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Fulgurance 19 Nov 2020, 12:12
Hello, today I need help, because I try to use GetMemoryMap function from BootServices protocol (to get memory size before), but when I call it, I don't have any success.

I already made wrapper to call UEFI function to easy my work, and others functions works, I think I don't pass good arguments, but I don't know what is the problem.

My UEFI wrapper:
macro UEFI Interface*,Protocol*,Argument1,Argument2,Argument3,Argument4,Argument5,Argument6,Argument7,Argument8,Argument9,Argument10
    ArgumentsNumber = 10
    if Argument10 eq
        ArgumentsNumber = ArgumentsNumber-1
    end if
    if Argument9 eq
        ArgumentsNumber = ArgumentsNumber-1
    end if
    if Argument8 eq
        ArgumentsNumber = ArgumentsNumber-1
    end if
    if Argument7 eq
        ArgumentsNumber = ArgumentsNumber-1
    end if
    if Argument6 eq
        ArgumentsNumber = ArgumentsNumber-1
    end if
    if Argument5 eq
        ArgumentsNumber = ArgumentsNumber-1
    end if
    if Argument4 eq
        ArgumentsNumber = ArgumentsNumber-1
    end if
    if Argument3 eq
        ArgumentsNumber = ArgumentsNumber-1
    end if
    if Argument2 eq
        ArgumentsNumber = ArgumentsNumber-1
    end if
    if Argument1 eq
        ArgumentsNumber = ArgumentsNumber-1
    end if
    if ArgumentsNumber > 4
        sub rsp,ArgumentsNumber*8
        sub rsp,0x20
    end if

    mov rbx,[rdx+SystemTable.#Interface]
    mov rax,[rbx+Protocol]
    if ArgumentsNumber > 0
        mov rcx,Argument1
    end if
    if ArgumentsNumber > 1
        mov rdx,Argument2
    end if
    if ArgumentsNumber > 2
        mov r8,Argument3
    end if
    if ArgumentsNumber > 3
        mov r9,Argument4
    end if
    if ArgumentsNumber > 4
        mov qword[rsp + 8*4],Argument5
    end if
    if ArgumentsNumber > 5
        mov qword[rsp + 8*5],Argument6
    end if
    if ArgumentsNumber > 6
        mov qword[rsp + 8*6],Argument7
    end if
    if ArgumentsNumber > 7
        mov qword[rsp + 8*7],Argument8
    end if
    if ArgumentsNumber > 8
        mov qword[rsp + 8*8],Argument9
    end if
    if ArgumentsNumber > 9
        mov qword[rsp + 8*9],Argument10
    end if
    call rax

    if ArgumentsNumber > 4
        add rsp,ArgumentsNumber*8
        add rsp,0x20
    end if

My BOOTX64.fasm

format pe64 efi
entry Main

section '.text' code readable executable
include "UEFI/UEFI.fasm"

mov [UEFIHandle],rcx
mov [UEFISystemTable],rdx
push rbp

mov rdx,[UEFISystemTable]
UEFI ConOut,SimpleTextOutputProtocol.ClearScreen,[rdx+SystemTable.ConOut]

mov rdx,[UEFISystemTable]
UEFI ConOut,SimpleTextOutputProtocol.EnableCursor,[rdx+SystemTable.ConOut],0

mov rdx,[UEFISystemTable]
UEFI ConOut,SimpleTextOutputProtocol.SetAttribute,[rdx+SystemTable.ConOut],0x02

mov rdx,[UEFISystemTable]
UEFI ConOut,SimpleTextOutputProtocol.OutputString,[rdx+SystemTable.ConOut],SystemText

mov rdx,[UEFISystemTable]
UEFI ConOut,SimpleTextOutputProtocol.SetAttribute,[rdx+SystemTable.ConOut],0x0F

mov rdx,[UEFISystemTable]
UEFI ConOut,SimpleTextOutputProtocol.OutputString,[rdx+SystemTable.ConOut],Text

