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> Windows > Convert Floating Point Number To String Goto page 1, 2 Next |
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AsmGuru62 14 Sep 2012, 18:21
There was some conversion routines posted here -- search the forum.
If you wish to have some fun converting it -- read about the FBSTP instruction. |
14 Sep 2012, 18:21 |
Masood.Sandking 14 Sep 2012, 19:30
thanks for answer...
i found this before: http://board.flatassembler.net/topic.php?t=4377&start=53 but i had problem with including extra.inc, finally my problem solved with Vasilev Vjacheslav's post in there... i love you fasm! |
14 Sep 2012, 19:30 |
Masood.Sandking 14 Sep 2012, 21:58
i have another question... for example in this program: Code: format pe gui 4.0 entry start include '..\include\win32ax.inc' BUFF_SIZE = 256 section '.rdata' data readable writeable figure1 dq 0.003 figure2 dq -0.003 figure3 dq 1234.567 figure4 dq -1234.567 figure5 dq 123456.789 figure6 dq -123456.789 zero dq 0.0 z1 dq 0.01 z3 dq 0.03 d1 dq 0.1 one dq 1.0 ten dq 10.0 mten dq -10.0 nine dq 9999.9 szMinus db "-",0 szNullDot db "0.",0 szNull db "0",0 szDot db ".",0 szExp db "E",0 digits db "0123456789ABCDEF",0 section '.data' readable writeable szBuffer rb BUFF_SIZE section '.text' code readable writable executable ; ------------------------------------------------- ; ; entry-point ; ; ------------------------------------------------- start: fld [figure1] ; Push float1 value to ST(0) ;fadd [figure3] ; Add float2 to ST(0) fsqrt fstp [figure1] ; Pop value from ST(0) to float1 stdcall _ftoa,double [figure1],szBuffer invoke MessageBox,NULL,szBuffer,szBuffer,MB_OK+MB_ICONINFORMATION stdcall _ftoa,double [figure2],szBuffer invoke MessageBox,NULL,szBuffer,szBuffer,MB_OK+MB_ICONINFORMATION stdcall _ftoa,double [figure3],szBuffer invoke MessageBox,NULL,szBuffer,szBuffer,MB_OK+MB_ICONINFORMATION stdcall _ftoa,double [figure4],szBuffer invoke MessageBox,NULL,szBuffer,szBuffer,MB_OK+MB_ICONINFORMATION stdcall _ftoa,double [figure5],szBuffer invoke MessageBox,NULL,szBuffer,szBuffer,MB_OK+MB_ICONINFORMATION stdcall _ftoa,double [figure6],szBuffer invoke MessageBox,NULL,szBuffer,szBuffer,MB_OK+MB_ICONINFORMATION invoke ExitProcess,NULL ; ------------------------------------------------- ; ; convert double or float to ascii with proper ; rounding and formatting ; ; ------------------------------------------------- proc _ftoa uses ebx esi edi,hx:QWORD,hstr locals hdecm dd ? endl mov esi,[hstr] xor ebx,ebx xor edi,edi cmp esi,ebx mov [hdecm],ebx je .out fld [zero] fld [hx] fucompp fnstsw ax test ah,68 jp @F invoke lstrcpy,esi,szNull jmp .out @@: fld [hx] fcomp [zero] fnstsw ax test ah,5 jp @F mov ebx,1 fld [hx] fchs fstp [hx] @@: fld [hx] fcomp [z1] fld [hx] fnstsw ax test ah,5 jp .a fcomp [d1] fnstsw ax test ah,5 jp .conv @@: fld [hx] dec edi fmul [ten] fstp [hx] fld [hx] fcomp [d1] fnstsw ax test ah,5 jnp @B jmp .conv .a: fcomp [nine] fnstsw ax test ah,65 jne .conv fld [hx] fcomp [ten] fnstsw ax test ah,1 jne .conv @@: fld [hx] inc edi fdiv [ten] fstp [hx] fld [hx] fcomp [ten] fnstsw ax test ah,1 je @B .conv: lea edx,[hdecm] stdcall _cvt,double [hx],3,edx,esi mov eax,[hdecm] stdcall _formatstring,esi,eax,ebx,edi .out: ret endp ; ------------------------------------------------- ; ; format ascii figure according