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Index > Main > Separate sources, examples and binaries; Include environ.

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Joined: 11 Jun 2021
Posts: 2
osetnik 11 Jun 2021, 17:34
It's my first post here although not the first contact with forum, so please bear with me.
I have used few programs I found on forum and found them very useful but trying figure out how to use fasm took me a while.

First I had to figure out how to inform location of includes and I found, in pdf documentation, about environment section and I tried to add environmental variable `INCLUDE' containing path to includes and only then it worked. I think it should be plainly stated in documentation (text as well) about INCLUDE environmental variable. It should also state it must be exported in order to work.

Second, it took me hell lot of time to figure out what are relations between files within downloadable packages. It's mixed together - binaries, sources, examples and stuff therefore I wanted to propose some useful unclutter to organize it in reasonable and easy to understand and maintain fashion. It would be easier for you to manage too.

I separated binaries from sources and from examples keeping redundancies to minimum.
The packet of these packages is put here in single .zip file. If you don;t like tar ball for binaries there is a zip as well.
All time stamps are kept intact as well.

I also "converted" all dos line endings from the sources and examples (except dos examples) to single, '*nix' LF endings.
Reason for that is that doing that ordering I learned that, in fact, DOS didn't treat files in binary<>text modes but in binary from the start. Only for some strange reason decided to use CRLF line endings. Another reason is that these days everyone is using *nix in some way, shape or form, if not on desktop then on mobile. Even VS is switching to LF line endings somewhat. Not to mention that FASM deals with them perfectly anyways.

There is also dos2unix and unix2dos in pure DOS assembler included in package (u2d.zip) for those who would feel the need to convert some files anyway. I did it so the files don't look like this anymore in mc:

; fasm example of writing simple EXE program^M
format MZ^M
        push    cs^M
        pop     ds^M
        mov     ah,9^M
        mov     dx,hello^M
        int     21h^M
        mov     ax,4C00h^M
        int     21h^M
hello db 'Hello world!',24h^M

Program is really simple and really slow but works. It's my first fully assembled program for DOS, so I ask understanding.

So, I put the zip package in temporary external storage, if you like it you can use it. It will improve this domain of your service.

Post 11 Jun 2021, 17:34
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