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Index > Macroinstructions > [fasmg] make DB, obfuscate (why?)

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Joined: 21 Jul 2003
Posts: 4073
Location: vpcmpistri
bitRAKE 11 May 2022, 18:02

; Make data statements from file (don't use this).

if definite FILE
virtual at 0
        file FILE
        BYTES := $
end virtual

db '; ',FILE,13,10
repeat 1,D:BYTES
        db 'label dat:',`D,13,10
end repeat
db 'db \',13,10
data_dump BYTES,,db

calminstruction hex_nibble digit*, command: display
        compute digit, 0FFh and '0123456789ABCDEF' shr (digit*8)
        arrange command, command digit
        assemble command
end calminstruction

define _db
calminstruction data_dump bytes*, i:0, cmd:display
        local awk, digit
jj:     arrange         awk, =load =_db:1 =from =DAT:i
        assemble        awk
        arrange         awk, cmd '0x'
        assemble        awk
        compute         digit, (_db shr 4) and 0Fh
        call            hex_nibble, digit, cmd
        compute         digit, _db and 0Fh
        call            hex_nibble, digit, cmd
        compute         i, i + 1
        check           i = bytes
        jyes            done
        arrange         awk, cmd ','
        assemble        awk
        check           i and 0Fh
        jyes            jj
        arrange         awk, cmd '\',13,10
        assemble        awk
        jump            jj
done:   arrange         awk, cmd 13,10
        assemble        awk
end calminstruction

        display 'usage: fasmg -i "define FILE ''<filename>''" ',__FILE__,' <outfile>'
end if    

¯\(°_o)/¯ “languages are not safe - uses can be” Bjarne Stroustrup
Post 11 May 2022, 18:02
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Joined: 21 Jul 2003
Posts: 4073
Location: vpcmpistri
bitRAKE 15 May 2022, 22:54
The nice thing about fixed VHD files is that it's just composed of a footer structure. So, the disk image can usually still be loaded into other tools. Here is a macro to build that footer structure ...

I could have opted to get rid of all the magic numbers, but this is only mildly more readable:
                virtual at $ - 512
                        footer VHD.Footer
                end virtual
                load sig:sizeof VHD.Footer.Signature from footer.Signature
                load ver:sizeof VHD.Footer.Version from footer.Version
                load met:sizeof VHD.Footer.NextMeta from footer.NextMeta
                load typ:sizeof VHD.Footer.DiskType from footer.DiskType
                if sig = VHD.Cookie \
                & ver = 0x0000_0100 \
                & met = VHD.FixedMeta \
                & typ = ((VHD.DiskType.Fixed) bswap 4)
                        FILE.BYTES = $ - 512
                else ; assume RAW disk image
                        FILE.BYTES = $
                end if    
... my intention is just to tack the footer on files - not to write additional tools for VHD.

For example, in Linux DD can copy a disk and then add a footer to load it into VM.

Filename: makevhd.zip
Filesize: 1.99 KB
Downloaded: 264 Time(s)

¯\(°_o)/¯ “languages are not safe - uses can be” Bjarne Stroustrup
Post 15 May 2022, 22:54
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Joined: 21 Jul 2003
Posts: 4073
Location: vpcmpistri
bitRAKE 20 Jun 2022, 23:00
Today I had a need to format some JSON, which was output in a minimized form (from a source I don't have control of). It was over 200MB and ballooned to 360MB, but at least my editor can view it now.
; strip whitespace from JSON file and re-format with tab

if definite FILE
file FILE
DAT_END := $ - $$
end virtual

define _db
calminstruction json_prettier i:0,instring:0,depth:0
        local awk,char
        arrange awk, =load =_db:1 =from =DAT:i
        assemble awk
        compute i, i + 1
        compute char, 0+_db

        check instring
        jyes string_contents

        check _db = '"'
        jyes string_inout
        check _db = ','
        jyes output_indent

        check _db = '{'
        jyes increase_depth
        check _db = '}'
        jyes decrease_depth

        check _db = '['
        jyes increase_depth
        check _db = ']'
        jyes decrease_depth

        ; consume existing whitespace
        check _db = ' '
        jyes skip_ws
        check _db = 10
        jyes skip_ws
        check _db = 13
        jyes skip_ws
        check _db = 9
        jyes skip_ws

        arrange awk, =db char
        assemble awk
        check i < DAT_END
        jyes more

        compute depth, depth - 1
        arrange awk, =db 10,depth =dup 9,char
        assemble awk
        jump skip_ws

        compute depth, depth + 1
        arrange awk, =db char,10,depth =dup 9
        assemble awk
        jump skip_ws

        check instring = 3
        jyes string_esc
        check _db = '"'
        jyes string_inout
        check _db = '\'
        jno output_char
        compute instring, instring xor 2
        jump output_char
        compute instring, instring xor 1
        jump output_char
end calminstruction

display 'usage: fasmg -i "define FILE ''<filename>''" ',__FILE__,' <outfile>'
end if    
Next I'll probably depth prune it to get a better sense of the structure, and then I can begin coding a translator.

¯\(°_o)/¯ “languages are not safe - uses can be” Bjarne Stroustrup
Post 20 Jun 2022, 23:00
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