to decimal place ; and exponent ; ; ------------------------------------------------- proc _formatstring uses ebx esi edi,hstr,hdec,hsign,hexp locals buf1 rb 64 buf2 rb 64 endl xor eax,eax mov [buf1],al mov [buf2],al mov eax,[hsign] test eax,eax je @F lea eax,[buf1] invoke lstrcat,eax,szMinus @@: mov esi,[hdec] test esi,esi jg .b lea ecx,[buf1] invoke lstrcat,ecx,szNullDot test esi,esi jge .a neg esi @@: lea edx,[buf1] invoke lstrcat,edx,szNull dec esi jne @B .a: mov ebx,[hstr] lea eax,[buf1] invoke lstrcat,eax,ebx jmp .d .b: mov ebx,[hstr] stdcall _strlen_fog,ebx lea ecx,[buf1] mov edi,eax stdcall _strncat,ecx,ebx,esi cmp edi,esi je .d lea edx,[buf1] invoke lstrcat,edx,szDot lea eax,[ebx+esi] lea ecx,[buf1] invoke lstrcat,ecx,eax .d: lea edx,[buf1] stdcall _strlen_fog,edx dec eax je .c @@: cmp byte [buf1+eax],'0' jne .c dec eax mov byte [buf1+eax+1],0 jne @B .c: mov cl,byte [buf1+eax] cmp cl,'.' lea eax,[buf1+eax] jne @F mov byte [eax],0 @@: mov eax,[hexp] test eax,eax je @F lea ecx,[buf2] stdcall _itoa,eax,ecx lea edx,[buf1] invoke lstrcat,edx,szExp lea eax,[buf2] lea ecx,[buf1] invoke lstrcat,ecx,eax @@: lea edx,[buf1] invoke lstrcpy,ebx,edx .out: ret endp ; ------------------------------------------------- ; ; convert double/float to a string with proper ; rounding ; ; ------------------------------------------------- proc _cvt uses ebx esi edi, harg:QWORD,hdigits,hdecpt,hbuf locals r2 dd ? fi dq ? fj dq ? tmp dq ? endl mov eax,[hdigits] xor esi,esi cmp eax,esi jge @F mov [hdigits],esi jmp .a @@: cmp eax,BUFF_SIZE-1 jl .a mov [hdigits],BUFF_SIZE-2 .a: mov ebx,[hbuf] mov [r2],esi mov edi,ebx fld [harg] fcomp [zero] fnstsw ax test ah,5 jp @F fld [harg] fchs fstp [harg] @@: lea eax,[fi] stdcall _modf,double [harg],eax fstp [harg] fld [zero] fld [fi] fucompp fnstsw ax test ah,68 jnp .int_is_zero lea esi,[ebx+BUFF_SIZE] @@: fld [fi] fdiv [ten] fstp [tmp] lea ecx,[fi] stdcall _modf,double [tmp],ecx fadd [z3] fmul [mten] fistp [tmp] dec esi mov dl,byte [tmp] mov al,'0' sub al,dl mov [esi],al mov eax,[r2] inc eax mov [r2],eax fld [zero] fld [fi] fucompp fnstsw ax test ah,68 jp @b lea eax,[ebx+BUFF_SIZE] cmp esi,eax jae .b @@: mov cl,[esi] mov [edi],cl inc edi inc esi cmp esi,eax jb @B .b: mov esi,[r2] .j: mov edx,[hdigits] mov eax,[r2] mov ecx,[hdecpt] add esi,edx add esi,ebx cmp esi,ebx mov [ecx],eax jae .h mov byte [ebx],0 jmp .out .int_is_zero: fld [harg] fcomp [zero] fnstsw ax test ah,65 jnz .j fld [harg] fmul [ten] fstp [fj] fld [fj] fcomp [one] fnstsw ax test ah,5 jp .j @@: dec esi fld [fj] fstp [harg] fld [fj] fmul [ten] fstp [fj] fld [fj] fcomp [one] fnstsw ax test ah,5 jnp @B mov [r2],esi jmp .j .h: cmp edi,esi ja .c @@: lea eax,[ebx+BUFF_SIZE] cmp edi,eax jae .c lea ecx,[fj] fld [harg] fmul [ten] fstp [harg] stdcall _modf,double [harg],ecx mov ecx,[hdecpt] fstp [harg] fld [fj] fistp [tmp] mov dl,byte [tmp] add dl,'0' mov [edi],dl inc edi cmp edi,esi jbe @B .c: lea eax,[ebx+BUFF_SIZE] cmp esi,eax jb @F mov byte [ebx+255],0 jmp .out @@: mov dl,[esi] add dl,5 mov eax,esi mov [esi],dl cmp dl,'9' jle .d .g: mov byte [esi],'0' cmp esi,ebx jbe .e mov dl,[esi-1] dec esi inc dl mov [esi],dl jmp .f .e: mov byte [esi],'1' mov edi,[ecx] inc edi cmp eax,ebx mov [ecx],edi jbe @F mov byte [eax],'0' @@: inc eax .f: cmp byte [esi],'9' jg .g .d: mov byte [eax],0 .out: mov eax,ebx ret endp ; ------------------------------------------------- ; ; return fractional part in st0 and integer ; part in y (pointer to a qword) ; ; ------------------------------------------------- proc _modf uses edi, x:QWORD,y locals cw1 dw ? cw2 dw ? endl mov edi,[y] fnstcw [cw1] fwait mov ax,[cw1] or ax,110000111111b mov [cw2],ax fldcw [cw2] fwait fld [x] frndint fstp qword [edi] fwait fld [x] fsub qword [edi] fldcw [cw1] fwait ret endp ; ------------------------------------------------- ; ; integer to ascii conversion (reverend) ; ; ------------------------------------------------- proc _itoa uses ebx esi edi, number,result_buffer locals temp_buffer rb 32+1 endl push 10 pop esi lea edi,[temp_buffer+32] mov ebx,digits cmp esi,16 ja .error std xor al,al stosb mov eax,[number] test eax,80000000h jz @F neg eax @@: xor edx,edx idiv esi xchg eax,edx xlatb stosb xchg eax,edx test eax,eax jnz @B lea esi,[edi+1] mov edi,[result_buffer] cld test [number],80000000h jz @F mov al,'-' stosb @@: lodsb stosb test al,al jnz @B sub edi,[result_buffer] lea eax,[edi-1] stc jmp .theend .error: clc .theend: cld ret endp ; ------------------------------------------------- ; ; return length of hstr string in eax (Agner Fog) ; pretty fast algorithm ; ; ------------------------------------------------- proc _strncat uses ebx esi edi, hfront,hback,hcount mov esi,[hfront] stdcall _strlen_fog,esi mov edx,eax add edx,esi mov edi,[hcount] test edi,edi jz .out_null mov esi,[hback] @@: mov cl,[esi] mov [edx],cl dec edi inc edx inc esi test cl,cl jz .out test edi,edi jnz @B .out_null: xor al,al mov byte [edx],al .out: ret endp ; ------------------------------------------------- ; ; return length of hstr string in eax (Agner Fog) ; pretty fast algorithm ; ; ------------------------------------------------- proc _strlen_fog uses ebx esi edi, hstr mov eax,[hstr] lea edx,[eax+3] @@: mov ebx,[eax] add eax,4 lea ecx,[ebx-01010101h] not ebx and ecx,ebx and ecx,80808080h jz @B test ecx,00008080h jnz @F shr ecx,16 add eax,2 @@: shl cl,1 sbb eax,edx ret endp ; ------------------------------------------------- ; ; fast memory copying algorithm (tuned asmpack ver) ; qword -> dword -> byte ; ; ------------------------------------------------- proc _memcpy_fast uses esi edi, hdst,hsrc,hsize mov eax,[hsize] mov edi,[hdst] mov esi,[hsrc] mov ecx,eax shr ecx,3 jz .next1 @@: movq mm0,qword [esi] movq qword [edi],mm0 add esi,8 add edi,8 dec ecx jnz @B .next1: mov ecx,eax and ecx,7 shr ecx,2 jz .next2 @@: mov edx,[esi] mov [edi],edx add esi,4 add edi,4 dec ecx jnz @B .next2: and eax,3 jz .out @@: mov dl,byte [esi] mov byte [edi],dl inc esi inc edi dec eax jnz @B .out: sub edi,[hsize] mov eax,edi ret endp section '.idata' import data readable writeable library kernel32,'kernel32.dll',\ user32,'user32.dll',\ gdi32,'gdi32.dll',\ comdlg32,'comdlg32.dll',\ advapi32,'advapi32.dll' include '..\include\api\kernel32.inc' include '..\include\api\user32.inc' include '..\include\api\gdi32.inc' include '..\include\api\comdlg32.inc' include '..\include\api\advapi32.inc' ; eof we used dq for defining floating point numbers. but i don't know actually what type of floating point number they are. half? single? double? ...? how we can implement these types? |
14 Sep 2012, 21:58 |
revolution 14 Sep 2012, 23:39
dq is 64-bit, this corresponds to C type double.
