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Index > High Level Languages > Why @Gpm_Open=nil

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Joined: 04 Sep 2009
Posts: 414
Location: film "CandyMan" directed through Bernard Rose OR Candy Shop
CandyMan 12 Aug 2021, 16:01
Someone sign the reason why Gpm_Open = nil after (libgpmptr <> nil)? (on x64 Linux)
    libgpm = 'libgpm.so.2'; {/usr/lib}
    libgpmptr:= dlopen (libgpm, RTLD_LAZY);
    if libgpmptr = nil then exit;
    @Gpm_Open:= dlsym (libgpmptr, pchar ('Gpm_Open'));    

smaller is better
Post 12 Aug 2021, 16:01
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Joined: 09 Oct 2009
Posts: 435
Location: Australia
redsock 12 Aug 2021, 21:10
I wrote a quick test with my own HeavyThing library to test, and it output:

# ./test
dlopen returned: 0x65d2c0
dlsym returned: 0x7f6bf8eaaa10

Program source:
include '../../ht_defaults.inc'
include '../../ht.inc'

extrn   dlopen
extrn   dlsym
extrn   dlerror

public main
        call    ht$init

        ; stack needs to be align 16 before libc
        and     rsp, not 0xf

        mov     edi, .msg1
        call    string$to_stdout

macro hexprint {
        mov     rdi, rax
        mov     esi, 16
        call    string$from_unsigned
        push    rax
        mov     rdi, rax
        call    string$to_stdoutln
        pop     rdi
        call    heap$free

        mov     edi, .libgpm
        mov     esi, 1          ; RTLD_LAZY
        call    PLT dlopen
        mov     rbx, rax

        mov     edi, .msg2
        call    string$to_stdout

        mov     rdi, rbx
        mov     esi, .gdmopen
        call    PLT dlsym
        mov     r12, rax

        test    r12, r12
        jnz     .doexit
        call    PLT dlerror
        mov     r12, rax
        mov     rdi, rax
        call    strlen_latin1
        mov     edx, eax
        mov     eax, syscall_write
        mov     edi, 1
        mov     rsi, r12
        mov     eax, syscall_exit
        xor     edi, edi
cleartext .msg1, 'dlopen returned: 0x'
cleartext .msg2, 'dlsym returned: 0x'
align 8
.libgpm         db      'libgpm.so.2',0
.gdmopen        db      'Gpm_Open',0

include '../../ht_data.inc'

Compiled with:
fasm -m 524288 test.asm && gcc -o test test.o -ldl    

2 Ton Digital - https://2ton.com.au/
Post 12 Aug 2021, 21:10
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