mov rdx,[UEFISystemTable]
UEFI BootServices,BootServices.GetMemoryMap,MemoryMapSize,MemoryMap,MapKey,DescriptorSize,DescriptorVersion

cmp rax,0
je Success

cmp rax,1
je BufferTooSmall

jmp $

mov rdx,[UEFISystemTable]
UEFI ConOut,SimpleTextOutputProtocol.OutputString,[rdx+SystemTable.ConOut],TestText

jmp $

mov rdx,[UEFISystemTable]
UEFI ConOut,SimpleTextOutputProtocol.OutputString,[rdx+SystemTable.ConOut],Test1Text

jmp $

section '.data' data readable writable
include "UEFI/GUID.fasm"
include "UEFI/Interface.fasm"
include "UEFI/DataTypes.fasm"
include "UEFI/TableHeader.fasm"
include "UEFI/BootServices.fasm"
include "UEFI/GetMemoryMapStatusCodes.fasm"
include "UEFI/GraphicsOutputBltOperation.fasm"
include "UEFI/GraphicsOutputProtocol.fasm"
include "UEFI/LocateSearchType.fasm"
include "UEFI/MemoryDescriptor.fasm"
include "UEFI/MemoryType.fasm"
include "UEFI/SimpleTextOutputProtocol.fasm"
include "UEFI/SystemTable.fasm"

UEFIHandle:         dq ?
UEFISystemTable:    dq ?
SystemText:         du '* ',0
Text:               du 'Starting GetMemoryMap test',0
TestText:           du 'Test OK',0
Test1Text:          du 'Buffer Too Small',0
MemoryMapSize       Integer64
MemoryMap           MemoryDescriptor
MapKey              Integer64
DescriptorSize      Integer64
DescriptorVersion   Integer32    

I have already checked all possible status code for this function, but rax don't return there codes (and error messages work without rax conditional test). I miss something
Post 19 Nov 2020, 12:12
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Feryno 19 Nov 2020, 20:38
how does you binary look like?
sub rsp,8*(4+1)
lea rax,[DescriptorVersion]
mov [rsp+8*(4+0)],rax
lea r9,[DescriptorSize]
lea r8,[MapKey]
lea rdx,[MemoryMap]
lea rcx,[MemoryMapSize]
and qword [rcx],0 ; set MemoryMapSize initially to 0 to force the function to fail and to return necessary buffer size for the second call
mov rax,[...]
call rax
; If the MemoryMap buffer is too small, the EFI_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL error code is returned and the MemoryMapSize value contains the size of the buffer needed to contain the current memory map. The actual size of the buffer allocated for the consequent call to GetMemoryMap() should be bigger than the value returned in MemoryMapSize, since allocation of the new buffer may potentially increase memory map size.
mov rcx,error_EFI_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL
cmp rcx,rax
jnz fail
; second round
lea rax,[DescriptorVersion]
mov [rsp+8*(4+0)],rax
lea r9,[DescriptorSize]
lea r8,[MapKey]
lea rdx,[MemoryMap]
lea rcx,[MemoryMapSize] ; now it contains buffer size required for the memory map
; you can also slightly increase the buffer size, e.g. add qword [rcx],100h but most of times it is not necessary
mov rax,[...]
call rax
test rax,rax
end if
jnz fail
; ...
add rsp,8*(4+1)    
Post 19 Nov 2020, 20:38
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Fulgurance 20 Nov 2020, 19:07
What do you need to see ? Some implementations ?