14 Sep 2012, 23:39 |
Masood.Sandking 15 Sep 2012, 00:16
so how we can work with other types of floating point numbers? for example 32-bit float... |
15 Sep 2012, 00:16 |
revolution 15 Sep 2012, 00:33
Code: dd 3.14159 ;32-bit float |
15 Sep 2012, 00:33 |
Masood.Sandking 15 Sep 2012, 00:45
i don't know too much about IEEE 754, but i'm wondering how FPU knows that we have dd or dq?!
15 Sep 2012, 00:45 |
revolution 15 Sep 2012, 00:49
You specify the type with the instruction encoding.
Code: fld dword[pointer] ;32-bit load fld qword[pointer] ;64-bit load |
15 Sep 2012, 00:49 |
Masood.Sandking 15 Sep 2012, 01:34
sorry i'm beginner... could you explain what i have to do after changing dq to dd in that example? i think only that change is not enough...
thank you so much for your help! |
15 Sep 2012, 01:34 |
AsmGuru62 15 Sep 2012, 12:23
In case of 32 bit float values you do not have to declare them,
you can simply push them and use them from stack. Stack, of course, needs to be cleaned before return from a function. Code: Var1 DQ 104.956868 ... ; ; ST0 = PI/2 + Var1*1.8373 ; fldpi push 2 fidiv dword [esp] ; Integer division from stack! fld [Var1] push 1.8373 fmul dword [esp] faddp sub esp, 2*4 ; Restore stack (or else!) I think 64-bit constants also can be put on stack - I just never used them in my code. |
15 Sep 2012, 12:23 |
AsmGuru62 15 Sep 2012, 12:25
If you change the declaration from DQ to DD, you do not need need to change the code.
If you do not specify the type override (dword or qword) FASM will use the type with which the variable is declared: DD or DQ. If you load the data into FPU from a pointer, then you need that type (dword or qword). But you need to be sure that data at the pointer is the assumed type. OR you can write a small macro: Code: macro L64Fpu r32 { fld qword [r32] } ... L64Fpu esi L64Fpu edi |
15 Sep 2012, 12:25 |
Masood.Sandking 15 Sep 2012, 13:21
thanks for replies.
i just changed DQs to DD: Code: section '.rdata' data readable writeable figure1 dd 3.3 figure2 dd -0.003 zero dd 0.0 z1 dd 0.01 z3 dd 0.03 d1 dd 0.1 one dd 1.0 ten dd 10.0 mten dd -10.0 nine dd 9999.9 szMinus db "-",0 szNullDot db "0.",0 szNull db "0",0 szDot db ".",0 szExp db "E",0 digits db "0123456789ABCDEF",0 but _ftoa procedure does not work properly... that procedure is written for dq... i think i have to change that, but i can't understand _ftoa... |
15 Sep 2012, 13:21 |
AsmGuru62 16 Sep 2012, 10:59
Did you import _ftoa from some library?
16 Sep 2012, 10:59 |
Masood.Sandking 16 Sep 2012, 14:01
no, that is just a part of fourth post code in this topic...
16 Sep 2012, 14:01 |
AsmGuru62 16 Sep 2012, 17:27
I think the FTOA procedure you mentioned is for converting ST0 into a text.
