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Index > Windows > Fastest hex text file to Byte file

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Joined: 13 Jun 2022
Posts: 75
Fastestcodes 15 Jun 2022, 22:33
Post 15 Jun 2022, 22:33
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Joined: 26 Jan 2021
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Location: Russia
macomics 15 Jun 2022, 23:13
format binary as "bin"
virtual at 0
db $30 dup $80
.A db $0A dup $ - .A
db $07 dup $80
.B db $06 dup $ + $0A - .B
db $1A dup $80
.C db $06 dup $ + $0A - .C
db $9A dup $80
store byte $F0 at $09
store byte $F0 at $0A
store byte $F0 at $0D
store byte $F0 at $20
end virtual
virtual at 0
match text, INPUT_FILE { file `text }
text.Length = $
end virtual
value = 0
index = 0
while index < text.Length
  load alpha byte from text:index
  load digit byte from translate:alpha
  if digit and $F0 = $F0
    if value and $1100 >= $0100
      db value and $FF
      value = 0
    end if
  else if digit and $80 = 0
    value = value shl 4 or digit or $100
    if value and $1100 = $1100
      db value and $FF
      value = 0
    end if
  end if
  index = index + 1
end while
if index < text.Length
  display "Error symbol '", alpha, "' at "
  digit = $0A
  while digit < index
    digit = digit * $0A
  end while
  while digit > 1
    digit = digit / $0A
    display (index / digit) mod $0A + $30
  end while
  display "!", $0D, $0A
else if value and $1100 >= $0100
  db value and $FF
end if    
Uses: fasm ./source.asm [output] [-m limit] -d INPUT_FILE=\"<hexadec.txt>\"
fasm.exe .\source.asm [output] -d INPUT_FILE="<hexadec.txt>"
source.asm - current code
[output] - output file name
[-m limit] - memory limit, kb
<hexadec.txt> - input: hexadecimal text
Post 15 Jun 2022, 23:13
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When all else fails, read the source

Joined: 24 Aug 2004
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Location: In your JS exploiting you and your system
revolution 16 Jun 2022, 04:14
If you have WSL then:
xxd -r -p <teh-hex-codez.txt >teh-binory-codez.bin    
Post 16 Jun 2022, 04:14
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