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Index > Linux > How to math with XMM REGS ?

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Joined: 05 Aug 2010
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catafest 25 Oct 2018, 16:22
I try to use this : COS(X)+COS(x)
The goal is to understand how to build math formula with XMM REGS:
I used 50 radians value , 11 precissions
The result of my source code is :
[mythcat@desk fasm]$ ./ss

This is my raw source code :
format elf64
extrn printf
extrn cos

section '.data' writeable align 16
rad dq 50.0
fmt db "%.11lf",0ah,0

section '.text' executable align 16
public main
    push rbp
    mov rbp,rsp

    pxor xmm0,xmm0
    movq xmm0,[rad]
    call cos
    movdqa xmm3,xmm0
    pxor xmm1,xmm1
    movq xmm1,[rad]
    call cos
    addss xmm1,xmm3
    mov rax,1
    mov rdi,fmt
    call printf

    mov rsp,rbp
    pop rbp
Post 25 Oct 2018, 16:22
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donn 25 Oct 2018, 17:46
What are you expecting to get, 1.9299320569?
cos(50) + cos(50)?

Also, which cos() library function are you linking with, gcc, c std lib? I believe they work on double-precision numbers, so


is probably the appropriate add instruction.

There's also the cvtsd2ss set of instructions, which may be helpful. Once I'm at a Linux machine, I may have a chance to try assembling this.
Post 25 Oct 2018, 17:46
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catafest 29 Oct 2018, 21:48
donn wrote:
What are you expecting to get, 1.9299320569?
cos(50) + cos(50)?

Also, which cos() library function are you linking with, gcc, c std lib? I believe they work on double-precision numbers, so


is probably the appropriate add instruction.

There's also the cvtsd2ss set of instructions, which may be helpful. Once I'm at a Linux machine, I may have a chance to try assembling this.

1. I expect a correct result of the function cos()+cos() - the issue is to send the result of the call of cos and make the sum.
See the cos function working well.
format elf64
extrn printf
extrn cos

section '.data' writeable align 16
rad dq 50.0
fmt db "%.11lf",0ah,0

section '.text' executable align 16
public main
    push rbp
    mov rbp,rsp

    pxor xmm0,xmm0
    movq xmm0,[rad]
    call cos
    mov rax,1
    mov rdi,fmt
    call printf

    mov rsp,rbp
    pop rbp

2. I use gcc:
$./fasm file.asm
$gcc -s file.o -o file -lm    
Post 29 Oct 2018, 21:48
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donn 31 Oct 2018, 01:28
Cool, I think I understand where you're trying to get to. My Linux setup is not very reliable at the moment, which is why I have delayed replying. The Linux 64-bit calling conventions are detailed in Agner's docs:
https://www.agner.org/optimize/calling_conventions.pdf (See Table 6)

In 64-bit mode, floating point params are passed in xmm0 and higher, and returned in xmm0. When calling functions, some registers are saved, such as rbx, rbp, r12-r15. You can put your initial result there, save it on the stack, or save it in memory.

Then, you can add the result with the next cos() call with


movsd xmm1, (place you stored the first result safely)

addsd xmm0, xmm1


The sum will then be in xmm0.
Post 31 Oct 2018, 01:28
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catafest 07 Nov 2018, 08:39
The goal of this post is to solve the way of working with xmm into some conditions:
I make many tests and I need to use the rules of parameters addressing.

1. using extern (linux) create some problems with xmm regs:
- change badly some xmm regs ;
- the result is put xmm0 ;
2. the gdb and edb debuggers cannot work with the output executable file created by fasm ( I use Fedora ) I don't know why ?!

3. the flow is different into xmm regs depends by way of programming ...

just this rows is true!

donn wrote:
Cool, I think
The sum will then be in xmm0.
Post 07 Nov 2018, 08:39
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donn 07 Nov 2018, 13:50
OK, well my computer is completely busted now and needs to be replaced so I can't assemble this locally. An online example is here:


As you can see, xmm0 is the double precision return and the first parameter. Calling functions will probably overwrite the register contents so you need to save them somewhere. The AMD and Intel processor docs list the register, memory, and datatype combinations. Some options are movsd and movq. Agner's doc has information on the registers that may be overwritten.

If that's not addressing what you are trying to solve, then maybe someone else can step in.
Post 07 Nov 2018, 13:50
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catafest 07 Nov 2018, 17:40
1. I try to test using that example https://gcc.godbolt.org/z/QD0Zss using the stack (24 and 8 precision - see SSE manual precision) using the default example without input data :
format elf64
extrn printf
extrn cos
section '.data' writeable align 16
rad dq 10.0
rad2 dq 90.0
rez dq 0.0
fmt db "%.30lf",0ah,0

section '.text' executable align 16
public main
    push rbp
    mov rbp,rsp
    sub rsp,32
    movsd QWORD PTR [rbp-24],xmm0
    movsd xmm0,QWORD PTR [rdp-24]
    call cos
    movq rax,xmm0
    mov QWORD PTR [rbp-8],rax
    movsd xmm0,QWORD PTR [rbp-24]
    call cos 
    addsd xmm0,QWORD PTR [rbp-8]

    mov rdi,fmt
    call printf

    mov rsp,rbp
    pop rbp

the result is:

flat assembler  version 1.73.04  (16384 kilobytes memory)
test_005.asm [16]:
    mov QWORD PTR [rbp-24],xmm0
processed: mov QWORD PTR[rbp-24],xmm0    


I try to use the ebx register (see the SSE manual examples) but I got the error on run.

