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> Windows > Is 0ffffffffh (4GB-1) mem max in Fasm32? Goto page Previous 1, 2 |
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Fastestcodes 21 Jun 2022, 04:36
32bit sys, 4GB-1 Fasm mem, 4GB ramdrive Z:, 4GB ramdrive Y:,4GB ramdrive X: ?
21 Jun 2022, 04:36 |
Fastestcodes 21 Jun 2022, 04:41
mem2[0ffffffffh] mem3[0ffffffffh]... 64GB pendrive works on 32bit sys. |
21 Jun 2022, 04:41 |
I 21 Jun 2022, 09:39
revolution wrote: And even if the rogue program touches its pages all the time, it is easy to find by watching running which program causes everything to slow down. I'll add my 2c on pagefile FWIW, (not much probably). There use to be a time the pagefile and swapping out was evil incarnate sometimes leaving the PC unresponsive which in turn lead to using the power button and that in turn often resulted in disk corruption and data loss so it was a sigh of relief to have it disabled. Haven't seen that for a long time now and use the pagefile because virtual memory size is a combination of pagefile size and RAM size. Without it one can run out of virtual memory before RAM leaving multiple gigabytes of RAM unusable! Swapping out to pagefile was for modifiable data, read only data can still be evicted without use of a pagefile because it resides on the disk it was loaded from, such as executables! Personally I never liked MS terminology with virtual memory, seem to confuse rather than be intuitive. Below is an example of using nearly 4GB of GPU VRAM (cudaMalloc) and 3584MiB pagefile. You can see Total Page/Commit - RAM = 28080 - 24496 = 3584, the size of the pagefile. Before allocating VRAM available Page/Commit is 20966, afterward it drops to 17522, 20966 - 17522 = 3444MiB, RAM has only dropped 73MiB and Pagefile.sys usage hasn't noticeably changed, still at 0.179% (>7MiB). Note that what they call pagefile (MEMORYSTATUSEX) and commit (PERFORMANCE_INFORMATION) appear to be the same, aka virtual memory, in particular that which can be physically addressed, not the maximum the CPU can address. For example the CPU may be able to address thousands of gigabytes of RAM but if you have only 8GB installed that's all you actually get to use. Different Windows versions may give different results but that's were I am for now.
21 Jun 2022, 09:39 |
Furs 21 Jun 2022, 13:00
It's worth to note that on Windows, there is no overcommit. This can be both a good and bad thing. So in this case a page file "helps" even if it's never used because it gives more room for overcommits.
Overcommit is when an app commits memory (not just reserves address space for it, but commits it), even though it doesn't touch it. The memory itself doesn't really get physically allocated until it is actually touched. This happens on both Windows and Linux. The difference is that on Windows, if you have no more "free memory" available (which is your RAM + page file, not just RAM), it will fail to commit in the first place, even if it's not used later. Linux allows overcommit so this is not a benefit of swap there (although it can be adjusted or turned off, obviously). But overcommit does have its own issues of course; if the app actually uses the memory it will obviously crash (the OOM killer will kick in). Anyway, Windows benefits from swap more than Linux due to this. |
21 Jun 2022, 13:00 |
revolution 21 Jun 2022, 13:41
fasm for Windows console is a greedy app. It allocates all RAM first before it knows what it needs.
I posted a patch to change that behaviour by reserving the address space, and only committing when there was an access exception. It worked fine, and there was no need to use the -m switch unless one wanted to forcibly limit the maximum usage. And it could take advantage of the 1GB in the upper half of the address space, for those really large assembly tasks that can't fit into 2GB. Apps can be fixed to not be greedy. But many apps don't do it. Some of the worst culprits can be the GC based languages. Some just seem to keep allocating until they get refused and only then run GC. Fuck them. Clean up your crap and don't assume you are the only app running and can use all the RAM. |
21 Jun 2022, 13:41 |
revolution 21 Jun 2022, 17:42
I found the old post making Windows fasm be friendly with RAM and use the upper memory section also if you boot with /3GB.
https://board.flatassembler.net/topic.php?t=17667 |
21 Jun 2022, 17:42 |
Fastestcodes 22 Jun 2022, 03:55
32bit fasmw exe on 64bit win,GlobalAlloc:
0ffffffff Byte(4GB-1): outfile 0 2GB: outfile 0 1GB: works, outfile good. |
22 Jun 2022, 03:55 |
I 22 Jun 2022, 04:45
Made some changes to 'Virtual Memory (MiB)', now with pagefile and commit named Virtual as in virtual addressing. Hopefully not too many mistakes.
