    mov   rcx , 128 shl 32 + 192             ; Y start & size
    mov   rdx , 0x0000000000FFFFFF           ; Type    & border color  
    mov   r8  , 0x0000000000000001           ; Flags (set as 1)
    mov   r9  , window_label                 ; 0 or label - asciiz
    mov   r10 , menu_struct                  ; 0 or pointer to menu struct
    int   0x60

    mov   rax , 4                            ; Display text
    mov   rbx , copytext                     ; Pointer to text
    mov   rcx , 30                           ; X position
    mov   rdx , 60                           ; Y position
    mov   rsi , 0x000000                     ; Color
    mov   r9  , 1                            ; Font
    int   0x60

    mov   rax , 4                            ; Display text
    mov   rbx , pastetext                    ; Pointer to text
    mov   rcx , 30+6*12                      ; X position
    mov   rdx , 60                           ; Y position
    mov   rsi , 0x000000                     ; Color
    mov   r9  , 1                            ; Font
    int   0x60

    mov   rax , 12                           ; End of window draw
    mov   rbx , 2
    int   0x60


; Data area


    db    'EXAMPLE',0     ; Window label

menu_struct:               ; Menu Struct

    dq   0                 ; Version
    dq   0x100             ; Start value of ID to return ( ID + Line )
                           ; Returned when menu closes and
                           ; user made no selections.

    db   0,'FILE',0        ; ID = 0x100 + 1
    db   1,'New',0         ; ID = 0x100 + 2
    db   1,'Open..',0      ; ID = 0x100 + 3
    db   1,'Save..',0      ; ID = 0x100 + 4
    db   1,'-',0           ; ID = 0x100 + 5
    db   1,'Quit',0        ; ID = 0x100 + 6

    db   0,'HELP',0        ; ID = 0x100 + 7
    db   1,'Contents..',0  ; ID = 0x100 + 8
    db   1,'About..',0     ; ID = 0x100 + 9

    db   255               ; End of Menu Struct

string_unzip: db '\sysdir\unzip',0
string_httpc: db '\sysdir\httpc.zip http://flatassembler.net',0

copytext:  db  'copythis -> ',0
pastetext: db  '            ',0



Last edited by Ville on 01 Sep 2022, 15:26; edited 1 time in total
Post 31 Aug 2022, 14:53
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Location: film "CandyMan" directed through Bernard Rose OR Candy Shop
CandyMan 31 Aug 2022, 16:51
Is it possible to run a web browser in this way with a specific website address?
Post 31 Aug 2022, 16:51
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Ville 31 Aug 2022, 17:16
The web-browser doesn't currently react to parameters, but I'll add it to next release.
Post 31 Aug 2022, 17:16
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Location: film "CandyMan" directed through Bernard Rose OR Candy Shop
CandyMan 31 Aug 2022, 17:37
I see.

Here are some more questions.

Do the functions #58.1 (Write file) and #58.2 (Delete file) with CD path return an error?
Why does #58.3 (Read directory entries) behave like "/fd/1" with path "/fd/1/icons.txt" for example?
Post 31 Aug 2022, 17:37
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Ville 01 Sep 2022, 15:18
Version 1.44.50 has updates and fixes for the above. Also the httpc example above is updated with target page. However, /fd/1/icons.txt returns an error for me, like it should.
Post 01 Sep 2022, 15:18
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CandyMan 01 Sep 2022, 17:29
Necromancer's Dos Navigator for x64 MenuetOS.

This is a test version. The "ndn" file is uncompressed and "ndnc" is LZMA compressed. Not everything can work 100% yet. Suggestions to improve something welcome.

The program will soon be available on the website: http://ndn.muxe.com/download

For now, you can download from here: https://megawrzuta.pl/download/1d9518ecf03a1309df94ca2b6093f6b7.html

Thanks for your attention and help.

PS: Is it possible to get the system version number somehow?

Are you planning to add a system function - playing sounds through a PC speaker?

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Post 01 Sep 2022, 17:29
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Location: film "CandyMan" directed through Bernard Rose OR Candy Shop
CandyMan 02 Sep 2022, 19:17
Can you distinguish between the Pause and NumLock keys in MenuetOS? Pause send sequence E1 1D 45 but NumLock only 45 code.
Post 02 Sep 2022, 19:17
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Ville 02 Sep 2022, 19:23
The program is impressive. And if you want me to include it to the Menuet CD, just let me know.