The gdb debugger tell me:

Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.

same for
section '.text' executable      

2. according to the fasm manual ( 2.1.15 SSE instructions, see ebx examples) :

the xmm register cannot be accessed with the stack addressing with external function into Linux OS, even the calling convention :
The stack is aligned by 4 in 32-bit Windows.
The 64 bit systems keep the stack aligned by 16. The stack word size is 8 bytes, but the
stack must be aligned by 16 before any call instruction. Consequently, the value of the stack
pointer is always 8 modulo 16 at the entry of a procedure. A procedure must subtract an
odd multiple of 8 from the stack pointer before any call instruction. A procedure can rely on
these rules when storing XMM data that require 16-byte alignment. This applies to all 64 bit
systems (Windows, Linux, BSD).

Without a good example I stop here.
Post 07 Nov 2018, 17:40
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Furs 07 Nov 2018, 18:13
Remove the PTR, that's not Fasm syntax:
mov qword [rbp-24], xmm0    
What's the value of RIP when the segfault happens? What instruction does it point to?

Note that for printf you need to specify the amount of xmm regs in rax AFAIK, since it's a vararg function.
Post 07 Nov 2018, 18:13
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fasmnewbie 07 Nov 2018, 23:53

You cannot save your temporary result to xmm3, because it will be cleared by the second call to COS. I think it's AMD64 calling convention stuff. Save your first result to a variable then add it to XMM0 in the second result.
Post 07 Nov 2018, 23:53
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donn 08 Nov 2018, 16:54
Yes, and remember the godbolt example was running inside a minimal callable function, not your standard main() function:

double cosSum(double num)    

Using heap variables like you originally had were good:

movq xmm1,[rad]    

The point of the godbolt example was to show how to minimally chain multiple cos() calls together, while preserving xmm register values in gcc.

Also, if you don't have an instruction reference, https://www.amd.com/system/files/TechDocs/26568.pdf is great. Page 222 MOVQ shows some ways you can get scalar values into xmm registers (scalar values do not take up the whole xmm register).

When you said:
The result of my source code is :
[mythcat@desk fasm]$ ./ss
it sounded like things were initially running. If that's not the case, then that's another story.
Post 08 Nov 2018, 16:54
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fasmnewbie 11 Nov 2018, 05:19
I think cos(50.0) radian emits 0.96xxx, not 0.569xxxx.

Here's my old example (using SIN);

the OP almost got it the first time if it wasn't for saving to XMM3. Suggested solution (not tested because I don't have linux righ now)

        format elf64
        public main

        extrn cos
        extrn printf

        section '.data' writeable
rad     dq 50.0
rez     dq 0.0
fmt     db '%.11lf',0ah,0

        section '.text' executable
        sub     rsp,8
        movq    xmm0,[rad]
        call    cos
        movq     [rez],xmm0   ;Don't save to XMM3 because...

        movq    xmm0,[rad]
        call    cos          ;it will be scratched by this

        addsd   xmm0,[rez]   ;sum it up to XMM0
        mov     eax,1
        mov     rdi,fmt
        call    printf
        add     rsp,8

Hope that helps
Post 11 Nov 2018, 05:19
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catafest 10 Nov 2019, 20:00
@fasmnewbie yes, working your example with with two degrees...

[mythcat@desk fasm]$ ./sum2

your code with two values
format elf64
        public main

        extrn cos
        extrn printf

        section '.data' writeable
rad     dq 11.0
rad2    dq 33.0
rez     dq 0.0
fmt     db '%.11lf',0ah,0

        section '.text' executable
        sub     rsp,8
        movq    xmm0,[rad]
        call    cos
        movq     [rez],xmm0   ;Don't save to XMM3 because...

        movq    xmm0,[rad2]
        call    cos          ;it will be scratched by this

        addsd   xmm0,[rez]   ;sum it up to XMM0
        mov     eax,1
        mov     rdi,fmt
        call    printf
        add     rsp,8
Post 10 Nov 2019, 20:00
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Jok3r 08 Jul 2021, 23:21
These are some math functions in FASM.
In head of each function I commented the input and output place of the function in this format:
(input1 type, input2 type ...) -> (output1 type, output2 type ...)

None of these functions use stack, everything happens in registers. They may use any register in the process of calculation. If any register contains important data for you, save them before calling any of these functions.
Notice that for writing these functions I did not follow any calling convention, neither ABI nor anything else, so for using these functions in such envs you may need to add some stack handling in these functions.

; function list
;       modf
;       ldexp
;       frexp
;       expmulti
;       exp
;       tanh
;       trig_reduce
;       cos
;       sin
;       log
;       max
;       min
;       pow
;       sigmoid
;       relu

; (xmm0 double) -> (xmm0 double, xmm1 double)
    movsd xmm3,xmm0
    movsd xmm1,xmm0
    movsd xmm0,[c7]
    ucomisd xmm0,xmm1
    jbe .l2
    xorps xmm0,xmm0
    ucomisd xmm0,xmm1
    ja .l1
    ucomisd xmm1,xmm0
    jne .l0
    jp .l0
    movsd xmm0,xmm1
    movsd xmm0,[c26]
    pxor xmm1,xmm0
    movsd xmm0,xmm1
    call modf
    movsd xmm2,[c26]
    pxor xmm0,xmm2
    pxor xmm1,xmm2
    movq rax,xmm3
    mov rdx,rax
    shr rax,0x34
    and rax,0x7ff
    lea r8,[rax-0x3ff]
    cmp r8,0x34
    jae .l4
    lea rcx,[rax-0x433]
    neg rcx
    cmp rcx,0x40
    sbb rax,rax
    mov r8,0x1
    shl r8,cl
    and r8,rax
    lea rax,[r8-0x1]
    not rax
    and rax,rdx
    movq xmm0,rax
    subsd xmm1,xmm0
    mov rax,rdx
    jmp .l3