Code: format PE64 GUI 4.0 entry start include 'win64a.inc' struct MEMORYSTATUSEX dwLength dd ? dwMemoryLoad dd ? ullTotalPhys dq ? ullAvailPhys dq ? ullTotalPageFile dq ? ullAvailPageFile dq ? ullTotalVirtual dq ? ullAvailVirtual dq ? ullAvailExtendedVirtual dq ? ends struct ENUM_PAGE_FILE_INFORMATION cb dd ? Reserved dd ? TotalSize dq ? TotalInUse dq ? PeakUsage dq ? ends struc rt L,T,R,B { .L dd L .T dd T .R dd R .B dd B } ;---------------------------------------- section '.text' code readable executable _title db 'Virtual Memory (MiB)',0 ; Window Title _class db 'Low',0 wsh2a db '%I64u',0 _T1 db 'Total',0 _T2 db 'Used',0 _T3 db 'Available',0 _T4 db 'RAM',0 _T5 db 'Virtual',0 _T6 db 'PageFile',0 start: frame sub rsp,8*11 xor ecx,ecx call [GetModuleHandle] mov [wc.hInstance],rax xor ecx,ecx mov edx,IDI_ASTERISK call [LoadIcon] mov [wc.hIcon],rax mov [wc.hIconSm],rax xor ecx,ecx mov edx,IDC_ARROW call [LoadCursor] mov [wc.hCursor],rax lea rcx,[wc] call [RegisterClassEx] test rax,rax jz exit mov [Gms.dwLength],sizeof.MEMORYSTATUSEX mov [lfont.lfHeight],14 mov [lfont.lfWidth],0 mov [lfont.lfWeight],300 mov [lfont.lfQuality],DRAFT_QUALITY mov dword[lfont.lfFaceName],'Aeri' mov dword[lfont.lfFaceName+4],'al' mov dword[lfont.lfFaceName+8],0 lea rcx,[lfont] call [CreateFontIndirect] mov [lfhandle],rax mov ecx,WS_EX_TOPMOST lea rdx,[_class] lea r8,[_title] mov r9d,WS_VISIBLE or WS_BORDER or WS_SYSMENU mov qword[rsp+20h],10 mov qword[rsp+28h],10 mov qword[rsp+30h],254 mov qword[rsp+38h],95 mov qword[rsp+40h],0 mov qword[rsp+48h],0 mov rax,[wc.hInstance] mov [rsp+50h],rax mov qword[rsp+58h],0 call [CreateWindowEx] mov [mainhwnd],rax call TimerProc1 mov rcx,[mainhwnd] mov edx,555 mov r8d,1000 lea r9,[TimerProc1] call [SetTimer] mov rcx,[mainhwnd] mov edx,SW_SHOWNORMAL call [ShowWindow] mov rcx,[mainhwnd] call [UpdateWindow] msg_loop: lea rcx,[msg] xor edx,edx xor r8,r8 xor r9,r9 call [GetMessage] cmp eax,1 jb end_loop jne msg_loop lea rcx,[msg] call [TranslateMessage] lea rcx,[msg] call [DispatchMessage] jmp msg_loop end_loop: Finito: lea rcx,[mainhwnd] mov rdx,555 call [KillTimer] exit: xor ecx,ecx call [ExitProcess] ;------------------------------------------- WindowProc: sub rsp,8 * 11 mov [hwnd],rcx cmp edx,WM_DESTROY je wmdestroy cmp edx,WM_PAINT je PaintP cmp edx,WM_ERASEBKGND je wmErase defwndproc: call [DefWindowProc] jmp finish wmErase: mov eax,1 jmp finish PaintP: mov rcx,[hwnd] lea rdx,[PaintS] call [BeginPaint] mov [hDC],rax mov rcx,[hwnd] call Painter mov rcx,[hwnd] lea rdx,[PaintS] call [EndPaint] xor eax,eax jmp finish wmdestroy: xor ecx,ecx call [PostQuitMessage] xor eax,eax finish: add rsp,8 * 11 ret Painter: sub rsp,8 * 9 lea rdx,[Client] call [GetClientRect] mov rcx,[hDC] call [CreateCompatibleDC] mov [hdcMem],rax mov eax,[Client.R] sub eax,[Client.L] mov [Width],rax mov eax,[Client.B] sub eax,[Client.T] mov [Height],rax mov rcx,[hDC] mov rdx,[Width] mov