And i have the same problem if I try to use AllocatePages or AllocatePool :

format pe64 efi
entry Main

section '.text' code readable executable
include "UEFI/UEFI.fasm"

mov [UEFIHandle],rcx
mov [UEFISystemTable],rdx
push rbp

mov rdx,[UEFISystemTable]
UEFI ConOut,SimpleTextOutputProtocol,ClearScreen,[rdx+SystemTable.ConOut]

mov rdx,[UEFISystemTable]
UEFI ConOut,SimpleTextOutputProtocol,EnableCursor,[rdx+SystemTable.ConOut],0

mov rdx,[UEFISystemTable]
UEFI ConOut,SimpleTextOutputProtocol,SetAttribute,[rdx+SystemTable.ConOut],0x02

mov rdx,[UEFISystemTable]
UEFI ConOut,SimpleTextOutputProtocol,OutputString,[rdx+SystemTable.ConOut],SystemText

mov rdx,[UEFISystemTable]
UEFI ConOut,SimpleTextOutputProtocol,SetAttribute,[rdx+SystemTable.ConOut],0x0F

mov rdx,[UEFISystemTable]
UEFI ConOut,SimpleTextOutputProtocol,OutputString,[rdx+SystemTable.ConOut],Text

;mov rdx,[UEFISystemTable]
;UEFI BootServices,BootServices,AllocatePool,MemoryType.ConventionalMemory,5294967296,MemoryMapBufferAddress

mov rdx,[UEFISystemTable]
UEFI BootServices,BootServices,AllocatePages,0,7,1,PhysicalAddress

cmp rax,0
je Success

cmp rax,1
je OutOfResources

cmp rax,2
je OutOfResources

cmp rax,3
je OutOfResources

cmp rax,4
je OutOfResources

cmp rax,5
je OutOfResources

cmp rax,6
je OutOfResources

jmp $

mov rdx,[UEFISystemTable]
UEFI ConOut,SimpleTextOutputProtocol,OutputString,[rdx+SystemTable.ConOut],TestText

jmp $

mov rdx,[UEFISystemTable]
UEFI ConOut,SimpleTextOutputProtocol,OutputString,[rdx+SystemTable.ConOut],Test1Text

jmp $

;mov rdx,[UEFISystemTable]
;UEFI BootServices,BootServices.GetMemoryMap,MemoryMapSize,MemoryMap,MapKey,DescriptorSize,DescriptorVersion

section '.data' data readable writable
include "UEFI/GUID.fasm"
include "UEFI/Interface.fasm"
include "UEFI/DataTypes.fasm"
include "UEFI/TableHeader.fasm"
include "UEFI/AllocateType.fasm"
include "UEFI/BootServices.fasm"
include "UEFI/GetMemoryMapStatusCodes.fasm"
include "UEFI/GraphicsOutputBltOperation.fasm"
include "UEFI/GraphicsOutputProtocol.fasm"
include "UEFI/LocateSearchType.fasm"
include "UEFI/MemoryDescriptor.fasm"
include "UEFI/MemoryType.fasm"
include "UEFI/SimpleTextOutputProtocol.fasm"
include "UEFI/SystemTable.fasm"

UEFIHandle:         dq ?
UEFISystemTable:    dq ?
SystemText:         du '* ',0
Text:               du 'Starting AllocatePool test',0
TestText:           du 'Test OK',0
Test1Text:          du 'Impossible to allocate',0

PhysicalAddress:        dq ?
MemoryMapBufferAddress: dq 0

;MemoryMapSize:      dq 4096
;MemoryMap:          rb 4096
;MapKey:             dq 0
;DescriptorSize:     dq 48
;DescriptorVersion:  dq 0

ConOut functions works, I think something is bad with my argument, but what ?