; (xmm0 double, rdi int64) -> (xmm0 double)
    xorps xmm1,xmm1
    ucomisd xmm0,xmm1
    jne .l0
    jnp .l12
    movsd xmm2,[c1]
    ucomisd xmm0,xmm2
    jbe .l11
    mov eax,0x1
    test al,al
    je .l3
    ucomisd xmm0,xmm0
    jne .l2
    jp .l2
    movq rax,xmm0
    btr rax,0x3f
    movq xmm2,rax
    movsd xmm3,[c2]
    ucomisd xmm3,xmm2
    jbe .l10
    movsd xmm2,[c3]
    mulsd xmm2,xmm0
    mov rax,0xffffffffffffffcc
    mov rcx,rdi
    add rax,rcx
    movq rcx,xmm2
    mov rdx,rcx
    shr rcx,0x34
    and rcx,0x7ff
    lea r8,[rcx+rax]
    lea r8,[r8-0x3ff]
    cmp r8,0xfffffffffffffbcd
    jl .l9
    cmp r8,0x3ff
    jle .l6
    ucomisd xmm1,xmm2
    jbe .l5
    movsd xmm0,[c4]
    movsd xmm0,[c5]
    cmp r8,0xfffffffffffffc02
    jge .l8
    lea rax,[rcx+rax]
    lea rax,[rax-0x3ca]
    movsd xmm0,[c6]
    mov rcx,0x800fffffffffffff
    and rdx,rcx
    add rax,0x3ff
    shl rax,0x34
    or rdx,rax
    movq xmm1,rdx
    mulsd xmm0,xmm1
    mov rax,r8
    movsd xmm0,[c7]
    jmp .l7
    shr rdx,0x3f
    shl rdx,0x3f
    movq xmm0,rdx
    movups xmm2,xmm0
    xor eax,eax
    jmp .l4
    movsd xmm2,[c8]
    ucomisd xmm2,xmm0
    seta al
    jmp .l1

; (xmm0 double) -> (xmm0 double, rax int64)
    movsd xmm3,xmm0
    xorps xmm1,xmm1
    ucomisd xmm0,xmm1
    jne .l0 
    jnp .l7
    movsd xmm1,[c1]
    ucomisd xmm0,xmm1
    jbe .l6
    mov eax,0x1
    test al,al
    je .l3
    xor rax,rax
    ucomisd xmm0,xmm0
    jne .l2
    jp .l2
    movq rax,xmm3
    btr rax,0x3f
    movq xmm1,rax
    movsd xmm2,[c2]
    ucomisd xmm2,xmm1
    jbe .l5
    movsd xmm1,[c3]
    mulsd xmm0,xmm1
    mov rax,0xffffffffffffffcc
    movq rcx,xmm0
    mov rdx,0x800fffffffffffff
    and rdx,rcx
    mov r8,0x3fe0000000000000
    or rdx,r8
    movq xmm0,rdx
    shr rcx,0x34
    and rcx,0x7ff
    lea rax,[rax+rcx*1]
    lea rax,[rax-0x3fe]
    xor eax,eax
    jmp .l4
    movsd xmm1,[c8]
    ucomisd xmm1,xmm0
    seta al
    jmp .l1
    xor rax,rax

; (xmm0 double, xmm1 double, rdi int64) -> (xmm0 double)
    movups xmm2,xmm0
    subsd xmm0,xmm1
    movups xmm3,xmm0
    mulsd xmm0,xmm0
    movsd xmm4,[c9]
    mulsd xmm4,xmm0
    movsd xmm5,[c10]
    addsd xmm5,xmm4
    mulsd xmm5,xmm0
    movsd xmm4,[c11]
    addsd xmm4,xmm5
    mulsd xmm4,xmm0
    movsd xmm5,[c12]
    addsd xmm5,xmm4
    mulsd xmm5,xmm0
    movsd xmm4,[c13]
    addsd xmm4,xmm5
    mulsd xmm4,xmm0
    movups xmm0,xmm3
    subsd xmm3,xmm4
    mulsd xmm0,xmm3
    movsd xmm4,[c14]
    subsd xmm4,xmm3
    divsd xmm0,xmm4
    subsd xmm1,xmm0
    subsd xmm1,xmm2
    movsd xmm0,[c7]
    subsd xmm0,xmm1
    call ldexp

; (xmm0 double) -> (xmm0 double)
    ucomisd xmm0,xmm0
    jne .l0
    jnp .l1
    movsd xmm1,[c1]
    ucomisd xmm0,xmm1
    ja .l0
    movsd xmm1,[c8]
    ucomisd xmm1,xmm0
    ja .l9
    movsd xmm1,[c15]
    ucomisd xmm0,xmm1
    ja .l8
    movsd xmm1,[c16]
    ucomisd xmm1,xmm0
    ja .l7
    movsd xmm1,[c17]
    ucomisd xmm0,xmm1
    jbe .l2
    movsd xmm1,[c18]
    ucomisd xmm1,xmm0
    ja .l6
    xorps xmm1,xmm1
    ucomisd xmm1,xmm0
    jbe .l4
    movsd xmm1,[c19]
    mulsd xmm1,xmm0
    movsd xmm2,[c20]
    subsd xmm1,xmm2
    cvttsd2si rax,xmm1
    xorps xmm1,xmm1
    cvtsi2sd xmm1,rax
    movsd xmm2,[c21]
    mulsd xmm2,xmm1
    subsd xmm0,xmm2
    mulsd xmm1,[c22]
    mov rdi,rax
    call expmulti
    ucomisd xmm0,xmm1
    jbe .l5
    movsd xmm1,[c19]
    mulsd xmm1,xmm0
    movsd xmm2,[c20]
    addsd xmm2,xmm1
    cvttsd2si rax,xmm2
    jmp .l3
    xor eax,eax
    jmp .l3
    movsd xmm1,[c7]
    addsd xmm1,xmm0
    movsd xmm0,xmm1
    xorps xmm0,xmm0
    movsd xmm0,[c5]
    xorps xmm0,xmm0

