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Index > OS Construction > switching into protected mode

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Joined: 07 Jun 2016
Posts: 79
connor 25 Feb 2020, 04:23
im trying to use an exapmle i found to add protected mode in assembly but it dosnt quite work

you know of better examples?

cars tech weed bitches country & thug life
Post 25 Feb 2020, 04:23
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Fulgurance 25 Feb 2020, 07:30
Hello ! Can you post your assembly code to help you to understand more ?
Have you read OSDev example ? It's very explained good.

And look my past post, i have posted questions and code about switching to protected mode.
Post 25 Feb 2020, 07:30
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connor 26 Feb 2020, 04:21
; P-MODE Version 0.0
; Demonstration Of 32-Bit Protected Mode Under 'CP/M-86 For The IBM'
; Freeware from Kirk Lawrence
;     To assemble:   ASM86 P-MODE $ SZ PZ
;                   GENCMD P-MODE
cseg                                    ;start of code segment
        org     100h                    ;leave room for base page
        jmp     start                   ;go start the program
cpu_err db      13,10,'P-MODE Version 0.0'
        db      13,10,'Freeware from Kirk Lawrence'
        db      13,10,10,'-> Sorry, a 386 or higher processor is required.'
        db      13,10,07,'$'
vid_adr dw      0B800h
cls     db      27,'n',27,'E$'
bottom  db      27,'Y',54,32,27,'m$'
msg1    db      '    Greetings from Protected Mode!    '
msg2    db      ' Press any key to return to Real Mode '
; Make sure we have a 386 or higher processor.
        pushf                           ;save flags
        xor     ah,ah                   ;clear high byte
        push    ax                      ;push AX onto the stack
        popf                            ;pop this value into the flag register
        pushf                           ;push flags onto the stack    
        pop     ax                      ;...and get flags into AX
        and     ah,0F0h                 ;try to set the high nibble
        cmp     ah,0F0h                 ;the high nibble is never 0F0h on a
        je      no_386                  ;80386! 
        mov     ah,70h                  ;now try to set NTIOPL    
        push    ax
        pop     ax
        and     ah,70h                  ;if they couldn't be modified, there
        jz      no_386                  ;is no 80386 installed
        popf                            ;restore the flags
; Check for TTL monochrome video.  If found, set the appropriate address.
        int     11h                     ;call BIOS equipment check
        and     ax,30h                  ;test the return in AX
        cmp     ax,30h                  ;do we have TTL monochrome video?
        jne     clr_sc                  ;no, so assume color
        mov     vid_adr,0B000h          ;set monochrome video address
; Clear the screen.
        mov     dx,offset cls           ;point DX to 'clear screen' sequence
        call    prt_str                 ;print it
; Set the Extra Segment to the video address.
        mov     ax,vid_adr
        mov     es,ax
; Enter protected mode.
        cli                             ;interrupts off
        db      00Fh, 020h, 0C0h        ;mov eax,cr0
        db      00Ch, 001h              ;or al,1
        db      00Fh, 022h, 0C0h        ;mov cr0,eax
; We're now in protected mode.  Print a message to the screen.
        mov     bx,1646                 ;set screen location in BX
        mov     si,offset msg1          ;point SI to the screen message
        mov     cx,38                   ;set counter CX to length of scrn msg
        mov     ah,95                   ;screen attribute in AH
        call    put_2_scrn              ;go write to video memory
        mov     bx,1966                 ;set screen location in BX
        mov     si,offset msg2          ;point SI to the screen message
        mov     cx,38                   ;set counter CX to length of scrn msg
        mov     ah,14                   ;screen attribute in AH
        call    put_2_scrn              ;go write to video memory
; Wait for user keypress.
        mov     dx,60h
        in      al,dx
        shl     al,1
        jc      get_key
; Return to real mode.
        db      024h, 0FEh              ;or al,not 1
        db      00Fh, 022h, 0C0h        ;mov eax,cr0
        sti                             ;interrupts on
; Place the cursor at the bottom of the screen and exit.
        mov     dx,offset bottom        ;point DX to the positioning sequence
        call    prt_str                 ;print it
        xor     cx,cx                   ;function 0 - reset system
        int     224                     ;call BDOS services
; Processor error-handling routine.
        mov     dx,offset cpu_err       ;point to CPU error message
        call    prt_str                 ;print it
        jmp     exit                    ;go exit
; Routine to write a text string directly to video memory.
; Input:  AH = screen attribute
;         BX = physical location on the screen
;         CX = loop counter value
;         SI = start of text string
        lodsb                           ;load a byte of the message into AL 
        mov     es: byte ptr [bx],al    ;move it to the screen
        inc     bx                      ;increment BX
        mov     es: byte ptr [bx],ah    ;move attribute to the screen
        inc     bx                      ;increment BX
        loop    put_2_scrn              ;repeat if CX > 0
        ret                             ;return
; Print string routine.
        mov     cl,9                    ;function 9 - print string
        int     224                     ;call BDOS services
        ret                             ;return

cars tech weed bitches country & thug life
Post 26 Feb 2020, 04:21
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When all else fails, read the source

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revolution 26 Feb 2020, 04:33
What system is that designed for? Int 224 is not normal for an x86 BIOS.