Don't see error message, it's just to return something.
Post 20 Nov 2020, 19:07
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Feryno 20 Nov 2020, 20:41
Fulgurance wrote:
What do you need to see ?

your binary
Post 20 Nov 2020, 20:41
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Fulgurance 20 Nov 2020, 21:05
I attached him. You have sources and assembled file

Filename: OS.tar.gz
Filesize: 5.69 KB
Downloaded: 735 Time(s)

Post 20 Nov 2020, 21:05
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Fulgurance 21 Nov 2020, 15:19
Do you found the problem ?
Post 21 Nov 2020, 15:19
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Feryno 21 Nov 2020, 17:28
mov rdx,[UEFISystemTable]
UEFI BootServices,BootServices,AllocatePages,0,7,1,PhysicalAddress

cmp rax,0
je Success

cmp rax,1
je OutOfResources

cmp rax,2
je OutOfResources

cmp rax,3
je OutOfResources

cmp rax,4
je OutOfResources

cmp rax,5
je OutOfResources

cmp rax,6
je OutOfResources

jmp $    

the above assembles into this:

.text:00000000004010E0                 mov     rdx, cs:qword_402020
.text:00000000004010E7                 sub     rsp, 20h
.text:00000000004010EB                 mov     rbx, [rdx+60h]
.text:00000000004010EF                 mov     rax, [rbx+28h]
.text:00000000004010F3                 mov     rcx, 0
.text:00000000004010FA                 mov     rdx, 7
.text:0000000000401101                 mov     r8, 1
.text:0000000000401108                 mov     r9, 4020A2h
.text:000000000040110F                 call    rax
.text:0000000000401111                 add     rsp, 20h
.text:0000000000401115                 cmp     rax, 0
.text:0000000000401119                 jz      short loc_401141
.text:000000000040111B                 cmp     rax, 1
.text:000000000040111F                 jz      short loc_401167
.text:0000000000401121                 cmp     rax, 2
.text:0000000000401125                 jz      short loc_401167
.text:0000000000401127                 cmp     rax, 3
.text:000000000040112B                 jz      short loc_401167
.text:000000000040112D                 cmp     rax, 4
.text:0000000000401131                 jz      short loc_401167
.text:0000000000401133                 cmp     rax, 5
.text:0000000000401137                 jz      short loc_401167
.text:0000000000401139                 cmp     rax, 6
.text:000000000040113D                 jz      short loc_401167
.text:000000000040113F loc_40113F:                             ; CODE XREF: _ModuleEntryPoint:loc_40113F↓j
.text:000000000040113F                 jmp     short loc_40113F    

see the line .text:0000000000401108 mov r9, 4020A2h
this is meant to be pointer to qword holding physical address
it should be aligned on its size boundary for performance reasons (this shouldn't be the case of your function returning with error)
but what if uefi must allocate you program to different virtual address so binary header is not at 400000h, code does not start at 401000?
reloc section could fix that
or it is possible to generate position independent code
so instead of mov r9,address
do it this way:
lea r9,[address]
this translates into RIP-relative addressing mode which is position independent and you do not need reloc section

how do you know what the values 0, 7 mean?
why don't you create header file where you define
AllocateAnyPages = 0
EfiConventionalMemory = 7
and use this so your source code is easier to understand?
but this is still not the reason why alloc failed

using debugger and stepping you code I got this:

AllocatePages returned 8000000000000002h = EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER

UEFI spec.pdf
In general, UEFI OS loaders and UEFI applications should allocate memory (and pool) of type EfiLoaderData. UEFI boot service drivers must allocate memory (and pool) of type EfiBootServicesData. UEFI runtime drivers should allocate memory (and pool) of type EfiRuntimeServicesData (although such allocation can only be made during boot services time).

you set the second param to 7 = EfiConventionalMemory
that's why alloc failed
when I set MemoryType = EfiLoaderData then the alloc succeded and returned rax=0
Post 21 Nov 2020, 17:28
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Fulgurance 21 Nov 2020, 19:21
Oh I love your explanation !

How do you have log like with hexadecimal and code ?

Is it possible to have the same log with Virtualbox ?

And I have already implemented for Types (AllocateAnyPages, EfiConventionalMemory ...etc), it's just because I check where is the problem)

I don't understand very good something, the difference between LEA and MOV, MOV can't put address into register ?