; (xmm0 double) -> (xmm0 double)
    movsd xmm6,xmm0
    movq rax,xmm0
    btr rax,0x3f
    movq xmm0,rax
    movsd xmm1,[c23]
    ucomisd xmm0,xmm1
    jbe .l1
    xorps xmm0,xmm0
    movsd xmm1,xmm6
    ucomisd xmm0,xmm1
    jbe .l0
    movsd xmm0,[c24]
    movsd xmm0,[c7]
    movsd xmm1,[c25]
    ucomisd xmm0,xmm1
    jae .l5
    movsd xmm0,xmm6
    xorps xmm1,xmm1
    ucomisd xmm0,xmm1
    jne .l2
    jnp .l4
    movups xmm1,xmm0
    mulsd xmm0,xmm0
    movups xmm2,xmm1
    mulsd xmm1,xmm0
    movsd xmm3,[tanhP]
    mulsd xmm3,xmm0
    addsd xmm3,[tanhP+8]
    mulsd xmm3,xmm0
    addsd xmm3,[tanhP+16]
    mulsd xmm3,xmm1
    movsd xmm1,[tanhQ]
    addsd xmm1,xmm0
    mulsd xmm1,xmm0
    addsd xmm1,[tanhQ+8]
    mulsd xmm1,xmm0
    addsd xmm1,[tanhQ+16]
    divsd xmm3,xmm1
    addsd xmm2,xmm3
    movsd xmm0,xmm2
    addsd xmm0,xmm0
    call exp
    movsd xmm1,[c7]
    addsd xmm0,xmm1
    movsd xmm2,[c14]
    divsd xmm2,xmm0
    subsd xmm1,xmm2
    xorps xmm0,xmm0
    movsd xmm2,xmm6
    ucomisd xmm0,xmm2
    jbe .l6
    movsd xmm0,[c26]
    pxor xmm1,xmm0
    movups xmm2,xmm1
    jmp .l3

; (xmm0 double) -> (xmm0 double, rax uint64)
    movsd xmm3,xmm0
    movsd xmm0,[c36]
    movsd xmm1,xmm3
    ucomisd xmm0,xmm1
    ja .l2
    movq rdx,xmm3
    mov r13,rdx
    shr rdx,0x34
    and rdx,0x7ff
    lea rax,[rdx-0x3f6]
    mov rcx,rax
    shr rax,0x6
    cmp rax,0x14
    jae .l5
    lea rdx,[mPi4]
    mov rsi,[rdx+rax*8]
    shl rsi,cl
    lea rdi,[rax+0x1]
    cmp rdi,0x14
    jae .l3
    mov rdi,rcx
    and rcx,0x3f
    lea r8,[rcx-0x40]
    neg r8
    cmp r8,0x40
    sbb r8,r8
    mov r9,[rdx+rax*8+0x8]
    mov rcx,rdi
    neg rcx
    mov r10,r9
    shr r9,cl
    and r9,r8
    or rsi,r9
    mov r9,rcx
    mov rcx,rdi
    shl r10,cl
    lea r11,[rax+0x2]
    cmp r11,0x14
    jae .l4
    mov r11,[rdx+rax*8+0x10]
    mov rcx,r9
    mov r12,r11
    shr r11,cl
    and r11,r8
    or r10,r11
    mov rcx,rdi
    shl r12,cl
    lea rdi,[rax+0x3]
    cmp rdi,0x14
    jae .l3
    mov rdi,0x800fffffffffffff
    and r13,rdi
    bts r13,0x34
    mov rax,[rdx+rax*8+0x18]
    mov rcx,r9
    shr rax,cl
    and rax,r8
    or rax,r12
    mul r13
    mov rax,r10
    mov rcx,rdx
    mul r13
    mov rdi,rax
    add rax,rcx
    imul rsi,r13
    add rdi,rcx
    adc rsi,rdx
    mov rdx,rsi
    shl rsi,0x3
    mov r13,rax
    shr rax,0x3d
    or rsi,rax
    bsr rdi,rsi
    mov r8,0xffffffffffffffff
    cmove rdi,r8
    lea r8,[rdi-0x3f]
    neg r8
    lea rcx,[r8+0x1]
    cmp rcx,0x40
    sbb r8,r8
    cmp rdi,0x40
    sbb r9,r9
    shr rdx,0x3d
    lea r10,[rdi+0x3bf]
    shl rsi,cl
    and rsi,r8
    mov rcx,rdi
    shr r13,cl
    and r9,r13
    or rsi,r9
    shr rsi,0xc
    shl r10,0x34
    or r10,rsi
    mov r13,rdx
    and rdx,0x1
    movq xmm1,r10
    cmp rdx,0x1
    jne .l1
    lea rax,[r13+0x1]
    and rax,0x7
    movsd xmm2,[c7]
    subsd xmm1,xmm2
    mulsd xmm1,xmm0
    movsd xmm0,xmm1
    mov rax,r13
    jmp .l0
    xor rax,rax
    movsd xmm0,xmm1
    mov rax,rdi
    mov ecx,0x14
    mov rax,r11
    mov ecx,0x14
    mov ecx,0x14