Currently kernel version is located only at the beginning of kernel.mnt -file. But I'll add also a system call to read a more accurate (three part) version.

Do you mean a system call to play tunes from PC-speaker or a primitive D/A converter ?

I'll take a look at the Pause/Numlock difference.
Post 02 Sep 2022, 19:23
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Location: film "CandyMan" directed through Bernard Rose OR Candy Shop
CandyMan 02 Sep 2022, 20:16
When the program will be ready, you can include it in the MenuetOS release.

There is a function in KolibriOS that plays a melody in the background via a PC-speaker. Unfortunately, it doesn't support pause at the moment (see below). You could add something similar to your system.

== Function 18, subfunction 8 - disable/enable the internal speaker. =
If speaker sound is disabled, all calls to subfunction 55 of
function 55 are ignored. If speaker sound is enabled,
they are routed on builtin speaker.

------------------- Subsubfunction 1 - get status. -------------------
  * eax = 18 - function number
  * ebx = 8 - subfunction number
  * ecx = 1 - number of the subsubfunction
Returned value:
  * eax = 0 - speaker sound is enabled; 1 - disabled

----------------- Subsubfunction 2 - toggle status. ------------------
Toggles states of disable/enable.
  * eax = 18 - function number
  * ebx = 8 - subfunction number
  * ecx = 2 - number of the subsubfunction
Returned value:
  * function does not return value
 Function 55, subfunction 55 - begin to play data on built-in speaker.
  * eax = 55 - function number
  * ebx = 55 - subfunction number
  * esi = pointer to data
Returned value:
  * eax = 0 - success
  * eax = 55 - error (speaker is off or busy)
Data is an array of items with variable length.
Format of each item is defined by first byte:
  * 0 = end of data
  * 1..0x80 = sets sound duration on 1/100 of second; sound note
    is defined by immediate value of frequency
    * following word (2 bytes) contains frequency divider;
      frequency is defined as 1193180/divider
  * 0x81 = invalid
  * 0x82..0xFF = note is defined by octave and number:
    * duration in 1/100 of second = (first byte)-0x81
    * there is one more byte;
    * (second byte)=0xFF - delay
    * otherwise it looks like a*0x10+b, where b=number of the note in
      an octave from 1 to 12, a=number of octave (beginning from 0)
  * Speaker play can be disabled/enabled by
    subfunction 8 of function 18.
  * Function returns control, having informed the system
    an information on request. Play itself goes independently from
    the program.
  * The data must be kept in the memory at least up to the end
    of play.    

What code is returned when I press the SysRq key? Are you sure 0xE0? Below you will find the codes that are being sent.
      Alt-SysRq                54                            D4
      SysRq           E0 2A E0 37                         E0 B7 E0 AA
      Ctrl-SysRq            E0 37                         E0 B7
      Shift-SysRq           E0 37                         E0 B7
      Pause           E1 1D 45 E1 9D C5                      --
      Ctrl-Pause      E0 46 E0 C6                            --    

smaller is better
Post 02 Sep 2022, 20:16
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FlierMate1 03 Sep 2022, 01:05
CandyMan wrote:
Necromancer's Dos Navigator for x64 MenuetOS.

This is a test version. The "ndn" file is uncompressed and "ndnc" is LZMA compressed. Not everything can work 100% yet. Suggestions to improve something welcome.

The program will soon be available on the website: http://ndn.muxe.com/download

For now, you can download from here: https://megawrzuta.pl/download/1d9518ecf03a1309df94ca2b6093f6b7.html

Out of curiosity, I create a ISO from your ndn folder, then load and run from within MenuetOS. Nice effort!

Filesize: 352.41 KB
Viewed: 10137 Time(s)

Screenshot 2022-09-03 090119.png

Post 03 Sep 2022, 01:05
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CandyMan 03 Sep 2022, 06:50
Does the use of the #64,1 (Memory manager) function with rcx=0x7FFFFFFF guarantee that then after calling the memory allocation function no address greater than this value will be returned?

My question is that NDN is 32-bit and will it work when you have more than 4GB of memory.
Post 03 Sep 2022, 06:50
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Ville 03 Sep 2022, 16:40
Function 64/1 changes the size of the main application area. It has the same effect as the fifth parameter in the app header - memory for application. When function 64/2 is called, it returns a pointer to the applications own paging table (above applications main memory). So it doesnt make a difference if the application is executed below or above the 32bit boundary in ram. The relative address for the new memory area is very likely to be below 32bit.