And what is reloc section ?
Post 21 Nov 2020, 19:21
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Feryno 22 Nov 2020, 08:04
using MOV you need reloc section
using LEA no need reloc, it generates position independent code as it translates into:
lea r9,[rip+imm32]
I recommend LEA and forget using mov for any address
the static analysis was done using IDA
the debugger is available to download here in FASM forum in the projects and ideas section
here with qemu (2 MB) http://fdbg.x86asm.net/fdbg.uefi.0002.qemu.zip you need an utility to read/write 1,44 MB floppy images and copy your binary into the floppy image, then run the bat file and also look at the included pictures and read the txt file in the floppy image for help
Post 22 Nov 2020, 08:04
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Fulgurance 22 Nov 2020, 11:54
Okay, thanks for your advice. I return to you if I have any others questions,
Oh yes I know already Qemu, I just ask if I can debug like Qemu with virtualbox.

But it's more simple for me to install, I use Linux!

I just thinking about something, I think it's more complicated to implement that for my macro now, I need to check if my argument is an address or value, but difficult to do that I think.... (to check if I use mov or lea instruction)

I have just question, if I want to load address with stack, I have an error, because lea can't affect value to stack, I need before to work with register and after put value into stack ?

For example, I try to apply your advices with GetMemoryMap, but this don't work, why now ?

format pe64 efi
entry Main

section '.text' code readable executable

mov [UEFIHandle],rcx
mov [UEFISystemTable],rdx
push rbp

mov rdx,[UEFISystemTable]

push rbp
sub rsp,0x20

mov rcx,[rdx+SystemTable.ConOut]
mov rax,[rcx+SimpleTextOutputProtocol.ClearScreen]
call rax

add rsp,0x20
mov rdx,[UEFISystemTable]

push rbp
sub rsp,5*8

mov rcx,[rdx+SystemTable.BootServices]
mov rax,[rcx+BootServices.GetMemoryMap]
lea rcx,[MemoryMapSize]
lea rdx,[MemoryMap]
lea r8,[MapKey]
lea r9,[DescriptorSize]

lea r10,[DescriptorVersion]
mov qword[rsp + 8*4],r10

call rax

add rsp,5*8
cmp rax,0
;jne Fail
mov rdx,[UEFISystemTable]

push rbp
sub rsp,0x20

mov rcx,[rdx+SystemTable.ConOut]
mov rax,[rcx+SimpleTextOutputProtocol.OutputString]
mov rdx,TestText
call rax

add rsp,0x20

jmp $

section '.data' data readable writable
include "UEFI/GUID.fasm"
include "UEFI/Interface.fasm"
include "UEFI/DataTypes.fasm"
include "UEFI/TableHeader.fasm"
include "UEFI/AllocateType.fasm"
include "UEFI/BootServices.fasm"
include "UEFI/GetMemoryMapStatusCodes.fasm"
include "UEFI/GraphicsOutputBltOperation.fasm"
include "UEFI/GraphicsOutputProtocol.fasm"
include "UEFI/LocateSearchType.fasm"
include "UEFI/MemoryDescriptor.fasm"
include "UEFI/MemoryType.fasm"
include "UEFI/SimpleTextOutputProtocol.fasm"
include "UEFI/SystemTable.fasm"

UEFIHandle:         dq ?
UEFISystemTable:    dq ?
SystemText:         du '* ',0
Text:               du 'Starting AllocatePool test',0
TestText:           du 'Test OK',0
Test1Text:          du 'Impossible to allocate',0