Also, why all the dbs? fasm can assemble the opcodes for you, no need to manually do it.
Post 26 Feb 2020, 04:33
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Joined: 07 Jun 2016
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connor 27 Feb 2020, 05:57
int 224 same as int 0e0h

is the interupt for the kernal system,
which for some reason
is called BDOS

Has no support for anything cool.
so it wont surprise me if i am the only one actively coding nativley for this
fossilized trolobyte.

cars tech weed bitches country & thug life
Post 27 Feb 2020, 05:57
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edfed 29 Mar 2020, 01:49
here a very light version of pm switch
format binary as "img"
;boot and protected mode switch ;
        org 7C00h               ; where the binary should be loaded in ram
boot:                           ; boot = 7c00h (org)
        cli                     ; disable interrupts
        lgdt fword[cs:gdt.size] ; load the gdt from [cs:gdt] 6 bytes pseudo descriptor
        mov eax,cr0             ; equivalent to "or cr0,1"
        or al,1                 ;   switches the CPU in protected mode-
        mov cr0,eax             ;   protected mode enable
        jmp gdt.code:.pmode     ; equivalent to "mov cs,gdt.data" + "mov ip,.pmode"
.pmode:                         ;   the first instruction right after pm enable
        use32                   ; code below is 32 bits
        mov ax,gdt.data         ;
        mov ds,ax               ; make ds = .data entry in gdt, flat linear adress space
        call os                 ;
        jmp $                   ; infinite loop
gdt:    dw 0                    ; in order to align dword part of pseudo desciptor on dword boundary
.size   dw @f-gdt-1             ; word part of pseudo desciptor, size of gdt in bytes
.linear dd gdt                  ; dword part of pseudo descriptor, linear base adress
.code=$-gdt                     ; first entry in gdt (8*1)
dw -1,0                         ;   4Gbytes, start at linear 0
db 0,9ah,0cfh,0                 ;   granularity = 64Kbytes, code segment, ring 0, read only,etc...
.data=$-gdt                     ; second entry in gdt (8*2)
dw -1,0                         ;   4Gbytes, start at linear 0
db 0,92h,0cfh,0                 ;   granularity = 64Kbytes, data segment, ring 0, read/write,etc...
@@:                             ; used for gdt.size calculation
os:                             ;
        mov dword[0b8000h],0b64bb64fh
        ret                     ;
free =  510-(padding-$$)        ; define "free" bytes count
padding rb free                 ; reserve "free" bytes to make line below at offset 510
        dw 0aa55h               ; magic number boot mark, used by bios to test if valid boot sector

d1='0'+free shr 8 and 0fh       ;
d2='0'+free shr 4 and 0fh       ;
d3='0'+free and 0fh             ;
if d1>'9'                       ;
        d1=d1+7                 ;
end if                          ;
if d2>'9'                       ;
        d2=d2+7                 ;
end if                          ;
if d3>'9'                       ;
        d3=d3+7                 ;
end if                          ;
display d1,d2,d3,'h '           ;
display 'free bytes',13,10      ;
d1='0'+(510-free)shr 8 and 0fh  ;
d2='0'+(510-free)shr 4 and 0fh  ;
d3='0'+(510-free)and 0fh        ;
if d1>'9'                       ;
        d1=d1+7                 ;
end if                          ;
if d2>'9'                       ;
        d2=d2+7                 ;
end if                          ;
if d3>'9'                       ;
        d3=d3+7                 ;
end if                          ;
display d1,d2,d3,'h '           ;
display 'used bytes',13,10      ;

Post 29 Mar 2020, 01:49
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connor 09 Apr 2020, 03:17

one small problem

the operating system and its development tools

work only in 16 bit

and im learning how to code in the most unforgiving way possible

its beyond my band width

Description: my gift to you

and know yourself what i have to put up with

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Post 09 Apr 2020, 03:17
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Kek 30 Jun 2020, 11:49
Why are you writing protected mode code for CP/M-86, which only was ever designed to run on an 8088/8086? Your code won't get very far on a 16-bit only operating system.
Post 30 Jun 2020, 11:49
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connor 01 Jul 2020, 15:54
Thanks Mr. Obvious,

I do what I want.

cars tech weed bitches country & thug life
Post 01 Jul 2020, 15:54
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