If the returned pointer is above 32bit, then the application itself has reserved more than 4gb of memory.

I'll add the pause/numlock/sysrq fix to next release. I'll also take a look at the pc-speaker.
Post 03 Sep 2022, 16:40
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Ville 03 Sep 2022, 20:17
If you are looking for sound in QEMU (v.20220817) then the following command should work:

qemu-system-x86_64.exe -cdrom m64cd14450.iso -m 1024 -device ac97

From setup-icon select "autom. driver search" and then press Apply at Audio driver line.
Now the menu->coding->audio example should work.

For older QEMU versions, just replace the "device" -command with "soundhw"
Post 03 Sep 2022, 20:17
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Ville 05 Sep 2022, 12:34
1.44.60 has bugfixes for keymap and below is an improved key-tracking example with key-history and kernel version display. The pc-speaker requires reprogramming the timer interrupt, which will interfere with the internal time keeping, so I'll see what I can do about it.

;   64 bit Menuet event example
;   Compile with FASM 1.60 or above


    org   0x0

    db    'MENUET64'              ; Header identifier
    dq    0x01                    ; Version
    dq    START                   ; Start of code
    dq    image_end               ; Size of image
    dq    0x100000                ; Memory for app
    dq    0xffff0                 ; Rsp
    dq    parameter               ; Prm 
    dq    0x00                    ; Icon


    mov   rax , 40
    mov   rbx , 100111b     ; Events: mouse,button,keyboard,window
    int   0x60

    call  draw_window       ; At first, draw the window


    mov   rax , 10          ; Wait here for event
    int   0x60

    test  rax , 1           ; Window redraw
    jnz   window_event
    test  rax , 2           ; Keyboard press
    jnz   key_event
    test  rax , 4           ; Button press
    jnz   button_event 
    test  rax , 32          ; Mouse event
    jnz   mouse_event

    jmp   still


    mov   rax , 13
    mov   rbx , 30 shl 32 + 110
    mov   rcx , 230 shl 32 + 40
    mov   rdx , 0xf8f8f8
    int   0x60

    ; Mouse buttons

    mov   rax , 37
    mov   rbx , 2
    int   0x60

    mov   rcx , rax
    mov   rax , 47
    mov   rbx , 8 shl 16 + 1 shl 8
    mov   rdx , 30 shl 32 + 240
    mov   rsi , 0
    int   0x60

    ; Mouse scroll wheel

    mov   rax , 37
    mov   rbx , 3
    int   0x60

    mov   rcx , rax
    mov   rax , 47
    mov   rbx , 16 shl 16 + 1 shl 8
    mov   rdx , 30 shl 32 + 252
    mov   rsi , 0
    int   0x60

    jmp   still


    call  draw_window
    jmp   still


    ; Space for new data

    mov   rdi , text
    mov   rsi , rdi
    add   rsi , 10*8
    mov   rcx , 10*11*8
    rep   movsb

    ; Get key data

    mov   rax , 2
    int   0x60

    mov   rdi , text+10*11*8
    mov   [rdi+0],rax
    mov   [rdi+8],rbx
    mov   [rdi+16],rcx

    ; Pressed ctrl,menu,alt,.. keys
    ; Available without key event

    mov   rax , 66
    mov   rbx , 3
    int   0x60
    mov   [rdi+24],rax

    call  draw_keys

    jmp   still


    mov   rax , 17
    int   0x60

    ; rax = status
    ; rbx = button id

    cmp   rbx , 0x10000001
    jne   no_application_terminate_button
    mov   rax , 0x200
    int   0x60

    cmp   rbx , 0x106
    jne   no_application_terminate_menu
    mov   rax , 0x200
    int   0x60

    jmp   still


    mov   rax , 12                           ; Beginning of window draw
    mov   rbx , 1
    int   0x60

    mov   rax , 0                            ; Draw window
    mov   rbx , 100 shl 32 + 580             ; X start & size
    mov   rcx , 100 shl 32 + 290             ; Y start & size
    mov   rdx , 0x0000000000FFFFFF           ; Type    & border color  
    mov   r8  , 0x0000000000000001           ; Flags (set as 1)
    mov   r9  , window_label                 ; 0 or label - asciiz
    mov   r10 , menu_struct                  ; 0 or pointer to menu struct
    int   0x60