So, I am not sure what you mean by "written for DQ". Can you post the code how you call FTOA? |
16 Sep 2012, 17:27 |
Masood.Sandking 16 Sep 2012, 18:01
Code: format pe gui 4.0 entry start include '..\include\win32ax.inc' BUFF_SIZE = 256 section '.rdata' data readable writeable figure1 dd 0.0030000 figure2 dd -0.003 figure3 dd 1234.567 figure4 dd -1234.567 figure5 dd 123456.789 figure6 dd -123456.789 zero dd 0.0 z1 dd 0.01 z3 dd 0.03 d1 dd 0.1 one dd 1.0 ten dd 10.0 mten dd -10.0 nine dd 9999.9 szMinus db "-",0 szNullDot db "0.",0 szNull db "0",0 szDot db ".",0 szExp db "E",0 digits db "0123456789ABCDEF",0 section '.data' readable writeable szBuffer rb BUFF_SIZE section '.text' code readable writable executable ; ------------------------------------------------- ; ; entry-point ; ; ------------------------------------------------- start: fld [figure1] ; Push float1 value to ST(0) ;fadd [figure3] ; Add float2 to ST(0) fsqrt fstp [figure1] ; Pop value from ST(0) to float1 stdcall _ftoa,double [figure1],szBuffer invoke MessageBox,NULL,szBuffer,szBuffer,MB_OK+MB_ICONINFORMATION stdcall _ftoa,double [figure2],szBuffer invoke MessageBox,NULL,szBuffer,szBuffer,MB_OK+MB_ICONINFORMATION stdcall _ftoa,double [figure3],szBuffer invoke MessageBox,NULL,szBuffer,szBuffer,MB_OK+MB_ICONINFORMATION stdcall _ftoa,double [figure4],szBuffer invoke MessageBox,NULL,szBuffer,szBuffer,MB_OK+MB_ICONINFORMATION stdcall _ftoa,double [figure5],szBuffer invoke MessageBox,NULL,szBuffer,szBuffer,MB_OK+MB_ICONINFORMATION stdcall _ftoa,double [figure6],szBuffer invoke MessageBox,NULL,szBuffer,szBuffer,MB_OK+MB_ICONINFORMATION invoke ExitProcess,NULL ; ------------------------------------------------- ; ; convert double or float to ascii with proper ; rounding and formatting ; ; ------------------------------------------------- proc _ftoa uses ebx esi edi,hx:QWORD,hstr locals hdecm dd ? endl mov esi,[hstr] xor ebx,ebx xor edi,edi cmp esi,ebx mov [hdecm],ebx je .out fld [zero] fld [hx] fucompp fnstsw ax test ah,68 jp @F invoke lstrcpy,esi,szNull jmp .out @@: fld [hx] fcomp [zero] fnstsw ax test ah,5 jp @F mov ebx,1 fld [hx] fchs fstp [hx] @@: fld [hx] fcomp [z1] fld [hx] fnstsw ax test ah,5 jp .a fcomp [d1] fnstsw ax test ah,5 jp .conv @@: fld [hx] dec edi fmul [ten] fstp [hx] fld [hx] fcomp [d1] fnstsw ax test ah,5 jnp @B jmp .conv .a: fcomp [nine] fnstsw ax test ah,65 jne .conv fld [hx] fcomp [ten] fnstsw ax test ah,1 jne .conv @@: fld [hx] inc edi fdiv [ten] fstp [hx] fld [hx] fcomp [ten] fnstsw ax test ah,1 je @B .conv: lea edx,[hdecm] stdcall _cvt,double [hx],3,edx,esi mov eax,[hdecm] stdcall _formatstring,esi,eax,ebx,edi .out: ret endp ; ------------------------------------------------- ; ; format ascii figure according to decimal place ; and exponent ; ; ------------------------------------------------- proc _formatstring uses ebx esi edi,hstr,hdec,hsign,hexp locals buf1 rb 64 buf2 rb 64 endl xor eax,eax mov [buf1],al mov [buf2],al mov eax,[hsign] test eax,eax je @F lea eax,[buf1] invoke lstrcat,eax,szMinus @@: mov esi,[hdec] test esi,esi jg .b lea ecx,[buf1] invoke lstrcat,ecx,szNullDot test esi,esi jge .a neg esi @@: lea edx,[buf1] invoke lstrcat,edx,szNull dec esi jne @B .a: mov ebx,[hstr] lea eax,[buf1] invoke lstrcat,eax,ebx jmp .d .b: mov ebx,[hstr] stdcall _strlen_fog,ebx lea ecx,[buf1] mov edi,eax stdcall _strncat,ecx,ebx,esi cmp edi,esi je .d lea edx,[buf1] invoke lstrcat,edx,szDot lea eax,[ebx+esi] lea ecx,[buf1] invoke lstrcat,ecx,eax .d: lea edx,[buf1] stdcall _strlen_fog,edx dec eax je .c @@: cmp byte [buf1+eax],'0' jne .c dec eax mov byte [buf1+eax+1],0 jne @B .c: mov cl,byte [buf1+eax] cmp cl,'.' lea eax,[buf1+eax] jne @F mov byte [eax],0 @@: mov eax,[hexp] test eax,eax je @F lea ecx,[buf2] stdcall _itoa,eax,ecx lea edx,[buf1] invoke lstrcat,edx,szExp lea eax,[buf2] lea ecx,[buf1] invoke lstrcat,ecx,eax @@: lea edx,[buf1] invoke lstrcpy,ebx,edx .out: ret endp ; ------------------------------------------------- ; ; convert double/float to a string with proper ; rounding ; ; ------------------------------------------------- proc _cvt uses ebx esi edi, harg:QWORD,hdigits,hdecpt,hbuf locals r2 dd ? fi dq ? fj dq ? tmp dq ? endl mov eax,[hdigits] xor esi,esi cmp eax,esi jge @F mov [hdigits],esi jmp .a @@: cmp eax,BUFF_SIZE-1 jl .a mov [hdigits],BUFF_SIZE-2 .a: mov ebx,[hbuf] mov [r2],esi mov edi,ebx fld [harg] fcomp [zero] fnstsw ax test ah,5 jp @F fld [harg] fchs fstp [harg] @@: lea eax,[fi] stdcall _modf,double [harg],eax fstp [harg] fld [zero] fld [fi] fucompp fnstsw ax test ah,68 jnp .int_is_zero lea esi,[ebx+BUFF_SIZE] @@: fld [fi] fdiv [ten] fstp [tmp] lea ecx,[fi] stdcall _modf,double [tmp],ecx fadd [z3] fmul [mten] fistp [tmp] dec esi mov dl,byte [tmp] mov al,'0' sub al,dl mov [esi],al mov eax,[r2] inc eax mov [r2],eax fld [zero] fld [fi] fucompp fnstsw ax test ah,68 jp @b lea eax,[ebx+BUFF_SIZE] cmp esi,eax jae .b @@: mov cl,[esi] mov [edi],cl inc edi inc esi cmp esi,eax jb @B .b: mov esi,[r2] .j: mov edx,[hdigits] mov eax,[r2] mov ecx,[hdecpt] add esi,edx add esi,ebx cmp esi,ebx mov [ecx],eax jae .h mov byte [ebx],0 jmp .out .int_is_zero: fld [harg] fcomp [zero] fnstsw ax test ah,65 jnz .j fld [harg] fmul [ten] fstp [fj] fld [fj] fcomp [one] fnstsw ax test ah,5 jp .j @@: dec esi fld [fj] fstp [harg] fld [fj] fmul [ten] fstp [fj] fld [fj] fcomp [one] fnstsw ax test ah,5 jnp @B mov [r2],esi jmp .j .h: cmp edi,esi ja .c @@: lea eax,[ebx+BUFF_SIZE] cmp edi,eax jae .c lea ecx,[fj] fld [harg] fmul [ten] fstp [harg] stdcall _modf,double [harg],ecx mov ecx,[hdecpt] fstp [harg] fld [fj] fistp [tmp] mov dl,byte [tmp] add dl,'0' mov [edi],dl inc edi cmp edi,esi jbe @B .c: lea eax,[ebx+BUFF_SIZE] cmp esi,eax jb @F mov byte [ebx+255],0 jmp .out @@: mov dl,[esi] add dl,5 mov eax,esi mov [esi],dl cmp dl,'9' jle .d .g: mov byte [esi],'0' cmp esi,ebx jbe .e mov dl,[esi-1] dec esi inc dl mov [esi],dl jmp .f .e: mov byte [esi],'1' mov edi,[ecx] inc edi cmp eax,ebx mov [ecx],edi jbe @F mov byte [eax],'0' @@: inc eax .f: cmp byte [esi],'9' jg .g .d: mov byte [eax],0 .out: mov eax,ebx ret endp ; ------------------------------------------------- ; ; return fractional part in st0 and integer ; part in y (pointer to a qword) ; ; ------------------------------------------------- proc _modf uses edi, x:QWORD,y locals cw1 dw ? cw2 dw ? endl mov edi,[y] fnstcw [cw1] fwait mov ax,[cw1] or ax,110000111111b mov [cw2],ax fldcw [cw2] fwait fld [x] frndint fstp qword [edi] fwait fld [x] fsub qword [edi] fldcw [cw1] fwait ret endp ; ------------------------------------------------- ; ; integer