PhysicalAddress:        dq ?
MemoryMapBufferAddress: dq 0

MemoryMapSize:      dq 8
MemoryMap:          dq ?
MapKey:             dq ?
DescriptorSize:     dq ?
DescriptorVersion:  dd ?    
Post 22 Nov 2020, 11:54
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Feryno 22 Nov 2020, 21:44
lea r10,[...]
mov [rsp+...],r10
You did it well, that's the right way to go Smile
I do not know whether in FASM there is such a way (maybe already implemented, maybe creating a new macro?) but in C using something like &address translates into lea reg,[address]
while without & it translates into mov reg,[address] / mov [address],reg
of course you can define it to be an address and then no need to use &
then you have to use *address to obtain the value stored at the address like mov reg,[address]
but I believe it is solvable in FASM to tell it whether to use lea (input param is a pointer) or whether to use mov (input is some value like dword or qword)
Post 22 Nov 2020, 21:44
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Fulgurance 22 Nov 2020, 22:18
Okay. I progress good x)
And for the code, what is the problem now?
Post 22 Nov 2020, 22:18
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Feryno 23 Nov 2020, 14:17
the problem is explained in one of my previous posts where I showed how to call GetMemoryMap (you need to call it twice, the first one always returning an error but filled the size of buffer necessary for the next call)
Post 23 Nov 2020, 14:17
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Fulgurance 23 Nov 2020, 15:34
Oh yes, but I try to understand something, the first time when you call him, you have an error yes (normal),bbut how can I check if it's error by me, or the good error?

Because the handbook say :
If the MemoryMap buffer is too small, the EFI_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL error code is returned and the
MemoryMapSize value contains the size of the buffer needed to contain the current memory map. The
actual size of the buffer allocated for the consequent call to GetMemoryMap() should be bigger then the
value returned in MemoryMapSize, since allocation of the new buffer may potentially increase memory
map size.

Normally I have error code (into rax I think), but now,I don't have any code error when I test rax

How can I test if I have EFI_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL,or if its just coding error?
Post 23 Nov 2020, 15:34
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Feryno 23 Nov 2020, 20:14
EFI_SUCCESS             = 0
EFIERR                  = 8000000000000000h
EFI_LOAD_ERROR          = EFIERR or 1
EFI_NOT_READY           = EFIERR or 6
EFI_VOLUME_FULL         = EFIERR or 11
EFI_NO_MEDIA            = EFIERR or 12
EFI_NOT_FOUND           = EFIERR or 14
EFI_NO_RESPONSE         = EFIERR or 16
EFI_NO_MAPPING          = EFIERR or 17
EFI_TIMEOUT             = EFIERR or 18
EFI_NOT_STARTED         = EFIERR or 19
EFI_ABORTED             = EFIERR or 21
EFI_ICMP_ERROR          = EFIERR or 22
EFI_TFTP_ERROR          = EFIERR or 23

cmp rax,rcx    

don't forget to set MemoryMapSize to 0 before the first call of GetMemoryMap, this forces the GetMemoryMap to return the above error code and fill the value at MemoryMapSize:
lea rcx,[MemoryMapSize]
and qword [rcx],0
call ...
mov rcx,...
cmp rax,rcx    
Post 23 Nov 2020, 20:14
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Fulgurance 25 Nov 2020, 15:30
And I have question about reloc, is it "org directive" like? If I use reloc section, I can save instructions no?
Post 25 Nov 2020, 15:30
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Feryno 25 Nov 2020, 16:23
no need to use reloc if you generate RIP-relative addressing mode everywhere (using LEA reg,[address] instead of mov reg,address)
I found few firmwares where uefi refused to load executable if reloc missing... in that case add reloc section and one dummy referrence so the reloc is not empty Smile
org directive is used for something else
Post 25 Nov 2020, 16:23
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Fulgurance 01 Dec 2020, 22:55
I already applied your advice with LEA instruction, but when I call GetMemoryMap, this don't work.
What is the problem ? (Text don't appear because GetMemoryMap always fail

format pe64 efi
entry Main

section '.text' code readable executable

mov [UEFIHandle],rcx
mov [UEFISystemTable],rdx
push rbp

mov rdx,[UEFISystemTable]