    ; Startup parameter(s)

    mov   rax , 4                            ; Display text
    mov   rbx , parameter+8                  ; Pointer to text
    mov   rcx , 130                          ; X position
    mov   rdx , 60                           ; Y position
    mov   rsi , 0x000000                     ; Color
    mov   r9  , 1                            ; Font
    int   0x60

    ; Display current application path/name

    mov   rax , 111
    mov   rbx , 1
    int   0x60

    sub   rsp , 1024

    mov   rcx , rax
    mov   rax , 9
    mov   rbx , 2
    mov   rdx , rsp
    mov   r8  , 1000
    int   0x60

    mov   rax , 4                            ; Display text
    mov   rbx , rsp                          ; Pointer to text
    add   rbx , 408                          ; table 9-1
    mov   rcx , 30                           ; X position
    mov   rdx , 60                           ; Y position
    mov   rsi , 0x000000                     ; Color
    mov   r9  , 1                            ; Font
    int   0x60

    add   rsp , 1024

    ; Kernel version

    mov   rax , 26
    mov   rbx , 11
    mov   rcx , 904
    int   0x60

    mov   rcx , rax
    mov   rax , 47
    mov   rbx , 8 shl 16
    mov   rdx , 230 shl 32 + 60
    mov   rsi , 0
    int   0x60 

    ; Keys

    call  draw_keys

    mov   rax , 12                           ; End of window draw
    mov   rbx , 2
    int   0x60



    ; Draw pressed keys

    mov   r15 , text
    mov   r13 , 30
    mov   r14 , 80


    mov   rax , 13
    mov   rbx , 30 shl 32+510
    mov   rcx , r14
    shl   rcx , 32
    add   rcx , 12
    mov   rdx , 0xf8f8f8
    int   0x60


    ; Hex values

    mov   rax , 47
    mov   rbx , 16 shl 16+1 shl 8
    mov   rcx , [r15]
    mov   rdx , r13
    shl   rdx , 32
    add   rdx , r14
    mov   rsi , 0
    int   0x60

    add   r15 , 8
    add   r13 , 18*6

    cmp   r13 , 30+18*6*3
    jb    newcolumn

    ; Key string

    mov   rax , [r15-8*1]
    mov   [textkey+5],rax
    mov   [textkey+5+8],byte 0
    mov   rax , 4
    mov   rbx , textkey
    mov   rcx , r13
    mov   rdx , r14
    mov   rsi , 0x000000
    mov   r9  , 1
    int   0x60
    add   r13 , 14*6

    ; Shift,ctrl,alt,..

    mov   rax , 47
    mov   rbx , 16 shl 16+1 shl 8
    mov   rcx , [r15]
    mov   rdx , r13
    shl   rdx , 32
    add   rdx , r14
    mov   rsi , 0
    int   0x60

    mov   r13 , 30
    add   r15 , 8*7
    add   r14 , 12
    cmp   r14 , 80+12*12
    jb    newline


; Data area

window_label: db 'EXAMPLE',0 

menu_struct:               ; Menu Struct

    dq   0                 ; Version

    dq   0x100             ; Start value of ID to return ( ID + Line )

                           ; Returned when menu closes and
                           ; user made no selections.

    db   0,'FILE',0        ; ID = 0x100 + 1
    db   1,'New',0         ; ID = 0x100 + 2
    db   1,'Open..',0      ; ID = 0x100 + 3
    db   1,'Save..',0      ; ID = 0x100 + 4
    db   1,'-',0           ; ID = 0x100 + 5
    db   1,'Quit',0        ; ID = 0x100 + 6

    db   0,'HELP',0        ; ID = 0x100 + 7
    db   1,'Contents..',0  ; ID = 0x100 + 8
    db   1,'About..',0     ; ID = 0x100 + 9

    db   255               ; End of Menu Struct

textkey:   db  'Key:             '

parameter: dq  255 ; area length
           rb  256



Post 05 Sep 2022, 12:34
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CandyMan 05 Sep 2022, 15:22

In M$-WINDOWS systems since Windows 7, there is no longer a PC-speaker support. Nothing by force.
Post 05 Sep 2022, 15:22
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CandyMan 06 Sep 2022, 08:19
I improved the time and date get functions.

I think you can now add NDN to the MenuetOS release.

You forgot to change the version number returned by function #26/11.
Post 06 Sep 2022, 08:19
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Ville 06 Sep 2022, 14:20
The fix for correct version is now uploaded.
Post 06 Sep 2022, 14:20
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