r8,[Height] call [CreateCompatibleBitmap] mov [hbmMem],rax mov rcx,[hdcMem] mov rdx,[hbmMem] call [SelectObject] mov [hbmOld],rax mov rcx,[hdcMem] mov rdx,[lfhandle] call [SelectObject] mov rcx,[hdcMem] mov edx,TRANSPARENT call [SetBkMode] mov rcx,[hdcMem] lea rdx,[Client] mov r8d,COLOR_BTNFACE+1 call [FillRect] mov rcx,[hdcMem] xor edx,edx call [SetTextColor] mov rcx,[hdcMem] lea rdx,[_T1] mov r8,-1 lea r9,[T1] mov qword[rsp+20h],DT_RIGHT call [DrawText] mov rcx,[hdcMem] lea rdx,[_T2] mov r8,-1 lea r9,[T2] mov qword[rsp+20h],DT_RIGHT call [DrawText] mov rcx,[hdcMem] lea rdx,[_T3] mov r8,-1 lea r9,[T3] mov qword[rsp+20h],DT_RIGHT call [DrawText] mov rcx,[hdcMem] xor edx,edx call [SetTextColor] mov rcx,[hdcMem] lea rdx,[_T4] mov r8,-1 lea r9,[T4] mov qword[rsp+20h],DT_RIGHT call [DrawText] mov rcx,[hdcMem] lea rdx,[_T5] mov r8,-1 lea r9,[T5] mov qword[rsp+20h],DT_RIGHT call [DrawText] mov rcx,[hdcMem] lea rdx,[_T6] mov r8,-1 lea r9,[T6] mov qword[rsp+20h],DT_RIGHT call [DrawText] mov rcx,[hdcMem] mov edx,0f00000h call [SetTextColor] mov rcx,[hdcMem] lea rdx,[_V1] mov r8,-1 lea r9,[V1] mov qword[rsp+20h],DT_RIGHT call [DrawText] mov rcx,[hdcMem] lea rdx,[_V2] mov r8,-1 lea r9,[V2] mov qword[rsp+20h],DT_RIGHT call [DrawText] mov rcx,[hdcMem] lea rdx,[_V3] mov r8,-1 lea r9,[V3] mov qword[rsp+20h],DT_RIGHT call [DrawText] mov rcx,[hdcMem] lea rdx,[_V4] mov r8,-1 lea r9,[V4] mov qword[rsp+20h],DT_RIGHT call [DrawText] mov rcx,[hdcMem] lea rdx,[_V5] mov r8,-1 lea r9,[V5] mov qword[rsp+20h],DT_RIGHT call [DrawText] mov rax,[Gms.ullAvailPhys] cmp rax,[Gms.ullAvailPageFile] jbe @f mov rcx,[hdcMem] mov edx,0f0h call [SetTextColor] @@: mov rcx,[hdcMem] lea rdx,[_V6] mov r8,-1 lea r9,[V6] mov qword[rsp+20h],DT_RIGHT call [DrawText] mov rcx,[hdcMem] mov edx,0f00000h call [SetTextColor] mov rcx,[hdcMem] lea rdx,[_V7] mov r8,-1 lea r9,[V7] mov qword[rsp+20h],DT_RIGHT call [DrawText] mov rcx,[hdcMem] lea rdx,[_V8] mov r8,-1 lea r9,[V8] mov qword[rsp+20h],DT_RIGHT call [DrawText] mov rcx,[hdcMem] lea rdx,[_V9] mov r8,-1 lea r9,[V9] mov qword[rsp+20h],DT_RIGHT call [DrawText] mov rcx,[hDC] xor edx,edx xor r8d,r8d mov r9d,[Client.R] mov eax,[Client.B] mov [rsp+20h],rax mov rax,[hdcMem] mov [rsp+28h],rax mov qword[rsp+30h],0 mov qword[rsp+38h],0 mov qword[rsp+40h],SRCCOPY call [BitBlt] mov rcx,[hdcMem] mov rdx,[hbmOld] call [SelectObject] mov rcx,[hbmMem] call [DeleteObject] mov rcx,[hdcMem] call [DeleteDC] add rsp,8 * 9 ret TimerProc1: sub rsp,8 * 4 mov [PFT],0 ; Zero previous pagefile values mov [PFU],0 ; mov [Epfi.cb],sizeof.ENUM_PAGE_FILE_INFORMATION lea rcx,[EnumPageFilesProc] lea rdx,[pContext] call [EnumPageFiles] mov rcx,Gms call [GlobalMemoryStatusEx] mov r8,[Gms.ullTotalPhys] lea rcx,[_V1] shr r8,20 call h2a mov r8,[Gms.ullTotalPhys] sub r8,[Gms.ullAvailPhys] lea rcx,[_V2] shr r8,20 call h2a mov r8,[Gms.ullAvailPhys] lea rcx,[_V3] shr r8,20 call h2a mov r8,[Gms.ullTotalPageFile] ; Virtual