; (xmm0 double) -> (xmm0 double)
    movsd xmm4,xmm0
    ucomisd xmm0,xmm0
    jne .l1
    jnp .l2
    movsd xmm0,[c37]
    movsd xmm1,[c1]
    ucomisd xmm0,xmm1
    jbe .l17
    mov eax,0x1
    test al,al
    jne .l1
    movq rax,xmm4
    btr rax,0x3f
    movq xmm0,rax
    movsd xmm1,[c38]
    ucomisd xmm0,xmm1
    jae .l16
    movsd xmm1,[c39]
    mulsd xmm1,xmm0
    movsd xmm2,[c40]
    ucomisd xmm2,xmm1
    jbe .l15
    cvttsd2si rax,xmm1
    test rax,rax
    jl .l14
    xorps xmm1,xmm1
    cvtsi2sd xmm1,rax
    mov rcx,rax
    and rax,0x1
    cmp rax,0x1
    jne .l13
    lea rax,[rcx+0x1]
    movsd xmm2,[c7]
    addsd xmm2,xmm1
    and rax,0x7
    movsd xmm1,[c41]
    mulsd xmm1,xmm2
    subsd xmm0,xmm1
    movsd xmm1,[c42]
    mulsd xmm1,xmm2
    subsd xmm0,xmm1
    movsd xmm1,[c43]
    mulsd xmm1,xmm2
    subsd xmm0,xmm1
    cmp rax,0x3
    seta cl
    lea rdx,[rax-0x4]
    cmp rax,0x3
    mov r8,rax
    cmova rax,rdx
    cmp rax,0x1
    jbe .l8
    cmp r8,0x3
    setbe cl
    cmp rax,0x1
    movups xmm1,xmm0
    mulsd xmm0,xmm0
    jne .l12
    movups xmm2,xmm1
    mulsd xmm1,xmm0
    movsd xmm3,[sinc]
    mulsd xmm3,xmm0
    addsd xmm3,[sinc+8]
    mulsd xmm3,xmm0
    addsd xmm3,[sinc+16]
    mulsd xmm3,xmm0
    addsd xmm3,[sinc+24]
    mulsd xmm3,xmm0
    addsd xmm3,[sinc+32]
    mulsd xmm3,xmm0
    addsd xmm3,[sinc+40]
    mulsd xmm3,xmm1
    addsd xmm2,xmm3
    test cl,cl
    je .l11
    movsd xmm0,[c26]
    pxor xmm2,xmm0
    movsd xmm0,xmm2
    cmp rax,0x2
    je .l9
    movsd xmm1,[c20]
    mulsd xmm1,xmm0
    movsd xmm2,[c7]
    subsd xmm2,xmm1
    movups xmm1,xmm0
    mulsd xmm0,xmm0
    movsd xmm3,[cosc]
    mulsd xmm3,xmm1
    addsd xmm3,[cosc+8]
    mulsd xmm3,xmm1
    addsd xmm3,[cosc+16]
    mulsd xmm3,xmm1
    addsd xmm3,[cosc+24]
    mulsd xmm3,xmm1
    addsd xmm3,[cosc+32]
    mulsd xmm3,xmm1
    addsd xmm3,[cosc+40]
    mulsd xmm3,xmm0
    addsd xmm2,xmm3
    jmp .l10
    mov rax,rcx
    movups xmm2,xmm1
    jmp .l6
    mov rcx,rax
    and rax,0x1
    mov rdx,rcx
    shr rcx,1
    or rcx,rax
    xorps xmm1,xmm1
    cvtsi2sd xmm1,rcx
    addsd xmm1,xmm1
    mov rax,rdx
    jmp .l5
    subsd xmm1,xmm2
    cvttsd2si rax,xmm1
    bts rax,0x3f
    jmp .l4
    movq xmm0,rax
    call trig_reduce
    jmp .l7
    movsd xmm1,[c8]
    ucomisd xmm1,xmm0
    seta al
    jmp .l3

