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Index > Linux > floating point numbers / output to console

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Joined: 26 Nov 2007
Posts: 36
Location: Germany
andyz74 15 May 2011, 15:11
I have this code

; fp-test.asm
; Beispiel zu Kommazahlen
; (soll eine festgelegte Kommazahl ausgeben
  format ELF executable
   entry start

     segment readable writable executable

macro schreibe satz,laenge                      ; macro for writing
       mov     eax,4
       mov     ebx,1
       mov     ecx, $ + 16
 mov     edx, laenge
 int     0x80
        db 0ebh
     db laenge+2
 db satz

macro bin_ax
       xor cx, cx
  mov bx, 10
m1: xor dx, dx
    div bx
      push dx
     inc cx
      cmp ax, 0
   jnz m1
m2: pop dx
    add dl, 30h
 mov [_d], dl

       mov eax, 4
  mov ebx, 1
  mov ecx, _d
 mov edx, 1
  int 80h
    loop m2

  puffer db "12345123451234512345"

msg1  db      "testest",0Ah,0 

; ################ Hauptprogramm ######################


 fld [x1]                                ; lädt Ganzzahl (hier word) in den stack
   fadd    [x2]
        fistp [y]                               ; und speichert diese in y
       mov eax, [y]
    schreibe 0ah,1                  ; macro for writing


        mov eax, 1
  mov ebx, 0
  int 80h

     segment readable writable
a  dd      3.5
b        dd      12.5
x1      dd      2.2
x2       dd      2.7
y        dd      0
_d db      0

...and it can calculate and write the numbers, but only with a rounded integer as result.

if i change "fistp [y]" to "fstp [y]" and "y" stores a real number in it, I can't manage to output this.

Has anybody a macro or sth, that can output floating-point-numbers, or is anybody able to explain, how i can output them?

Thanks in advance and sorry for my bad english. Confused
Post 15 May 2011, 15:11
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Joined: 26 Nov 2007
Posts: 36
Location: Germany
andyz74 17 May 2011, 07:50
maybe in this thread : http://board.flatassembler.net/topic.php?t=4377&start=53
is information for me, especially the part "FTOA" ?
Post 17 May 2011, 07:50
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Joined: 29 Dec 2003
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Location: Budapest, Hungary
Endre 17 May 2011, 09:54
Your dilemma: either writing your own libc or using an already existing one. It's up to you.
Post 17 May 2011, 09:54
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Joined: 28 Nov 2020
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indinaman 28 Nov 2020, 02:14
;Floating Point Number To String
format PE console 4.0
entry main
include '\fasmw16932\fasmw16932\INCLUDE\win32a.inc'

section '.data' data readable writeable
num1 dq 48.6
num2 dq 17.1
result dq ?
fmt db " %.9f",13,10,0
fmt2S db " %s",13,10,0
;szBuff db 32 dup (0)
numS rb 15
section '.code' code readable executable
fld qword [num1]
fld qword [num2]
fstp qword [result]
invoke printf, fmt, dword[result] ,dword[result+4]
fld qword [num1]
fld qword [num2]
fstp qword [result]
invoke printf, fmt, dword[result] ,dword[result+4]
fld qword [num1]
fld qword [num2]
fstp qword [result]
invoke printf, fmt, dword[result] ,dword[result+4]
fld qword [num1]
fld qword [num2]
fstp qword [result]
invoke printf, fmt, dword[result] ,dword[result+4]

invoke _gcvt,dword[result],dword[result+4],15,numS
invoke printf, fmt2S,numS ;String Number
cinvoke getchar
invoke ExitProcess, 0

section '.idata' import data readable
library kernel32,'kernel32.dll', msvcrt,'msvcrt.dll'
import kernel32, ExitProcess,'ExitProcess'
import msvcrt,\
Post 28 Nov 2020, 02:14
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Joined: 29 Dec 2003
Posts: 215
Location: Budapest, Hungary
Endre 03 Dec 2020, 11:56
Thanks, only one remark: You need to use wine to run this program on Linux. I feel this a bit suboptimal. Could you please provide us a clean Linux version?
Post 03 Dec 2020, 11:56
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Joined: 12 Apr 2012
Posts: 125
Melissa 05 Dec 2020, 04:03
Here is program to print float under Linux.

Filename: float.asm
Filesize: 14.97 KB
Downloaded: 661 Time(s)

Post 05 Dec 2020, 04:03
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Joined: 29 Dec 2003
Posts: 215
Location: Budapest, Hungary
Endre 14 Dec 2020, 20:19
Nice, thank you. Did you compare which implementation is faster, yours or that of libc?
Post 14 Dec 2020, 20:19
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Joined: 12 Apr 2012
Posts: 125
Melissa 16 Dec 2020, 02:07
Endre wrote:
Nice, thank you. Did you compare which implementation is faster, yours or that of libc?

Haven't benchmarked as I don't print floats that much ; )

BTW, implementation is not mine, I took it from somewhere, I guess you can find it perhaps here on forum.
Post 16 Dec 2020, 02:07
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