push rbp
sub rsp,0x20

mov rcx,[rdx+SystemTable.ConOut]
mov rax,[rcx+SimpleTextOutputProtocol.ClearScreen]
call rax

add rsp,0x20
mov rdx,[UEFISystemTable]

push rbp
sub rsp,5*8

mov rcx,[rdx+SystemTable.BootServices]
mov rax,[rcx+BootServices.GetMemoryMap]
lea rcx,[MemoryMapSize]
lea rdx,[MemoryMap]
lea r8,[MapKey]
lea r9,[DescriptorSize]

lea r10,[DescriptorVersion]
mov qword[rsp + 8*4],r10

call rax

add rsp,5*8
cmp rax,1
jne Fail
mov rdx,[UEFISystemTable]

push rbp
sub rsp,0x20

mov rcx,[rdx+SystemTable.ConOut]
mov rax,[rcx+SimpleTextOutputProtocol.OutputString]
mov rdx,TestText
call rax

add rsp,0x20

jmp $

section '.data' data readable writable
include "UEFI/GUID.fasm"
include "UEFI/Interface.fasm"
include "UEFI/DataTypes.fasm"
include "UEFI/TableHeader.fasm"
include "UEFI/AllocateType.fasm"
include "UEFI/BootServices.fasm"
include "UEFI/GetMemoryMapStatusCodes.fasm"
include "UEFI/GraphicsOutputBltOperation.fasm"
include "UEFI/GraphicsOutputProtocol.fasm"
include "UEFI/LocateSearchType.fasm"
include "UEFI/MemoryDescriptor.fasm"
include "UEFI/MemoryType.fasm"
include "UEFI/SimpleTextOutputProtocol.fasm"
include "UEFI/SystemTable.fasm"

UEFIHandle:         dq ?
UEFISystemTable:    dq ?

SystemText:         du '* ',0
Text:               du 'Starting GetMemoryMap test',0
TestText:           du 'Test OK',0

MemoryMapSize:      dq 0
MemoryMap:          dq ?
MapKey:             dq ?
DescriptorSize:     dq ?
DescriptorVersion:  dd ?
Post 01 Dec 2020, 22:55
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Feryno 02 Dec 2020, 19:16
Fulgurance, I wrote it twice (19 Nov 2020, 21:38, 23 Nov 2020, 15:17) so I had to repeat it for the third time - please call it twice:

on the first call, you must erase the value at MemoryMapSize, like:
lea rcx,[MemoryMapSize]
and qword [rcx],0
call rax
cmp rax,rcx    

it must fail with rax=EFI_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL but it fills the qword at MemoryMapSize with the desired size of the buffer

then you call it for the second time (now without erasing the MemoryMapSize value as it already contains the necessary buffer size) and it should return success
lea rcx,[MemoryMapSize]
call rax
test rax,rax
cmp rax,rcx
end if    

your code failed very likely due to insufficient value at MemoryMapSize (you didn't initialize it, you do not know how big buffer is necessary, but UEFI knows and returns the size on the first call which returns the necessary error code but fills the buffer size)

cmp rax,1
jne Fail    

this is a mistake, I posted you EFI return codes (23 Nov 2020, 21:14) and EFI_SUCCESS is 0, so do not compare the return value with 1...
You are on the right way, improving, I believe you will now have success.
Post 02 Dec 2020, 19:16
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Joined: 27 Nov 2017
Posts: 276
Fulgurance 02 Dec 2020, 22:40
Sorry Feryno, I try to understand. I sure after it's good.

But I don't understand one thing:
and qword [rcx],0    

When you do that, the variable is set to 0,but I already set MemoryMapSize to 0 before no ?

And I already copied the part of your example with
lea rcx,[MemoryMapSize]
and qword [rcx],0     
, but I have the same result, when I test the error code, nothing, I don't have the wanted result

Now I'm not on my laptop, but later I paste you my code.
Post 02 Dec 2020, 22:40
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