; (xmm0 double) -> (xmm0 double)
    movsd xmm5,xmm0
    xorps xmm1,xmm1
    ucomisd xmm0,xmm1
    jne .l1
    jp .l1
    ucomisd xmm0,xmm0
    jne .l0
    jp .l0
    movsd xmm2,[c1]
    ucomisd xmm0,xmm2
    jbe .l19
    mov eax,0x1
    test al,al
    jne .l18
    ucomisd xmm1,xmm0
    jbe .l17
    movsd xmm2,[c26]
    pxor xmm2,xmm0
    movsd xmm3,[c38]
    ucomisd xmm2,xmm3
    jae .l16
    movsd xmm3,[c39]
    mulsd xmm3,xmm2
    movsd xmm4,[c40]
    ucomisd xmm4,xmm3
    jbe .l15
    cvttsd2si rax,xmm3
    test rax,rax
    jl .l14
    xorps xmm3,xmm3
    cvtsi2sd xmm3,rax
    mov rcx,rax
    and rax,0x1
    cmp rax,0x1
    jne .l13
    lea rax,[rcx+0x1]
    movsd xmm4,[c7]
    addsd xmm4,xmm3
    and rax,0x7
    movsd xmm3,[c41]
    mulsd xmm3,xmm4
    subsd xmm2,xmm3
    movsd xmm3,[c42]
    mulsd xmm3,xmm4
    subsd xmm2,xmm3
    movsd xmm3,[c43]
    mulsd xmm3,xmm4
    subsd xmm2,xmm3
    ucomisd xmm1,xmm0
    seta cl
    cmp rax,0x3
    jbe .l8
    xor ecx,0x1
    add rax,0xfffffffffffffffc
    movups xmm0,xmm2
    mulsd xmm2,xmm2
    cmp rax,0x1
    jne .l12
    movsd xmm0,[c20]
    mulsd xmm0,xmm2
    movsd xmm1,[c7]
    subsd xmm1,xmm0
    movups xmm0,xmm2
    mulsd xmm2,xmm2
    movsd xmm3,[cosc]
    mulsd xmm3,xmm0
    addsd xmm3,[cosc+8]
    mulsd xmm3,xmm0
    addsd xmm3,[cosc+16]
    mulsd xmm3,xmm0
    addsd xmm3,[cosc+24]
    mulsd xmm3,xmm0
    addsd xmm3,[cosc+32]
    mulsd xmm3,xmm0
    addsd xmm3,[cosc+40]
    mulsd xmm3,xmm2
    addsd xmm1,xmm3
    test cl,cl
    je .l11
    movsd xmm0,[c26]
    pxor xmm1,xmm0
    movsd xmm0,xmm1
    cmp rax,0x2
    je .l9
    movups xmm1,xmm0
    mulsd xmm1,xmm2
    movsd xmm3,[sinc]
    mulsd xmm3,xmm2
    addsd xmm3,[sinc+8]
    mulsd xmm3,xmm2
    addsd xmm3,[sinc+16]
    mulsd xmm3,xmm2
    addsd xmm3,[sinc+24]
    mulsd xmm3,xmm2
    addsd xmm3,[sinc+32]
    mulsd xmm3,xmm2
    addsd xmm3,[sinc+40]
    mulsd xmm1,xmm3
    addsd xmm1,xmm0
    jmp .l10
    mov rax,rcx
    movups xmm4,xmm3
    jmp .l6
    mov rcx,rax
    and rax,0x1
    mov rdx,rcx
    shr rcx,1
    or rcx,rax
    xorps xmm3,xmm3
    cvtsi2sd xmm3,rcx
    addsd xmm3,xmm3
    mov rax,rdx
    jmp .l5
    subsd xmm3,xmm4
    cvttsd2si rax,xmm3
    bts rax,0x3f
    jmp .l4
    movsd xmm0,xmm2
    call trig_reduce
    movsd xmm2,xmm0
    xorps xmm0,xmm0
    movsd xmm1,xmm5
    ucomisd xmm0,xmm1
    jmp .l7
    movups xmm2,xmm0
    jmp .l3
    movsd xmm0,[c37]
    movsd xmm2,[c8]
    ucomisd xmm2,xmm0
    seta al
    jmp .l2

; (xmm0 double) -> (xmm0 double)
    movq r8,xmm0
    mov rax,0x7fffffffffffffff
    and rax,r8
    je .l2
    mov rax,0x0
    cmp rax,r8
    jg .l1
    mov rax,0x7ff0000000000000
    cmp rax,r8
    jle .l0
    movq xmm0,r8
    mov rax,0xfffffffffffff
    movq xmm2,rax
    andpd xmm2,xmm0
    movsd xmm0,[c20]
    orpd xmm2,xmm0
    shr r8,0x34
    and r8,0x7ff
    sub r8,0x3fe
    xorps xmm1,xmm1
    cvtsi2sd xmm1,r8
    movsd xmm0,[c27]
    cmpnltsd xmm0,xmm2
    movsd xmm3,[c7]
    andpd xmm3,xmm0
    subsd xmm1,xmm3
    movsd xmm0,[c7]
    addsd xmm3,xmm0
    mulsd xmm2,xmm3
    subsd xmm2,xmm0
    movsd xmm0,[c14]
    addsd xmm0,xmm2
    movapd xmm3,xmm2
    divsd xmm3,xmm0
    movapd xmm4,xmm3
    mulsd xmm4,xmm4
    movapd xmm5,xmm4
    mulsd xmm5,xmm5
    movsd xmm6,[c28]
    mulsd xmm6,xmm5
    addsd xmm6,[c29]
    mulsd xmm6,xmm5
    addsd xmm6,[c30]
    mulsd xmm6,xmm5
    addsd xmm6,[c31]
    mulsd xmm4,xmm6
    movsd xmm6,[c32]
    mulsd xmm6,xmm5
    addsd xmm6,[c33]
    mulsd xmm6,xmm5
    addsd xmm6,[c34]
    mulsd xmm5,xmm6
    addsd xmm4,xmm5
    movsd xmm0,[c20]
    mulsd xmm0,xmm2
    mulsd xmm0,xmm2
    addsd xmm4,xmm0
    mulsd xmm3,xmm4
    movsd xmm4,[c22]
    mulsd xmm4,xmm1
    addsd xmm3,xmm4
    subsd xmm0,xmm3
    subsd xmm0,xmm2
    mulsd xmm1,[c21]
    subsd xmm1,xmm0
    movsd xmm0,xmm1
    movq xmm0,r8
    mov rax,0x7ff8000000000001
    movq xmm0,rax
    mov rax,0xfff0000000000000
    movq xmm0,rax

; (xmm0 double, xmm1 double) -> (xmm0 double)
    mov rax,0x7ff0000000000000
    movq r8,xmm0
    cmp rax,r8
    je .l1
    movq r9,xmm1
    cmp rax,r9
    je .l1
    mov rdx,0x7fffffffffffffff
    mov rax,0x7ff0000000000000
    mov r10,r8
    and r10,rdx
    cmp rax,r10
    jl .l0
    mov rcx,r9
    and rcx,rdx
    cmp rax,rcx
    jl .l0
    or r10,rcx
    je .l2
    movq xmm0,r8
    movq xmm1,r9
    maxsd xmm0,xmm1
    mov rax,0x7ff8000000000001
    movq xmm0,rax
    mov rax,0x8000000000000000
    cmp rax,r8
    je .l3
    movq xmm0,r8
    movq xmm0,r9