to ascii conversion (reverend) ; ; ------------------------------------------------- proc _itoa uses ebx esi edi, number,result_buffer locals temp_buffer rb 32+1 endl push 10 pop esi lea edi,[temp_buffer+32] mov ebx,digits cmp esi,16 ja .error std xor al,al stosb mov eax,[number] test eax,80000000h jz @F neg eax @@: xor edx,edx idiv esi xchg eax,edx xlatb stosb xchg eax,edx test eax,eax jnz @B lea esi,[edi+1] mov edi,[result_buffer] cld test [number],80000000h jz @F mov al,'-' stosb @@: lodsb stosb test al,al jnz @B sub edi,[result_buffer] lea eax,[edi-1] stc jmp .theend .error: clc .theend: cld ret endp ; ------------------------------------------------- ; ; return length of hstr string in eax (Agner Fog) ; pretty fast algorithm ; ; ------------------------------------------------- proc _strncat uses ebx esi edi, hfront,hback,hcount mov esi,[hfront] stdcall _strlen_fog,esi mov edx,eax add edx,esi mov edi,[hcount] test edi,edi jz .out_null mov esi,[hback] @@: mov cl,[esi] mov [edx],cl dec edi inc edx inc esi test cl,cl jz .out test edi,edi jnz @B .out_null: xor al,al mov byte [edx],al .out: ret endp ; ------------------------------------------------- ; ; return length of hstr string in eax (Agner Fog) ; pretty fast algorithm ; ; ------------------------------------------------- proc _strlen_fog uses ebx esi edi, hstr mov eax,[hstr] lea edx,[eax+3] @@: mov ebx,[eax] add eax,4 lea ecx,[ebx-01010101h] not ebx and ecx,ebx and ecx,80808080h jz @B test ecx,00008080h jnz @F shr ecx,16 add eax,2 @@: shl cl,1 sbb eax,edx ret endp ; ------------------------------------------------- ; ; fast memory copying algorithm (tuned asmpack ver) ; qword -> dword -> byte ; ; ------------------------------------------------- proc _memcpy_fast uses esi edi, hdst,hsrc,hsize mov eax,[hsize] mov edi,[hdst] mov esi,[hsrc] mov ecx,eax shr ecx,3 jz .next1 @@: movq mm0,qword [esi] movq qword [edi],mm0 add esi,8 add edi,8 dec ecx jnz @B .next1: mov ecx,eax and ecx,7 shr ecx,2 jz .next2 @@: mov edx,[esi] mov [edi],edx add esi,4 add edi,4 dec ecx jnz @B .next2: and eax,3 jz .out @@: mov dl,byte [esi] mov byte [edi],dl inc esi inc edi dec eax jnz @B .out: sub edi,[hsize] mov eax,edi ret endp section '.idata' import data readable writeable library kernel32,'kernel32.dll',\ user32,'user32.dll',\ gdi32,'gdi32.dll',\ comdlg32,'comdlg32.dll',\ advapi32,'advapi32.dll' include '..\include\api\kernel32.inc' include '..\include\api\user32.inc' include '..\include\api\gdi32.inc' include '..\include\api\comdlg32.inc' include '..\include\api\advapi32.inc' ; eof the problem is it shows something else instead of 0.0030000 |
16 Sep 2012, 18:01 |
baldr 18 Sep 2012, 06:56
You're storing dword in figure1 and trying to pass it as double (i.e. qword) to _ftoa(). |
18 Sep 2012, 06:56 |
Masood.Sandking 18 Sep 2012, 08:30
is there any other word instead of double...? i tried to use single or half but they are undefined... |
18 Sep 2012, 08:30 |
revolution 18 Sep 2012, 08:34
Masood.Sandking wrote: thanks. However your _ftoa proc will likely fail if you pass the wrong sized parameters. If it expects a double then instead you should convert the single (dd) to a double (dq) first and then pass the double to _ftoa. |
18 Sep 2012, 08:34 |
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