When implementing new instruction sets into an assembler, it is good to have some kind of automated or semi-automated testing. One option is to use a third-party disassembler (if there is one) and compare its output with the original source. Another option is to have reference output for a given source and then compare the binary files. But I have been playing with yet another variant - to have the reference output in the source code itself, like:
vaddps ymm6{k1}{z},ymm12,ymm24 ; 62 91 1C A9 58 F0
vsubps zmm1,zmm2,dword [rsi] {1to16} ; 62 F1 6C 58 5C 0E
I have made a small module for fasmg that allows to automatically verify with references defined as in the above sample. The test might look like:
; CPU headers to test:
include 'cpu/x64.inc'
include 'cpu/ext/avx512.inc'
; Verification module:
include 'iev.alm'
; Reference files to test:
include 'instructions.ref'
; Instruction Encoding Verifier for fasm g
calminstruction calminstruction?.initsym? var*, val&
publish var, val
end calminstruction
calminstruction calminstruction?.asm? command&
local i, const, tmp
initsym i, 0
initsym const, const
compute i, i+1
arrange tmp, const#i
publish tmp, command
arrange tmp, =assemble tmp
assemble tmp
end calminstruction
calminstruction hex_nibble digit*, command: display
compute digit, 0FFh and '0123456789ABCDEF' shr (digit*8)
arrange command, command digit
assemble command
end calminstruction
calminstruction hex_dump data*, command: display
local digit, i
compute i, 0
local digit
compute digit, (data shr (i*8+4)) and 0Fh
call hex_nibble, digit, command
compute digit, (data shr (i*8)) and 0Fh
call hex_nibble, digit, command
compute i, i + 1
check lengthof data > i
jno done
local separator
arrange separator, command ' '
assemble separator
jump loop
end calminstruction
calminstruction ? line&
local comment, i, chunk
local data, reference
match ;comment, line
jyes done
compute i, $
match line;comment, line
assemble line
jno done
asm load data:$-i from :i
arrange reference, =0x
compute i, 0
match chunk comment?, comment
jno completed
compute i, i + 1
arrange reference, reference#chunk
jump extract
compute reference, reference bswap i
check data eq reference
jyes done
stringify line
asm display 'Discrepancy:',13,10,9, line, 13,10, 'Assembled: '
call hex_dump, data
asm display 13,10, 'Reference: '
call hex_dump, reference
asm display 13,10
end calminstruction
This of course could be used with other instruction set implementations for fasmg, so if you're working on one, perhaps you may find it helpful.
With fasm 1 processing the same test is a bit harder and the simplest route is to convert the reference into something more fasm-friendly, like the following fasmg-based script does.
@goto equ
macro processor
macro ?! line&
match instruction;comment, line
db '@ ',`instruction,MAX_INSTRUCTION_LENGTH-lengthof `instruction dup ' ',' @ ',`comment
db `line
end match
db 13,10
end if
end macro
end macro
db "include 'iev.inc'",13,10
include SRCFILE, processor
@echo off
if not exist "%~1" goto info
fasmg "%~f0" "%~n1.fasm" -i"SRCFILE='%1'"
goto end
echo Please provide a name of file containing x86 test reference.
echo This tool converts the reference into IEV test for fasm.
This is a source file for fasmg that also doubles as a Windows batch file that launches the process automatically (it expects fasmg to be in PATH environment variable, but can easily modified to use full path instead). It converts the reference into a source that looks like:
include 'iev.inc'
@ vaddps ymm6{k1}{z},ymm12,ymm24 @ 62 91 1C A9 58 F0
@ vsubps zmm1,zmm2,dword [rsi] {1to16} @ 62 F1 6C 58 5C 0E
And this is then much easier for fasm 1 to process, just a single macro suffices.
; Instruction Encoding Verifier for fasm 1
virtual at 0
__hex:: db '0123456789ABCDEF'
end virtual
macro @ line&
local proxy, offset, length, reference, reference_length, a, b, c
define proxy line
match instruction =@ comment, proxy
offset = $ - $$
length = $ - $$ - offset
virtual at 0
irps chunk, comment
db 0x\\#chunk
reference_length = $
end virtual
c = 0
if length = reference_length
repeat length
load a byte from $$+offset+%-1
load b byte from reference:%-1
if a <> b
c = 1
end if
end repeat
c = 1
end if
if c
display 'Assembled:'
repeat length
load a byte from $$+offset+%-1
load b byte from __hex:a shr 4
load c byte from __hex:a and 0Fh
display ' ',b,c
end repeat
display 13,10,'Reference:'
repeat reference_length
load a byte from reference:%-1
load b byte from __hex:a shr 4
load c byte from __hex:a and 0Fh
display ' ',b,c
end repeat
display 13,10
end if
This one is probably not very useful, though, unless you plan to tweak the source of fasm 1 or implement instructions of some other CPU, etc. Instead of being tested, fasm's output could itself become a reference. And I have made another script that does exactly that.
@goto equ
virtual at 0
opcodes:: file BINFILE
end virtual
virtual at 0
load preprocessed_offset:dword from 32
load dump_offset:dword from 40
load dump_length:dword from 44
repeat dump_length/28, i:0
load CURRENT_OFFSET:dword from dump_offset+i*28
repeat 1, n:LINE_NUMBER
end repeat
end if
load line_offset:dword from dump_offset+i*28+4
load LINE_NUMBER:dword from preprocessed_offset+line_offset+4
end repeat
repeat 1, n:LINE_NUMBER
end repeat
end if
end virtual
calminstruction hex_nibble digit*, command: db
compute digit, 0FFh and '0123456789ABCDEF' shr (digit*8)
arrange command, command digit
assemble command
end calminstruction
calminstruction hex_dump data*, command: db
local digit, i
compute i, 0
local digit
compute digit, (data shr (i*8+4)) and 0Fh
call hex_nibble, digit, command
compute digit, (data shr (i*8)) and 0Fh
call hex_nibble, digit, command
compute i, i + 1
check lengthof data > i
jno done
local separator
arrange separator, command ' '
assemble separator
jump loop
end calminstruction
macro processor
macro ?! line&
db `line
repeat 1, n:__LINE__
if defined DATA#n
db MAX_INSTRUCTION_LENGTH-lengthof `line dup ' ', '; '
hex_dump DATA#n
end if
end repeat
db 13,10
end if
end macro
end macro
include SRCFILE, processor
@echo off
if not exist "%~1" goto info
fasm "%~1" "%~n1.bin" -s "%~n1.fas"
fasmg "%~f0" "%~n1.ref" -i"SRCFILE='%1'" -i"BINFILE='%~n1.bin'" -i"FASFILE='%~n1.fas'"
del "%~n1.bin"
del "%~n1.fas"
goto end
echo Please provide a name of file containing x86 instructions.
echo This tool assembles them with fasm and generates a test reference.
This one was really fun to craft - again it combines fasmg source with a batch file, but this time it also uses the .FAS file generated with fasm to combine the source lines with bytes extracted from fasm-generated output. The reference it makes looks exactly as the ones shown here in the beginning.
On a final one, I feel it's important to add that this kind of testing is usually just a "sanity check", to make sure that nothing is obviously broken in your instruction encoders. In my experience bugs may be very context-dependent and can be easily missed by such basic testing. Therefore in fasm development my release process usually included verifying several real projects in addition to a collection of snippets (starting with reassembling itself, which has always been the most obvious sanity check for fasm).