; (xmm0 double, xmm1 double) -> (xmm0 double)
    mov rax,0xfff0000000000000
    movq r8,xmm0
    cmp rax,r8
    je .l1
    movq r9,xmm1
    cmp rax,r9
    je .l1
    mov rdx,0x7fffffffffffffff
    mov rax,0x7ff0000000000000
    mov r10,r8
    and r10,rdx
    cmp rax,r10
    jl .l0
    mov rcx,r9
    and rcx,rdx
    cmp rax,rcx
    jl .l0
    or r10,rcx
    je .l2
    movq xmm0,r8
    movq xmm1,r9
    minsd xmm0,xmm1
    mov rax,0x7ff8000000000001
    movq xmm0,rax
    mov rax,0x8000000000000000
    cmp rax,r8
    je .l3
    movq xmm0,r9
    movq xmm0,r8

; (xmm0 double, xmm1 double) -> (xmm0 double)
    movsd xmm7,xmm0
    movsd xmm8,xmm1
    xorps xmm0,xmm0
    movsd xmm1,xmm8
    ucomisd xmm0,xmm1
    jne .l1
    jnp .l52
    movsd xmm2,[c7]
    movsd xmm3,xmm7
    ucomisd xmm2,xmm3
    jne .l2
    jnp .l51
    ucomisd xmm2,xmm1
    jne .l3
    jnp .l50
    ucomisd xmm3,xmm3
    jne .l49
    jp .l49
    ucomisd xmm1,xmm1
    jne .l49
    jp .l49
    ucomisd xmm0,xmm3
    jne .l35
    jp .l35
    ucomisd xmm0,xmm1
    ja .l31
    ucomisd xmm1,xmm0
    ja .l27
    movq rax,xmm8
    btr rax,0x3f
    movq xmm0,rax
    call modf
    xorps xmm2,xmm2
    ucomisd xmm1,xmm2
    jne .l5
    jnp .l26
    movsd xmm3,xmm7
    ucomisd xmm2,xmm3
    ja .l25
    movsd xmm4,[c40]
    ucomisd xmm0,xmm4
    jae .l21
    ucomisd xmm1,xmm2
    jne .l7
    jnp .l20
    movsd xmm4,[c20]
    ucomisd xmm1,xmm4
    jbe .l19
    movsd xmm5,[c7]
    subsd xmm1,xmm5
    addsd xmm5,xmm0
    movsd xmm9,xmm1
    movsd xmm10,xmm5
    movsd xmm0,xmm3
    call log
    mulsd xmm0,xmm9
    call exp
    movsd xmm1,xmm10
    movsd xmm10,xmm1
    movsd xmm11,xmm0
    movsd xmm0,xmm7
    call frexp
    movsd xmm1,xmm10
    cvttsd2si rcx,xmm1
    movsd xmm1,xmm11
    xor edx,edx
    jmp .l11
    sar r8,1
    mov rdx,rcx
    mov rcx,r8
    test rcx,rcx
    je .l18
    cmp rax,0xfffffffffffff000
    jl .l14
    cmp rax,0x1000
    jg .l14
    mov r8,rcx
    and rcx,0x1
    cmp rcx,0x1
    jne .l13
    mulsd xmm1,xmm0
    lea rcx,[rax+rdx*1]
    mulsd xmm0,xmm0
    mov rdx,rax
    shl rax,1
    movsd xmm2,[c20]
    ucomisd xmm2,xmm0
    jbe .l10
    addsd xmm0,xmm0
    lea rax,[rdx+rdx*1]
    lea rax,[rax-0x1]
    jmp .l10
    mov rcx,rdx
    jmp .l12
    add rax,rdx
    xorps xmm0,xmm0
    movsd xmm2,xmm8
    ucomisd xmm0,xmm2
    jbe .l17
    movsd xmm0,[c7]
    divsd xmm0,xmm1
    neg rax
    mov rdi,rax
    call ldexp
    movups xmm0,xmm1
    jmp .l16
    xorps xmm0,xmm0
    movsd xmm2,xmm8
    ucomisd xmm0,xmm2
    mov rax,rdx
    jmp .l15
    movups xmm5,xmm0
    jmp .l8
    movups xmm1,xmm0
    movsd xmm0,[c7]
    jmp .l9
    movsd xmm0,[c24]
    ucomisd xmm0,xmm3
    jne .l22
    jnp .l24
    movq rax,xmm7
    btr rax,0x3f
    movq xmm0,rax
    movsd xmm1,[c7]
    ucomisd xmm1,xmm0
    seta al
    movsd xmm0,xmm8
    ucomisd xmm0,xmm2
    seta cl
    cmp al,cl
    jne .l23
    movsd xmm0,xmm2
    movsd xmm0,[c5]
    movsd xmm0,[c7]
    movsd xmm0,[c37]
    movsd xmm3,xmm7
    jmp .l6
    movsd xmm0,xmm1
    call modf
    xorps xmm2,xmm2
    ucomisd xmm1,xmm2
    jne .l30
    jp .l30
    cvttsd2si rax,xmm0
    bt eax,0x0
    setb al
    test al,al
    je .l29
    movsd xmm0,xmm7
    movsd xmm0,xmm2
    xor eax,eax
    jmp .l28
    movsd xmm0,xmm1
    call modf
    xorps xmm2,xmm2
    ucomisd xmm1,xmm2
    jne .l34
    jp .l34
    cvttsd2si rax,xmm0
    bt eax,0x0
    setb al
    test al,al
    je .l33
    movq rax,xmm7
    shr rax,0x3f
    shl rax,0x3f
    mov rcx,0x7ff0000000000000
    or rcx,rax
    movq xmm0,rcx
    movsd xmm0,[c5]
    xor eax,eax
    jmp .l32
    movsd xmm4,[c1]
    ucomisd xmm1,xmm4
    jbe .l48
    mov eax,0x1
    test al,al
    jne .l44
    ucomisd xmm3,xmm4
    jbe .l43
    mov eax,0x1
    test al,al
    je .l40
    movsd xmm4,[c8]
    ucomisd xmm4,xmm3
    ja .l39
    ucomisd xmm0,xmm1
    ja .l38
    ucomisd xmm1,xmm0
    jbe .l4
    movsd xmm0,[c5]
    divsd xmm2,xmm3
    movsd xmm0,[c26]
    pxor xmm1,xmm0
    movsd xmm0,xmm2
    call pow
    movsd xmm4,[c20]
    ucomisd xmm4,xmm1
    jne .l41
    jnp .l42
    movsd xmm5,[c35]
    ucomisd xmm5,xmm1
    jne .l4
    jp .l4
    sqrtsd xmm0,xmm3
    divsd xmm2,xmm0
    movsd xmm0,xmm2
    sqrtsd xmm0,xmm3
    movsd xmm4,[c8]
    ucomisd xmm4,xmm3
    seta al
    jmp .l37
    movsd xmm5,[c24]
    ucomisd xmm5,xmm3
    jne .l45
    jnp .l47
    movq rax,xmm7
    btr rax,0x3f
    movq xmm3,rax
    ucomisd xmm2,xmm3
    seta al
    ucomisd xmm1,xmm4
    seta cl
    cmp cl,al
    jne .l46
    movsd xmm0,[c5]
    movsd xmm0,xmm2
    movsd xmm5,[c8]
    ucomisd xmm5,xmm1
    seta al
    jmp .l36
    movsd xmm0,[c37]
    movsd xmm0,xmm3
    movsd xmm0,xmm2
    movsd xmm2,[c7]
    jmp .l51

