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Index > OS Construction > LBA28 in Long Mode not working

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Joined: 10 Oct 2009
Posts: 29
binary 06 Aug 2021, 06:15
After entering long mode from bootloader, copying the second sector in memory using LBA28 crashes the PC. The second sector was copied successfully in memory in 32 bit mode. The crash happens when executing the instruction

rep insw     

Is there a separate instruction for 64 bit mode?
I'm using Bochs as emualtor

Complete code:

; -- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
; ----------------------------- Bootloader ( first sector ) ---------------------------------
; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

org 7C00h

; ---------------------------------------- Video Mode --------------------------------------------

; video mode 80x25:
 mov     ah, 00h
 mov     al, 03h
 int     10h

; hide blinking
 mov ch, 32
 mov ah, 1
 int 10h

; ---------------------------------------- 64 Bit Mode --------------------------------------------


                cli                             ; disable the interrupts, just in
                                                                                ; case they are not disabled yet
                lgdt    [cs:GDTR]               ; load GDT register

                mov     eax,cr0                 ; switch to protected mode
                or      al,1
                mov     cr0,eax

                jmp     CODE_SELECTOR:pm_start

DATA_SELECTOR = 1 shl 3                 ; flat data selector (ring 0)
CODE_SELECTOR = 2 shl 3                 ; 32-bit code selector (ring 0)
LONG_SELECTOR = 3 shl 3                 ; 64-bit code selector (ring 0)

GDTR:                                   ; Global Descriptors Table Register
  dw 4*8-1                              ; limit of GDT (size minus one)
  dq GDT                                ; linear address of GDT

GDT rw 4                                ; null desciptor
        dw 0FFFFh,0,9200h,08Fh              ; flat data desciptor
        dw 0FFFFh,0,9A00h,0CFh              ; 32-bit code desciptor
        dw 0FFFFh,0,9A00h,0AFh              ; 64-bit code desciptor



                mov     eax,DATA_SELECTOR       ; load 4 GB data descriptor
                mov     ds,ax                   ; to all data segment registers
                mov     es,ax
                mov     fs,ax
                mov     gs,ax
                mov     ss,ax

                mov     eax,cr4
                or      eax,1 shl 5
                mov     cr4,eax                 ; enable physical-address extensions

                mov     edi,70000h
                mov     ecx,4000h shr 2
                xor     eax,eax
                rep     stosd                   ; clear the page tables

                mov     dword [70000h],71000h + 111b ; first PDP table
                mov     dword [71000h],72000h + 111b ; first page directory
                mov     dword [72000h],73000h + 111b ; first page table

                mov     edi,73000h              ; address of first page table
                mov     eax,0 + 111b
                mov     ecx,256                 ; number of pages to map (1 MB)
                add     edi,4
                add     eax,1000h
                loop    make_page_entries

                mov     eax,70000h
                mov     cr3,eax                 ; load page-map level-4 base

                mov     ecx,0C0000080h          ; EFER MSR
                or      eax,1 shl 8             ; enable long mode

                mov     eax,cr0
                or      eax,1 shl 31
                mov     cr0,eax                 ; enable paging

                jmp     LONG_SELECTOR:long_start



           ; mov     rax,'L O N G '
                ;mov     [0B8000h],rax

; ---------------------------------------- Load Data --------------------------------------------

mov     dx,0x1F1
mov     al,0h
out     dx,al

mov     dx,1f2h
mov     al,2          ; number of sectors to read
out     dx,al

mov     dx,1f3h
mov     al,1        ; 4 8 8 [8]
out     dx,al

mov     dx,1f4h
mov     al,0        ; 4 8 [8] 8
out     dx,al

mov     dx,1f5h        ; 4 [8] 8 8
mov     al,0
out     dx,al

mov     dx,0x1F6
mov     al,0xE0
out     dx,al

mov     dx,1f7h
mov     al,20h   ; 20h read   30h write
out     dx,al

mov ecx, 4

                mov dx, 1F7h
                in al, dx

                test al, 10000000b
                jnz short retry
                test al, 00001000b
                jnz short data_ready
                dec ecx
                jg short loop1
                mov dx, 1F7h
                in al, dx

                test al, 10000000b   ; Check BSY
                jnz short loop2
                test al, 00100001b   ; Check ERR and DF
                jnz short fail

                mov dx, 0x1F0
                mov cx, 256*2
                mov edi, 2000000

                rep insw

                mov     rax,'L O N G '
                mov     [0B8000h],rax


                mov     rax,'F A I L '
                mov     [0B8000h],rax

; fill witgh zeroes the rest
times 510-($-$$) db 0
dw 0xAA55

; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
; ----------------------------- Kernel ( second sector ) ---------------------------------
; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

org 0

                mov     rax,'L O N 3 '
                mov     [0B8000h],rax

 times 512*3-($-$$) db 0
Post 06 Aug 2021, 06:15
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revolution 06 Aug 2021, 07:01
The INS{B,W,D} instructions are the same encoding for 32 and 64 bit modes, the only change is the availability of RDI instead of EDI.

If the memory at 2000000 is not writeable then INSW could fault.
Post 06 Aug 2021, 07:01
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Posts: 29
binary 06 Aug 2021, 08:12
Thank you!

The issue was in the addressing, changing it to 1000000 doesn't fault.
I don't understand this part:
mov ecx, 256*2    

How can I send the sectors to a higher memory location?
Post 06 Aug 2021, 08:12
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revolution 06 Aug 2021, 08:22
You requested 2 sectors @1f2, so you want to read 2 * 256 words = 1024 bytes.

If you want to read more data then request more sectors @1f2 and change the ecx counter to match.
mov     dx,1f2h
mov     al,20          ; number of sectors to read
out     dx,al
mov ecx, 256*20
Post 06 Aug 2021, 08:22
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binary 06 Aug 2021, 08:40
Changing the destination address to a higher memory location ( 4000000 ) will fault
mov edi, 4000000    

The memory size in the emulator is set to 128MB
Post 06 Aug 2021, 08:40
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bitRAKE 06 Aug 2021, 10:31
(It's been a long time.)

Maybe you need to enable the A20 line for the memory bus?
It's disabled by default.

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Post 06 Aug 2021, 10:31
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When all else fails, read the source

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revolution 06 Aug 2021, 14:09
You need to map more address space.
                mov     edi,73000h              ; address of first page table
                mov     eax,0 + 111b
                mov     ecx,256                 ; number of pages to map (1 MB)    
Only 1MB has been mapped.
Post 06 Aug 2021, 14:09
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