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Index > Linux > Benchmarking 64-bit and SSE 128-bit?

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Joined: 21 Jan 2021
Posts: 219
FlierMate 30 Dec 2021, 17:04
Inspired by OpenGL - Inverse alpha? topic of discussion, where Madis731 mentioned:

Madis731 wrote:

2) Have you checked MMX/SSE routines yet? There are excellent instructions to compare 2 to 4 pixels in one blow (8 bytes in MMX, 16 bytes in SSE).

So, out of curiosity, I made two Linux x64 programs to compare the speed of memory copying in 64-bit (general register) and 128-bit (SSE, XMM registers).
(My CPU does not support AVX, so I would not be able to run test locally)

And this is the result! The output are verified correct, 8192KB of data transfer.

boo@debian:~/fasm$ diff -s x64.txt sse.txt

Files x64.txt and sse.txt are identical

This is how I run the test on Linux:

boo@debian:~/fasm$ time ./x64 > x64.txt

real    0m0.060s
user    0m0.004s
sys     0m0.035s

boo@debian:~/fasm$ time ./sse > sse.txt

real    0m0.044s
user    0m0.001s
sys     0m0.041s

SSE.asm is faster than x64.asm!!!

This is not the first time I perform benchmark test, but definitely is the first time using CPU extension set!

My code might be not optimum, so I need your advice for correct benchmarking, please.

; SSE Benchmark 1.0
; Requires Pentium III series of CPU and above

format ELF64 executable 3

segment readable executable

entry $

    lea rbx, [_msg]
    lea rdx, [_sse]
        movups xmm0,[rbx]       ;copy unaligned double quad word from 128-bit memory location to register
        mov rcx, 8192000 
        movups [rdx+rcx-16],xmm0   ;copy unaligned double quad word from register to 128-bit memory location
        sub rcx, 16
        jne .redo       
        mov     edx,8192000
        lea     rsi,[_sse]
        mov     edi,1           ; STDOUT
        mov     eax,1
        xor     edi,edi         
        mov     eax,60

segment readable writeable

_sse rb 8192000
_msg db '1234567812345678'

format ELF64 executable 3

segment readable executable

entry $

    lea rbx, [_msg]
    lea rdx, [_x64]
        mov r8,[rbx]          ;copy quad word from 64-bit memory location to register
        mov rcx, 8192000
        mov [rdx+rcx-8],r8      ;copy quad word from register to 64-bit memory location
        sub rcx, 8
        jne .redo       

        mov     edx,8192000
        lea     rsi,[_x64]
        mov     edi,1           ; STDOUT
        mov     eax,1
        xor     edi,edi         
        mov     eax,60

segment readable writeable

_x64 rb 8192000
_msg db '12345678'

Thank you for reading![/code]
Post 30 Dec 2021, 17:04
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revolution 30 Dec 2021, 17:48
Each system is different.

For each system you have you can run the benchmarks to see the results for that system.

Also: Sadly, benchmarks give only a very slight indication about how code will run in an entire program. So be wary of being too confident about what will happen when benchmarked code is included in a whole program, the outcome can be different.
Post 30 Dec 2021, 17:48
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