; (xmm0 double) -> (xmm0 double)
    movsd xmm1,[c26]
    pxor xmm0,xmm1
    call exp
    movsd xmm1,[c7]
    addsd xmm0,xmm1
    divsd xmm1,xmm0
    movsd xmm0,xmm1

; (xmm0 double) -> (xmm0 double)
    xorps  xmm1,xmm1
    comisd xmm0,xmm1
    ja .l0
    xorps xmm0,xmm0

mPi4 dq 0x0000000000000001, 0x45f306dc9c882a53, 0xf84eafa3ea69bb81, 0xb6c52b3278872083,\
0xfca2c757bd778ac3, 0x6e48dc74849ba5c0, 0x0c925dd413a32439, 0xfc3bd63962534e7d,\
0xd1046bea5d768909, 0xd338e04d68befc82, 0x7323ac7306a673e9, 0x3908bf177bf25076,\
0x3ff12fffbc0b301f, 0xde5e2316b414da3e, 0xda6cfd9e4f96136e, 0x9e8c7ecd3cbfd45a,\
0xea4f758fd7cbe2f6, 0x7a0e73ef14a525d4, 0xd7f6bf623f1aba10, 0xac06608df8f6d757

tanhP dq -0.964399179425052238628, -99.2877231001918586564, -1614.68768441708447952
tanhQ dq 112.811678491632931402, 2235.48839060100448583, 4844.06305325125486048

sinc dq 0x3de5d8fd1fd19ccd, 0xbe5ae5e5a9291f5d, 0x3ec71de3567d48a1,\
0xbf2a01a019bfdf03, 0x3f8111111110f7d0, 0xbfc5555555555548

cosc dq 0xbda8fa49a0861a9b, 0x3e21ee9d7b4e3f05, 0xbe927e4f7eac4bc6,\
0x3efa01a019c844f5, 0xbf56c16c16c14f91, 0x3fa555555555554b

c1 dq 0x7fefffffffffffff
c2 dq 0x0010000000000000
c3 dq 0x4330000000000000
c4 dq 0xfff0000000000000
c5 dq 0x7ff0000000000000
c6 dq 0x3ca0000000000000
c7 dq 0x3ff0000000000000
c8 dq 0xffefffffffffffff
c9 dq 0x3e66376972bea4d0
c10 dq 0xbebbbd41c5d26bf1
c11 dq 0x3f11566aaf25de2c
c12 dq 0xbf66c16c16bebd93
c13 dq 0x3fc5555555555555
c14 dq 0x4000000000000000
c15 dq 0x40862e42fefa39ef
c16 dq 0xc0874910d52d3051
c17 dq 0xbe30000000000000
c18 dq 0x3e30000000000000
c19 dq 0x3ff71547652b82fe
c20 dq 0x3fe0000000000000
c21 dq 0x3fe62e42fee00000
c22 dq 0x3dea39ef35793c76
c23 dq 0x404601e678fc457b
c24 dq 0xbff0000000000000
c25 dq 0x3fe4000000000000
c26 dq 0x8000000000000000
c27 dq 0x3fe6a09e667f3bcd
c28 dq 0x3fc2f112df3e5244
c29 dq 0x3fc7466496cb03de
c30 dq 0x3fd2492494229359
c31 dq 0x3fe5555555555593
c32 dq 0x3fc39a09d078c69f
c33 dq 0x3fcc71c51d8e78af
c34 dq 0x3fd999999997fa04
c35 dq 0xbfe0000000000000
c36 dq 0x3fe921fb54442d18
c37 dq 0x7ff8000000000001
c38 dq 0x432921fb54442d18
c39 dq 0x3ff45f306dc9c883
c40 dq 0x43e0000000000000
c41 dq 0x3fe921fb40000000
c42 dq 0x3e64442d00000000
c43 dq 0x3ce8469898cc5170
Post 08 Jul 2021, 23:21
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