aka Commit value lea rcx,[_V4] shr r8,20 call h2a mov r8,[Gms.ullTotalPageFile] ; Virtual aka Commit value sub r8,[Gms.ullAvailPageFile] ; Virtual aka Commit value lea rcx,[_V5] shr r8,20 call h2a mov r8,[Gms.ullAvailPageFile] ; Virtual aka Commit value lea rcx,[_V6] shr r8,20 call h2a mov r8,[PFT] lea rcx,[_V7] shr r8,8 call h2a mov r8,[PFU] lea rcx,[_V8] shr r8,8 call h2a mov r8,[PFT] sub r8,[PFU] lea rcx,[_V9] shr r8,8 call h2a mov rcx,[mainhwnd] lea rdx,[Client] mov r8d,1 call [InvalidateRect] add rsp,8 * 4 ret EnumPageFilesProc: mov rax,[rdx+8] add [PFT],rax ; add multiple pagefiles values if they exist mov rax,[rdx+0x10] add [PFU],rax ; add multiple pagefiles values if they exist mov eax,1 ; continue next enumeration ret h2a: sub rsp,8*4 lea rdx,[wsh2a] call [wsprintf] add rsp,8*4 ret endf ;---------------------------------------- section '.data' data readable writeable mainhwnd dq ? ;;Window Handle hDC dq ? ;;Device context handle lfhandle dq ? ;;Font Handle hbmMem dq ? ;;Memory Bitmap handle hdcMem dq ? ;;Memory device context handle hbmOld dq ? ;;Old bitmap handle Height dq ? Width dq ? pContext dq ? PFT dq ? PFU dq ? hwnd dq ? msg MSG ;;Message structure wc WNDCLASSEX sizeof.WNDCLASSEX,0,WindowProc,0,0,NULL,NULL,NULL,COLOR_BTNFACE+1,NULL,_class,NULL PaintS PAINTSTRUCT lfont LOGFONT Client rt 10, 10, 240, 80 T1 rt 50, 5, 110, 20 T2 rt 115, 5, 175, 20 T3 rt 180, 5, 240, 20 T4 rt 5, 20, 45, 35 T5 rt 5, 35, 45, 50 T6 rt 5, 50, 45, 65 V1 rt 50, 20, 110, 35 V2 rt 115, 20, 175, 35 V3 rt 180, 20, 240, 35 V4 rt 50, 35, 110, 50 V5 rt 115, 35, 175, 50 V6 rt 180, 35, 240, 50 V7 rt 50, 50, 110, 65 V8 rt 115, 50, 175, 65 V9 rt 180, 50, 240, 65 Gms MEMORYSTATUSEX Epfi ENUM_PAGE_FILE_INFORMATION _V1 rb 20h _V2 rb 20h _V3 rb 20h _V4 rb 20h _V5 rb 20h _V6 rb 20h _V7 rb 20h _V8 rb 20h _V9 rb 20h section '.idata' import data readable writeable library kernel32,'KERNEL32.DLL',\ kern,'KERNEL32.DLL',\ user32,'USER32.DLL',\ gdi32,'GDI32.DLL',\ advapi32,'ADVAPI32.DLL',\ psapi,'PSAPI.DLL' include 'api/kernel32.inc' include 'api/user32.inc' include 'api/gdi32.inc' include 'api/advapi32.inc' import psapi,\ GetPerformanceInfo,'GetPerformanceInfo',\ EnumPageFiles,'EnumPageFilesA' import kern,\ GlobalMemoryStatusEx,'GlobalMemoryStatusEx' @AsmGuru62 following heap code on W10 increases pagefile from 3.5GiB to 16GiB before failing. Once closed returns to 3.5GiB Code: ; Slightly modified 'Revolution' code ;==================================== ALLOC_SIZE = 64 shl 20 ; 64 MiB chunks include 'win64ax.inc' .code begin: invoke GetProcessHeap mov r13,rax xor ebx,ebx .again: invoke HeapAlloc,r13,0,ALLOC_SIZE cmp eax,0 jz .error add rbx,ALLOC_SIZE jmp .again .error: sub rsp,100h mov rsi,rsp shr rbx,20 cinvoke wsprintf,rsi,'Allocated %u MiB',rbx invoke MessageBox,0,rsi,'HeapAlloc testing',0 invoke ExitProcess,0 .end begin
22 Jun 2022, 04:45 |
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